
Terms for subject Business containing 折扣 | all forms | in specified order only
不公开折扣商行closed door discount house
不当折扣unearned discount
业务折扣functional discount
丧失折扣lost discount
中间商折扣middleman's discount
中间商折扣middleman discount
买主自提货折扣hauling allowance
买主自提货折扣haul back allowance
代理店折扣agency discount
代表折扣运价reduced class rate less then normal rate
以折旧扣减的收益income offset by depreciation
价格折扣discount from the price
价格折扣制度list-and-discount pricing system
价格折扣计算表discount table
优先股折扣preferred stock discount
允诺给予折扣discount offered
减让和折扣allowance and rebates
英国西尼尔利息折扣Agio Theory of Interest
加速折旧扣除accelerated depreciation allowance
参考折扣make reference to discount
可能给予的折扣potential discount
商业折扣指营业付现款折扣,如对大件商价商品十天内付款,折扣30%等规定trade discount
厂商给零售商的商业折扣functional discount
团体折扣费率group-rate discount
地方税减免折扣rates rebate
基本折旧费年均扣除系数average deduction coefficient of base depreciation
备抵销货退回与折扣allowance for sale return and allowances
大宗交易折扣quantity discount
大数量折扣volume discount
季节性折扣指厂商为鼓励中间商在淡季进货而给的折扣seasonal discount
学生折扣student discount
实际折扣贴现true discount
已回收折扣realized depreciation
已实现折扣realized depreciation
折扣付现cash with discount
应付债券折扣discount on bonds payable
惯例折扣customary discount
折扣make a discount on
批发折扣指批零差价trade discount
批发折扣distributor's discount
折扣at a discount
折扣与回扣allowance and rebates
折扣丧失如未及时付款,则不能享有购货折扣discount lost
折扣价格discount price
折扣净价确定法net price method of discount recognition
折扣准备reserve for allowance
折扣出售at sale
折扣分类discount category
"折扣加荷"零售discount loading
折扣discount sheet
折扣发行债券issue bonds at discount
折扣发行债券issue bond at discount
折扣推销discount sale
折扣收入付现购货的折扣收入discount earned
折扣最小二乘法discount least squares method
折扣discount rating
折扣现值法discount present value
折扣精确数precise percentage of discount
折扣累积accumulation of discount
折扣table of allowance
折扣计价制discount pricing system
折扣费用discounted cost
抵价折扣trade-in allowance
折扣at discount
折扣发行的无息债券non-interest bearing discount bond
按箱折扣case-rate discount
货物损坏折扣allowance for damage
掀箱折扣即按订货箱或件数计算的折扣率case-rate discount
提前付款折扣anticipation rate
数量折扣即购买愈多卖方给予折扣愈大quantity discount
整装折扣CY discount
集装箱整装货物折扣优待FCL discount
旅行折扣journey discount
折扣付款cash without discount
既得折扣discount earned
期内付款折扣优待time discount
期初折扣initial allowance
未分摊折扣unamortized discount
漏损折扣allowance for leakage
激励性折扣incentive discount
特别折扣abnormal discount
现在折扣价值present discounted value
现金折扣discount for cash
现金折扣分析discounted dollar analysis
现金付款折扣prompt cash discount
破损折扣allowance for breakage
累积数量折扣cumulative quantity discount
折扣fine rate
给予折扣allow a discount
股本折扣discount on capital stock
股票折扣指股票售价小于票面discount on stock
自助折扣百货商店self-service discount department store
证券折扣discount on securities
购买回扣及折让purchase rebates and allowances
购入债券折扣discount on bonds purchased
购货折扣discount on purchase
购货回扣与折让purchase rebate and allowances
购货回扣及折让purchase return and allowance
车队主购车优惠折扣条件fleet terms
连环折扣商店discount chain
连续性折扣sequential discount
连锁折扣商店discount chain
速遣费折扣dispatch discount
逾期销售折扣lapsed sale discount
采购折扣discount on purchases
销售折扣sales rebate
销售折扣提存allowance for discount available
销售折扣提成备抵allowance for discounts available
销售回扣及折让sales rebates and allowances
销货折扣discount on sale
销货折扣discount allowed
销货折扣准备reserve for sale discount
销货折扣备抵allowance for sale discount
销货折扣百分率per cent of discount taken
销货折扣占销货总额百分率per cent of the discount taken
销货退回折扣discount on returned sale
长期优待折扣long term discount
顾客代付运费并取得折扣freight paid and discount taken by customer
顾客偿还部分账款销货折扣sales discounts on customers partial payments
预付折扣账户prepaid discount account
预扣折旧费prepaid discount charge
预期折扣antedated discount
鼓励性折扣鼓励顾客购买incentive discount