
Terms containing 我想 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.一想到我的车排放的废气加重了城市污染,我就感觉很糟I feel bad about how much my car is adding to the pollution problems in this city
gen.万一有的衣服洗坏了,我想知道你们酒店是否有如何处理这方面问题的规定What if there is any laundry damage? I wonder if your hotel has a policy on dealing with it
gen.下个星期是我妈妈的生日,我想给她买些黄金饰品Next week is my mother's birthday. I want to buy some gold jewels
dentist.下次复诊时,我想与您讨论治疗计划Next time, I want to discuss the treatment schedule with you
gen.不了,我想吃鳝鱼冻No, I prefer jellied eels
gen.不好意思,我想知道可不可以租个数码相机Excuse me, I wonder if I can get a digital camera
gen.不过我想使用能再次利用的布袋代替纸质礼品袋I’d prefer a reusable cloth bag instead of using a paper gift bag
gen.你们有素食餐吗?我想要一份Do you have a vegetarian meal? I'm glad to have one
gen.你好,我想找一下李小姐Hello. Can I talk to Miss Li, please?
gen.你好,我想找史密斯先生Hello. I' d like to speak to Mr. Smith, please
gen.你好,我想订个标准三人间Hello. I' d like to reserve a standard triple room
gen.你好,我是查尔斯夫人。我想买辆新车,你能给我介绍一款新车吗?Hello. This is Mrs. Charles. I' d like to buy a new car. Could you offer me a new type of the car, please?
cosmet.你想告诉我是你亲手做成这些香水的吗?You mean to tell me that you made this perfume from scratch?
gen.先生,你好! 我的外公想要去澳大利亚玩,但是他不会说英语。我能帮他填写这张申请表吗?Hello, Sir, my grandpa wants to visit Australia, but he doesn't speak English. May I assist him with his visa application?
gen.先生,我们的价格可能比您原本想的略高,这样没事吧?Sir, our room prices are slightly higher than you may have thought. Will that be okay?
el., tools关于我们的新型播种机的广告设计,你有什么想法吗?Have you got any ideas about the advertising of our new type seed spreader?
gen.劳驾,我们今天要离开了。我想现在退房Excuse me, we're leaving today. I'd like to check out now
comp.听起来像是我想要的笔记本It sounds like it is exactly my dream laptop
gen.和我的想法一样be of my way of thinking
proj.manag.嗯、我想我们该谈谈报酬了。如果你和我们合作、你希望得到多少佣金?Well, perhaps we should talk about payment. If you worked with us, how much commission would you expect?
gen.嗯……我想薄的好,我正在减肥Hmm...Thin, I guess I'm trying to lose weight
gen.坐空调车容易晕车,我想还是买点晕车药比较好I think I'd better buy some carsickness pills since it's easy to get sick in an air-conditioning bus
el., tools如您想买空气压缩机,请与我们联系If you want to buy air compressors, please contact with us
gen.如果你想要空间更大或更舒服的车,我推荐大型轿车If you need more room or comfort, I recommend the full-size car
dentist.如果你想让我停下来,你需要举起你的手。明白吗?If you want me to stop, just raise your hand, Understand?
