
Terms containing 批处理 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.串行批处理系统serial batch system
construct.串行成批处理系统serial batch system
IT交互式成批处理interactive batch processing
tech.交互成批处理interactive batch processing
tech.共享批处理shared batch area
oil批处理batch handling
plast.批处理batch treating
busin.批处理disposition of lot
math.批处理batch processing
met.批处理batch treatment
tech.批处理batch handling (法)
met.批处理反应器batch reactor
tech.批处理方式batch processing mode
tech.批处理方式batch process mode
agric.批处理batch processor
met.批处理batch method of treatment
met.批处理batch method
tech.批处理method of batch treatment
manag.批处理batch processing method
dril.加重或堵漏等批处理batch method
econ.批处理a batch method of treatment
tech.批处理batch treatment method
met.批处理batch furnace
tech.批处理batch kiln
tech.分批数据处理batch data processing
tech.分批热处理炉batch oven
met.分批装出料的室式热处理炉periodical furnace
IT分时延期批处理方式time sharing deferred-batch mode
proj.manag.动态 SQL 批处理内由用户设置的 SET 选项仅在该批处理的持续时间内有效SET options that are set by a user within a dynamic SQL batch apply only for the duration of that batch
IT单流成批处理single-stream batch processing
met.卧式分批热处理炉horizontal batch furnace
securit.即时成批处理real time batch processing
textile批处理multibatch processing
tech.批处理multi batch processing
fin.多批交收处理程序batch settlement run
busin.多项目批量处理法lot-size inventory management interpolation technique
IT实时批处理real time batch processing
mil., air.def.实时批处理监控器real-time batch monitor
el.实时批处理监测器real-time batch monitor
tech.实时成批处理real-time batch processing
telecom.就地成批处理local batch processing
IT局部成批处理local batch processing
tech.常规批量处理conventional lot processing
met.底式分批热处理炉car-bottom batch-type heat treatment furnace
tech.废料分批处理batch treatment of wastes
tech.废物分批处理batch treatment of wastes
el.快速批处理quick batch
comp.批处理batch processing
textile批处理batch handling
tech.批处理disposition of lot
telecom.批处理bulk processing
busin.批处理mass treatment
anim.husb.园艺产品批处理bulk handling
comp.批处理batch process
met.批处理中断batch processing interrupt
tech.批处理中断batch process interrupt
tech.批处理作业stacked job
telecom.批处理文件batch file
tech.批处理方式batch processing mode
tech.批处理方式batch process mode
tech.批处理bulk processed
tech.批处理监督程序batch processing monitor
tech.批处理监督程序batch process monitor
telecom.批处理程序batch program
tech.批处理系统batch processing system
tech.批处理系统batch process system
met.批处理终端batch terminal
IT成批〔连续〕题目处理stacked job processing
tech.成批交互式处理网batch and interactive network
busin.成批作业处理batch job processing
tech.成批作业处理stacked job processing
tech.成批作业处理batched job processing
el.成批信息处理batch message processing
tech.成批和交互式处理网batch and interactive network
tech.成批式数据处理batch-mode data processing
busin.成批或交互式处理网络batch and interactive network
busin.成批报文处理batch message processing
tech.成批报文处理程序batch message processing programme
tech.成批报文处理程序batch message process program
IT成批数据处理batch data processing
econ.成批数据处理the batch data processing
expl.成批数据处理batch processing
tech.成批文电处理程序batch message processing programme
tech.成批文电处理程序batch message process program
el.批信息[报文]处理程序batch message processing program
IT批信息处理batch message processing
telecom.批处理stacked data processing
IT批处理batch processing
environ.批处理batch process A process that is not in continuous or mass production; operations are carried out with discrete quantities of material or a limited number of items (不连续或者大量制造的处理过程。操作以离散数量的材料或者有限数量的物品而执行。)
space批处理仿真batch processing simulation
el.批处理分时监督程序batch time-sharing monitor
AI.批处理协议batch protocol
exhib.批处理参数batch parameters
space批处理batch processor
el.批处理多语言操作系统batch processing multi-language operating system
