
Terms containing 折板 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.三弓形折流板triple segmental baffle
hydroel.st.两侧交替折流板式鱼道alternate obstacle fishway
tech.仿折叠亚麻布饰面镶板linen-fold panel
compr.单弓形折流板single segmental baffle
tech.单缺圆折流板side-to-side baffles
water.res., ecol.厌氧异波折板复合式反应器opposite folded plate hybrid anaerobic reactor
tech.厌氧折流板反应器anaerobic baffled reactor
tech.厌氧折流板污泥床反应器anaerobic baffled sludge blanket reactor
cloth.双幅折板double folded on board
tech.双弓形折流板double segmental baffle
tech.双折射板birefringent plate
tech.双折射补偿板birefringence compensating plate
avia.双折流板式反推装置target reverser
tech.双缺圆折流板center-to-side baffles
pulp.n.paper双长网折页三角板twin wire former
tech.折板reversible deflector
shipb.折板access patch
avia.可折叠小桌板folding table
econ.可折叠纸板箱a folding carton
wood.可折叠贴面箱板coated duplex
wood.可折叠贴面箱板coated folding box board
tech.可折后栏板踏阶tail-gate step
tech.可折后栏板链tail-gate chain
tech.可折后栏板链扣tail-gate-chain catch
auto.车外设施可折收脚踏板foldaway step
tech.叶片式折流板vane-type baffle
gen.车厢的后折合栏板rear gate
tech.周期性折流板厌氧反应器periodical anaerobic baffled reactor
tech.周期性折流板厌氧反应器periodic anaerobic baffled reactor
tech.喷淋折板spray deflector
telecom.四同心圆折射率样板four concentric circles refractive index template
tech.四折叠板fourfold block
tech.圆形折板屋面round folded plate roof
tech.圆形折板屋顶circular hipped-plate roof
tech.圆形折板屋顶circular folded slab roof
plast.圆形板折叠设备circular folded plate structure
tech.地板折接铺设folded flooring
tech.复合折板composite folded slab
tech.复合式厌氧折流板反应器hybrid anaerobic baffled reactor
tech.复式折板屋顶multiple folded plate roof
tech.复折式平板屋顶mansard flat floor
el.多层折板multi-folded plate
chem.多弓形折流板multi-segmental baffle
tech.多弓形折流板multisegmental baffle
tech.多边形折板屋顶polygonal prismatic shell roof
tech.多边形折板屋顶polygonal folded plate roof
polym.折板center-fold sheet
tech.对折卷板机doubling and lapping machine
archit.带折叠盖板的写字台roll top desk
anim.husb.平折纸板箱flat fold carton
tech.平板玻璃折算系数conversion factor of sheet glass
compr.弓形折流板segmental baffle
tech.V形折板V-beam sheeting
tech.悬挑折板屋顶cantilevering folded slab roof
tech.悬挑折板屋顶cantilevering folded plate roof
tech.悬臂折板屋面cantilever folded plate roof
archit.悬臂折板结构cantilever folded plate (roof, 屋面)
tech.悬臂折板薄壳屋顶cantilever prismatic shell roof
auto.钣金作业压力folding press
surg.折叠夹板hinge joint splint
eng.geol.折叠式accordion plate
tech.折叠式图板accordion plate
tech.折叠式护板folding shield
tech.折叠式搁脚板folding foot rest
archit.折叠式板壁folding partition
tech.折叠式板壁folding partition (wall)
logist.折叠式板架集装箱folding flatrack
exhib.折叠式板架集装箱collapsible flatrack
logist.折叠式板架集装箱collapsible flat rack
tech.折叠式楼板folded flooring
tech.折叠式模板folding mould
tech.折叠式模板folding mold
tech.折叠式混凝土模板folding concrete form
tech.折叠式踏板folding step
archit.折叠式钢模板steel-ply form
archit.折叠式镶板门folding panel door
tech.折叠式镶板门folding panel
tech.折叠弓形板folded slab segment
tech.折叠弓形板folded plate segment
tech.折叠形钢楼板cellular steel floor
tech.折叠扇形板folded slab segment
tech.折叠扇形板folded plate segment
space折叠板folding plate (可延伸出口锥的)
wood.折叠箱纸板folding box board
wood.折叠箱纸板folding boxboard
plast.折叠箱纸板〈包装〉folding box board
