
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
上转upper turning equilibrium
上转higher turning equilibrium
下转lower turning equilibrium
专利depreciation of franchises
专营权depreciation on franchises
专营权depreciation of franchises
业务推广奖励a promotional allowance discount
个别计件旧法和分组折旧法unit and group base of depreciation accounting
个别计件旧法和分组折旧法unit and base depreciation accounting
中波曲工业图表long wave
临时自愿temporary voluntary allowance
临时销售temporary dealer allowance
产品单位法depreciation by unit-of-product method
产量depreciation serve output
产量旧法depreciation serve output method
产量旧法production method of depression
产量旧法depreciation output method
产量旧法depreciation-output method
产量单位旧法unit-of production method
人民胜利实公债People's Victory Parity Bonds
企业旧基金depreciation funds remarked for enterprises
优先股的换特权conversion privilege on preferred stock
估价旧法depreciation by appraisal method
估价旧法an appraisal depreciation method
估价法depreciation by appraisal method
估定the observed depreciation
低优点旧价值the underdepreciated value
低收益的low-income allowance
余值变率旧法depreciation charging percentage of cost less scrap method
余额递减declining-balance depreciation
余额递减declining balance
余额递减旧法declining-balance depreciation
余额递减旧法diminishing balance method of depreciation
余额递减旧法depreciation-declining balance method
余额递减旧法diminishing balance method
余额递减旧法declining balance method
余额递减旧法declining balance depreciation
你方的好意对我方举足轻重,因此我方给贵方5%的Your good-will means a lot to us, so we offer you an allowance of 5%
供应商在注明付款时间时必须同时注明为提早付款而给予的Suppliers should specify time of payment together with any discounts for early payment
债券发行价及费用bond discount and expenses
债务conversion of debts
债务发行debt discount
偿债基金旧法depreciation by sinking fund method
储蓄存款passbook saving deposits
共同旧法common depreciation
内部扣率internal rate of discount
分批depreciation by job
分批旧法depreciation job method
分期减递法depreciation by reducing installment
分期定额旧法depreciation double reducing balance method
分期递减旧法depreciation-fixed installment method
分类旧率group depreciation rate
分组分类旧法group method depreciation
功能functional discount
功能性trade discount
功能性functional discounts
加快the accelerated amortization
加快旧时减免税优待accelerated tax amortization
加速the accelerated depreciation
加速旧扣除提存the acceleration depreciation allowance
加速旧法accelerated depreciation method
劳务数量法depreciation by service output method
集装箱 区内terminal devanning
单位成本depreciation cost
单位成本旧法unit cost depreciation-method
单位成本旧法unit cost method of depreciation
卖价discount on sales
厂房与设备的价物trade-in of plant and equipment
历史转关头turning point in history
原价值减去cost less depreciation
原价值减去旧价值cost less depreciation
原始成本百分率旧法depreciation-percentage of original cost method
友好the amicable allowance
双倍余额递减double-declining balance depreciation
双倍余额递减旧法depreciation by declining balance method
双倍余额递减旧法double rate declining balance depreciation
双倍余额递减旧法double-declining balance depreciation
双倍余额递减法旧法depreciation-double-declining balance method
双倍递减余额旧法double declining balance method of depreciation
双倍递减余额旧法depreciation-double-declining balance method
售货discount on sales
商业周期转a turning point
商业周期转a turning zone
在一定时间内付款可享受的time discount
在修depreciation of major repair
处理旧财产的收益gain on dispositions of depreciable property
备抵depreciation allowance
备抵provision for depreciation
备抵allowance for depreciation
备抵销货allowances for sale discount
备抵销货退回与allowance for sale return and allowance
复利旧法compound interest depreciation
外币算增益translation gains
外币算损益translation loss
外汇算调整额foreign exchange translation adjustments
大修旧基金major repair depreciation fund
大修旧费major repair depreciation expense
大幅度价债券deep discount bonds
如果你方的价格公道,我方可向你方大量订购,但我方要求给我们较大的If your prices are fair we can place a large order with you but we request you to give us a substantial discount