cosmet.如果你想购买由纯天然原料制成的香水,我们公司是您的首选If you want to purchase perfumes which are made up of natural compounds, our company would be the best choice
gen.如果可能的话,我想要三人一排且中间不安排人的座位If possible, we want a three seat row with a seat open between us
dentist.如果您想告诉我什么事,请举手If you want to tell me anything, just raise your hand
busin.如果您想要尽早发货,那我们只能分批装运了If you desire earlier delivery, we can only make a partial shipment
gen.如果您愿意,现在就可以打扫。我正想下去吃早饭呢You can do it now if you like. I was just about to go down for my breakfast
gen.如果您真的想要,我们可以给您打九折If you really like it, we can cut down the price by 10 percent
econ.如果我们想赢得这场竞争,重要的是要了解对手的背景If we want to win the competition, it is important to know the rival s' background
gen.如果有空位,请通知我。我想换座位If you have a vacant seat, please let me know. I would like to change my seat
gen.妈妈,我想尿尿Mum, I need to go pee
adv.媚登峰内衣、"我梦想穿着我的媚登峰内衣去逛街"、Norman、 Craig & Kunnel <-> 广告公司、 1949Maidenform, "I dreamed I went shopping in my Maidenform bra" (Norman, Craig & Kummel)
sport.实在很难想象,在尝试许多运动的初期,我几乎没有穿戴什么护具I couldn't believe that for many sports, when I just started, I didn't wear any protection gear
gen.对不起,我想去厕所Sorry. I need to answer the call of nature
gen.对不起,我想确实有个错误。我只住了三个晚上,不是四个I'm sorry. I suppose there is a mistake indeed. I only stayed here for three nights, not four
econ.尽管我们很想提前发货,但由于运输能力有限实难办到However desirous we are of delivering goods ahead of schedule we cannot do so because of limited transport capacity
gen.很抱歉。我想我一定是打错电话了I'm sorry. I think I must have dialed the wrong number
gen.您好!我想入住贵酒店Hello, I'd like to check in, please
gen.您想尝尝我们的招牌菜吗?Would you like to try our house specialty?
gen.您想要喝什么?我们有咖啡、茶、果汁、可乐、啤酒和鸡尾酒What kinds of drinks do you have? We have coffee, tea, juice, coke, beer and cocktail
gen.您想要我们怎样摆桌子?How would you like us to arrange the tables?
gen.您来接我们,想得真周到It's very considerate of you to meet us here
gen.505.想要入住,我的预订号码是 505I want to check in. My reservation number is
econ.成本保险费加运费价格、折扣和交货期都是我们想了解的CIF prices, discounts, and delivery schedule are what we want to know
gen.我不介意轿车的装备。我只是想确定这辆车开着舒服I'm not so concerned about how the car is equipped. I just want to make sure it is comfortable to drive
gen.我不想去I don't care to go
gen.我不想说这些,但是这是我吃过的最难吃的食物I hate to say this, but this is the worst food I've had
gen.我也不想给你说这些,但我们认为有必要告诉你I dont like to have to bring this up, but we found that this is necessary
gen.我今天打电话来是想咨询一下入境的手续I am calling today to inquire about the formalities of entry
gen.我今年想送给他一些特别的礼物I would like to give him something special this year
econ.我们上月写这封信是想探索与你们发展贸易的可能性We wrote this letter last month to explore the possibilities of develop big trade with you
commer.我们不想让你方负担不必要的费用We don't want to involve you in unnecessary expenses
busin.我们公司想从中国进口一批橡胶波纹管,但我们缺少流动资金We plan to import rubber bellows from China, but we are short of working capital
econ.我们十分注意顾客的想法We care a lot about what our customers'think
busin.我们很想要详细了解一下你们的技术We really need more specific information about your technology
gen.我们得把水果销毁。我们可不想冒被病虫侵袭的风险We'll have to destroy these fruit. We don't want to risk infestation
telecom.我们想买一些对讲机,以便舞台工作人员用来内部交流We would like to buy some interphones for intercommunication between our stagehands
gen.我们想买一些酱油,酱油在哪一个过道?We need to buy some soy sauce. Which aisle is the soy sauce in?
shipb.我们想买船舶航迹监测仪We are thinking to buy ship's path monitor.
econ.我们想了解一下建立合资企业应采取哪些步骤?We'd like to know what steps should be taken to establish a joint venture?
audio.el.我们想从贵公司购买2 000根USB 数据线,可以推荐5种吗?We'd like to buy 2,000 USB cables from your company. Can you recommend me 5 kinds of them?
gen.我们想出了一个好办法a good plan came to us
gen.我们想到…it occurred to us that...
