
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
不可分割的地产impartible estate
为出售、岀租建speculative building
head lessee
租津贴monetary allowance in lieu of quarters
低价经济地区low cost housing area
低价住low cost housing
低价住地区low-cost housing area
低价住计划low-cost housing project
低价住计划low cost housing project
分期付款homeowner costs
分配allocation of housing space
分配allocation of housing
建筑执照housing permit
抵押贷款home mortgage
标准housing standard
供出租的tenement houses
元件厂house organ
全食宿full pension
公寓单元living unit
办公用office accomodation
与设备投资plant and equipment investment
与设备租赁合同contract of lease of plant and equipment
出租者lessor of plant
和设备强制更换involuntary conversion of plant and equipment
和设备的后备生产能力reserve capacity of plant and equipment
和设备的折价物trade-in of plant and equipment
布置影响因素factor influencing plant layout
平面布置floor arrangement
折旧depreciation of plant
改建与建造计划plan for building change or construction
租赁lease of plant
设备fixed plant
设备交换exchange of plant and equipment
设备合同contract for plant and equipment
设备周转率turnover of plant and equipment
设备处理disposal of plant and equipment
设备折旧depreciation for plant assets
设备支岀plant and equipment expenditures
设备更新rejuvenation of plant
设备残值salvage of plant and equipment
用具kitchen ware
商业事务所屋保单属火险类保单business premises policy
商品commercial building property
商店屋及设备store building and equipment
城市产税tax on urban building
城市地产税urban real estate tax
城市周围楼green belt
增加厂和设备additions to plant and equipment
工厂预制factory made house
带洗澡间的单人客single with bath
带洗澡间的双人double room with bath
政府平抑rent restriction
store house
store building
与设备store building and equipment
作业storeroom operation
逐房的保险door-to-door risk
互助协会贷款利息building society interest
成本building cost
贷款协会building and loan association
费用building expenses
建筑屋用地building lot
强制更换厂与设备involuntary conversion of plant and equipment
ground landlord
东综合保险单home owner's policy
主房屋闲置率home-owner vacancy rate
housing estate
产开发housing development
产注册building property registration
产租赁业务leasing of building
产税building taxes
产税tax on house
产税building property tax
产证building property title certificate
地产immovable real estate
地产landed and real estate property
地产lot and building
地产immovables estate
地产业realty trade
地产业real estate business
地产产权real property
地产代理人real estate agency
地产代理商real estate agent
地产代理机构real estate agency
地产代理行real estate agency
地产会计estate accounting
地产信托real estate in trust
地产偿债基金land and build sinking fund
地产公司land and real estate company
地产及器具land, building, furniture and equipment
地产市场market for building and land property
地产市场land and real estate market
地产开发landed and real estate property development
地产开发land and real estate development
地产开发property development
地产开发公司landed and real estate property development corporation
地产开发公司real estate developing company
地产开发公司land and real estate development corporation
地产开发商real estate developer
地产投机商operator in real estate
地产投机商block buster
地产投资land and real estate investment
地产投资real estate investment
地产投资investment in real estate
地产投资信托公司real estate investment trust company
地产提存金land and build sinking fund
地产混合市场mixed house property and real estate market
地产税land and build taxes
地产税estate tax
地产税estate duty
地产管理administration of estate
地产管理人estate agent
地产经理estate manager
地产经纪人estate agent
地产经营land and real estate operation
地产经营代理人estate manager
地产者辛迪加syndicate of real estate men
地产融资real estate financing
地产账户lot and building account
地租总收入rent roll
title by deeds for houses
title deed for houses
屋买卖契约contract of sale of building
屋修缮repair of houses
屋出租house to let
屋出租者lessor of buildings
屋及设备building and equipment
屋和役畜购置费acquisition expenses for buildings and draught animals
屋建筑building construction
屋建筑竣工证明building construction completion certification
屋建筑面积竣工率completion rate in terms of area of buildings and structures
屋抵押mortgage of buildings
屋看管人custodial engineer
屋租契house lease
屋租赁house lease
屋税house payment
屋维修maintenance of premise
屋维修保养费building maintenance expense
屋维修费building maintenance expense
屋/角柱house to pier
屋设备维修maintenance of premise and equipment
屋贷款会社building and loan association
建工程项目housing project
租冻结rent freeze
租和特许使用费rent and royalty
租津贴quarters allowance
租补贴rent subsidies
租费house lease
租逾期未付fall behind one's rent
扳道pointsman's cabin
投机性建speculative building
拖欠behindhand with one's rent
旅馆推销员包commercial sale room
推销样品commercial sale room
救火机engine house
新厂new plant
新厂和设备支出额expenditure on new plant and equipment
新厂设备业务支出额business expenditures for new plant and equipment
新厂设备投资额expenditure of new plant and equipment
旅馆专供商人谈生意的commercial room
易于出售的地产creampuff sale
机械厂资本投资capital investment in machine of plant
机械或厂投资决策capital investment in machine or plant decision
保险building insurance
独立单元住separate flat
价值box-office value
价值box office value
收入box office receipts
租地建契约building lease
法律合法占有vacant possession
自有房主owner occupant
营业用屋账户office building account
式格式honeycomb pattern
迷宫式密封honeycomb labyrinth seal
旅馆中行商包租commercial room
觅租house hunter
试验厂test house
调整后产毛值adjusted gross estate
象征性peppercorn rent
财产、厂和设备property, plant and equipment
counting house
counting room
accountant and secretary
accounting house
先生account and secretary
购入地产estate by purchase
出售家中出售旧物garage sale
连锁契或地契chain of title
销售部门rent of sales office
闲置厂idle plant
预付prepaid rent
预订旅馆open reservations
预订engage a room
高层楼high-rise building