
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
为了成交,们决定再给您便宜5%In order to conclude business, we are prepared to cut down our price by 5%
交货时间对们来说非常重要,希望你方能够重视You know that time of delivery is very important to us. I hope you can give our request your special consideration
他们向们订购了 500个橡胶玩具They placed an order of 500 rubber toys with us
他的手像老虎钳一样紧紧抓住了的手臂He held my arm in a vise-like grip
你方供应的电池质量比方要求的低The batteries supplied by you are below the quality we require
你觉得这份合同基本涵盖了们在谈判过程中谈到的所有内容吗?Do you think the contract contains basically all we have agreed on during negotiations?
方参考for our information
的论点in my submission
my account
关于方电传re our telex
关于保险还有很多事情不清楚As for the insurance, I have quite a lot of things which I am still not clear about
参照方信件reference to our letter
参照方信件refer to our letter
参照方信函referring to our letter
参照方信函reference to our letter
参照方…无线电报refer to our radiogram
参照方…无线电报reference to our radiogram
参照方无线电报reference to my radio
参照方电传reference to our telex
参照方电传referring to our telex
参照方电传refer to our telex
参照方电报refer to our cable
参照方电报referring to our cable
参照方电报reference to our cable
参照方电报reference to my telegram
参照方通话reference to my telephone call
参照方通话refer to my telephone call
参见…号电my serial
参见my telegram
参见my message
在比较价格的时候,质量是们首先必须考虑的When we compare prices, we must first take into account the quality of the products
在签订正式合同之前,们再重申一下协议中的重点内容Before the formal contract is drawn up we'd like to restate the main points of the agreement
填写方抬头made out to our order
如果们的轴承以到岸价成交,你们负责投保哪些险别?If we conclude the business on CIF basis, what coverage will you take out for the bearings?
如果您想要尽早发货,那们只能分批装运了If you desire earlier delivery, we can only make a partial shipment
如果您的价格再便宜些,们马上下单If you can go a little lower, I'd be able to give you an order on the spot
如果您订购的数量很大,们可以重新考虑给您的价格If your order is big enough, we may reconsider our price
对不起,们不接受付款交单和承兑交单的付款方式,我们只接受信用证付款I'm sorry. We can't accept D/P or D/A. We insist on payment by L/C
对不起,们无法提早交货I'm sorry. We can't advance the time of delivery
应付in our favour
恐怕不行,们的订单很多I'm afraid not. As you know, we have a lot of order to fill
您会及时收到们的货物,希望您能够满意I believe that the products will reach you in time and hope they will give you complete satisfaction
您能给说说单独海损赔偿水渍险和单独海损不赔平安险的区别吗?Can you tell me the difference between WPA and FPA?
感谢您的询盘。不过请告知订购数量,这样们才能报价Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer?
成功签了合同,们庆祝一下吧Let's congratulate ourselves for the successful contract
们一般是不给佣金的We don't give any commission in general
们产品的颜色和样式都很丰富We have a wide selection of colors and designs
们会在规定时间内发货We will get the goods dispatched within the stipulated time
们保证会尽快发货I can assure you that we'll do our best to advance the shipment
们公司想从中国进口一批橡胶波纹管,但我们缺少流动资金We plan to import rubber bellows from China, but we are short of working capital
们准备了两份合同原件These are two originals of the contract we prepared
们在喷油嘴、油泵等汽车零部件出口方面取得了很大成功We have achieved great success in exporting automobile accessories, such as injection nozzles and oil pumps
们在英国为贵公司卖出了很多橡胶垫片,我们已经是贵公司的老客户了。请给我们些更加优惠的付款条件We have sold a lot of rubber gaskets for you in England and were one of your long-term clients. 1 would suggest you give us more favorable terms on payment
们对贵方浮雕防盗门的质量感到很满意,但我们不知道货物的质量能否和样品大体相同We find the quality of the anti-theft carved door is satisfactory, but we're not sure whether the quality of the goods is about equal to the sample
们将we shall
们将we would
们将we should
们已we had
们已经就所有讨论过的条款达成一致,那现在就签合同吧We have reached an agreement on all the clauses discussed so far. It is time to sign the contract
们希望您能用信用证方式付款We'd like you to pay us by L/C
们很想要详细了解一下你们的技术We really need more specific information about your technology
们想订购贵方的平开防盗门,您能否考虑报离岸价?We will place an order on your flat open security doors. I wonder if you can offer on FOB basis
们想让您帮忙解决调光器包装破损事宜We would like you to help straighten out the trouble concerning the breakage of the dimmers' package
们最早能在 9 月末发货The earliest delivery we can make is at the end of September
们有we have
们有we had
们现在可以签合同了We can get the contract finalized now
们班组class of us
们生产这种产品That is just under our line of business
们的产品不仅美观,质量也非常棒You have got the quality there as well as the style
们的产品已在海外数个地区有售,并受到了消费者的欢迎Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. They are very popular with the users there
们的信用证有效期需要为多长时间?How long should our L/C be valid?
们的市场分析预测智能防盗门的市场很活跃,因此我们成功的概率也比较大Our market analysis has predicted an active market for the intelligent anti-theft locks. I'm sure we stand a fair chance to win
们的盘式刹车片在美国很畅销,但拖欠货款让我很头疼Our brake pads have a ready market in America, but delay in payment really annoys me
们的经营原则是"重合同,守信用"It's our principle in business "to honor the contract and keep our promise".
