
Terms for subject Socialism containing | all forms
性别敏感的社会保gender-sensitive social protection
理人员津贴carer allowance
理人员津贴caregiver allowance
理工作care giving activity
理工作care work
理工作caregiving activity
理服务care provider
理服务care service
理活动care work
理活动care giving activity
理活动caregiving activity
理的价值value of care and care-giving
理的价值value of care
理费用costs of care
理费用caregiving costs
理费用care costs
提供理服务的价值value of care and care-giving
提供理服务的价值value of care
提供理服务的机构care provider
提供理服务的机构care service
费用costs of care
费用caregiving costs
费用care costs
预防和保措施preventive and protective measures