
Terms containing 护 角 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.三角保护angle guard (器)
tech.三角形垛式支护triangular pigsty
agric.三角胶带维护V-belt care
tech.上护针三角upper guard cam
tech.不锈钢护角stainless steel angle
tech.五角形防护幕pentagonal screen
cosmet.使用过多去角质的产品会除掉皮肤的表层,也就是保护层Too much exfoliating removes the top layer of the skin, which is the protective layer
el.遮光,截止cut off angle
hydroel.st.护角angle of shade
el.护角shielding angle
tech.护角angle of protection
voll.保护一角cover an angle
voll.保护场角cover an angle
agric.保护性角质层protective cuticle (cuticulus protectivus)
avia.倾侧角保护bank angle protection
avia.倾斜角保护bank angle protection
archit.半圆形护角水泥板瓷砖angle bead tile fitting
tech.半圆形护角水泥板angle bead tile fitting
tech.半圆形护角瓷砖angle bead tile
tech.卫护板开挖角度blade pitch
tech.受保护的混凝土板角protected corner
tech.圆角木护手capping plane (栏杆上)
tech.墙外角护角线条staff bead
archit.墙板角护条wallboard corner beads
tech.墙板角护条wall boa rd corner bead
tech.墙角护圆扁条beaded flat
tech.墙角护条corner guard
tech.墙角护条plaster staff
tech.墙角护条plaster head
tech.墙角护条corner beader
tech.墙角护条corner bead
tech.墙角护条angle bead
tech.墙角护条紧固凸缘beaded edge
tech.墙角护板wall corner guard
tech.外墙护角external corner reinforcement
tech.外墙护角exterior corner reinforcement
avia.失速防护及倾角限制系统stall protection and incidence limiting system
tech.导角保护橡胶垫圈rubber gasket protected by lead angle
eng.geol.屋角防护柱batter post
avia.座椅底座角护base corner shroud
met.异丁橡胶墙角护条butyl rubber beading
tech.异丁烯橡胶墙角护条butyl rubber beading
tech.折变护角dog ear
nurs.护士角色nursing role
tech.护航三角识别旗convoy pennant
tech.护角angle bead (条)
tech.护角curb guard (线条)
el.mach.护角corner protector
archit.混凝土墙或柱的护角protective guard
archit.护角angle bead
hydroel.st.护角armor angle
tech.护角protected corner
tech.护角protective guard
tech.护角压条edge protection bead
tech.护角corner bead clip
oil护角angle bend
tech.护角corner bead
tech.护角edge protection strip
met.护角angle bead
tech.护角staff angle
tech.护角corner guard
archit.护角corner protection strip
tech.护角angle staff
tech.护角板条square staff
hydroel.st.护角spur stone
archit.护角线angle staff
tech.护角线angle staff (条)
bridg.constr.护角corner guard iron
bridg.constr.护角corner guard steel
tech.护角corner metal
tech.护角corner bead、corner guard
bridg.constr.护角corner guard
bridg.constr.护角corner head
bridg.constr.护角corner iron
tech.护角edge iron
tech.护角铁件corner bead
tech.护角铸件corner fittings
tech.护角铸件comer casting
textile护针三角run guard cam
textile护针三角guard cam
textile护针三角below stitch cam
tech.抹灰护角plaster staff
tech.抹灰护角plaster head
tech.拱角护条arch corner bead
sport, bask.掩护场角队员corner pick
tech.无支护对角工作面untimbered rill
tech.木支护的对角工作面timbered rill
tech.板墙护角wall boa rd corner bead
tech.柱角护column guard
tech.棱边保护角arris cover angle
tech.棱边保护角arris cover angle
nurs.流行性角膜炎护理nursing care of epidemic keratitis
tech.码头包角型护舷rubber fender for dock corner
tech.砌体工程墙角护条masonry work angle bead
sport, bask.给场角队员做掩护corner pick
busin.护角tabbing machine
plast.角护板corner pad
nurs.角膜移植术护理nursing care of keratoplasty
cosmet.调查预测,使用面膜、去角质用品、乳液和精油类护肤品的人将大幅增加The survey predicts a massive rise in the use of facial treatments such as masks, peels, serum and oil
bridg.constr.边缘保护角arris cover angle
met.边角磨圆防护edge retention (金相试样准备过程中的)
tech.金属护角metal guard
tech.金属护角metal corner bead
tech.金属墙角护条metal corner bead
textile针门护针三角control door guard cam
plast.护角corner guard
el.护角避雷器保护angle of protection
expl.护角shield angle
textile集圈护针三角tucking guard cam