
Terms for subject Technology containing 护 道 | all forms | in specified order only
下坡道防护电路protection circuit for heavy down grade approaching
不需经常维护的轨道maintenance-free track
主动式平交道口防护active highway grade crossing protection
铁路与公路交叉道口防护设备railroad crossing protection device
护道trap points
保温护道thermal insulation berm
护道inner berm
列车自动保护轨道馈电装置automatic train protection track feed unit
刚性隧道支护rigid tunnel lining
加热养护隧道模板tunnel forms with accelerated curing
坑道支护tunnel support
坡道养护slope maintenance
外戗道外护堤outer berme
外戗道外护堤outer berm
多道程序存储保护multiprogramming memory protect
巷道支护费用support cost of tunnel
带护轨的轨道track with check rail
平交道口防护grade crossing protection
平交道口防护level crossing protection
平交道口防护crossing protection
建造护坡道bench construction
建造护坡道banquette construction
戗道护面trench fill revetment
护坡道养护berme maintenance
护坡道养护berm maintenance
护坡道构造berm construction
护坡道构造berme construction
护坡道构造bench construction
护林防火道路protection forest fire-proof road
护热管道lagged pile
护道养护机具berme maintenance tool
护道养护机具berm maintenance tool
护道排水沟berme ditch
护道排水沟berm ditch
护道整形机bench shaper
护道边桩berme stake
护道边桩berm stake
无护栅铁路交叉道open railway crossing
无防护道unprotected level crossing
有信号防护道level crossing with signal
有防护道protected level crossing
木护板通道timber lined passage
柔性隧道支护flexible tunnel lining
水平勘探巷道支护horizontal exploratory tunnel
河口航道的维护maintenance of estuarine channel
河道护岸channel revetment
河道维护river maintenance
渠道养护常数constant of channel maintenance
渠道护坡canal slope protection
渠道护岸channel revetment
溢流道护坦apron slab of spillway
溢流道护坦apron slab of overflow
滑道护木ledger board
筏道末端护坦raft apron
管道保护pipeline protection
管道养护pipeline maintenance
污水的管道养护maintenance of sewers
管道护旁sewer cradle
管道的阴极保护cathodic protection of pipeline
管道维护pipeline maintenance
航道保护waterway protection
航道维护maintenance of waterway
航道维护channel protection
航道维护channel maintenance
航道维护分类classification of waterway maintenance
航道维护尺度maintenance dimensions of channel
航道维护里程maintained mileage of waterway
街道养护street maintenance
街道维护street maintenance
被动式平交道口防护passive highway grade crossing protection
车行道养护roadway maintenance
车行道部分支护roadway support
轨道保护track protection
轨道养护维修maintenance of tracks
道口防护crossing protection
道口防护装置level crossing protection installation
道岔尖轨保护器switch-point protector
道岔护轨turnout guard rail
道岔护轮轨switch guard rail
道岔维护switch attendance
道路养护工road maintainer
道路冰冻防护剂road salt
道路冰冻防护措施road ice-control
道路防护物road guard
铁道护路员track walker
护道trap points
护道protective turnout
防护性隧道protective tunnel
陆上隧道建筑防护板land shield
隧道临时支护temporary tunnel support
隧道养护tunnel maintenance and protection
隧道初期支护preliminary support
隧道初期支护initial support
隧道式养护窑tunnel curing chamber
隧道式混凝土蒸汽养护窑tunnel curing kiln
隧道护板umbrella arch
隧道护盾尾部tail of shield
隧道支护型钢steel-shape for tunnel support
隧道支护间距support spacing
隧道支护间距pitch of tunnel support
隧道支护顶撑bracing in tunnel support
隧道钢支护steel tunnel support
隧道防护protection of tunnel
隧道防护支架tunnelling shield
隧道防护支架tunneling shield
隧道防护板支架tunnel shield
马道养护berme maintenance
马道养护berm maintenance