
Terms for subject Technology containing 承载 | all forms | in specified order only
不支承楼板荷载carrying no floor load
不能承受重载的桥梁weak bridge
不良承载poor bearing stratum
承载框架main bearing frame
承载系统main load-bearing system
主要承载结构main load-carrying structure
主要的承载结构principal load bearing structure
主要荷载承重结构main load-bearing structure
保守负载轴承conservatively loaded bearing
修正加州承载modified CBR (California hearing ratio)
修正加州承载modified California bearing ratio
修正的承载modified bearing ratio
假定承载presumption bearing value
偏心承载基础eccentric loaded foundation
偏心承载eccentric loaded column
桩的允许承载point-bearing capacity
承载车身unitary body
全塑承载结构all-plastic bearing structure
初始承载initial load-bearing capacity
加利福尼亚承载California Bearing Ratio
加利福尼亚州承载California bearing reaction
加利福尼亚州承载California bearing capacity
加利福尼亚州承载California Bearing Ratio
加利福尼亚州承载比值CBR value
加利福尼亚州承载比方法California Bearing ratio method
加利福尼亚州承载比柔性路面设计法California Bearing Ratio method of flexible pavement design
加利福尼亚州承载比测定仪CBR tester
加利福尼亚州承载比设计法California Bearing ratio method
加利福尼亚州承载比试验California Bearing Ratio test
美国加州承载California bearing ratio
土压力的加州承载California Bearing Ratio
美国加州承载比法设计柔性路面厚度的一种方法CBR California bearing ratio method
承载dynamical bearing capacity
承载dynamic bearing capacity
承载力偏差simplified bearing strength derivation
单位承载unit load capacity
单位承载bearing unit capacity
单位承载能力bearing unit capacity
单位地基承载unit subgrade support
单桩承载single pile capacity
单桩承载bearing capacity of single pile
单桩容许承载allowable bearing of single pile
单桩极限承载ultimate carrying capacity of single pile
单桩极限承载ultimate bearing capacity of single pile
单桩竖向承载力特征值characteristic value of the vertical bearing capacity of a pile
单桩竖向抗拔容许承载allowable vertical pull strength of single pile
单桩竖向极限承载力标准值ultimate vertical bearing capacity of a pile
原位承载试验field loading test
原位加州承载比试验in-situ CBR test
原位加州承载比试验in-situ California bearing ratio test
可支承荷载bearable load
圆锥承载力值cone bearing value
圆锥承重试验圆锥承载试验cone bearing test
承载soil bearing opacity
承载能力试验soil bearing test
土地承载容量land carrying capacity
土壤承载soil bearing opacity
土壤承载bearing value of soil
土壤承载bearing capacity of soil
土壤承载bearing capacity of soil
土壤承载soil bearing ratio
土壤承载试验bearing test of soil
土壤的允许承载压力allowable soil pressure
土桩承载试验lateral pile load test
土的承载soil bearing opacity
土的承载bearing power of soil
土的承载力试验soil bearing test
土的承载试验bearing test of soil
土限承载ultimate bearing capacity of soil
地基承载subgrade bearing value
地基承载ground bearing pressure
地基承载subgrade capacity
地基承载bearing power of soil
地基承载soil bearing stress
地基承载subgrade rating
地基承载bearing pressure on foundation
地基承载力试验soil bearing test
地基承载系数factor of foundation bearing capacity
地基承载试验subgrade test
地基承载试验ground bearing test
地基单位承载unit subgrade support
地基土极限承载力值ultimate bearing value of foundation soil
地基土的容许承载力值allowable bearing value of foundation soil
地基容许承载allowable bearing power of soil
地基容许承载allowable soil pressure
地基容许承载allowable bearing capacity of foundation
地基极限承载ultimate bearing capacity of foundation
地面承载能力supporting capacity of ground
地面承载能力bearing power of ground
城市资源承载bearing capacity of urban resources
基土承载能力efficiency of subgrade soil
塑性荷载的承重结构plastic load-carrying structure
