
Terms containing 投资 费 用 | all forms | in specified order only
commer.不同阶段的投资费用与生产成本估算精确度不同:机会研究阶段为±30%,初步可行性研究阶段为 ±20%,可行性研究阶段为±10%at prefeasibility study, ± 20%, at feasibility study, ±10%
commer.不同阶段的投资费用与生产成本估算精确度不同:机会研究阶段为±30%,初步可行性研究阶段为 ±20%,可行性研究阶段为±10%The accuracy of estimates of investment and production costs varies greatly at different stages: at the opportunity study, it is ± 30%
securit.投资费用reinvestment load
tech.投资费用first cost
el.单位投资费用specific investment cost
commer.单位产品投资费用volume of investment costs per unit of production
busin.单位投资量费用cost per unit of quantity of investment
securit.因投资收人而发生的费用expense attributable to the investment income
tech.因投资收入而发生的费用expense attributable to the investment income
commer.土木工程投资费用investment cost for civil engineering works
el.工作投资费用WC working capital costs
consult.工厂的具体投资费用specific investment cost of plant
tech.应核销投资性费用审计audit of investment expenses that should be cancelled after verification
econ.投资费用total investment costs
el.投资费用total investment cost
expl.投资费用total investment expenses
econ.投资前研究费用cost of pre-investment studies
tech.投资前研究费用cost of preinvestment studies
securit.投资工具费用vehicle charges
securit.投资机构维持费用maintenance of investment organization
met.投资费用capital outlay
econ.投资费用investment expenditure
el.投资费用capital cost
hydroel.st.投资费用investment cost
hydroel.st.投资费用cost of investment
econ.投资费用expenditure of capital
fin.投资费用investment costs
busin.投资费用成本investment cost
commer.投资费用估算estimate of investment cost
econ., construct.投资费用估计estimate of investment cost
commer.投资费用及生产成本的数额与构成size and composition of investment and production costs
commer.投资费用总额total investment costs (包括:土地和场地准备投资费用 (investment cost for land and site preparation)、土木工程投资费用 (investment cost for civil engineering works)、技术和设备投资费用 (investment cost for technology and equipment)、生产前资本支岀 (pre-production capital expenditures) 、周转资金 (working capital))
econ.投资费用的节省the saving in investment cost
textile投资费用的节省saving in investment costs
econ.投资费用的节省saving in investment cost
busin.投资费用节省saving in investment cost
busin.投资费用预算estimate of investment cost
securit.无费用滚动股利投资no load dividend reinvestment
securit.无费用股利再投资no load dividend reinvestment
space最初投资装备费用initial equipping cost
el.投资费用specific investment cost
securit.直接投资的费用和特许权使用费fees and royalties from direct investments
met.直接投资的费用和特许权费fees and royalties from direct investment
el.网络投资费用的分摊额capital contribution to network costs
commer.设备投资费用investment cost for equipment
el.运行投资费用WC working capital costs
met.高炉投资费用investment in blast furnace
met.高炉投资费用blast furnace capital cost