
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
与某人发生争haggle with (sb.)
专利patent licence
两天前,我们中止了关于这些进口商品质量低劣的争We had hiatus in our dispute over the inferior quality of the imported goods two days ago
为了行现有租约中赋予双方的权利和权力,该租约中的任何条款不得违反In pursuance of the rights and power vested in both parties by the now existing lease, any of the terms in the lease shall not be breached
为方便起见,本合同可按若干份副本同时予以This contract may be executed for convenience sake in a few counterparts
主席董事长行董事chairman and managing director
主要行人chief operating officer
主要行者major executives
主要行者principal agent
与…有at odds (with)
中的问题question in dispute
已由仲裁解决The dispute has been settled by arbitration
的问题question in dispute
事实上,该律师的做法是,什么对案件有利就去行什么In fact, the attorney carries out whatsoever is expedient for the case
新加坡发给经营亚洲美元业务银行的亚洲货币Asian Currency Licence
他们向你们保证一定迅速、仔细地行你方的订单They assure you of the prompt and careful execution of your order
他们希望你方认真考虑质量,行合同They hope you will seriously take the quality into account and execute the contract
他们被授权代表该公司行合同They are empowered to execute contracts on behalf of the firm
他正作出努力以获得争的解决He is endeavour-ing to secure the settlement of the dispute
仲裁人应该是双方间争的公正裁决者An arbitrator should be an impartial judge of the disputes between the two parties
仲裁裁决的enforceability of the award
仲裁裁决的the enforceability of the award
任何违反协议条款之处都必然引起争Any deviation from the clauses of the agreement is sure to cause disputes
瑞士行价选择权low exercise price options
作出责成被告具体行判决enter a judgment providing for specific performance
你们仍有许多订单尚待You still have quite a lot of executory orders
你们应该行你方代表所签的协议You ought to fulfil the agreement which was signed by your representative
你方拒绝为待行的合同开证,甚感遗憾We are sorry for your refusal to establish L/C for the pending contract
停止stay enforcement (判决式仲裁裁决)
停止行条约suspension of operation of treaty
免税证明duty free certificate
全面性业务full licence
公司所得照税corporate income licencing tax
公司营业certificate of incorporation
关于停止行判决的裁决a decision to oppose an enforcement formula
出境回exit receipt
利润改善计划与行情况评价profit improvement plan and performance evaluation
advice of delivery
劳资争industrial dispute
协议行中对其条款作任何变动,都会打乱我们的计划Any change in the terms of the agreement during its execution would upset our plan
行仲裁裁决的通知notice of compliance with the award
双方在权利或义务方面发生争,将通过协商予以解决Any dispute between the parties in connection with the right or duties will be settled by consultation
双方应按照国家法律对本合同予以解释,阐明并加以Both parties shall construct, interpret and enforce this contract according to the laws of the state
双方应确保本协议行的合法性Both parties shall ensure the legality of the performance of this agreement
双轨dual chartering
可依法强制行的裁决an award enforceable at law
可依法强制行的裁决the award enforceable at law
合同行人executioner of contract
合同一经签订,双方就有义务去Both parties are liable for the contract's execution once it was signed
合同的execution of a contract
合同的条款将在明日开始The terms of the contract will begin to be enforced tomorrow
合营企业经批准和登记后可凭照营业The joint venture cart start operation under license after it is authorized and registered
吊销cancellation of licence
吨税a tonnage dues certificate
商业回business reply cards
商事争trade dispute
善意票人bona-fide holder
reply coupon
已向公司登记处备案The return has been filed with the registrar of companies
the fee for acknowledgment of receipt
规则而争haggle for (rules)
因为你方撤约的威胁毫无道理,你方仍必须行协议Because your threat of cancellation is unjustified, you are still obliged to carry out the agreement
国家预算行情况implementation of the state budget
国际投资争仲裁法arbitration-international investment disputes-act
地方行机构local executing agency
地方一级计划和行单位local-level planning and implementing unit
外币兑换money exchanger's license
如投标人未能行公司的指令,则保证金予以没收The bonds will be forfeited if the bidder fails to execute the company's instructions
如果我们通过谈判不能友好地解决任何与行合同有关的争执,那我方将不得不付诸法律诉讼If we cannot amicably settle any dispute about the fulfilment of the contract through negotiation, we have to resort to legal proceedings
如果技术员对工程师就任何设计所提出的异议有争,这类争执可提请总工程师作出裁决If the technician disputes the disapproval by the engineer of any design, such disputes may be referred to the chief engineer for decision
