
Terms for subject International trade containing 折价 | all forms | in specified order only
价目折扣price mark-down
估价折旧depreciation appraisal
低估折旧价值under-appreciated value
债券折价bond discount
债券折价累积bond discount accumulation
债务折价discount on bonds
打过折扣的价格discount price
折价convert into money
折价出售sell at a discount
折价权之丧失discount lost
折价物价值trade-in value
折余价值undepreciated value
折余价值depreciated value
折减价格price at a discount
折合率汇价conversion rate
折扣价格prices at a discount
折扣价格price at a discount
折旧基价depreciation base
折華价格middle price
摊余债券折价unextinguished discount on funded debt
未折旧价值undepreciated value
未摊销债券折价bond discount unamortized
照定价……折商业同行间at sale
股本折价stock discount
股本折价discount on capital stock
船龄折价age depreciation
货价折扣discount from the price
购入债券公司债折价discount on bonds purchased
购外债券折价discount on bonds purchased
递减价值定率折旧法fixed percentage of diminishing value method
重置价值折旧depreciation on replacement value