
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
剪刀a pair of scissors
大剪刀a pair of shears
不应公司和经纪人认为是共同合伙人The corporation and the broker shall not be regarded as joint adventurers
不许此项情报提供给任何未经认可的人员The information is not allowed to supply to any unauthorized persons
为了安全起见,最好这些文件放进橱柜里You'd better put the papers in the cupboard for safety
为了方便起见,他们可以这些费用从他们的付款中扣除For convenience sake, they can deduct these expenses from their payment
今天我们货物用快递寄给你We are expressing the goods to you today
与合同上所指明的条件不同的实际情况迅速通知他的主任He promptly notified his director of the real conditions differing from those indicated in this contract
这幅油画卖了一个很高的价钱He sold the oil painting at a very high figure
他们利润率降到最低They are cutting their margins very fine
他们损失估定为1000美元They assessed damages at US $1000
他们文件放在防火保险柜里They packed the papers in a fireproof safe
他们某些价格上调,但降低了另外的价格They have adjusted some prices upward, but others downward
他们货搬进几天前就空出的仓库They moved the goods into the warehouse which had been vacated several days before
他们不想答应做没握的事而招致麻烦They wouldn't like to court trouble by making promises to do what they cant do
他们为了开办一个企业房子都抵押出去了They mortgaged their houses to start a business
他们会该项金额记在你们的账上They will add the sum to your bill
他们只用了两天时间货物装上船They spent only two days on the shipment of the goods
他们已货物全部买下They have bought the goods, bag and baggage
他们通过全面的检査协议的条款和条件加以确定They settled on the terms and conditions of the agreement through an overall review
他发明了一个瓶盖拧开的小器械He invented a device for screwing lids off jars
会计每天要账上的数字轧平The accountant makes the figures tally every day
伦敦商会已贵公司的名称和地址告诉我方Your company's name and address were given to us by London Chamber of Commerce
那台计算机运出境外是不合法的Your action of taking that computer out of the country is not lawful
?你对我们公司赢得该项合同有多大握?How sure are you about our chance of winning the contract
你应该这包货仔细地包捆好You should tie up the parcel carefully
你必须应付票据登记在登记簿上You have to record notes payable in a register
你方应担保不我方所提供的任何情报泄露给他人You shall guarantee not to reveal any information we furnished to someone else
你能旅程安排传真一份过来吗?Could you send me a copy of the itinerary by fax?
卖方其资产转让给合资公司The seller transfers his assets to the joint venture company
印刷商雇人纸从车上搬运到仓库A printer hires men to handle paper from cars to the warehouse
厂家只这种产品卖给那些信誉良好的承销人The manufacturer shall sell such products only to such consignors with goods credit
双方应该放弃这种竞争的事告知管理部门Each party should inform the administration of the abandonment of such contest
发言人不希望他议论审计员的话收入会议记录The speaker wanted his remarks about the auditor not to be minuted
在设法建新车间之前,你必须先各项计划提交给厂长Before attempting to build a new workshop, you have to submit the plans to the director
有缺陷的货物退回商店后,得到了退款She got a refund after she sent back the faulty goods to the shop
自己的钱一整笔投进房地产生意She invested her money as a lump sum in real estate
财务报告书的摘要送给了经理She sent the director an extract of the statement
如果承租人有意房产的一部分转让给别人,须首先得到业主的同If the tenant wants to repledge a part of the premises, he shall first get the permission of the owner
对 M 有be secure of
对…有把握feel secure as to
对…有把握feel secure about
对…有把握be secure of
将寄去保险附加单一张,扩大保险范围陆运险也包括在内A rider to the policy will be sent, which extends the policy to cover overland insurance
就我看来,该公司不会按最低价该项商品卖给我们My inference is that the company will not sell us the item at the rock-bottom price
层层make checks at all levels
层层check at each level
工程师一切由于不完善的材料或工艺所造成的缺陷加以纠正The engineer remedied the defects owing to faulty materials or workmanship
希望厂方在如此短的时间内我方的订货装船是不合理的It is unreasonable to expect the factory to get our order shipped in so short a time
当然,我们你们的来信和目录存档备査Of course, we file your letters and catalogues for our future reference
总经理亲自处理公司的一切重要事务,不这事交托给其他任何人The managing director attends to the transaction of all important business of the company himself and doesn't leave it to anyone else
我以快递订购函寄出了I have sent the order letters by express mail
我们公寓大楼建筑中的水电工程转包给"顶峰"有限公司We will sub-contract to Top Peak Ltd. the electrical and water work in the construction of apartment buildings
我们我们的钱合起来成为共同基金We put our money into a general pool
我们文件放入银行保存好We put the documents into the bank for safe keeping
我们不得不此种未能履行合同的情况当作一次违反合同的行为We have to regard such failure as a breach of the contract
我们会他们的具体需要通知你们的We will advise you of their specific requirements
我们将一切设备,机械及各种备件迅速由铁路运输给买主We shall promptly transport all equipment, machinery and spare parts to the buyer by rail
我们将我方的形式发票寄去,以便你们申请进口许可证We shall send you our Proforma Invoice to support your application for import licence
