
Terms for subject International trade containing 承认 | all forms | in specified order only
承认其值的资产unadmitted asset
事实上承认de facto recognition
以部分履行承认债务acknowledgment by partial performance
债务人承认债务acknowledgement by debtor of debt
债权得到承认或履行obtain satisfaction or recognition of a claim
1958 年纽约关于承认和执行外国仲裁裁决的公约1958. 6. 10Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, 1958
承认的汇票orders acknowledged
承认一切权益full interest admitted
承认仲裁裁决recognition of the award
承认仲裁裁决的法院判决entry of judgement on an award
承认债务acknowledgement of liability
承认对方的债权recognize a claim
承认及执行外国民事和商务判决公约Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters
承认无海岸线国家悬旗权利公约Convention Recognizing the Right to a Flag of States having no Sea-coast
承认的撤回withdrawal of recognition
承认外国裁决recognition of judgements
承认订单条款approval of order clause
承认责任admission of liability
承认船舶适航条款seaworthiness admitted clause
承认适航能力条款seaworthiness admitted clause
承认acknowledgement money
拒绝承认外国判决refusal of recognition
按销售基础承认收益法sales basis of revenue recognition
撒回承认withdrawal of recognition
时效期满后承认债务acknowledgement after expiration of the limitation period
明文承认express recognition
明示承认express recognition
欧洲经济共同体关于司法管辖权和承认及执行判决的公约Convention relating to Judicial Jurisdiction and Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements of the EEC
法律上承认的公司de jure corporation
法律上的承认de jure recognition
票据的互相承认reciprocal recognition of negotiable instruments
被告承认cognovit actionem
认购承诺underwriting commitment
请求承认或执行仲裁裁决seek recognition or enforcement of an award
默示承认tacit recognition
默示承认implied recognition