
Terms for subject Securities containing 折扣 | all forms | in specified order only
不计折扣negative discount
中间人折扣middleman discount
优待折扣amicable allowance
估计折扣rate of estimated depreciation
债券折扣摊销bond discount amortization
债券折扣累积bond discount accumulation
债券发行折扣discount on bond
债券发行折扣及费用bond discount and expense
债券发行价折扣debt discount
债券发行价折扣及费用debt discount and expenses
债券未摊销折扣unamortized bond discount
折扣债券pure discount bond
原始发行折扣original issue discount
原始发行折扣债券original issue discount bond
原始发行折扣规则和分期付款交易OID rules and installment sales transaction
售出回扣及折让sales rebate and allowance
商品票据折扣commodity rate
回报或折扣股本期权return or discount equity options
折扣发行deep discount issue
大幅折扣行业deep discount segment
大幅折扣部 ndeep discount segment
大幅折扣部分deep discount segment
大幅度折扣deep discount
大批购买折扣bulk discount
大量购买折扣quantity discount
已获得折扣discount taken
市场折扣market discount rate
应付债券折扣discount on bond payable
应计折扣accrued discount
总交易量折扣volume discount
扣除折旧前净利net income before depreciation
承销折扣underwriting discount
折扣价值discount value
折扣发行issue at a discount
折扣收益率discount yield
折扣数额haircut amount
折扣方法discount method
折扣流通工具discounted negotiable instrument
折扣点数discount points
折扣率差额discount margin
折扣现价discount present value
折扣现值discounted present value
折扣现金流discounted cash flow
折扣票据discount note
折扣票据discount a bill
折扣类别discount segment
折扣share at discount
折扣股本discount capital stock
折扣行业discount segment
折扣证券discount securities
折扣agiotage theory
折扣账户agio account
折扣贷款discount loan
折扣贷款buydown loan
折扣部门discount segment
折扣限制line of discount
折扣障碍期权rebate barrier options
抢先申请优惠折扣early bird discount
折扣价格at discount
按数量累进折扣serial discount
推销折扣drummer discount
提前申请优惠折扣early bird discount
未摊还的债务折扣unamortized debt discount
未摊销投资折扣unamortized discounts on investment
未摊销的债券发行折扣unamortized debt discount
未调整的债券折扣unadjusted bond discount
未调整的债券销售折扣unadjusted discounts on bonds sold
现行折扣价值present discounted value
现金交易打折扣give a discount for cash
累计折扣aggregated rebates
给予折扣discount offered
股本发行折扣和费用capital stock discount and expense
股票发行折扣discount on capital stock
购货回扣及折让purchase rebates and allowances
贷款折扣费用loan discount fee
远期外汇折扣discount on forward exchange
折扣证券deep discount security