el.批处理多语言操作系统batchprocessing multi-language operating system
IT批处理情报检索batch processing information retrieval
tech.批处理技术batch processing technic
tech.批处理技术batch process technic
el.批处理控制区batch control area
el.批处理操作系统batch processing operating system
telecom.批处理操作系统batch-processing operating system
multimed.批处理文件batch file
proj.manag.批处理文件传输batch file transmission
proj.manag.批处理文件传输缩写为 BFTbatch file transmission
IT批处理文件文件名后缀.cmd (Windows NT/ 2000操作系统中,为了与 DOS (磁盘操作系统)和 Windows 9x 有所区别,以 .cmd 作批处理文件的扩 展名)
proj.manag.批处理文件的执行batch processing
expl.批处理桶排序法Bucker Sort Method
tech.批处理batch method
el.批处理监督程序batch processing monitor
el.批处理磁盘操作系统batch disk operating system
el.批处理程序batch processing program
telecom.批处理程序batch program
AI.批处理算法Batch Algorithm
proj.manag.批处理系统batch system
telecom.批处理系统batch process system
tech.批处理系统batch processing system
busin.批处理终端batch terminal
el.批处理终端控制器batch terminal controller
IT批处理终端机batch terminal
el.批处理终端模拟程序batch terminal simulator
AI.批处理训练batch training
el.批处理通信程序batch communication program
el.批数据处理batch data processing
adv.批次处理batch processing
busin.批的处理方法disposal of lot
space批解调处理batch demodulation processing
oil批量处理batch processing
busin.批量处理order processing
tech.批量处理方式batch processing mode
tech.批量处理方式batch process mode
math.批量处理系统batch processing system
tech.批量处理系统batch process system
oil批量数据处理batch data processing
securit.批量结算处理程序batch settlement run
el.数据成批处理batched data processing
el.数据成批处理batch data processing
adv.批处理batch processing
IT批处理系统batch processing system
el.智能远程批处理终端intelligent remote batch terminal
proj.manag.暂停执行批处理文件、 并显示一条消息Suspend processing of a batch file and display a message
el.批处理机共享last-batch-processor sharing
space本地成批处理local batch processing
mil., air.def.相对批处理监督程序relative batch monitor
tech.程序批处理programme batch process
tech.程序批处理program batch process
tech.第一类批处理type 1 batch
tech.第二类批处理type 2 batch
manag.线上整批处理系统on-line batch processing system
econ.线外整批处理系统off-line batch processing system
IT联机批处理online batch processing
IT联机批处理系统online batch processing system
telecom.联机批处理系统on-line batch processing
tech.联机成批处理on-line batch processing
tech.联机成批处理系统on-line batch processing system
tech.联机批量处理on-line batch processing
cryptogr.联邦信息处理标准已批准安全方法FIPS-approved security method
telecom.脱机批处理系统off-line batch processing system
IT脱机成批处理系统off-line batch processing system
comp.脱机批量处理系统off-line batch processing system
IT脱机远程 处理off-line remote batch
proj.manag.自动批处理文件AUTOEXEC. BAT
IT自动执行的批处理文件automatically executing batch file
multimed.自动执行的批处理文件automatically executed batch file
logist.订单批处理order batch
econ.请即回函告知这批机械及设备的处理办法,是将货退给你们,还是暂存我处留待你方处理Please inform us by return mail what we shall deal with the machinery and equipment Shall we return them to you or hold them at your disposal?
met.车底式分批热处理炉car-bottom batch-type furnace
dat.proc.远程批处理remote batch processing
el.远程批处理模块remote batch module
mil., air.def.远程批处理监督程序remote batch monitor
el.远程批处理系统remote batch system
el.远程批处理终端remote batch terminal
el.远程批处理终端仿真器remote batch terminal emulator
el.远程批处理终端模块remote batch terminal module
el.远程分批处理remote batch processing
met.远程成批处理remote batch (processing)
telecom.远程成批处理remote batch processing
tech.远程成批处理remote batch
IT远程成批处理系统remote batch processing system
IT远程成批处理终端remote batch terminals
tech.远程成批处理终端remote batch terminal
IT远程成批处理终端系统remote batch terminal system
mil., air.def.远程成批处理设备remote batch facility
tech.遥控批量处理remote batch process
tech.集中成批处理center batch processing
agric., busin.顺序成批处理sequential batch processing
agric., busin.顺序批量处理sequential batch processing