我们将在一定的时间内我方决定向你们通告,以免延误发货We shall inform you of our decision within a definite time so as not to delay the shipment
我们已有关这次谈判的全部情况通报给有关公司We have transmit ted all information relating to the whole transaction of this negotiation to the appropriate corporations
我们已美元兑换成瑞士法郎We converted our dollars into Swiss francs
我们已经文件传真到纽约办事处We have fax-ed the documents to our New York office
我们必须合同复制一份We have to duplicate the contract
我们有希望在最近这件事搞清楚,所以希望你方暂不作最后决定As we have hopes of getting this matter cleared up in the near future we would ask you to do nothing final yet
我们没有保留多余的样品,请立即样品寄来We have not kept for ourselves more samples than necessary and would ask you to deliver it to us promptly
我们认为不应这两个问题分开We don't think we should separate these two questions
我会单据交给会计I will give the documents to the accountant
我将此项设计方案电传过去I will send a fax of the design plan
我已这笔钱记入他的贷方I have placed the money to his credit
我方在以前的一封信中,已这种安排通知你方了We informed you of this arrangement in one of our previous letters
我方将全套交单提交给你方We shall deliver to you a set of tender documents
我方将根据合同条款提出的一切单证邮寄到你方的主要营业地点We shall send all documents under the terms of the contract to your principal place of business by post
我方已提货单送给运输代理行We have sent the delivery tickets to the shipping agents
我方已此合同上报董事会以求批准We have referred the agreement to the board for ratification
我方已于今天该款电汇给你方We have today remitted you the fund by telegraph
房客同意不他租的房子转租给别人The tenant agreed not to underlet the house he rented
一事物与另一事物区别开来discriminate one thing from another
一只条板箱吊到船上sling a crate on board a ship
一笔账目记入账内enter an account in a book
…与…混合在一起mix into...
… 专用于devote
…丢在一边wave aside
…交付拍卖put up at auction
… 交托给resign
产品和样品比较compare the product with the sample
任务强加在某人头上saddle sb. with a task
传票送达serve sb. with a summons (某人)
传票送达serve a summons on (sb., 某人)
… 估价为value
法郎兑换成change francs into (Renminbi, 人民币)
... 兑现encash
…写成文write up
…准备好square away
出口销售金额过人总账post export sale
成本、总数等分成细目break down
…分等级rank (或评级)
商品等 分组lot
… 分解reduce
… 匆忙撵走bundle
…叫到别处去call away
… 塞住plug
……增至整数rounded off
…存档file away
一切事情安置妥当get things in proportion
工作推给别人做shirk off work upon others
市场比作变幻莫测的气候带compare the market to an unpredictable climate
… 带来bring round
… 带来bring around
... 带来brought over
…并入…merge ... into...
开到pull the car over (to the side of the road, 路的另一边)
…弄整齐square away
商品强塞给press goods on (the customers, 顾客)
M 归于 Ncredit M to (N)
… 归咎于impute
…归类refer (于)
... 归类subsume
所有权让给现占有人的契约hold trig deed
所有的合约呈交法律部门是我们的一贯做法To submit all contracts to the legal department is our usual policy
所订的货一次装运pool the order into one shipment
…打折扣water down
大笔钱财托付给trust him with (a large sum of money, 他)
…投产put into operation
投入put money into (a business, 生意中)
货物、产品 拖来拖去pull about (the goods, products)
材料和设备拨给allocate materials and facilities for (a new construction project, 新的建设项目)
…括入引号quote (开价)
…捆起来bundle up
旧汽车换卖掉trade in an old car for (a new one)
中国货币换算成translate Chinese currency into (foreign currency, 外币)
…探究到底follow up
付款等推迟到postpone payment until (next week, 下个星期等)
…描写成write down
握全局control the overall situation
…搁在一边set... aside
支票划上平行线cross a cheque
衣服等改制make over
…数目记下来keep the score
文件誉写一式两份make out a document in duplicate
材料和设备调拨给新的建设项目allocate materials and facilities for a new construction project
某人解雇give sb. the bounce
某物拿出拍卖bring sth. under the hammer
某物拿到市场上出售put sth. on the market
旅游比作assimilate tourism with (invisible trade, 无形贸易)
旅游比作assimilate tourism to (invisible trade, 无形贸易)
热变成能transform heat into energy
牛奶上的奶油撇去skim the cream of the milk
现款分六个月摊还spread out the payment on the loan over six months
他们看成treat them as (one's agents, 自己的代理)
破烂的钞票收回停用retire worn or torn dollar bills from use
M 称为 Nlabel M as (N)
... 纳入subsume
纸币兑换成硬币redeem paper money
结果列表tabulate results
... 置于国际共管之下internationalize
自己的意志强加于work one's will upon
… 装入袋内pocket
装运和报关手续委托专业公司办理既省时间又省精力We can save both time and energy by entrusting to specialized company all shipping and customs formalities
...规定为define... as
这_声明视为你方refer to the statement as (your agreement, 赞同)
… 记下来take a note of
… 记下来make a note of
一包烟、肉赊给trust him for (a pack of cigarettes, meat, 他)
…转载于另一船tranship (或另一运输工具)
…返送回来feed back
这100万美元的投资应用到这项工程上apply the investment of $1.000.000 to the project
这个问题先放一放,等到时机成熟再说,那样对我们将会更好一些It would be better for us to hold the matter in abeyance until opportunity matures
这笔款项记入他的账内place the sum to his account
竞争中 …远远抛在后面outdistance
M 遗留给 Nentail M on (N)
M 遗留给 Nentail M upon (N)
钱存放在某人处lodge money with (sb.)