pulp.n.paper折叠纸盒用纸板的回收纸recovered paper based folding boxboard
pulp.n.paper折叠纸盒用纸板的纸浆pulp based folding boxboard
auto.折叠踏脚板folding step
tech.折叶板撑fly rail
tech.折合板folded plate
tech.折合表尺板folding leaf
oil折向挡板deflector baffle
oil折向板deflecting plate
met.折向板deflector plate
telecom.折射率分布模板index template
textile折布板folding plate
tech.折接板joggle plating
water.res., ecol.折板folding plate
tech.折板folded area (屋顶)
tech.折叠式桌面的折板table flap
tech.折板folded slab
tech.折板folded plate
tech.折板作用folded plate action
met.折板压力机press type brake
tech.折板圆屋顶folded slab cupola
tech.折板圆顶plate-type dome
tech.折板型除沫器deflector-type separator
tech.折板壳屋顶polygonal shell roof
tech.折板壳屋顶folded plate shell roof
tech.折板屋顶folded slab roof
archit.折板屋顶fold-plate roof
tech.折板屋顶folded plate roof
tech.折板建筑folded plate structure
tech.折板建筑folded plate construction
tech.折板式圆屋顶folded plate cupola
nautic., tech.折板式消音器hipped plate acoustic filter
archit.折板式结构folded plate structure
nautic., tech.折板式结构hipped plate construction
tech.折板式金属网Hy-rib (商品名)
tech.折板式钢片hy-rib steel sheet
tech.折板式钢筋混凝土楼面hy-rib reinforcement floor
tech.折板形分离器zigzag separator
auto.金属板加工折板press brake
met.折板sheet doubler
tech.折板press brake
avia.折板bending brake
tech.折板混凝土屋顶folded plate concrete roof
tech.折板理论folded plate theory
tech.折板穹隆folded slab dome
tech.折板穹隆folded plate dome
hydroel.st.折板结构folded-plate structure
tech.折板结构folded slab structure
tech.折板结构folded plate structure
met.折板结构folded plate structure
archit.折板结构fold structure
tech.折板结构hipped-plate construction
tech.折板结构hipped-plate structure
tech.折板结构folded plate construction
auto.折流plate baffle
tech.折流 〔烟,风〕板baffle-plate
tech.折流挡板hydraulic barrier
plast.折流板crusher baffle
oil折流板deflector baffle
oil折流板baffle (plate)
avia.折流板bend-up trailing edge
avia.折流板deflection plate
tech.折流板baffle board
tech.折流板flue baffler (烟道)
compr.折流板whirl plate
compr.折流板横向transverse baffle
chem.折流板deflecting plate
tech.折流板turtle back
tech.折流板transverse baffle
auto.折流板air baffle
auto.折流板draft deflector
hydroel.st.折流板baffle plate
mech.eng.折流板deflector plate
space折流板blast fence
el.折流板deflecting baffle
plast.折流板breaker baffle
tech.折流板cross baffle
tech.折流板air baffle (烟道)
tech.折流板切口分数percent of baffle cut
oil折流板塔baffle plate column
nautic., tech.折流板式deflection plate type
nautic., tech.折流板式塔baffle-plate column
el.折流板式鱼道vane fish ladder
tech.折流板弓形缺口window cut of baffle
tech.折流板弓形缺口baffle cut
oil折流板换热器baffle plate heat exchanger
tech.折流板排列法baffle arrangement
tech.折流板旋转填料床baffled rotating packed bed
tech.折流板曝气生物滤池baffled biological aerated filter
tech.折流板曝气生物滤池baffled biologic aerated filter
met.【铁】 折流板洗涤塔baffle tower
met.折流板洗涤塔baffle washing tower
cast.iron.折流板洗涤塔baffle tower
tech.折流板间距baffles spacing
compr.折流板间距baffle spacing center-center
tech.折流板间距pitch of baffle
tech.折流板间距baffle spacing
tech.折缘板flanged sheet
railw.折角塞门吊板angle cock hanger
tech.折边无梁木板屋顶timber hipped-plate roof
tech.折边无梁板结构hipped-plate structure
plast.折边板creasing rule
plast.折边板folding bar
tech.折边板grip plate
tech.折边肘板flanged knee
tech.折边肘板flanged bracket
tech.折边钢板网hy-rib steel sheet
