
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
不合并计算unconsolidated investment
不同阶段的资费用与生产成本估算精确度不同:机会研究阶段为±30%,初步可行性研究阶段为 ±20%,可行性研究阶段为±10%at prefeasibility study, ± 20%, at feasibility study, ±10%
不同阶段的资费用与生产成本估算精确度不同:机会研究阶段为±30%,初步可行性研究阶段为 ±20%,可行性研究阶段为±10%The accuracy of estimates of investment and production costs varies greatly at different stages: at the opportunity study, it is ± 30%
与贸易有关的资措施缩写为TRIMStrade-related investment measures
专有技术作价折为capitalization of knowhow
中国外国资管理委员会Commission to Regulate Foreign Investment
中国工商信托资公司China Industry and Commerce Trust and Investment Corporation
交易所机失败后无力偿债之人lame duck
产品设计到实际产之间的时间lead time
产岀资比率output investment ratio
产权real investment
从事engage in speculation
他在不动产资中赚了钱He cashed in on his real-estate investments
他把所有资本入投机活动He employed all his capital in adventures
以土地使用权作为资入股contribute the right to use land as part of investment
以资源为基础的资机会研究resource-based opportunity study
住宅建设investment in housing
债权creditor's investment
机生意engage in speculation
公债是一种安全可靠的National bonds are a safe investment
公共public tender
公用部门investment in public sector
共同joint adventure
共同资基金mutual investment fund
英国共同信托资基金union trust
资于合资经营企业reinvest profits in joint ventures
资的收益reinvested earnings
再生产reproductive investment
冒险的hazardous investment
列昂惕夫入产出经济计量模型Leontief input-output economic coefficient
初期initial input
初期资支岀总额total initial investment outlay (指 total initial investment costs (项目)初期投资费用总额,包括:期初固定投资 (initial fixed investment)、生产前资本支出 (pre-production capital expenditures)、经营基金 (operating fund))
初期固定initial fixed investment
初期资本initial capital investment
制造品manufactured input
加拿大太平洋资公司Canadian Pacific Investment, Ltd.
包裹递公司parcels-delivery company
单位资成本specific investment cost
单位产品资费用volume of investment costs per unit of production
资金额original investment
原料与入物研究raw material and input study
参加标人tender bidder
参加capital participation (技术转让)
机倒把斗争struggle against speculation and profiteering
counter investment
发行随时可换成现款的股票资公司mutual fund company
发行随时可换成现款的股票资公司mutual investment company
资的企业invested enterprise
受保障的guaranteed investment
变动要素variables input
可供资的企业investable enterprise
各种miscellaneous investments
合同的标人bidder for a contract
因其稳妥资,他获得极好收入By careful investment of his capital, he obtained a good income
固定constant input
固定fixed investment (指土地,厂房,设备,工艺投资)
固定资产fixed capital investment
固定资产资完成额sum of investment in fixed assets used
固定资产资计划plan for investment in fixed assets
国家资公司national investment company
国家对资的立法national investment legislation
国家预算外extra-budgetary investment
国际资保险协会International Investment Insurance Association
国际资及跨国企业委员会Committee on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises
国际促进及保护私人国外资协会International Association for the Promotion of Private Foreign Investments (缩为 APPI)
国际信托资公司international trust and investment corporation
国际信用及资保险人联盟Union d'Assureurs des Credits Internationaux
国际公开competitive international bidding
国际解决资争端中心International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes
土地购置及厂址准备资成本investment cost for land and site preparation
土木工程资费用investment cost for civil engineering works
在一企业中大量invest much capital in an enterprise
在市场上机卖空speculate by taking a short position on the market
地产机商property speculator
基本basic inputs (包括贱金属 (base metals),半加工原料 (semi-processed materials), 零件 (parts))
基本生产basic production inputs
外国资人可调回他们的投资及其资本收益The foreign investors are allowed to repatriate their own invested capital and any capital gain
外国资法foreign investment laws
外用资净额net foreign investment
多种diversified investments
大量资于一个企业invest heavily in an enterprise
如所约定,我方已将这一批货物按发票金额加成10%保综合险As agreed, we have covered insurance on these goods for 10% over the invoice value against all risks
定额资基金closed-end investment fund
资的高度需求high demand for investment
对联营公司的investment in affiliates
入多产岀less input and more output
工业项目资前时期preinvestment phase of an industrial project (包括:投资机会选定 (identification of investment opportunities) 、项目的初步选择 (preliminary project selection and definition) 、项目研究规划 (project formulation) 、最后评价与投资决策 (final evaluation and investment decision))
工厂plant commissioning
工厂入物总量sum of inputs into the factory
工商企业investment in the business
工程项目project bid
工艺设备资成本investment cost for technology and equipment
巨额机利润huge speculative profit
保标的subject matter insured
开业资额the amount of one's investment on commencing business
开工产工作start-up operations
开工产成本cold start-up cost
德意志资银行Deutsche Investitions bank
入产岀模式global input-output model
入成本total input cost
aggregate investment
资率rate of total investment
资盈利率profitability of the total investment
资额total investment costs
成套包建turnkey investment