… 铸成货币monetize
… 隔开space out
投机倒活动speculative activities
投机倒谋取暴利engage in speculation and profiteering
按照要求,我们将这几小批货并在一起装运As requested, we will lump there small lots into one shipment
按照贵方的指示,他们上周已钱存入贵方的往来账户上In accordance with your instructions they deposited the money in your current account last week
收到你方定单后,我方会尽快地这批货供应给你方On receipt of your order, we will supply you with the goods as soon as possible
新助手在老板度假时工作处理得很好The new assistant coped very well when the boss was on holiday
握收回的账款good debt
有关装船事宜,请你们的意见传达给我方For loading arrangement, please communicate your ideas to us
本合同禁止商品转卖到日本The contract forbids resale of the goods to Japan
根据约定,你们应该向我们开具的1200美元即期汇票附于装船单据上As arrange d, you are to attach your sight draft on us for US $1200 to the shipment documents
每当新房客住进那套房间,房主总要房租提高5%The landlord puts up the rent by 5% every time a new tenant moves into that flat
水手们船系住在码头The sailors tied up the ship to the quay
法院命令财产退还本公司,我们感到欣慰We were relieved that the court had ordered the restitution of assess to our company
用 N M 塞满挤满,弄得拥挤不堪overcrowd M with (N)
用…把 塞满lump ... with...
由于工厂交货推迟,他们未能这批货物装上这艘轮船运走Due to delayed arrival of the goods from the factory, they failed to ship the goods by this steamer
由于差错,商店货物发错了地方The shop sent the items to a wrong place by mistake
由于这些箱子完全受潮,我们不能这些箱子运出去Because the cases have become thoroughly damp with water, we shall not let them go forward
秘书公文留在家里了The secretary left the official documents in her house
秘书这些信放入顾客档案The secretary put these letters in the customer file
秘书安排她的信件发送出去The secretary arranged for her mail to be forwarded
秘书正在经理的口授速记下来The secretary was taking dictation from the manager by shorthand
经理极力主张重点放在制造新产品上The manager urges that emphasis should be laid on the manufacture of new products
该公司花费了大量金钱做广告一个新牌子肥皂推上市It took the company a lot of money to launch a new brand of soap
他们新增添的任何费用记入我的账户借方Please debit me with any expenses they may have incurred
公司领津贴者的意见告知经理Please pass the manager the comments made by the recipients of an allowance from the company
契约含糊不清的地方解释清楚,以免发生误解Please clear up the ambiguities in the instrument to preclude possible misunderstanding
这些新发的文件放入保险柜Please put the newly-issued documents in the safe
通知的要点告诉我Tell me the gist of the circular letter, please
请协助我方一些样品寄来,费用由我方负担We would ask you to assist us by sending some samples to us for our account
请按月贷款利息记入我方账户Please credit our account with interest on the loan monthly
请用快船总量为1250磅的短缺货物运来The shortage of goods amounted to 1250 pounds should be shipped by a fast steamer
这个商人通过应酬方式钱送给了办事员The businessman gave the clerk gratuities in the form of entertainment
这位老板整个商店转给新业主,包括商号名称、专利和版权等The boss conveyed to the new owner his entire business, including the name, patents and copyright
这家公司在征得股东们的同意下,全部有形资产出售给另一家公司The company has sold all its tangible assets to another company with the consent of the shareholders
通过法律手法指定财产授与settle one's property on (somebody, 某人)
鉴于目前市场形势,我们只能暂时这些货存放在仓库内In view of the present market situation, we have to put the goods into storage for the time being
银行住口子bank plugs up a leak
集装箱门锁door lock handle
除非另有说明,我们不你方的佣金包括在报盘内Unless otherwise specified, we won't include your commission in our offers