
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
散制度a non-proliferation regime
散制度non-proliferation regime
不能防止大的损坏the non-localized damage
业务展归功于你方的努力The expansion of business is creditable to your efforts
丝织品的销路很好而且日趋There is a great and growing market for our silk manufactures
为了符合我们大业务的愿望,我们已决定接受你方为代理人In conformity with our desire to enlarge business, we have decided to accept you as our agent
从对男式西服的需求不断大这一事实来看,我们可以增加供应Judging from the fact that demand for the mans suit is ever expanding, we will be able to increase the supply
他们在展业务上取得很大进展They've gained much headway in expanding their business
他们曾打算购买必要的设备以大生产They contemplated a purchase of necessary equipment for the expansion of production
价值的展形式expanded form of value
企业充准备reserve for business expansion
企业plant expansion
伽罗瓦the Galois extension
作业之expanding the operation
信用credit expansion
修缮与improvement and extension
倍数multiple expansion
利益散理论the trick-down theory
前向forward integration
美国的加强散控制建议Enhanced Proliferation Control Initiative
加速大, 阶梯式stepup
原子能散机an atomic diffusion machine
双重展法double extension method
双重展法double-extension method
展的分类open classes
因经营规模大而增加成本费用diseconomy of scale
因经营规模大而得到的经济节约economy of scale
国内信用domestic credit expansion
将寄去保险附加单一张,大保险范围把陆运险也包括在内A rider to the policy will be sent, which extends the policy to cover overland insurance
工业industrial expansion
工作大化work enlargement
工厂建基金plant expansion fund
工厂法充条例factory acts extension
工厂的建部分extension to works
市场的expansion of market
美国 1962 年大贸易法Trade Expansion Act of 1962
应由双方来决定展金限制销售合同The decision to enlarge or limit contracts of sale should be made by the two parties
建筑与construction and addition
建筑与增添construction and additions
总周转及充用现金gross cash flow
成熟和影响大阶段maturity and expansion of influence
我们将感谢你方努力大交易额的意愿Your intention of endeavouring to enlarge the turnover will receive our appreciation
我们已大接触面,以便有效地推销新产品We have widened our contracts to promote the new product effectively
我们很遗憾得知你们为了大生产所做的努力未能成功We regret to note that your efforts to expand production have been unproductive
我们必须充推销员队伍We have to expand our sales force
我们必须尽力大销路We must do what we can to broaden sales
我们注意到他们已大了业务范围,并设立了出口部We note that they have extended their scope of business, and set up an export department
我们盼望能有机会同你方合作,展你方业务We hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension
我方要尽力在本地区大销售We shall use our best exertion to widen sales in the area
充基金expandable fund
在业务等方面充范围branch out
充资金expandable fund
充轨迹expansion path
汇价波动幅度widening of margins in (exchange rate fluctuation)
增加生产push the production
工作范围broaden the scope of (work)
开辟财源open up explore new sources of revenue
大业务widen the business
大业务expansion of business
大优惠信贷extend concessional credit
大体系augmented system
大保险批单extended coverage endorsement
大公共事业expansion of public works
大再生产extended reproduction
大再生产reproduction on a progressively increasing scale
大再生产the enlarged reproduction
大再生产reproduction on an enlarged scale
大再生产expansion of reproduction
大再生产expand reproduction
大出口expand export
美国大出口计划Export Enhancement Program
大利润wider margins
外汇大变动幅度widening of the band
大均衡expanding equilibrium
大工作job enlargement
大差幅wider band
大市场broaden a market
大技术援助方案an expanded program of technical assistance
大技术援助计划expanded technical assistance program
大抽样the extensive sampling
大援助expansion of aid
大时期enlarged period
大生产能力的迫切需要pressure on capacity
对于大生产能力的需要capacity needs
大的价值形态expanded form of value
大的价值形态the expanded form of value
大的准入政策简写为EAPenlarged access policy
大的核实the amplified verification
大的核査amplified verification
大的社会参与the enlarged community participation
大的社会参与enlarged community participation
大盈利widening of margins
大积累enlarge the accumulation
大耕地面积bring more expand land under cultivation
大贸易trade expansion
大资本the widening of capital
大赢利the wider margin
大赢利the widening of margins
大销售widen transaction
展中的工业expand industry
展产业拨款the appropriation for addition of property
展因子expansion factor
展因数expansion factor
展市场expansion of market
展律rate of expansion
展性的动力expansionary impetus
展效果spread effect
展期period of expansion
展经营规模的投资expansion investment
展航线extension of route
生产能力展计划expansion programme
生产能力展计划expansion program
展贸易expand trade
展途径expansion path
建和改良addition and betterment
建投资expansion investments
建计划expansion project
建还是保持现状expansion vs status quo
建项目expansion project
张周期expansion cycle
张性预算an expansionary budget
张效果expansion effect
张营业expansion of business
张路线expansion path
散指数diffusion index
按比率scale up
提高收益的建支出income-expansion expenditure
支岀大渠道expenditure expansion path
建项目rehabilitation/expansion project
改良及improvements and extensions
改良和improvement and expansion
无限大积累unlimited expansion of accumulation
根据条件,此类信息的散受到限制The dissemination of such information is restricted according to the regulations
根据目前形势,我认为这不会是大业务的有效措施I don't think this will prove to be an effective measure to widen business according to the present situation
横向lateral integration
横向horizontal expansion
流量增路线flow augmenting path
现有资产the addition to existing assets
生产张路线expansion path in production
生产的expansion of product
生产能力充投资capacity expansion investment
由于目前制造的产品满足不了需求,我们决定大生产Because we cannot manufacture enough products to satisfy the demand at present, we have decided to enlarge our production
甲方无权改变、大或削减订货The first party shall have no authority to alter vt., enlarge, or reduce order
略微大的幅度slightly wider margins
真正的难题是大原始市场,而不是仅在规模已经确定的市场中抢占较大份额The real challenge is to expand the primary market rather than simply fight for a larger share in a fixed size market
社会主义大再生产socialist extended reproduction
移置和规模大效应displacement and scale effects
税收散理论diffusion theory of taxation
系统充项目system expansion project
累积散指数cumulative diffusion index
纵向vertical expansion
经济展模型expanding economy model
经济展理论theory of economic expansion
经济expansion of economy
经济economic expansion
经济周期的展期business cycle expansion
经济周期的展期expansion business-cycle
经营规模大所造成的经济节约和浪费economy and diseconomy of scale
能量充投资capacity expansion investment
该公司大了在西非的业务范围The company expands its operation in the West Africa
该公司打算展业务,却遭到了失败The company was frustrated in an attempt to expand their business
该工厂正在采取一切负责的措施,以保证充生产设施The factory is taking all responsible steps to ensure the expansion of production facilities
贷款的extension of credit
贸易trade expansion
费用大线途径cost expansion path
资产the addition of assets
资产addition of assets
资产改建与assets betterments and additions
资本capital widening
资本支出的expansion capital-expenditure
趋于大的通货膨胀cumulative inflation
逐年展计划rolling plan
附有大工程量预算书with approximate quantities
需求expansionary demand
需求张性demand expansibility
领土张热land hunger