塑性荷载的承重结构plastic load bearing structure
壳体承载体系shell-bearing system
外壳承载式结构geodetic construction
安全承载safety bearing power
安全承载safety bearing capacity
安全承载safety bearing load
安全承载safe carrying capacity
安全承载能力safe load carrying capacity
安全承载能力safety load-carrying capacity
安全承载能力safe bearing capacity
安全承载safety carrying capacity
容许承载safe bearing load
容许承载allowable bearing value
容许承载allowable bearing stress
容许承载permissible soil pressure
容许承载allowable bearing value
容许土承载permissible soil bearing pressure
容许土承载permissible soil bearing capacity
容许土承载bearing capacity of permissible soil
小型承载板试验mini-type loading plate test
小荷载轴承spigot bearing
岩石荷载支承衬砌lining for support of rock load
工地承载试验field bearing test
工程新闻公式估算单桩承载estimating pile bearing capacity by Engineering News Formula
希列公式估算单桩承载estimating pile bearing capacity by Hiley formula
平均承载应力mean bearing stress
平均承载应力average bearing stress
平板承载试验plate bearing test
年积累环境承载容量annual cumulative environmental carrying capacity
年积累环境承载能力annual cumulative environmental carrying capacity
U形承载carrying channel
承载能力aggregate resistance
打入桩的承载bearing capacity of driven pile
打入桩的承载capacity of driven pile
承力载结构load-carrying construction
承压载荷及应力bearing loads and stress
承受侧向荷载桩laterally loaded pile
承受偏心荷载的eccentrically loaded
承受水平荷载桩horizontally loaded pile
承受竖向荷载的空间框架vertical-load-carrying space frame
承受竖载的空间框架space frame-vertical load carrying
承受荷载的砖bearing brick
承荷载的under load
承载load supporting
承载load bearing (能力)
承载accepted load
承载中心bearing center
承载介质carrying agent
承载supporting body
承载体系bearing system
承载supporting value
承载刚架weight frame
承载load-bearing capacity
承载bearing power
承载力因子bearing capacity factor
承载力因素bearing capacity factor
承载力大的深基础high-capacity deep foundation
承载力极限状态limit state of bearing capacity
承载力破坏bearing failure
承载力系数coefficient of bearing capacity
承载加劲杆load-bearing stiffener
承载加劲肋load-bearing stiffener
承载压力bearing pressure
承载压强bearing stress
承载压强bearing pressure
承载反滤层loaded filter
承载变形load metamorphism
承载变性load metamorphism
承载变质load metamorphism
承载器架carrier bearer
承载器架bearer carrier
承载因素bearing factor
承载loading ground
承载holding ground
承载土层loading soil
承载地面砖weight floor block
承载carrier block
承载垫板load pad
承载bearing layer
承载bearing stratum
承载bearing bed
承载岩层bearing formation
承载load-bearing tape
承载应变bearing strain
承载底板weight tray
承载loaded chord
承载强度supporting strength
承载强度load-bearing strength
承载性能load-bearing property
承载性能bearing property
承载扳试验plate loading test
承载loading arch
承载板动态施荷法dynamical plate loading method
承载板动态施荷法dynamic plate loading method
承载板墙load-bearing wall panel
承载板结构slab bearing structure
承载板试验loading plate test
承载构件load-carrying member
承载构件load-bearing member
承载构件bearing carrier
承载构件的设计design of load bearing element
承载构架load-bearing frame
承载bolster stake
承载load supporting girder
承载carrying channel
承载比试验bearing-ratio test
承载焊缝strength weld
承载牵引索carrying traction rope
承载特征load supporting characteristic
承载特征曲线load curve
承载特性load supporting characteristic
承载load carry duty
承载的梁loaded beam
承载的钟形屋顶carrying cupola
承载loaded brick
承载系数coefficient of bearing capacity
承载系数bearing capacity factor
承载系统loading system