宏观经济平均行情况average macroeconomic performance
审计准则行委员会Auditing Standard Executive Committee
安大学社会研究所Institute for Social Research University of Michigan
对新规则的行进展顺利The implementation of new rules is going on smoothly
将来我们一定严格按照条款行合同For the future, we will be sure to execute the orders strictly in accordance with the clauses
尚未行的证券买卖委托good-till-canceled GTC order
尚未行的证券买卖委托open order
尽快push along with (the redevelopment, proposal, etc., 提议等)
尽快push forward with (the redevelopment, proposal, etc., 提议等)
尽快push on with (the redevelopment, proposal, etc., 提议等)
尽快行合同make good the contract soon
工人必须行总工程师发出的任何涉及该工程事宜的命令和指示The workers shall carry out the chief engineers instructions and directions on any matter touching the works
1927年日内瓦关于行外国仲裁裁决的Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards (Geneva, 1927)
年纽约关于承认和行外国仲裁裁决的公约Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards New York, 10 June 1958 1958
广告回business reply cards
延期stay of execution
强制行传票judgement summons
强制行判决the authorization to enforce
强制行判决的法院命令an order for enforcement
强制行的机构the enforcing authority
忠诚行任务the faithful performance of a task
恢复行合同recovery of performance
我们听说你们昨天在洽谈时对付款方式发生了争We heard that you were haggling over the mode of payment during the talk yesterday
我们将尽快行你方订货We'll execute your order as soon as practicable
我们要求助于仲裁来解决本合同行中发生的一切争论We shall have recourse to arbitration to settle any dispute that may arise during the execution of this contract
我们阅读并理解了前述条件,同意完全行这项订单We have read and understood the foregoing conditions, and agree to execute the order to the full
我公司代理必须是领到正式照的推销员或经纪人Our agent must be a duly licensed salesman or broker
我方同意在借款全部还清后立即行本协议We agree to execute the agreement immediately after the loan has been fully paid
我相信在行合同中引起的争端一定会以双方都感到满意的方式得到解决I believe that the dispute arising from the execution of the contract will surely be settled to the satisfaction of both parties
注册会计师certified accountant
特许会计师chartered accountant
业会计法Certified Public Accountant Law
the law enforcement
法人员law enforcement official
法机构law enforcement agency
照会计师chartered accountant
照使用申请a licensed applicant
照有效期license term
照期满expiration of licence
照税excise tax
照税the license tax
营业照税tax on licenses
票人支票a bear check
行业务股东managing partner (合伙人)
行事务the execution of business
行令writ of execution
行仲裁administer arbitration
行仲裁裁决的权力power to enforce awards
行任务exercise of one's duty
行信托业务的权利trust power
行决策execution of a decision
行判决令writ of execution
强制行判决的出售sale in execution
行副总经理the executive vice-president
行副行长the executive vice-president
行受益benefit of execution
行各项订单engage with order
行合同the execution of contract
行合同execute contract
行周期an execution cycle
行国外仲裁裁决enforcement of foreign arbitral award
行基金performance fund
行委员会an executive board
行局the executive board
行工程任务和付款保证金performance and payment bonds
行循环an execution cycle
财政计划 行情况performance report
行手续executive proceedings
行措施enforcement measures
行期implementation period
行机关execution organ
行机构implementing agency
行权benefit of execution
行权力enforcement power
行比率performance ratio
行状final process
行管理报告executive management report
行董事会the executive board
行规章的活动regulatory activities
行订单fulfil the order
行责任performance responsibility
行遗嘱委任状letter testamentary
行部门executive agency
行部门executing agency
行错误error of performance
行预算utilization of budget
行预算performance of budget
行预算performance budget
联合国技术援助行局Bureau of Technical Assistance Ope rations
按最优惠价fill at the most favourable price
按月分期摊付的第一笔款项须随同本协议的行一起支付The first of such monthly installments shall be paid simultaneously with the fulfillment of this agreement
按月分期摊付的第一笔款项须随同本协议的行一起支付The first of such monthly installments shall be paid simultaneously with the fulfilment of this agreement
授权地方当局自行斟酌行的法规permissive legislation
撤销营业nullification of business licence
撤销营业hand in one's business licence for cancellation
收音机broadcast receiving licences (费)
改期宣布强制行判决令adjourn the granting of leave to issue execution
旅行travel warrant
照的放债者unlicensed money-lender
