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上周、 们办公室里流传着一封电子邮件、 就如何改进我们的绩效评价体系征求意见Last week an e-mail went round the office touting for suggestions on ways to improve our performance appraisal system
上周、们办公室里流传着一封电子邮件、就如何改进我们的绩效考核体系征求意见Last week an e-mail went round the office touting for suggestions on ways to improve our performance appraisal system
什么是用户头像?怎样可以得到一个?What is an avatar? How do I get one?
今天们升级了数据库服务器Today we upgraded our database server
他表示:"任何一个最初以对冲为动机的人、最终都会变成一个赌徒。在对冲上损失了太多的钱、因此我不会再这么做了""Anybody that starts off as a hedger becomes a gambler and I have taken too many losses from hedging, so I don't do it anymore," he says
他计划将公司出售一事、 们一直被蒙在鼓里We were completely in the dark about his plan to sell the company
他说:"们认为、衰退可能会在今年第四季度结束。""We are looking at the end of this recession, probably, by the fourth quarter of this year." He said.
但是、不认为大多数的商业软件适用于那个类型However, I don't think much business software fits into that category
但是、可以简单地创建自己的 EventLogEntryInfo 类、用于将每个事件日志条目复制到其中However, it was simple for me to create my own EventLogEntryInfo class that I could copy each event log entry into
你在这个聊天室好像很受欢迎。你可以花点时间和聊聊吗?You are quite popular in this chat room. Can you spare a little time with me?
冷启动恢复整个电脑并进行一个完整的自测试A cold boot restores the whole computer and carries out a complete self-test
几天后们将会寄给你方我们的售货清单以及银行汇票We will send you our account sales together with the banker s draft in a few days
凭借着市场富有竞争力的价格、灵活的支付手法和一流的服务、们期待着美好的未来With the most competitive price, promptly delivery and first-level service, we wish for a prospective and brilliant future
嗯、想我们该谈谈报酬了。如果你和我们合作、你希望得到多少佣金?Well, perhaps we should talk about payment. If you worked with us, how much commission would you expect?
因为安全模式的存在、 们再也不用担心编写错误的代码会毁了整个系统We no longer -worry about bad codes break the whole system as long as safe mode is there
因此、必须先捕获它的两张单个画面、然后重整大小到同一张画面上来制作编辑图片Therefore, I had to capture the picture into two frames first and then resized and made them into a single picture again
们的例子中、不允许有人拥有的支票账户余额为负数In our case, we do not allow someone to have a negative checking account balance
在华盛顿住过两年以后、 常常对好莱坞的现实主义和真诚的生活充满渴望After two years in Washington I often long for the Realism and sincerity of Hollywood
在声学中们采用分贝标度In sound we use the decibel scale
在完成应用的数据库配置后、们开始为我们的模型写代码After configuring our application for the database, we started writing codes for our model
在讨论远高于如今被削减了的透支额度的金额时、 布朗先生似乎遇到了同样的不直率Mr. Brawn seems to have encountered the same lack of candour in his discussions about rather larger sums than my now-reduced overdraft
如果很有生意、将扩大店面Having a land-office business, I'll enlarge storefront
如果需要会计方面的建议、会去找专业会计师If I need some accounting advice, I always go to a professional accountant
来说、这是我最感到兴奋的领域、尤其是微机To my mind that's the most exciting field, especially the minicomputer
对于、作为一个服务提供商、如果交易成本很高、我就不能在一个小时内给客户提供一辆汽车And for me, as a service provider, I would never be able to provide you a car for an hour if the transaction cost was anything
对于时间戳标记、们所需要的很简单:只要一个能够输出某个页面最后的修改数据的简单标记In the case of the time-stamp tag, our needs are pretty simple: we want a simple tag that outputs the last-modification date of a page
对于经济衰退可能对消费者行为产生什么影响、在伦敦时装周上没发现多少一致看法I could find little consensus at London Fashion Week on the impact the downturn might have on consumer behaviour
当教学时、使用电子表格作为定等级的程序While teaching, I used a spreadsheet as a grading program
很抱歉、这是们的最低价。如果你们认为不能接受、那么我们没有办法、生意只好告吹Sorry, This is our rock-bottom price. If you find it unworkable, we have no other choice but to call the deal off
一个朋友的 QQ 签名总是用一些稀奇古怪的符号One of my friends uses those bewildering symbols for her QQ status
们人事发展的目标是寻找和培养具有潜力的年青一代、 为公司今后发展奠定基础Our policy in personnel development is to seek and promote young potentials that will be needed tomorrow
们使用自定义的软件系统、可以追踪每一个方面的设计和制造过程、以保证模具的交货时间We use a custom software system that tracks every aspect of the design and build process to guarantee the delivery time of the moulds
们办公室的工程师是个真正的电脑迷The engineer in my office is a real geek
们将要创建的驱动程序不会那么复杂、 而只是一个在堆栈中简简单单的驱动而已The device driver we will be building will not be that complex and will basically be the only driver in the stack
们已经成功地从模拟的驱动器故障中恢复、您也可以开始在生产环境中使用 RAID-1 了We've successfully recovered from a simulated drive failure, and you re ready to start using RAID-1 in a production environment
们建议您使用专用防火墙服务器来帮助增强 Exchange 计算机的安全性We recommend that you use a dedicated firewall server to help enhance the security of your Exchange computer
们想要取得独家代理权We'd like exclusive distribution rights
们是同一业务范围内的主要出口商之一We are introducing ourselves as one of the leading exporters of the same line of business
们村庄的毁灭一定是一场天灾The destruction of our village must have been an act of God
们正在计划着手一项新的商业经营项目We are planning to embark upon a new business undertaking
们用黑体形式表示矢量We use boldface type for vectors
们的程序使用了一条较长的输出语句、 重写程序、 使用单独的语句打印每一个操作数We wrote the output in one large statement. Rewrite the program to use a separate statement to print each operand
们的系统开发的新方法是基于定义的和黑箱过程管理的Our new approach to systems development is based on both defined and black box process management
们相信免费软件对于开发人员、合作者和最终用户来说是一个安全的选择We believe in free software as a safe choice for developers, partners and end users alike
们称第一种价值类型为运作卓越型call the first value discipline operational excellence
们通过运用多种不同的学习体制发现并定位每个员工的长处来激发和加强员工的能力We empower our people through a diverse learning organization to capture the best from everyone
们预料将出现一种测试套件、其内整合了常见的故障现象、包括人为、软件与硬件所导致的错误We envision a test suite that would incorporate common failures, including errors caused by humans, software and hardware
原来的专业是计算机科学、但1999年的市场热潮让我转到金融行业My main used to be computer science but I rerolled finance when the market was hot in 1999
可以用我的名字作为进入的代号吗?Can I use my name as my access code?