tech.折页三角板夹纸辊bending roller
polygr.折页三角板完成的中心折center fold
tech.折页板folding plates
auto.折风板deflector shield
tech.抛物面形伞状的折板薄壳屋顶paraboloidal umbrella roof of folded shell
tech.排烟式折流板draught diverter
tech.排风扇气流折射板fan blast deflector
textile提花纹板环形折页器pattern card ring folder
tech.曲折挡板室zigzag baffle chamber
tech.折板屋盖timber folded slab roof
tech.折板屋盖wooden folded plate roof
tech.折板屋盖wooden prismatic shell roof
tech.折板屋盖timber folded plate roof
tech.折板屋顶timber folded slab roof
tech.折板屋顶wooden folded plate roof
tech.折板屋顶wooden prismatic shell roof
tech.折板屋顶timber folded plate roof
tech.木戗脊折板屋顶wooden hipped-plate roof
met.板【带】卷折印coil wrench mark
tech.板卷折印coil wrench mark
steel.板卷折纹coil break
tech.板料弯折机bending brake
tech.板料折弯剪切两用机plate bending and shearing machine
tech.板料折弯剪切机combined press brake and plate shears
tech.板料折弯机plate bender
tech.板料折弯机bending brake
tech.板材四面折边单元sheet-metal four edge folding cell
met.板材折叠doubling of sheets
met.板材折叠doubling of sheet
tech.板的折曲buckling of plate
tech.棱形折叠板prismatic folded plate
tech.棱柱体形折板屋顶prismoidal slab roof
tech.棱柱体形折板屋顶prismoid slab roof
tech.棱柱形折板圆屋顶prismatic shell cupola
tech.棱柱形折板扇形拱prismatic shell segment
tech.棱柱状折板结构prismatic folded plate structure
tech.棱锥形折板pyramidal folded plate
oil横向折流板transverse baffle (换热器)
compr.横向折流板transverse baffle
tech.波形折板corrugated folded plate
el.流体折向板stream deflector
tech.淹没式折流板submerged deflection baffles
chem.盘-环形折流板disc and doughnut baffle
chem.盘-环形折流板disk and doughnut baffle
chem.盘-环形折流板disk-doughnut baffle
tech.盘环形折流板disk-doughnut baffle
tech.空气折流板air deflector
water.res., ecol.竖流折板式絮凝池vertical tableflap flocculation tank
oil纵向折流板longitudinal baffle
el.缓变折射率板条形波导graded-index slab waveguide
oil缺圆折流板segmental baffle
tech.缺氧折流板反应器anoxic baffled reactor
sport., med.肢体骨折急夹板emergency splint for fractured limb
sport., med.肢体骨折急夹板emergency splint for broken limb
tech.脉冲厌氧折流板反应器pulsed anaerobic baffled reactor
sport., med.脊椎椎板骨折fracture of vertebral lamina
row.脚跟折板heel flap
tech.腹板折曲web crippling
tech.船尾折角列板knuckle strake
met.薄板折印sheet wrench mark (缺陷)
tech.薄板折印sheet wrench mark
met.薄板折叠doubling of sheets
met.薄板折叠机sheet doubling machine
met.薄板折叠机sheet doubler
met.薄板折叠机sheet-doubling machine
met.薄板折叠机plate doubler
tech.薄铁板折板lock former
auto.转折挡板deflecting plate
tech.过滤式厌氧折流板反应器filtered anaerobic baffled reactor
tech.金属板折叠机plate doubler
tech.折板屋顶steel folded slab roof
tech.折板屋顶steel hipped-plate roof
tech.折板屋顶steel prismatic shell roof
tech.折板屋顶steel folded plate roof
tech.铝制折板屋面aluminium folded plate roof
tech.铝制折板屋面aluminum folded plate roof
tech.铝制折板屋顶aluminium folded plate roof
archit.铝制折板屋顶aluminum folded plate roof (屋面)
tech.铝制折板屋顶aluminum folded plate roof
tech.折板hinged plate
shipb.锅炉板折边机boiler plate flanging machine
el.阶跃折射率板条形波导step-index slab waveguide
tech.预应力折板prestressed folded plate
tech.预应力混凝土折板屋顶prestressed concrete hipped plate roof
tech.预应力混凝土折板结构prestressed concrete folded-plate structure
sport., med.骨折紧急夹板emergency splint for fractured limb
sport., med.骨折紧急夹板emergency splint for broken limb