最后,他们会对所发生的争提供一份书面决定或公断书They will render a decision or award in writing upon such disputes finally
照的船documented vessel
照的货船documented vessel
照的车站搬运工ticket porter
行力的仲裁裁决an enforceable award
行力的裁决executory judgement
行力的裁决enforcement award
行效力的判决an executory judgement
有强制行效力的文书an executory instrument
有强制行效力的文件executory instrument
有立即行效力的immediately executory
有立即强制行的文书document subject to immediate enforcement or execution
行的仲裁the non-administered arbitration
行的委托命令good-till-canceled GTC order
行的委托命令open order
行的订单an unexecuted order
本协议一经行,美国钢铁公司同意付给东方饭店有限公司 5000美元作预付租金Upon execution of this agreement, the United, States Steel Corporation agrees to pay to the Oriental Hotel Ltd. $5000 as advance royalties
本合同一经行,贵方则须交付定金On the fulfilment of this contract, you are to deposit the earnest money
根据贸易惯例,双方一经签订合同,就有义务According to trade practice n., both parties are liable for the performance of the contract
正当票人holder in due coarse
汽车car licence
法院可以裁决提交仲裁的争The court may decide a dispute which is referable to arbitration
注册照书certificate of registration
狩猎照税hunters licence tax
独立会计师certificate of independent public accountant (证书)
由于不可抗力,他们无法行这些订单Owing to force majeure they cannot execute these orders
由于设备出了故障,我们无法行合同Because of the breakdown of the equipment, we can not execute our contract
甲方在行该合同中发生任何变动应通知乙方,反之亦然Party A shall inform party B of any change in carrying out the contract, and vice
申请行判决的程序the procedure of obtaining enforcement
申请中止行判决application for a suspension of judgement
申请强制行判决的诉讼an action to enforce judgements
申请强制行判决的诉讼an enforcement action
申请强制行判决的诉讼the action to enforce judgement
电视照费television license fees
秘书将合同所附的行备忘录复印件交给部门主管The secretary gave the department head the duplicated executing memoranda supplemental to the contract
税务行费用compliance cost
立即生效行的合同executed contract
约翰被指定为他哥哥遗嘱的行人John was made executor of his brother's will
票人付款的汇票a check receipted by the holder
经济economic administration of justice
国内经纪人domestic brokerage license
缔约一方在任何时候不得采取任何干扰行合同的行动One party shall not at any time commit any act which will interfere with the execution of the contract
缴销营业hand in one's business licence for cancellation
美国的私人企业家强制行团Business Executive Enforcement Team
联合国技术援助行局United Nations Bureau of Technical Assistance Operation
联合运输行人combined transport operator
联邦行计划Federal Implementation Plan
联邦合同行计划办公室Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
船舶ship license
营业trading certificate
营业business licence
营业照费franchise fee
衡平法庭所发赞同判决行的令状writ of assistance
补救多种缺陷的工作应由承运商Such work of making good imperfections shall be executed by the contractor
解决国家间与各国民间投资争公约convention on the settlement of investment disputes between states and national of other states
计划的implementation of the programme
许可证交易行人协会Licensing Executives Society
许可证持有者应行许可证条款The licensee must execute the terms of the licence
诉讼争points in issue
诉讼争event at issue
该店主拥有一切经营其业务所需的许可证、照和特许权The shopowner owns all permits, licenses and franchises necessary for operation of its business
请寄一份由贵方或贵方代表所行的销售备忘录Please send us a copy of sales memo executed by you or on your behalf
请求行一经济案件的判决seek enforcement of the judgement of an economic case
请求承认或行仲裁裁决see recognition or enforcement of an award
贷款计划之implementation of financing program
输出export licence
迅速行订单expeditious execution of the order
进口照的竞争性拍卖competitive auction of import licenses
通常是败诉的一方应付给由于行诉讼而产生的费用或支出Usually it is the party losing the suit that should pay the costs or expenses arising from the prosecution of such suit
遗嘱行人letter of testamentary
合同的部分partial performance
部门the sector executive (制)
限制性银行restricted license
美国零售自动行系统retail automated execution system
项目行机构project execution agency
项目行机构project executing agency
项目行步骤project execution procedure
项目行计划project execution plans
项目的implementation of project
预算的budget implementation
预算的budget execution
预计预算行情况budgeted performance
首先,建筑师应解释合同条件,并就行情况进行裁决In the first instance n., the architect shall interpret the conditions of the contract and judge its performance
首席行官chief executive officer