
Terms for subject Commerce containing 投标 | all forms | in specified order only
公共投标public tender
参加投标tender bidder
合同的投标bidder for a contract
国际公开投标competitive international bidding
工程项目投标project bid
已投保标的subject matter insured
投标submit tenders
投标ask for bids
投标保证金tender bond (投标人须交纳一般为投标金额的5%)
投标审查examination of bids
投标承办建筑材料put in a tender for building materials
投标承建一条新的铁路tender for construction of a new railway
投标承建一栋建筑物bid for a new building
投标有效期validity of tenders
投标竞争岀售技术bid for technology
投资标准investment criterion
招标与投标invitation and submission of tender
接受投标accept bid
标准投资回收年限standard recouping year of investment
标准投资回收年限standard recovery period of investment
投标方式报价offer by tender
确定投标时间time appointed for tender
竞争性投标competitive bidding system
邀请投标call for tenders
邀请投标invite tenders
限定投标limited bid