如果你能大量购买这种商品,我们会提供给你3% 的If you can buy large quantities of this merchandise, we will offer you 3% discount
子公司试算表conversion of subsidiary trial balance
saving book
银行储蓄bank saving book
保管证a passbook custodian certificate
保管证passbook custodian certificate
存户存depositor's book
存户存deposit book
定数比例旧法depreciation proportional on fixed base
定率旧法fixed percentage method of depreciation
定率减值法depreciation by fixed percentage of diminishing value
实现the realized depreciation
实际旧的原因effective depreciation cause
需求曲线kinked demand curve
市场扣率market rate of discount
平均旧法depreciation straight line method
平均寿命depreciation-composite life
平均年均法depreciation by equal annual payment
平均年金法depreciation by equal annual payment method
平均每年度的average annual depreciation
年序数和旧法sum-of-the-year’s-digit’s depreciation method
年数加总旧法depreciation-sum of year digit method
年数加总旧法sum-of-the-year's-digits method
年数总和旧法sum-of-the-years'-digits depreciation
年数总计旧法sum-of-the-year’s-digit’s depreciation method
年金commutation of annuities
年金commutation of annuities
年金旧法depreciation annuity method
年限合计depreciation-sum of year digit
年限合计旧法depreciation sum of year digit method
年限总额depreciation sum of year digit
年限总额depreciation-sum of year digit
年限总额旧法sum-of-the-year’s-digit depreciation
应交旧基金depreciation fund payable
应计accrual of deprecation
应计旧固定资产depreciable fixed assets
应计旧财产depreciable property
应计旧资产depreciable assets
往来current pass-book
总合aggregate discount
总收益提成depreciation of gross earning
总收益提成旧法gross earning depreciation method
总购量volume discount (quantity discount)
成本cost less depreciation
成本保险费加运费价格、扣和交货期都是我们想了解的CIF prices, discounts, and delivery schedule are what we want to know
成本定率法depreciation by fixed percentage of cost
我们发出的广告传单上提供的扣为15%The circular we sent out offers 15% discount
我们知道这样一笔小业务的佣金还不够付广告费We know that the commission on this small business is not sufficient to offset the advertising expenses
make a discount (on)
make a reduction
discount (卖)
扣的销售discount transaction
按照货价打九allow 10% discount on (the price of goods)
打九五less discount of 5%
打了扣的at a discount
扣除audited net sales
批发wholesale discount
批发quantity rebate (减价)
批发商同意按6%的扣销售这批货Distributor agrees to sell these goods at a discount of 6 per cent
承包商应不不扣地履行该协议The contractor shall implement the terms of the agreement to the letter
把…打折扣water down
中价middle price
中价格midpoint prices
中办法half measures
reduced value
price break
价保值the assessment of value in monetary terms and the maintenance
价保值assessment of value in monetary terms and the maintenance of value
价券trading stamp
价发行sale at discount (售)
价的累积accumulation of discount
价车票cheap ticket
余原始成本depreciated original cost
余后价格depreciated value
余通货depreciated currency
减津贴优惠,矿藏储量折耗耗减depletion allowance
叠机a gathering machine
叠集装箱collapsible containers
叠集装箱a folding container
合率conversion rate
合率rate of discount
合率conversion process conversion rate
合规则rules of conversion
因实验a factorial experiment
实单位unit converted from commodity
实单位a parity unit
实单位parity unit
native interest
convert into (gold francs, 金法郎)
price benefication
扣丧失discount lost
扣价格a price of at a discount
扣债务discount liability
扣发行债券issue bonds at a discount
扣商店discount shop (store)
扣因素discount factor
扣失效discount lost
扣损失discount loss
扣有效期discount period
扣期discount period
扣期discounting period
扣期间discount period
扣法discounting method
扣法a discount rating
扣法discount method
扣率deposit rates
扣率rate of discount
扣率discount factor
扣率削减率discount rate cut-off rate
扣率discount rate
扣百货商店discount department store
扣的净价确定法net price method of discount recognition
扣系数discount factor
扣结构discount structure
扣评价法discounted evaluation methods
找性需求曲线the kinked demand curve
conversion into (cash, capital stock, 现金、股本)
部分期间depreciation for (fractional period)
fair wear and tear
reduced value
an obsolescence allowance