我把钱资于公司债券My money is invested in debentures
我方以发票金额的110%保仅至目的港Our insurance coverage is for 110% of invoice value up to the port of destination only
所需资现值present value of the investment required
所需资现值present value of investment required
扩展expansion investment
扩展中的expanding investment
把大笔资金人一项工程pour a large sum of money into a project
把大笔资金入一项工程pour a large sum of money into a project
把资金作最有利的invest one's capital to the best advantage
start of production
State Planning Commission
产前费用开支preproduction expenditures
产前资本支出start-up and commissionary expenditures (包括:开办费和资本筹集费 (preliminary and capital issue expenditures)、建厂前调研费 (expenditures for preparatory studies), 建厂前费用 (pre-production expenditures)、试运转及交工投产费用 (trial runs))
产前资本支出preproduction capital costs (包括:开办费和资本筹集费 (preliminary and capital issue expenditures)、建厂前调研费 (expenditures for preparatory studies), 建厂前费用 (pre-production expenditures)、试运转及交工投产费用 (trial runs))
产前资本支出preproduction capital expenditures (包括:开办费和资本筹集费 (preliminary and capital issue expenditures)、建厂前调研费 (expenditures for preparatory studies), 建厂前费用 (pre-production expenditures)、试运转及交工投产费用 (trial runs))
产前阶段训练training during the preproduction stage
产后生产计划情况表start-up schedule of production
企业产期start-up time
cover effect, take out insurance
保的金额insured amount
入产出最优化法optimized method of input-output
入产出预测input-output forecasting
入产岀分析input-output analysis
入产岀经济学input-output economics
入物损失losses of inputs
入物的厂外储运设施off-site transport and storage of inputs
入物的选择方案input alternatives
入物质量quality of inputs (与产岀物质量(quality of outputs) 相对)
入物运入inflow of inputs
入物需求量input requirement
入的价值invested value
入的资本paid-in capital
入的资本vested capital
入的资本invested capital
入的资金invested funds
入资本收益earnings on invested capital
巨资改建该建筑make costly alterations in the building
机买入buy on speculation
机商profiteering merchant
机性需求speculation demand
机性风险speculative risk
机者动机speculator's motive
机者需求speculator's demand
submit tenders
ask for bids
标保证金tender bond (投标人须交纳一般为投标金额的5%)
标审查examination of bids
标承办建筑材料put in a tender for building materials
标承建一条新的铁路tender for construction of a new railway
标承建一栋建筑物bid for a new building
标有效期validity of tenders
标竞争岀售技术bid for technology
票委托书proxy statement
资乘数效果investment multiplier effect
资乘数理论investment multiplier theory
资于不健全或不实际事业的金钱counterfeit money
资于不健全或不实际事业的金钱funny money
资于实业sink a capital in a business
资于新企业的股本equity share capital
资于新企业的股本equity capital
资于矿山invest money in mines
资于轻工业sink money in light industry
资于重工业embark one's money in heavy industry
资人money man
资估价investment estimate
资保证协定investment guarantee agreement
美国资保证计划Investment Guaranty Program
资值cost of capital
资值capital cost
资入股participate in capital ownership
美国资公司法Investment Company Act
资减税investment allowances
资分类classification of investment
资利润率分析investment profitability analysis
资前方案preinvestment program
资前研究preinvestment studies (包括:评价研究 (evaluation study),可行性研究 (feasibility study), 初步可行性研究 (prefeasibility study), 项目机会研究 (project opportunity study))
资前研究与分析preinvestment study and analysis
资前研究活动preinvestment activities
资前研究的广度与深度scope and depth of the pre-investment study
资办合资企业invest in joint venture
资回收payback on investment
资回收年限payback period of investment
资回收期pay off period
资回收额amount paid back
联合国资委员会Investment Commission
资建议investment proposal
资性债券investment bonds
加拿大资总公司General Investment Corporation
资支出investment expenditure (与生产支出 (production expenditure) 相对)
资支出与销售收入investment outlay and sales revenue
资支岀investment expenditure
资收益率return of capital investment
资收益率return in invested capital
资收益率investment rate of return
资效果effects of investment
资效果系数investment effect coefficient
资效益effect of investment
资时期investment phase (包括:规划与工程设计 (project and engineering designs)、谈判与签约 (negotiation and contracting)、建筑施工 (construction)、工厂投产 (plant commissioning)、培训 (technical training))
资有效性effectiveness of investment
资机会论证opportunity studies
资标准investment criterion
资法的优惠条款favourable investment legislation
资特殊优惠investment privileges
资的投入产岀模型model of input-output in investment
资税抵免investment tax credit
资筹措financing of investments
资者可以现金、机械,或以专利权、商誉、专有技术和技术服务等无形资产投资The capital contribution of an investor may take the form of cash, machinery or intangible assets such as patents, goodwill, know-how and technical service
资者应做多种投资Investors should diversify their investments
资补贴subsidies for capital expenditure
资规划investment plan
资规划investment project
资证券信托investment trust on securities
资账面报酬accounting return on investment
资费用估算estimate of investment cost
资费用及生产成本的数额与构成size and composition of investment and production costs