fash.我们想到的一个标志性的东西就是法国贝雷帽One of the symbols we thought of was a beret
econ.我们想就此事进行法律咨询We would like to take legal advice about this affair
sport., cloth.我们想成为国际的、专业的运动品牌,这是一个好机会It's a good opportunity for us, as we want to become an international, specialist sports brand
meas.inst.我们想担任贵陶瓷刀具在加拿大的寄售代理We would like to be your consignee of ceramic cutting tools in Canada
commer.我们想探询有关澳大利亚最近的市场情况We should like to inquire about the recent market situation in Australia
econ.我们想提醒你要重视合同的此项条款We would like to remind you of respecting this clause in the agreement
gen.我们想来点鸡尾酒We would like some cocktail
econ.我们想知道他们是否具备工厂设计及工程技术方面的能力We wonder whether they possess the capability of design and engineering of plant
econ.我们想知道你们是否按1%至2%左右保险费率对核准的船只运往纽约的杂货开具预约保单,金额约为一万美元We wonder if you can issue an open policy for $10.000 at a rate of about 1 % to 2% on general shipments by approval vessel to New York
econ.我们想知道你方是否能获得其他资金来购货We wonder if you can get other resource available for financing this purchase
proj.manag.我们想要取得独家代理权We'd like exclusive distribution rights
gen.我们想要吸烟区的桌位We'd like a smoking table
gen.我们想要喝鸡尾酒We would like some cocktail
shipb.我们想订购 T5 型的We are thinking of placing an order for T5 model
shipb.我们想订购 30 套We want to order thirty sets.
shipb.我们想订购 60 套We want to order sixty sets.
shipb.我们想订购快速集装箱船We are thinking to order high-speed container ship.
busin.我们想订购贵方的平开防盗门,您能否考虑报离岸价?We will place an order on your flat open security doors. I wonder if you can offer on FOB basis
busin.我们想让您帮忙解决调光器包装破损事宜We would like you to help straighten out the trouble concerning the breakage of the dimmers' package
econ.我们想询问包括你方佣金的价格We would like to inquire your price including our commission
furn.我们是屏风供销商。我想你方用户对我们的一些最新产品会感兴趣We're suppliers of screens of various types. I think your end users will be interested in some of our new products
gen.我们有两趟航班,一趟是下午两点,另一趟是下午五点。两趟航班都有座位。您想要哪趟航班,先生?We have two flights, one at 2:00 pm, and the other at 5:00 pm. Both flights have seats available. Which would you like to take, sir?
cosmet.我们有很多颜色。而且我们的眼影还可以滋润皮肤。它对眼睑是非常温和的。你想试试看吗?We have a very wide selection of colors And our eye shadow is specially designed to moisturize the skin. So it is very gentle on your eyelids. Would you like to sample some?
econ.我们没有想到这会引起你方的不满We didn't expect that it would incur your complaint
commer.我们猜想你方对我方餐具感兴趣We assume that you are interested in our tablewares
gen.我们的一些行李丢失了,所以想填写一份丢失行李登记单We may have lost some baggage, so we'd like to make a lost baggage report
agric., tech.我们的产品是您多地点、小面积挖掘需求的理想选择,可拖型小型挖掘机能产生6600磅挖掘力Our product is the perfect solution for your multilocation and small excavation needs. The towable mini-excavator produces 6, 600 pounds of digging force
econ.我们能够提供建新特级市场指非常大的超级市场的理想场所We can provide the ideal site for a new hypermarket
gen.我们计划组织一个非正式聚会,我想请你参加We're organizing an informal party, and like you to come
econ.我们难以想像在这次谈判中你方代表竟再次提出这个问题We can't imagine that this question is raised by your representative again during the negotiation
gen.我只想退款I just want to get my money back
gen.我只想随便买些普通的衣服I just want to buy some off-the-rack clothes
gen.我可以把这三张支票分别换成面值100美元的现金吗?我想那就够了Well, may I cash these three checks for 100 dollars each? I think that will be enough
gen.我总想到小吃摊去吃I always have the temptation to eat on those snack stands
gen.我恐怕迷路了。如果我想回市中心,我在哪可以坐公共汽车?afraid I've lost my way. Where can I take a bus if I want to go back to the downtown?
gen.我想I should say
gen.我想I dare say
gen.我想与旅行社联系I'm trying to catch the travel agency
gen.我想为我的朋友选一件礼物I want to pick out something for my friend
gen.我想乘飞机到旧金山,是5号,星期天I'd like to fly to San Francisco, Sunday the 5 th
gen.我想买一个不花哨、耐用的手提包I want to buy a handbag, not fancy but durable
comp.我想买一台电脑,您有什么推荐吗?I would like to buy a computer. Do you have any recommendation?