obsolescence allowances
退废、退休政策retirement policy
旧之半成法five percent method of depreciation
旧之半成法five percent 5% method of depreciation
旧价值value net of depreciation
旧余值depreciated value
旧准备depreciation allowance
旧准备provision for depreciation
建筑、货运机械设备、家具设备旧准备depreciation reserve (building, delivery equipment, furniture and fixtures)
旧准备allowance for depreciation
旧准备率检验depreciation-reserve-ratio test
旧准备率检验depreciation-reserve ratio test
旧准备金reserve for depreciation
旧分摊递减diminishing balance depreciation
旧前净利net profit before depreciation
旧及摊销depreciation and amortization
旧后价值written down value
旧后营业营运收人the operating income after depreciation
旧和报废depreciation and depletion
旧基价depreciation base (基数)
旧基金amortization fund
旧备抵allowances for discount available
资产旧成本carrying cost
旧成本费用depreciation cost expense
旧、折耗与分摊depreciation depletion and amortization
旧提成the amortization charge
旧提成depreciation charge
国民收入统计中的旧提成capital allowances
旧提成allowances for depreciation
旧政策depreciation policy
旧期数period of custody and control depreciation
旧期限period of depreciation
旧比率depreciation ratio
旧法depreciation charge
旧率amortization quota
旧率allowances for depreciation
旧率percentage of wear and tear
旧率rate of depreciation
旧的再获得the recapture of depreciation
旧的再获得recapture of depreciation
旧的计算法computation of depreciation
旧的退役法retirement method of depreciation
旧纳税优待depreciation privileges
旧细则depreciation schedule
旧范围额度the allowed depreciation
旧范围额度allowed depreciation
旧计划的修正depreciation program revisions
旧计回the depreciation recapture
旧计回depreciation recapture
旧费the committed capacity cost
旧费depreciation expense
旧费capital consumption allowance
旧费depreciation charges.
旧费法method of calculating depreciation
旧费用depreciation charges
旧费计算方法method of calculating depreciation
旧资产depreciable assets
旧资产的估定使用年限estimated service life
旧资产的估定使用期限estimated useful life
旧资产的变卖disposal of depreciable assets
旧配depreciation quota
旧配额depreciation quota
旧金额amount of depreciation
call value
残余值depreciation salvage value
现投资回收discounted payout
现率rate of discount
现现金流入总额total net cash inflow discounted
现盈亏平衡点discounted breakeven point
算为discount to (present value, 现值)
算为现值discount to present value
算后的工业劳动力人数converted industrial labour force
算年率annualized rate
算率rate of discount
算金额monetary equivalent
线broken line
折减阶段depletion stage
耗优费depletion allowance
耗减免depletion allowance
耗费depletion cost
耗资产depletion assets
revenue stock split
compromise (办法)
衷方案trade-off decision
衷法mean method
衷的证券compromise security
让准备the allowance reserve
让及回扣allowances and rebates
让和回扣allowance and rebates
pay a debt in kind
报废法depreciation by retirement method
抵变subnormal depreciation
抵换trade-in allowance
价率换算conversion with the co-efficient
市价depreciation on (market price)
复利法depreciation by (compound interest)
旧冲减金额amount to be written as depreciation
按使用年限旧法age-life method
按工作时间法the depreciation by working hours method
按市价depreciation at market price
按年age depreciation
按年金法depreciation by annuity method
按时价合的公司债debenture convertible at market price
按生产计算旧法productive output method of depreciation
按盈余分派旧法depreciation-appropriation method
按盈余分派旧法depreciation appropriation method
按综合年限法depreciation by composite life method
按表扣定价法step meter rate
摊余债券the unextinguished discount on founded debt
收回the recapture of depreciation
放弃the neglected discount
数量volume discount (quantity discount)
整箱full container load discount
整箱full container load allowance
整箱运费container yard discount
整箱运费container yard allowance
旅行扣条件journey terms
服务产量旧法depreciation by service output method
服务能力旧法depreciation by service capacity method
服务能力旧法depreciation-service capacity method
期货forward discount
旧价值the undepreciated value
未偿还债券unamortized bond discount
未回收旧余额unrecovered depreciation balance
