
Terms containing 房客 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.上周旅店客房预定数急剧增加Hotel bookings rose sharply last week
avia.主客舱厨房main deck galley
tech.房客compartment coach
tech.单人客房single guest bedroom
tech.单人床客房single bed guest room
tech.单床客房one-bed guest room
tech.单铺客房one-bed guest room
tech.双人客房two-bed guest room
tech.双人床客房double beded room
tech.双人床客房double bedded room
tech.双人床客房double bed guest room
tech.双人床客房double bed room
tech.双床间客房two-bed guest room
tech.双床间客房twin beds guest room
tech.双房间客房double room
exhib.双边客房走廊double-loaded corridor
econ.商店里的厨房设备展览吸引了不少顾客A display of kitchen equipment in the shop attracted many customers
archit.国际旅客车站港口,码头,终点站房屋international passenger terminal building
gen.在旺季时,我们客房入住率通常很高We usually have high occupancies in the peak seasons
econ.如果您想在房里与客人一道进午餐,可打电话通知客房服务部If you want to have your lunch with your guest in the room, just dial room service
gen.如遇紧急情况,请联系客房中心或总台服务If any emergency happens, please contact the housekeeping center or Front Desk
tech.客房guest chamber
tech.客房passenger room
tech.客房spare room
tech.客房gust room
tech.客房guest room
tech.客房guest bedroom
exhib.客房价格room rate
exhib.客房保险箱room safe
exhib.客房入住率room occupancy
gen.客房内备有小酒吧,为您准备了多种酒水及小吃。我们会每日补充消耗,同时您的消费额将被计入您的账单There is a mini-bar with many kinds of drink and snacks in your room. We will replenish them and the sum of charge will be recorded
telecom.客房分机guest extension
exhib.客房分配room assignment
exhib.客房分配名单rooming list
gen.客房卫生间的自来水是可以直接饮用的The water from the tap in the bathroom can be drunk directly
exhib.客房名单room list
exhib.客房女服务员chamber maid
exhib.客房折价优惠表list of discount rate and complimentary
exhib.客房收入room revenue
exhib.客房整理服务turn-down service
exhib.客房服务room service
exhib.客房服务chamber service
tech.客房服务room service (部)
el.客房服务中心customer service center
exhib.客房服务台maid station
gen.客房服务员现在正在送熨好的衣服。非常抱歉衣服送晚了The housekeepers are delivering the laundry right now. We? re sorry for the delay
gen.客房服务部Room Service
gen.客房服务部,能为您效劳吗?Room Service. What can I do for you?
tech.客房电表tenant's meter
exhib.客房税room tax
exhib.客房管理员room clerk
gen.客房精心设计的各类标间、豪华套房为我提供了多种选择Various well-designed standard rooms and deluxe suits have provided me a variety of options
tech.客房组service unit
gen.客房送餐服务24小时都提供Room service is available 24 hours a day
gen.客房送餐服务要加收15%的服务费There is an extra charge of 15% for room service
exhib.客房门把早餐菜单door knob menu
exhib.客房预订表reservation chart
tech.客票房ticket office
railw.客车洗涮房shed for train cleaning
railw.客运用房building for passenger transport
gen.宾馆接待处 24小时为您提供预订客房、住宿登记等服务The Front Desk will provide you with the service of reservation and registration any time
gen.对不起,先生。我们不可以透露客人的房号I'm sorry, sir. We re not allowed to disclose our guest's room number
gen.对不起,我们已经客满了。但是我可以介绍您去鲍威尔酒店,那里可能有空余的房间Sorry, we have no vacant spare room for you. But I can recommend you to the Powell Hotel where you may get a spare room
gen.对不起,我要问一下厨房。我们一般在周末为客人准备烤苹果和提拉米苏Sorry, I need to check with the kitchen. We usually serve baked apples and tiramisu on weekends
tech.旅馆内将饮食送到客房就餐的服务方式room service
busin.带洗澡间的单人客房single with bath
gen.我三天前为一位外国客人预订了一个房间,但现在这位外国客人不能来了,所以我恐怕不得不取消预订I reserved a room for a foreign guest three days ago, but now the foreign guest won't be able to come, so I'm afraid I have to cancel the reservation
gen.我们酒店那天晚上的客房已全部订满We are fully booked for all types of rooms on that night
gen.我是客房服务员,可以进来吗?Housekeeping. May I come in?
gen.我的订房是无效的,因为酒店已经客满了My reservation was void, because the hotel was house full
tech.房主与房客关系统一法案uniform residential landlord and tenant act
econ.房产税的大部分负担都转嫁到房客身上Most of the burden of property taxes is shifted to the tenants
interntl.trade.房地产掮客estate agent
econ.房客同意不把他租的房子转租给别人The tenant agreed not to underlet the house he rented
tech.房舱旅客cabin passenger
gen.所有带淋浴和浴室的房间9月10日以前实际上都已经客满All the rooms with showers and bathrooms are practically full up until September
tech.旅客住房passenger building
shipb.旅客房间窗passenger-room window
shipb.旅客房间门passenger-room door
tech.旅客站房passenger station building
econ.旅馆客房hotel accommodation
tech.旅馆客房hotel bedroom
econ.每当新房客住进那套房间,房主总要把房租提高5%The landlord puts up the rent by 5% every time a new tenant moves into that flat
interntl.trade.特许拍卖商及房地产掮客协会Chartered Auctioneers' and Estate Agents' institute
gen.这里是客房送餐服务。有什么可以效劳的?Room service. May I help you?
gen.这里是客房部。请问有什么需要为您做的呢?Room service. What can I do for you?
gen.进入客房,只需将门卡插入墙上的控制开关,客房内的电源就会接通You may get the electricity by inserting the room card into the switch on the wall
exhib.途中客房halfway house
exhib.配有厨房设施的客房efficiency unite
tech.集资建房房客租契proprietary lease
exhib.预订客房标志法block individual rooms