承载carrying cable
承载crane cable (起重机)
承载loading cable
承载carrying rope
承载carrier cable
承载main cable
承载rail rope (架空索道的)
承载track rope
承载payload rope
承载bearer cable
承载索接头track cable joint
承载索道track rope
承载索道track cable
承载线lift line
承载缆索carrying cable
承载能力bearing power
承载能力load-bearing capability
承载能力load-carrying property
承载能力supporting capability
承载能力supporting property
承载能力weight bearing capacity
承载能力wheel load capacity
承载能力supporting quality
承载能力load-carrying power
承载能力bearing quality
承载能力bearing capability
承载能力极限limit of bearing capacity
承载能力极限状态ultimate limiting state
承载能力极限状态ultimate limit state
承载能力测定仪bearing capacity apparatus
承载能力测量仪bearing capacity apparatus
承载能力系数coefficient of bearing capacity
承载能力试验load capacity test
承载carrier film
承载表面bearing surface (积)
承载试验load-bearing test
承载试验bearing test
承载车轮carrying wheel
承载轨道carrying rail
承载转向架load-bearing bogie
承载转向架carrying bogie
承载supporting axle
承载carrying shaft
承载carrying rope
承载辊子托辊carrier roller
承载通路连接bearer channel connection
承载load-carrying capacity
承载supporting capacity
承载supporting load
承载bearing value
承载bearing capability
承载钢丝绳carrying wire rope
承载长度loaded length
承载阻抗loaded impedance
承载bearing plane
承载面积area of bearing
承载自动调节的制动机self-adjusting load-proportional brake
接入承载能力access bearer capability
支承荷载sustained load
支承荷载support load
支承荷载的墙结构bearing wall structure
支承荷载的实腹板大梁结构bearing structure of solid web girders
支承荷载的平腹板大梁结构bearing structure of plain web girders
支承荷载的隔墙bearing partition (wall)
支承荷载的面bearing plane
支承荷载的骨架bearing skeleton
支承荷载能力bearing property
支护承载support capacity
支柱承载试验压机testing press for props
支柱总承载aggregate resistance of support
改正承载modified bearing ratio
普通容许地基承载ordinary allowable soil pressure
普郎特尔承载力理论Prandtl bearing capacity theory
最大承载力设计法maximum load design
最大承载能力maximum carrying capacity
最小承载性能minimum bearing property
最终承载ultimate loading capacity
最适承载容量optimal carrying capacity
最适承载能力optimal carrying capacity
有效承载payload capacity
有铠装承载面的输送机armoured face conveyer
有铠装承载面的输送机armored face conveyer
杆件承受的荷载rod loading
板垫法承载力试验plate bearing test
板荷载极限承载ultimate plate load capacity
极限承载ultimate carrying capacity
极限承载ultimate carrying resistance
极限承载ultimate bearing power
极限承载ultimate bearing resistance
极限承载ultimate bearing capacity
极限承载力值ultimate bearing value
极限承载能力ultimate bearing quality
极限承载能力ultimate bearing property
极限侧向承载ultimate lateral capacity
极限力矩承载能力ultimate moment capacity
极限荷载承载能力ultimate load bearing capacity
架空索道用承载钢丝绳carrying wire rope for aerial tramways
标称承载nominal bearing pressure
桥梁检定承载系数rated load-bearing coefficient for bridge
承载力公式pile formula
承载试验pile loading test
承载试验pile test
承载试验pile load test
桩基承载能力bearing capacity of pile foundation
桩尖承载pile point bearing capacity
桩尖承载end bearing of pile
桩极限承载ultimate bearing capacity of pile
桩的承载carrying power of pile
桩的承载carrying capacity of pile
桩的承载力公式pile capacity formula
桩的承载能力supporting power of a pile
桩的承载能力pile capacity
桩的承载能力supporting capacity of a pile
桩的承载能力pile bearing capacity
桩的承载pile capacity
桩的承载pile bearing capacity
桩的临界承载critical bearing capacity of pile
桩的极限承载pile ultimate bearing capacity
桩端承载能力point-bearing capacity