gen.我想买一台落地扇。顺便问一句,你们可以退货吗?I want to buy a floor fan. By the way, do you accept returns?
gen.我想买一套结实耐用的,可以使用一辈子的工具I want to buy a heavy-duty tool set that will last a lifetime
gen.我想买一张到檀香山的往返票I'd like to buy a roundtrip ticket to Honolulu
station.我想买个档案夹,你有推荐的吗?I would like to buy a file holder. Can you give a recommendation?
gen.我想买个胸针配我的衬衫I would like to buy a brooch to match my shirt
gen.我想买些特产,你能给我推荐些吗?I want to buy some specialties. Can you recommend me some?
gen.我想买些艺术品装饰我家I am looking for some artistic works to decorate my house
light.我想买些镜画灯,但觉得价钱有点咼I am thinking of buying some picture lamps, but I find your price is a little bit high
gen.我想买对耳环配我的项链,你能给我推荐一下吗?I'm trying to find a pair of earrings to match my necklace. Can you recommend some to me?
gen.我想买睫毛膏,你们卖浓稠式睫毛膏吗?I need mascara. Do you have good thickening mascara?
gen.我想买这瓶科隆香水,但是找不到我的皮夹了,里面有美国运通卡和护照I'd like this eau de cologne, but I can't find my wallet. I had my American Express Card and passport in it
gen.我想买那件蓝方格衬衣I want to buy that blue checkered shirt
gen.我想了解一下你们的洗衣服务I'd like to know about your laundry service
gen.我想了解关于游览纽约的情况I need some information about touring New York
dentist.我想了解您的既往史。Have you ever had a serious illness?
dentist.我想了解您的既往史。Have you suffered from any previous illness?
dentist.我想了解您的既往史。How is your general health?
dentist.我想了解您的既往史。How have you been?
dentist.我想了解您的既往史。How have you been feeling in general?
dentist.我想了解您的既往史I want to ask you about your medical history
gen.我想你最好去看一下医生,做一次体格检查I think you had better go to see a doctor and have a physical check-up
gen.我想你该接受 X 光检查I want you to have an X-ray taken
gen.我想先来点汤提提食欲I'll have some soup to stimulate it
gen.我想兑换一些钱,请问银行在哪?I want to change some money. Where is the bank?
gen.我想兑换3张支票共5万日元I want to cash three checks for 50, 000 Japanese yen
gen.我想兑换美国运通的旅行支票I'd like to cash an American Express traveler's check
gen.我想再确认一下您的入住安排计划表like to reconfirm the schedule for the period of your stay
gen.我想再确认一下我的预订I would like to reconfirm my reservation, please
gen.我想加入你们的烧烤聚会,可以吗?I want to join you in the barbecue party, may I?
gen.我想去一下洗手间I'm going for a patter on the porcelain
gen.我想去方便一下I want to go into retreat
gen.我想去洗手间I'd like to go somewhere
gen.我想去纽约看朋友。我觉得应该需要一个B2型旅行签证I want to visit my friends in New York City. I think a B2 visa would be required
gen.我想去迪士尼乐园、好莱坞和环球制片厂I' d like to visit Disneyland, Hollywood, and Universal Studios
gen.我想取消以史密斯的名字预订的两晚住宿I want to cancel my reservation for two nights in the name of Smith
gen.我想取消预订的单人房间I'd like to cancel my booking for a single room
gen.我想变更一下预订I'd like to change my reservation
gen.我想吃比萨饼I'd like to have pizza
gen.我想吃甜筒I'd like an ice cream cone
gen.我想咨询关于外国入境者的居留权问题,您能给我讲讲这方面的知识吗?I want to ask about the right of residency a foreigner has in another country. Could you give me some information about it?
