
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一副老式账日常工作的腔调green eyeshade
上周旅店客预定数急剧增加Hotel bookings rose sharply last week
不合格的住条件inadequate housing
两兄弟共同拥有这幢The two brothers are co-owners of the house
中方职工住补助金housing subsidies for Chinese staff and workers
为租用店所花的租金、税款、维修费和类似的费用,应由双方公平分担All rents, taxes, upkeep and similar costs for the rented store shall be fairly shared by both parties
为筹措租而举行的舞会rent party
事务部rent of general office
银行价值分析10要素产品利润、人员、个性、有形传输系统、组合、产品、程序、产和财产、计划化、潜力profit, people, personality, physical delivery system, portfolio, products, processes, plant and property, planning, potential
他们为了开办一个企业把子都抵押出去了They mortgaged their houses to start a business
他们以低于市价出售They sold the house at below the market price
他们以每月分期付款200美元的方式买下了这所新They have bought the new house by pay installments of $200 a month
他们按成本加佣金,对这幢子收费They charged for the house on a cost-plus basis
他们没钱支付购款,因为他们破了产They can not pay for the house because they are broke
他们目前经营厨用具They are dealing in kitchen implements at present
他变卖了部分地产,付清了他的全部账单He discharged all his reckonings by selling part of his real assets
他已将契放入银行保存He has deposited the deeds of the house with the bank
他是一项有价值的地产的租借人He is the leaseholder of a valuable property
他购置了一些可移动的家具放在其租得的屋里He bought and placed some movable furniture in his leased premises
低成本住计划low-cast housing project
residential structure
不足housing shortage
与城市发展问题特设专家小组Ad Hoc Group of Experts of Housing and Urban Development
中心housing center
house plot
建筑开工数housing starts
建设开支housing expenditure
建设计划housing project
投资保证housing investment guaranties
支出的财政补贴housing grants-in-aid
housing act
津贴housing subsidies
空闲情况调查vacancy survey
营建批准数housing permits
规划housing programming
调査表housing questionnaire
贷款保证保险housing loan guarantee insurance
贷款银行委员会Home Loan Bank Board
信托地产trust estate
假定的住费用assumed shelter cost
public housing
公共住public housing
出租屋的闲置rental vacancy rate
出租人与承租人兹同意遵照合同所规定的条件,由出租人出租并由承租人承租本合同中所述的The lessor hereby leases to the lessee and the lessee hereby hires and takes by lease from the lessor the house described herein under the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement
出租住空闲率the vacancy rate in rental housing
出租住空闲率vacancy rate in rental housing
分间出租供住宿的lodgement house
单人single bedroom
卖方已将该产转交给买方了The seller has turned the premises over to the buyer
与设备的折价物trade-in of plant and equipment
及设备投资plant-and-equipment expenditure
和设备property plant and equipment
和设备周转率turnover of plant and equipment
和设备的交换exchanges of plant and equipment
和设备的强制更换involuntary conversion of plant and equipment
设备更新the rejuvenation of plant
资产升值the plant appreciation
资产增值the plant appreciation
双人double bed room
旅馆双人double-bed room
商业企业的屋和设备commercial facility
商人the commercial room
商店里的厨设备展览吸引了不少顾客A display of kitchen equipment in the shop attracted many customers
固定厂设备fixed plant
国家住建设计划public housing programme
国家住建设计划public housing program
土地及产税tax on land and buildings
在不必逐出让与人的情况下,受让人有权使用及占有此The grantee has the right to use and occupy the premises without eviction of the grantor
在取得产主人的书面同意之后,承租人方得占用该房产After the written approval of the Landlord is obtained the tenant may take possession of the premises
在市中心有几幢子要卖There are several properties for sale in the centre of the town
在秋季的这几个月中,旅馆的住率高达90%During the autumn months the occupancy rate in the hotel was up to 90%
大楼和周围屋的里里外外都应保持清洁The interior and exterior of the buildings and of the surrounding premises should be kept clean
夫妻共有the spouse's joint estate
她把自己的钱一整笔投进地产生意She invested her money as a lump sum in real estate
如果您想在里与客人一道进午餐,可打电话通知客房服务部If you want to have your lunch with your guest in the room, just dial room service
如果承租人有意把产的一部分转让给别人,须首先得到业主的同If the tenant wants to repledge a part of the premises, he shall first get the permission of the owner
已收house rnet received
已查看了该The house has been surveyed
廉价住工程economy-class housing production
与贷款协会building and loan association
互助会building society
建筑中的building under construction
建筑物和厂building and premises
我从东那里租得这套公寓房间I hired from the landlord the flat
我们对这产估价太高We set too high a valuation on the premises
我们工厂生产环动式组装Our factory manufactures circular modular houses
主同意承租人每半年向他付一次款The landlord agrees that the tenant pays to him in semi-annual payments
