
Terms for subject Consulting containing 投资 | all forms | in specified order only
一般投资气候the general investment climate
企业投资可行性研究project feasibility studies
信托投资公司investment and trust corporation
投资优惠reinvestment incentives
投资prospect investor
初期固定投资initial fixed investment costs
初期总投资total initial investment
初期资金投资initial capital investment
基建投资管理managing capital expenditures
基本投资支出capital investment expenditure
对投标者资格的事先审査prequalification of bidder
工厂的具体投资费用specific investment cost of plant
建设和投资的效益construction and investment impacts
投资于机械或厂房的决策capital investment in machine or plant decision
投资分析的经济学the economics of investment analysis
投资前研究的酬劳金commission of pre-investment studies
投资前阶段pre-investment stage
投资支出的演变evolution of investment expenditures
投资气候investment climate
投资规划investment planning
投资顾问investment counselors
投资顾问合同investment adviser contract
潜在投资potential investors
物资投入material inputs
盈余再投资surplus reinvested
鉴别投资机会identification of investment opportunities
鼓励投资bid to boost investment
鼓励投资活动investment promotion activities