未提旧余额undepreciated balances
未提旧成本undepreciated costs
未摊债券bond discount unamortized
未摊售债券the unamortized discount on bonds sold
未摊还债务unamortized debt discount
未摊还的公司债价账户unamortized discount on debentures account
未摊销发行unamortized issuance discount
未计提旧的资产non-depreciable assets
机器depreciation of machinery
机械设备equipment depreciation
活期存a pass book
测定the observed depreciation
消耗资产耗减depletion for wasting assets
消费回扣及sales rebates and allowance
漏损allowances for leakage
物质physical depreciation
特别special charge-off
现在扣价值a present discounted value
现在扣价值present discount value
现金cash discount
现金present value depreciation
现金收支现法discount cash flows
现金流量现分析法discounted cash flow analysis
生产output depreciation method
生产基准法depreciation by production basis method
生产量旧法units of production depreciation method
贸.皮重及重量损耗tare and draft
确定扣的总价法gross price method of discount recognition
社会现率贴现率social rate of discount
第一年度的额外additional first-year depreciation
精神moral depreciation (obsolescence)
累计公司债价的实得法effective yield method of bond discount accumulation
按批发数量的累进serial discount
考虑到目前的市场情况,我们同意和买方达成一个衷办法Considering the present market situation, we agree to effect a compromise with the buyers
职能性functional discount
联邦资金日利率federal fund rate
股本excess of per value over issuing of price of stock
股本excess of par value over issuing price of stock
船龄age depreciation
营业收入旧法depreciation-revenue method
行市曲上升market irregular higher
行市曲下降market irregular lower
行李运价free baggage allowance
计算the computing depreciation
记帐合率booking rate
设备the outfit allowance
设备outfit allowance
证券bond discount
账局accounting depreciation
账面the book depreciation
货币currency translation
货币贬值与算程序devaluation and conversion procedure
货物allowance for damage
货物allowance for damage
质量扣协议quality discount agreement
质量扣限额quality discount allowance
购买回扣及purchase rebates and allowance
购货扣损失purchase discount lost
购货及purchase and allowance
购货回扣及purchase rebates and allowance
购货回扣和purchase rebates and allowance
贴现,回扣, междун.торг. 扣价,贴水,打discount DIS, disc
款与loans and discounts
贸易抵换trade-in allowance
费用按年the annualization of expense
资产旧幅度assets depreciation ranges
资产旧限幅asset depreciation range
资产旧限幅制asset depreciation range system
资产报废旧法depreciation by retirement method
资产报废旧法depreciation-retirement method
资本旧额度wear and tear allowance
资本旧额度the wear and tear allowance
资源depletion of resources (耗减)
经济周期的turning equilibrium
退货让账sales returns and allowances
退货及让簿returns and allowance book
耗资产depletion for wasting assets
递减degressive depreciation
递减degression depreciation
递减旧法decreasing charge method
递减旧法diminishing-provision method of depreciation
递减旧法decreasing-charge method
递减旧法diminishing-provision method (of depreciation)
递减旧法diminishing method of depreciation
递减旧费diminishing provision expense
递减旧费diminishing-provision expense
递增或额外accelerated or extraordinary depreciation
递延deferred depreciation
通常对现金付款我们予以九五优惠As a rule, we give 5% discount for cash
重置the depreciation replacement
重置旧法depreciation by replacement method
重置成本旧法replacement cost method
重置成本法depreciation by replacement method
鉴于此笔交易金额很大,我方拟同意给你们九优惠价In view of the amount of this transaction being very large, we are prepared to give you 10% discount
销售sales allowance
退货的销售discount on returned transaction
销售扣准备reserve-for sales discount
销售回扣和sales rebates and allowances
销货扣百分率percent of discount taken
销货sales discount and allowances
销货allowances for sale
销货sales discounts and allowances
销货的allowances on sales
隐形hidden discount
旧资产the non-depreciable property
非常情况下加快the emergency amortization
预付anticipated discount
预付扣款the prepaid discount charge
预提运费,让及其他provision for freight allowance, discounts, etc.
预计年限合计旧法depreciation sum of expected life method
鼓励incentive discount
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