gen.我想喝一杯金汤力,不过汽水少些I'll have a Gin and Tonic please, but go easy on the tonic
proj.manag.我想在这里给大家放一小段视频剪辑、让大家对我们所面对的东西有一点了解I'd like to call for this little video clip to give you some idea of, sort of, what we face
gen.我想将预订再延长一晚I'd like to extend my reservation for one more night
gen.我想将预订延长至3天,25号入住I'd like to change my reservation to 25th this month for 3 days
gen.我想尝尝当地的食物,比如养麦煎饼、黄瓜粉皮以及白菜薄荷I'd like to have some local food, such as ble noir, cucumber and vermicelli, and cabbage and mint
gen.我想尝尝车达奶酪I would like to taste Cheddar cheese
house.我想尽一切办法才将湿衣物拖到自助洗衣店Somehow I managed to lug the wet clothes to the laundromat
textile我想带走沙滩巾的价目表I‘d like to take the price lists of these beach towels with me
gen.我想应该没问题。需要我带什么东西过去吗?That's fine. I think I can make it. By the way, what will you want me to bring?
gen.我想延期两晚到3月8号I'd like to extend my reservation for two more nights to 8th, March
gen.我想开一个支票存款账户。300美元作最低存款额够了吗?I would like to open a checking account. Will 300 dollars be enough for a minimum deposit?
gen.我想开一个活期账户I'd like to open a current account
gen.我想往克罗地亚的境外账户里存点儿钱I want to deposit some money in a foreign account, Croatia
el., tools我想您已清楚,我想跟贵方商讨电夯代理的事情I think you know already that I want to discuss the representation for your electric rammers
gen.我想我们可以共进晚餐,然后一起去看电影I thought we might have dinner together and go to the movies
gen.我想我们的鱼排会适合您的口味。有三种不同风味的鱼排。请您尝试一下I think our fish will be to your taste. There are three different flavors available. Please try it
gen.我想我要吃左宗棠鸡、酸辣汤、炸馄饨和白米饭I think I'll get General Tso's chicken, hot and sour soup, fried wontons, and white rice
gen.我想我迷路了!你们可以告诉我怎样才能到达特拉法加广场吗?I think I'm lost! Could you tell me how to get to Trafalgar Square?
gen.我想打一个通到中国北京的叫人电话,号码是6634-6972,找秦先生To I'd like to make a person-to-person call to Beijing, China. The number is 6634-6972, and I want to speak to Mr. Qin
gen.我想打个电话到美国去I want to make an overseas call to the United States
gen.我想打个长途电话到台北去I would like to make a long distance call to Taibei
gen.我想put me through to
footwear我想找一双黑色的高跟鞋搭配我的晚礼服I’m looking for some black pumps to go with my evening wear
gen.我想找一款可以淡化雀斑的面霜I'm looking for some kind of product that can fade freckles
gen.我想找陈先生,请问他在吗?I' m trying to get hold of Mr. Chen. Is he available?
gen.我想把人民币换成欧元I want to convert some Chinese yuan into euros
gen.我想把全部汇款换成美元I'd like to convert the full amount of the remittance into U. S. dollars
gen.我想把它兑换成现金,换成美元I would like to cash it and get U. S. dollars for it
gen.我想把行李过一下磅,有磅秤吗?I'm going to weigh my luggage. Are there any scales?
gen.我想把这个寄放在你这儿,袋子里没有贵重或易碎物品I'd like to leave this with you, and there is not anything valuable or breakable
gen.我想把这些旅行支票换成现金I would like to cash these traveler? s checks, please
gen.我想把这张票换成头等舱I' d like to change this ticket to the first-class
gen.我想把这张纸币换成硬币I'd like some coins for this note
sport.我想报名参加跳高比赛I want to enter my name for the high jump
gen.我想换房间,这间房间太潮湿了I' d like to change rooms. The room is too damp
gen.我想是打错了。他一句话也没说就把电话挂了Wrong number, I guess. He hung up without saying a word
gen.我想每个民族都有其独特的音乐,是吗?I think each nationality has their unique music, don't they?
gen.我想洗手,这里有洗手间吗?I want to wash my hands. Is there a room where I can wash my hands?
