
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 护 板 | all forms | in specified order only
人体防护板personnel barrier
护板armour plate
护板armour block
保护盖板cover sheet (用于钢板热处理)
可动炉喉保护板movable amour
可调炉喉护板movable amour
可调炉喉直径护板adjustable-diameter stockline armor
可调炉喉直径护板adjustable-diameter stockline armor
吊挂式炉喉保护板hanging armor jacket
吊挂式炉喉保护板hanging armor jacket
多层护墙板sandwich panel
工作台护板table apron
护喉板throat armour
护喉板throat armour segment
【铁】护喉板wearing plate
护喉板throat plate
护喉板throat armor segment
护喉板stockline armour
护喉板throat-armo u r segment
护喉板throat armor
护墙板wall panel
护壁钢板siding steel
护板baffle plate
护板trash rack
护板guard plate
护板back plate
护板apron plate
推出护板pushing-off shield
料线保护板stockline armour
料线保护板stockline armour
无保护层薄钢板unprotected steel sheet
板坯结晶器保护渣slab mold powder
板坯结晶器保护渣slab mold flux
板坯连铸机的维护maintenance of slab caster
活动炉喉护板movable throat armor
活动炉喉护板movable armor
混凝土板护坡concrete slab work
炉喉保护板throat armor (【技】高炉炉喉是炉料加人和高温煤气导出的必经之处,工作条件十分恶劣。为保持炉喉的圆筒形状和高炉冶炼的正常进行,在炉喉处设置的保护装置,即炉喉护板,亦称为炉喉钢砖。)
炉喉保护板throat-armo u r segment
炉喉保护板Armor block
炉喉保护板throat armor segment
炉喉保护板throat armour segment
炉喉保护板Armour block
炉喉保护板throat plate
炉喉保护板throat armour (【技】高炉炉喉是炉料加人和高温煤气导出的必经之处,工作条件十分恶劣。为保持炉喉的圆筒形状和高炉冶炼的正常进行,在炉喉处设置的保护装置,即炉喉护板,亦称为炉喉钢砖。)
炉喉保护板stockline armour
炉喉保护板armouring of throat
炉缸护板hearth jacket plate (高炉的)
护板salt screen
维护控制板maintenance control panel
装料护板charging plate (人工装料时的)
辊道护板table apron
进口出口护板entry and delivery aprons
进口和出口护板entry and delivery aprons
护板baffle plate
金属板护罩sheet metal lagging
护板lead plate
铅防护板lead apron
防护垫板bottom plate
防护用筛板protection screen deck
防护隔板shield separator
防溅护板antisplash shield
高炉炉喉护板throat armour of blast furnace
高炉炉喉护板 钢砖throat plate of BF
高炉炉喉护板throat armor of blast furnace
高炉炉喉护板blast furnace throat armour
高炉炉缸护板hearth jacket plate of BF