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你能拿些桌巾给看看吗?Can you show me some table runners?
你认为方地毯的价格如何?What do you think of our price of the carpet?
6 号汽车旅馆、"们会为你始终亮着一盏灯"、理查兹集团、1988Motel 6, "Well leave a light on for you" (Richards Group)
媚登峰内衣、"梦想穿着我的媚登峰内衣去逛街"、Norman、 Craig & Kunnel <-> 广告公司、 1949Maidenform, "I dreamed I went shopping in my Maidenform bra" (Norman, Craig & Kummel)
您有多余炼钢设备待售吗?请用电话与们公司联系call our company if you have surplus steelmaking equipment for sale
情境性自形象situational self-image
们要利用超级市场特价和买一送一的机会去购物We should take advantage of special offers and BOGOFs in shopping mall
准备将贵方的人造丝织物投入我方市场I'm prepared to place your rayon fabrics into our market
对你们的挂毯很感兴趣I am interested in your tapestries
想订购一些珊瑚绒毯I would like to order some coral fleece blankets
来听取桌裙的报盘I've come about your offer for the table skirts
扬罗比凯自宣传广告、"撞击"、扬罗比凯广告公司、1930 常见新闻、出版、印刷机构和组织名录Young & Rubicam, "Impact" (Young & Rubicam)
服装、"和 Calvin 亲密无间"、CK 专属广告公司、20世纪80年代Calvin Klein, "Know what comes between me and my Calvins? Nothing!" (CK)
梅宝、"要我的梅宝" Fletcher, Calkins & Holden 广告公司、1960sMaypo, "I want my Maypo" (Fletcher, Calkins & Holden)
理想自ideal self
理想自ego ideal
箭牌衬衫、"的朋友乔・霍尔姆斯、变成了一匹马"、扬罗比凯广告公司、1938Arrow Shirts, "My friend, Joe Holmes, is now a horse" (Young & Rubicam)
美国汉堡王、"选我味"、天联广告公司、1973Burger King, "Have it your way" (BBDO)
美国运通、"你可认识?"奥美广告公司、1975American Express, "Do you know me?" (Ogilvy & Mather)
美国音乐学校、"当坐到钢琴前、他们笑了、但当我开始弹奏... "、Ruthrauff & Ryan 广告公司、1925U.S. School of Music, "They laughed when I sat down at the piano, but when I started to play!" (Ruthrauff & Ryan)
卷入ego in involvement
形象一致模糊型self-image congruence model
知觉理论self-perception theory
管理团队self-managing team
艾维斯租车公司、"们更努力"、恒美广告公司、1963Avis, "We try harder" (DDB)
镜像自looking-glass self
骆驼香烟、"为买骆驼烟走了一英里"、艾耶父子广告公司、1921Camel cigarettes, "I'd walk a mile for a Camel" (N. W. Ayer & Son)