在哪里开立个人退休账户有关系吗?Does it matter where I open an individual retirement account?
对现代抽象艺术是外行Modern abstract art is outside my province
希望你能做杂志的摄影编辑I'd like you to be the photo editor of the magazine
怎样找到上传图像的绝对路径?How do I find the absolute path I need for uploading images?
想在这里给大家放一小段视频剪辑、让大家对我们所面对的东西有一点了解I'd like to call for this little video clip to give you some idea of, sort of, what we face
最近收到很多垃圾邮件、花了很长时间才把它们删掉Recently, I have gotten a lot of spam, and it takes me hours to delete it
有一台扫描仪、我将通过它把我的文档都转换成 PDF 文件并保存在电脑中have a scanner and I'll turn important documents into PDFs and keep them on my computer
有时候早上三四点起床、 在网上冲浪I sometimes get up at three or four in the morning and surf the net
的两美分my two cents
要求提姆帮我的计算机安装一套防毒软件I asked Tim to install an antivirus software program on my computer
认为、目前、债券基金应该比指数基金更有优势、对吗?I think bond fund is better than index fund for the moment, righty
这是来给你送复印机货运单I've brought you the delivery note for the duplicator
通常花周六整个下午的时间坐在网吧里、 喝着咖啡、 和新老朋友在网上聊天I usually spend the whole Saturday afternoon drinking coffee at a cybercafe and chatting with friends old and new over the net
技工在调试的电视机的时候调整了色彩和对比度The mechanic adjusted the colors and the contrast on my TV when he set it up
摩托罗拉中国研究院将促使们成为通信和半导体工业领域的领导者Motorola China R&D Institute is helping us become the leader in telecommunication and semiconductor industries
明年五月要到新加坡的一家联合公司当技术顾问Next May, I'm due to go to Singapore as a technical adviser to an associated company there
是的、这就是国外旅行意外保险卡Yes, this is my overseas travel accident insurance card
暂时来说、不包括支票结算的功能、但日后若有足够需要、们仍可考虑增设For the moment there will be no cheque clearing capability, but this is something which could be added later if there -was sufficient demand
有关方面就的婚姻状况以及银行结余对我进行了长久的调查I was subjected to a lengthy inquisition into the state of my marriage and the size of my bank balance
正如本周在对纽约和金融界的领袖们说的那样、经济虽已回暖、但我们不可因此自满As I told leaders of our financial community in New York City earlier this week, a return to normalcy cant breed complacency
然而该例子有少许缺点、 们将在本教程的下一部分中解释和解决It has however a few shortcomings that we will explain and solve in the next part of this tutorial
现在、 就让们在一些图片的帮助下研究骨骼动画系统的缺点Let's study about the drawbacks of skeletal animation system with the help of some images
现在们已完成了对网关服务的配置、 并准备测试它We've now finished configuring our gateway service and are ready to test it
实现的需要needs for self-actualization
管理团队self-managing teams
计算机工程学课程灵活、而且前景很好。相信这是最好的选择The computer engineering program offers great flexibility and good prospects, and I felt it was the best choice for me
谈到付款方式、能否告诉、你们这方面通常怎么做?Speaking of mode of payment, can you advise me of your general practice in this respect?
这是们作为金融中介的责任所在、 也是我们坚持诚信以及公司商业准则的要求Our responsibility as a financial intermediary requires it and our commitment to integrity and the firm's business principles demand it
这是个重要决定、 因此你为什么不考虑一两天再来答复呢?It's a major decision. so why dont you sleep on it and give me your answer in a day or two?
这部机子有一个内装的传真调制解调器、可以处理的大部分通信工作With a built-in fax modem, this machine can handle most of my communication tasks
这里有一个例子是们为客户设计的报表生成软件Another such example arose in the design of a report generator for one of our clients
那好。如果可以、们会与你们立即签订代理协议All right. If it's okay, we would like to sign an agency agreement with you immediately
随着受资助银行走过这些战略阶段、们相信、重大股东价值将开始显现As our investee banks move through these strategic stages, we believe that significant shareholder value will begin to emerge
集成线路占们三分之一的生产额Integrated circuit accounts for one third of our business
首先、们必须确定以一个特定的接口来定义商业代表本身的方法First, we have to decide that there needs to be a specific interface that defines the methods of the Business Delegate itself
麻省理工学院提供给的可信度、管理培训和机遇都超越了我的人际网络MIT has provided me with credibility, management training and opportunities that would otherwise be beyond the reach of my net-work