主房屋的闲置率homeowner vacancy rate
产市场property market
产税的大部分负担都转嫁到房客身上Most of the burden of property taxes is shifted to the tenants
号已订完booked up
地产real property (taxes, 税)
地产immovable property
地产投资信托real estate investment trust
地产或不动产公司real estate agency (companies)
地产中间商an estate agent
地产买卖手续费closing cost
地产出售property transaction
地产原理principle of real estate
地产投机商an operator in real estate
地产投资信托real estate investment trust
地产税tax on land and buildings
地产税house duty
地产税housing and land tax
地契real estate title deeds
tittle deeds for houses
title deeds for houses
property deeds
客同意不把他租的房子转租给别人The tenant agreed not to underlet the house he rented
屋与地基house and lot
屋修缮业repair of houses
屋倾倒条款a fallen clause
屋出租a house to let
屋建筑标准合同制订联合会joint contract tribunal for standard form of building contract
屋建筑用合同条款building contract forms
屋建造费率building rate
屋拆除house breaking
屋服务费用building service expenses
屋的租金是按政府公布的费用标准支付的The rent of the house was paid at the published rate by the government
屋租费house lease
屋税house tax
屋维修造价情报公司The building maintenance cost information service Ltd
屋设计费大大超过我们的预算The cost of designing the house considerably exceeds our calculations
屋贷款协会building-and-loan association
屋造价指标cost of new construction indices
建社团building society
租津贴quarter's allowance
租津贴the quarters allowance
租津贴quarter allowance
租的最高标准ceiling on rent
雇主租给雇工的tied cottage
housing shortage
承租人应得到产主许可,方能将空出的建筑物转租The tenant has to get the permission of the landlord to relet the vacated promises
拆迁民补偿办法compensation for civilian houses to be dismantled and rebuilt elsewhere
拖欠behindhand with one's rent
拖欠的back rent
提高force up the rents
屋开工housing start
新厂和新设备投资额expenditure on new plant and equipment
旅馆专供商人会谈的commercial room
旅馆客hotel accommodation
未经业主许可,该产不得转让给他人Without the permission of the owner the house premises shall be non-assignable
极低廉的nominal rent
根据其遗嘱,她所有的产留给她的丈夫According to her will, all her premises is left to her husband
根据法律,该公司的产将按时扣留和征收cording to law, the premises of the company shall be duly withheld and collected
此通告将在地产所在地的建筑物上以显著地位展示The notice will be prominently displayed upon the buildings at the premises
每当新客住进那套房间,房主总要把房租提高5%The landlord puts up the rent by 5% every time a new tenant moves into that flat
汤姆对这幢子的报价为一万美元,亚历山大却报出 15 000 美元Tom made an offer of $10.000 for Ms house, and Alexander replies with a counteroffer of $15000
没有通知他们并得到他们同意,这些屋不能转让These houses cant be transferred without notification to them and their consent
海关customs shed
清除占地占the squatter clearance
独立住宅中可供出租的富余granny flats
独立住宅中可供出租的富余accessory apartment
现送上我公司最近发行的塑料厨用品目录,贵公司对此可能感兴趣We are enclosing a copy of our recent catalogue of plastic kitchenware which may possibly interest you
用纸牌做的house of cards
皇家测量师学会屋造价情报所the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Building Cost Information Service
破产者对地产所拥有的权利将被剥夺The right of the bankrupt to his real estate shall be divest-ed
价值论box-office value theory
收入the box-office take
租地造building lease
租用屋装修leasehold improvement
vacant position
the vacant possession
岀售广告用语vacancy possession
条款a vacancy clause
纸牌做的house of cards
腾出vacate the premises
腾出空vacate (或空地)
自即日起,甲方租给乙方该产,为期3年,年租金为人民币5000元Party A leases to Party B the premises for the term of 3 years from the date hereof at the yearly rental of RMB ¥5000
自建厂self-designed factory buildings
营业用屋账户an office building account
主去年在不动产经营中赚了 18 万美元The Landlord made $180.000 from real estate deals last year
产享有为期至少两年的有效使用期限The premise has a useful life of at least 2 years
该公司的上述屋侵占了人行道,应予改建The said premises of the corporation encroach-ed the pavement and should be improved on
a bookkeeper's department
cashier's department
book keeper
accountant and secretary (先生)
出售the garage sale
过期未付的back rent
这家公司租借了一些有价值的地产The company has some valuable leaseholds
这幢子租金低廉The house is let at an economical rent
这栋楼可以居住了The building is ready for occupation
配给的house of cards
银行在允诺商业地产投资同时附加了一个条件The bank attached a condition to the promise of the investment in the commercial real estate
银行接受屋抵押The bank accepted a mortgage on a house
附属granny flats
附属accessory apartment
限额分配屋抵押贷款ration mortgages
额外费用应由买子的那些人负担Those who bought the houses should bear the extra expenses
美国高额heavy rent