gen.我想点当地出产的酒I'd like to have some local wine
gen.我想申请签证I'd like to apply for a visa
gen.我想看一下你们的机票和护照可以吗?May I have your tickets and passports, please?
cosmet.我想看看你们的眼影。你们有颜色表让我参考吗?I want to consider your eye shadow. Do you have a color chart I can have a look at?
gen.我想看看您4S店里不同汽车品牌最新的车型I'd like to see different new models of several brands shown in your 4S store
gen.我想知道中国人在饭馆吃完饭之后,会不会把没吃完的东西打包带回家I was just wondering if many Chinese people take their leftover food home from a restaurant
busin.我想知道,保险公司是否对丢失承担责任I wonder if the insurance company holds the responsibility for the loss
gen.我想知道公交车行进的路线I'd like to know the route of the bus
gen.我想知道我是否还能再次申请签证。我需要等三到六个月才能再次申请吗?I'm wondering if I could reapply. Do I have to wait three to six months before reapplying
gen.我想知道是否可以让我在这多住两天I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for two more days
gen.我想知道是否有人捡到护照交到这里了I was wondering if anyone has turned in a passport
light.我想知道椰树灯的最小起订量是多少I want to know the minimum order quantity of the coconut lamps
gen.我想知道能不能改约面签时间I want to know if I can reschedule my appointment
gen.我想知道能否在这兑换支票# I'd like to know whether I can cash a cheque here
gen.我想确认您的离开时间May I confirm your departure date?
gen.我想租一辆中型轿车,而且要租三天I'd like to rent a mid-size car for three days
gen.我想租一辆音响好的车I would like to rent a car with a good stereo
gen.我想给家人买些特别的礼物I want to buy some special gifts for my family
dentist.我想给这颗牙进行牙髓活力测试,看看牙髓是否正常I'll do a pulp test on the tooth to find out whether the pulp is healthy
milk.我想要一个芝士汉堡包、一包薯条和一大杯巧克力奶昔I’ll have a cheese burger, French fries and a large chocolate milkshake, please
arts.我想要买些绣花桌布来搭配这条挂毯I prefer to buy some embroidered tablecloths to match the tapestry
gen.我想要些旅行手册,尽快送到我房间吧I'd like to get some travel brochures. Please send them to my room shortly
gen.我想要加牛奶泡泡的拿铁I'd like to have latte with foam
gen.我想要去法国看亲戚,签证官会怀疑我的签证目的吗?I want to visit my relatives in France. Would my purpose of visiting be suspected?
gen.我想要坐在飞机前部I'd like to sit in the front of the plane
gen.我想要安静的角落,如果可能的话I'd like a quiet corner, if possible
gen.我想要开胃菜I'd like appetizers
gen.我想要朝阳的房间I'll take a room with a front view
gen.我想要桃派和蜂蜜蛋糕I'd like a peach pie and a honey cake
gen.我想要楼上的房间I'd like to book a room on the upper level
gen.我想订一个双人房间,最好带浴室I'd like to have a double room with a bath if possible
gen.我想订张明天去纽约的机票I'd like to make a plane reservation to New York tomorrow
adv.我想订购一些珊瑚绒毯I would like to order some coral fleece blankets
gen.我想订购些手绗线,它们在我方市场十分畅销I’d like to order some hand quilting threads, which are popular in our market
gen.我想请你们主管讲话I would like to talk to your chief
gen.我想请您给我拿一壶开水来I would like you to go and get me a flask of hot water
gen.我想请您补充下酒水I need you to replenish the mini-bar
shipb.我想跟你们商量一下折扣问题I'd like to discuss the matter of discount with you.