桩端承载能力end bearing capacity of pile
桩端承载point-bearing capacity
桩端承载end bearing capacity of pile
桩静力承载公式static pile-bearing formulas
棱柱形承载结构prismatic bearing structure
横向承载transversely loaded
横向支承荷载bearing in traverse direction
水泥加固的承载cement treated base
水环境承载容量water environmental carrying capacity
水环境承载能力water environmental carrying capacity
水资源承载water resource carrying capacity
沉桩的承载能力capacity of driven pile
活动的切向承载movable tangential bearing
海利桩承载力计算公式Hiley's pile driving formula
混凝土基础的容许承载应力allowable bearing stress for concrete foundation
混凝土承受荷载系统concrete load bearing system
滚动承载疲劳试验机rolling-load fatigue testing machine
环境承载environmental load capacity
环境承载容量environmental carrying capacity
现场承载试验field bearing test
现场加州承载in-site CBR (California Bearing Ratio)
玻璃纤维混凝土承载结构glass concrete load bearing structure
生态承载ecological carrying capacity
生态承载ecologic carrying capacity
短期允许承载short-term allowable bearing capacity
承载力试验sand-bearing test
破坏承载应力failure bearing stress
空间承载结构space bearing structure
端部承载的工字钢桩end bearing steel H-pile
箱底承载floor loading capability
纵向支承荷载bearing in longitudinal direction
结构承载structural strength
结构承载structural-load-carrying capacity
结构的承载能力structural-load-carrying capacity
绞股式承载strand track cable
美国北卡罗来纳承载板法North Carolina bearing method
羽岩极限承载limiting bearing capacity of surroundings
能够承受的车辆荷载capable of bearing wheel loads
自调位承载托滚self-aligning carrying idler
荷载承受能力initial load-bearing capacity
补偿承载轴液压缸compensating axle-load cylinder
表面承载surface capacity
表面积承载supporting value of surface area
许用承载allowable bearing capacity
许用承载allowable bearing pressure
许用承载能力safe bearing power
许用承载能力safe carrying capacity
许用承载能力safe carrying capacity power
许用承载能力safe carrying capacity property
许用承载能力safe load carrying capacity
许用承载能力safe bearing load
路面设计加州承载design CBR (California bearing ratio)
设计加州承载design California bearing ratio (又称设计的加利福尼亚承载比)
起重机承载能力crane capacity
跑道承载能力runway capacity
跑道承载能力runway weight bearing capacity
跑道承载能力runway bearing capacity
路基承载交通系数subgrade traffic factor
路基承载subgrade bearing value
路基承载subgrade support
路基承载试验subgrade test
路面承载subgrade capacity
路面承载能力wheel load capacity
路面下基层承载力系数coefficient of subbase course
车胎承载能力tyre capacity
车轮承载能力wheel load capacity
轮胎承载能力tyre capacity
轮齿窄短承载short bearing of tooth
软弱承载poor bearing stratum
轴向承载axial carrying capacity
轴向载荷轴承journal for axial load
轴承允许荷载bearing capacity
轴承容许荷载safe bearing load
轴承容许荷载safe bearing power
轴承容许荷载allowable bearing load
轴承负载bearing load
轴承过载bearing overloading
轴承预先受载bearing preloading
轴承预载指示器bearing tension indicator
轻质屋面三向荷载承重lightweight roofing three-dimensional load bearing
轻载轴承spigot bearing
载流承力索current-carrying carrier
载重量承载bearing value
道床承载bearing strength of ballast bed
重载轴承heavy-duty bearing
金属承载立筋load-bearing metal stud
钢板承载试验plate bearing test
锚杆容许承载bearing capacity of anchor
长期允许承载long-term allowable bearing capacity
静力承载能力static bearing capacity
静力承载static bearing capacity
承载焊缝unload weld
承载结构non-bearing structure
非均布承载结构non-uniform load bearing structure
预应力承载bearing preloading
额外承载extra-load bearing capacity
额定承载nominal load bearing capacity
齿顶承载addendum bearing