们的质量管理体系非常严格,因此我们的产品质量过硬We have a very strict quality controlling system which promises that goods we produced are always of the best quality
们的里程表在欧洲有很好的口碑Our odometers have enjoyed warm welcome in the European market
们给出的是最优惠的价格,有很多客户与我们合作We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers
们给出的是船上交货价格,价目表中的价格需经我方最后确认Here are our FOB prices. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation
们要求你方全额付款We insist on full payment
们还有——款类似的产品,价格便宜很多We have another offer for a similar one at much lower price
们都要遵合同,守信誉It is very important for us to abide by contracts and keep good faith
们需要 30%的预付定金We ask for a 30 percent down payment
们需要什么时候开立信用证?When should we open the L/C?
our letter
…函my mailgram
希望以发票金额的110%为商品投保I'd like to have the insurance of the goods covered at 110% of the invoice amount
想知道,保险公司是否对丢失承担责任I wonder if the insurance company holds the responsibility for the loss
方余额balance in our your favour
方信函our letter
方函my mailgram
方函件my letter
方函电my dispatch
方受益in our favour
方存款指在国外银行的存款nostro deposit
方已收到贵方2013年9月1日开出的金额为50万美元购买橡胶踏板的信用证了We have received your L/C dated November 1, 2013 for 500,000 dollars on the rubber pedals
方希望您可以接受付款交单的付款方式We hope you will accept D/P
方想购进高质量的水力泵The item we'd like to purchase is hydraulic pumps of high quality
方报价we offer
方时间our time
方汇票our order
方用户our customer
方电报my telegram
方电报our telegram
方电报my message
方电葫芦报价为每台100美元We offer you our electric hoists at 100 dollars per set
方结余balance in our favour
方结存balance due from us
方能供应各种电缆绝缘件。我们的产品在国际市场很受欢迎We can supply cable insulators of all types and sizes. Our products are much admired in the world market
方订单数量主要取决于你方所出价格The size of our order depends greatly on the prices
方账our account
方账户国外银行存款账户nostro account
方需在交货日期前30天收到信用证,这样我们才好安排Your L/C must reach us 30 days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements
方顾客our customer
是约翰史密斯,我来取昨天订购的备胎I'm John Smith. I come here for the spare tire I ordered yesterday
our telex
our cable
能亲眼看一下你们闪光灯的样品吗?Would it be possible for me to have a closer look at your samples of the flasher?
还确保每条线缆都加上了标签,这样便于确保把线缆插回正确的适配器I also made sure that each cable was labeled so that I could check it had been plugged back into the correct adapter
重复一遍I repeat
把总额记在方账上charge the amount to our account
识别identification friend or fore
识别译码IFF signal decoding
查核方存货ascertain our position
根据的情况,你能推荐一款大小合适的金属防盗门吗?According to my condition, could you recommend a metal security door with the proper size to me?
物质自material self
方处理at our command
方承担be covered by us
方负担be covered by us
由于延迟交货给您造成的不便感到非常抱歉I'm very sorry for the delay in delivery and the inconvenience it must have caused you
电容器是公司传统出口商品之一,以其质量上乘而闻名Condensers are one of our company's traditional exports. They're highly-reputed for their quality
看过了,方对贵公司的划线器很感兴趣I just went around. I'm interested in your scribers
社会自social self
精神自spiritual self
方确认为有效的报盘offer subject to our confirmation
方确认有效的报价offer subject to our confirmation
结欠balance due from us
中心型角色self-oriented role
介入ego involvement
保护交往方式self-protecting communication style
克制引导guidance on self-restraint
克制的交往方式self-denying communication style
参考标准self reference criterion
完成调查表self-completion questionnaire
实现交往方式self-actualizing communication
实现期望self-realizing expectation
实现者self-realizing man
实现需要self-fulfill needs
实现需要needs for self-actualization
实现预测self-fulfilling prophecy
审计能力self-auditing capacity
导向需要self-oriented need
导致的侵权责任de son tort demesne
心理状态ego complex
成就者self-made man
扩张ego expansion
指导法auto-instructional method
改进计划self-improvement program
显示的交往方式self-exposing communication style
服务商店self-service store
标准观念self-reference criterion concept
满足需要ego satisfaction
状况ego state
阐明与自我指导法auto-elucidatory and auto-instructional method
阐明法auto-elucidatory method
限制出口量协定指输出国自动将其出口商品数量限定在预定配额内的国际协定self-restraint agreement
需求egoistic demand
至少一个月后,们的螺旋钻才有货It will be at least one month before our augers are available again
们来说一下交货期的问题。你方在合同签订后的6个月内交货Let's discuss the delivery date first. You offered to deliver the goods within six months after the contract signing
说实话,们已经给您最低价格了To tell you the truth, we have already quoted our lowest price
请参照方信件refer to our letter
请参照方电报reference to our telegram
请参照方电报refer to our telegram
货物一旦准备好,们就立刻发货We shall effect shipment as soon as the goods are ready
货物什么时候能到达方港口?When will the goods reach our port?
这是们的价目表This is our price list
这是产品目录,里面详细介绍了们生产的产品This is a copy of catalog. It will give a good idea of the products we handle
这是试销订单。请先仅给们发100套,看看市场如何。如果反响不错,我们将大量订购This is a trial order. Please send us 100 sets only so that we may test the market If successful, we will give you large orders in the future
鉴于您已购买了300台电焊机,建议您订购一些相关零部件,以保证市场供应I recommend that you should order some main components since you have order 300 sets of electric welders, by which you can ensure the market supplies
须经方最后确认subject to our final confirmation