gen.我想这件毛衣应放在冷水中用手洗,否则它会缩水的I'd like this sweater to be washed by hand in cold water, it might shrink otherwise
dentist.我想通过 X 线片来看看这颗牙齿的一些细节情况I want to examine the tooth in detail by an X -ray
gen.我想那个豹纹的看起来很不错I think the leopard print one looks nice
gen.我想预订一张下星期一去纽约的机票I'd like to make a reservation to New York for next Monday
gen.我想预订周五的晚餐like to book a table for Friday evening, please
gen.我搭乘的航班晚点了,我想知道是什么情况My flight just arrived late, and I need to know what to do
commer.我方想了解你方是否可以为这一商品找到销路We'd like to know whether you can find outlets for this commodity
econ.我方想购买5-6美元的拖鞋We want to buy slippers in ihe 5-6 price range
busin.我方想购进高质量的水力泵The item we'd like to purchase is hydraulic pumps of high quality
gen.我是国际贸易公司的比尔•理查德。我想为我的团队预订房间My name is Bill Richard calling from the International Trading Company. I' d like to reserve rooms for my group
gen.我是209房的芭芭拉。我想要订份早餐This is Barbara in room 209. I'd like to order breakfast,please
gen.我有一些特殊要求。我想要预订一个舒适的房间,要求有落地窗和浴缸I have some special requirements. I want to reserve a cozy room with a French window and a bathtub
cables我来想跟贵方谈谈购买电缆编织机的事I’ve come to discuss the possibilities of purchasing your cable braiders
med.appl.我父母想要购置一台血压计My parents would like to purchase a sphygmomanometer
gen.我猜想这卡萨布兰卡有很多破碎的心I guess there are many broken hearts in Casablanca
gen.我的头痛得很厉害,我想尽快看医生I have a bad headache. I'd like to see the doctor at the earliest possible time
gen.我的英文不是非常好,我不想听错话。你介意稍后再打来吗?我很抱歉My English is not that great, and I don't want to miss anything. Would you mind calling back later? I'm sorry
gen.我真是迫不及待地想要购买这种操纵灵活的小轿车了I could not wait until I could really purchase such kind of very manoeuvrable car
gen.我能知道是谁发现并把它送来的吗?我想向他当面致谢Could I know who has found my bag and brought it here? I want to give my personal appreciation to him or her
gen.我身上冷,想是感冒了I feel shivery. I think I've got a cold
gen.我身上冷,想是感冒了I feel chilly I think I've got a cold
econ.我还想了解一下像你的上司那样的主管人员有什么样的职责I'd like to know more about what an executive like your boss does
gen.我这个礼拜六晚上想订张桌位I’ d like to make a reservation for this Saturday evening
gen.按照我的想法to my thinking
gen.据我的想法to my way of thinking
econ.既然不接受我方提议,我们想听听你方的解决办法Since our offer is unacceptable to you, we would like to listen to your solution
gen.早上好,我想订一张下周一飞往新加坡的机票Good morning, like to make a reservation to Singapore next Monday
gen.早安,我想要一个鳗鱼鸡蛋卷Good morning. May I have an eel and egg roll?
gen.昨天,我看到海滩上有人租冲浪板,我想租一个I saw yesterday that they rent windsurfers at the beach. I want to rent one
gen.昨晚吃饭她想和我平摊费用She wanted to go Dutch with me at the restaurant last night
gen.是的,我想办理飞往北京的航班的登记手续Yes, I want to check in for your flight to Beijing
gen.是的。但我想在地铁车站可能拿到免费的Yes, but I think we can get it free at the subway station
adv.理想自我ideal self
adv.理想自我ego ideal
econ.由于我们想方设法促销产品,所以我们销售量上去了Our sales volume has gone up because of our having devised ways and means to promote the sale
gen.米歇尔,你真了解我。你想吃西餐吗?You must be a mind-reader Michael. Do you feel like some western food?
gen.能暂时治疗一下吗?我不想拔这颗牙Can you fix the tooth temporarily? I don't want it extracted
sport., psychol.自我理想ego ideal
gen.节食可以,可我们都是要吃饭的。你现在想跟我一起去吃点儿东西吗?Dieting is OK, but we all have to eat. Do you want to get a bite with me now?
gen.要是我想洗衣服该怎么办?What if I want to have my clothes washed?
gen.请转告他我想要买电视广告上的汽车Please tell him I would like to buy the car on the TV commercial
gen."这不对吗?"-"我想不对""is not it right?"-"I think not"
gen.顺便说一下,如有可能我想要一个不临街的安静房间By the way, I'd like a quiet room away from the street if it is possible