资费用总额total investment costs (包括:土地和场地准备投资费用 (investment cost for land and site preparation)、土木工程投资费用 (investment cost for civil engineering works)、技术和设备投资费用 (investment cost for technology and equipment)、生产前资本支岀 (pre-production capital expenditures) 、周转资金 (working capital))
资过度企业top-heavy enterprise
资违约default in investment
资银行业务invest ment banking
资银行业务investing banking
资项目investment item
资项目应与现有企业技术改造项目相一致The investment projects should dovetail with the items of technical renovation of existing enterprises
资项目的财务及经济可行性financial and economic viability of a project
资项目盈利分析profitability analysis
招标与invitation and submission of tender
按全部材料和人力入量的百分比计量的附加费用percentage surcharge on total material and manpower inputs
换汇与swap and investment
接受accept bid
控制场外机活动curb speculation
收回redeem a capital invested
资建议new investment proposal
无形财产investment in intangible property (与有形财产投资(investment in tangible property) 相对)
无法递邮件dead mail
智力investment in education
更新改造replacement investment
最初primary input
有价证券资记录entry of portfolio investment
有责任be responsible for covering insurance
杂项miscellaneous investments
材料与入物需求量material and input requirements
标准资回收年限standard recouping year of investment
标准资回收年限standard recovery period of investment
核定资总额capitalized cost
核定资项目check investment item
欧洲资者联合会European Investment Casters Federation
欧洲资银行European Investments Bank
positive input
正当defensible investment
沙特阿拉伯资银行公司Saudi Investment Banking Corporation
海上保险保单marine insurance application
海外资中心off-shore investment centre
海外资保险cover for investment overseas (E.C.G.D 英国出口信贷署承保没收险,战争险及限制汇款险)
瑞士海外资公司Investers' Overseas Services
海外开发资公司Overseas Development Investment Co. (美国)
美国海外私人资公司Overseas Private Investment Corporation
独家sole investment
瑞典资银行Sverige Investerings bank
生产入物production inputs
标方式报价offer by tender
由于公司最近对其他行业的分散Earnings were not affected by the decline because of the firm's recent diversification into other lines
由卖方The insurance is to be covered by the seller
短期temporary investment (指有价证券 (marketable securities) 的投资)
短期short-term investment (指有价证券 (marketable securities) 的投资)
短期current investment (指有价证券 (marketable securities) 的投资)
短期资组合short-term investment pools
研究与发展research and development investment
确定标时间time appointed for tender
确定资额fix an amount of investment
社会化资网络socialized network of investment
私人资者private investor
科威特资公司Kuwait Investment Co
英国租地人票权occupation franchise
美国穆迪资公司Moody's Investors Services, Inc.
竞争性标制competitive bidding system
竞争性抗衡defensive investment
粗略资建议broad investment proposition
紧缩货币tighten up money supply
股东产权资产净值包括已资本加留存盈余The stockholder's equity net assets includes the invested capital and the retained earnings
股东产权资产净值包括已资本加留存盈余The stockholder's equity includes the invested capital and the retained earnings
股份不定资公司open-end investment company (指共同基金公司 mutual fund company)
股份固定资公司closed-end investment company (与股份不定投资公司 (open-end investment company) 相对)
股票speculate in stocks
股票股份stock investment
股票investment shares
英国资信托公司协会Association of Investment Trust Companies
获利profitable investment
解决资争议国际中心International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
解决国家间与各国国民间资争执公约Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States
计划内planned investment
设备资费用investment cost for equipment
设备改进equipment improvement
设备改进equipment betterment
证券机买卖stock jobbery
证券机买卖stock jobbing
证券交易所中机交易常识the ABC to speculation in stock exchange
英国证券兑换资信托公司Stock Convention and Investment Trust
该货按80,000美元价值The interest insured is valued at US $80,000,000
诱发的induced investment
请对货物运输途中损失Please insure the goods at our cost against damage in transit
请注意保险只包括平安险加战争险,如果要求保附加险,所需额外保险费将由买方支付Please kindly note that the insurance covers FPA and War Risks only. Should additional insurance coverage be required, the extra premium incurred would be for the buyer's account
negative input (与负产出(negative output) 相对)
财政资与借款计划treasury investment and loan program
货币money supply
货物必须按发票金额加10%The goods shall be insured at invoice value plus 10%
货物须保综合险与战争险The goods are to be insured against all risks and war risk
资本入统计statistics on capital input
资本capital outlay
资本资效率efficiency of capital investment
资金合并fund pool
起诉某人犯机倒把罪prosecute sb. for speculation
足额sufficient capitalization
过半数的票权majority of voting power
过多固定资产over-investment in fixed assets
这些货物已保爆炸险The goods are covered against explosion
这项资可使我方获取5%盈利The investment brings us in 5 percent interest
追加supplementary input
追加supplemental input
邀请call for tenders
邀请invite tenders
长期long-term investment (亦指资本资产 (capital asset))
长期permanent investment (亦指资本资产 (capital asset))
限定limited bid
集约化intensive investment
非优先资部门non-priority sectors of investment
鼓励资法investment incentive law