
Terms for subject Economy containing 我们 | all forms | in specified order only
一俟海关放行,我们即将这批录像机提出We will take delivery of the videorecorders as soon as they are released from the Customs
一接到保险商的保险凭证,我们就立即寄给你方Insurance certificate will follow as soon as we receive it from the underwriters
一旦发货完毕,我们即用电传通知你方As soon as the delivery is complete d, we shall notify you by telex
一旦货物备妥待运,我们就开汇票寄给他们We shall forward them our draft for attention as soon as the goods are ready for shipment
一有新货供应,我们一定向你方报价Once fresh supplies are available, we're sure to make you an offer
一订好船位,我们将告诉你方船名和启航日期We will inform you the name and sailing date of the ship as soon as we book the space
上周我们访问你公司时,受到热情招待特此表示感谢We express our thanks for being hospitably received by you when we were visiting your company last week
下面是我们对国内市场变化的观察报告We give below our observations on the changes of the home market
不得将宝贵的技术诀窍透露给我们的竞争对手Don't impart the valuable know-how to our rivals
不知是否有幸能邀请你来参加我们的展览会?May we have the honor to invite you to attend our exhibition?
合同签约前,我们必须估计有关的总花费Before signing the contract we must get an estimate of the total costs involved
合同终止后,我们将停止制造该特许产品We shall stop manufacturing the licensed products on the termination of this contract
我们经营的其他计算机一样,这部计算机也有三年的保修期Like all other computers we handle, this computer also accompanied with three-year guarantee for our aftercare service
将单据直接寄给我们,并同时通知他们Send the documents to us direct under advice to them
将来我们一定严格按照条款执行合同For the future, we will be sure to execute the orders strictly in accordance with the clauses
市场继续处于不稳定状态,我们最好持观望态度We'd better wait and see during the continuance of the unstable market
希望你方给我们一个即期装运的报盘We hope you will make us an offer for prompt shipment
成本保险费加运费价格、折扣和交货期都是我们想了解的CIF prices, discounts, and delivery schedule are what we want to know
我不赞成这项安排,因为它可能会损害我们公司的利益I am not in favour of this arrangement because it might be detrimental to the interest of our company
we 的宾格我们us
我们一定尽力与你方合作We will co-operate with you to the best of our ability
我们一定要获得进口许可证的批准We are sure to obtain the approval for this import licence
我们一定调査造成损失的原因We will be sure to investigate the cause of the loss
我们一经从银行取得货运单据就立即兑付你们的汇票We shall honour your draft as soon as the documents are received from the bank
我们一贯慎重处理此类复杂的问题We always exercise prudence in dealing with such complicated problems
我们上月写这封信是想探索与你们发展贸易的可能性We wrote this letter last month to explore the possibilities of develop big trade with you
我们上月21日的电传特别强调这项措施的可行性Our telefax of the 21st last month strongly underlined the feasibility of this practice
我们不再雇用额外的上门售货推销员We will not employ any additional door-to-door salesmen
我们不受任何进口限制We are not subject to any import restrictions
我们不可能再接受新约It is impossible for us to make new engagements
我们不可能在价格上作进一步的让步了There is no likelihood of our making further concession on the price
我们不备此货We do not stock this article
我们不应只做外销We should not confine ourselves to export sales
我们不得不坚持要求你方遵守合同We have to insist on your abiding by the contract
我们不得不对费用总额提出异议We have to challenge the sum of the costs
我们不得不将你们的询盘暂时放一放We have to leave your enquiry in abeyance
我们不得不把此种未能履行合同的情况当作一次违反合同的行为We have to regard such failure as a breach of the contract
我们不得从事有损于消费者的不正当竞争We shall refrain from doing unfair competition detrimental to the consumer
我们不愿冒损害名誉的危险We do not wish to risk damaging the reputation
我们不接受你们提出的任何担保We will not accept any security of any sort from you
我们不理解为什么你方报盘迟迟未到We are at a loss why your offer has not arrived yet
我们不知何时再补进这一商品We have no idea of when this commodity will be restocked
我们不缺当前市场情况的资料We are not lacking in information on the current market situation
我们不能接受任何皮革代用品We can not accept any substitutes for leather
我们与纺织业的主要经销商联系得非常好We are well connected with major dealers in the line of textiles
我们与这家银行交往的经验使我们不能向你们提供一份有利他们的报告Our experience with this bank does not warrant our giving you a favourable report
我们专门生产冶金设备,在这方面已有多年的经验We are well established in manufacturing metallurgical equipment to which we have devoted years of experience
我们严格按法定要求经营We have operated exactly according to the statutory requirements
我们为特殊的目的供应这些货物We supply these goods for special purpose
我们为调解已作了很大努力,但毫无结果We've made great efforts at conciliation but in vain
我们主要经营消费品We mainly deal with consumer goods
我们之间的贸易总金额应与我们的代理协定一致The total amount of trade between us shall be consistent with our agency arrangement
我们乐意将设备租借给你方We are glad to lease the equipment to you
我们乘船从伦敦行驶到我方港口We took a run from London to our port on the vessel
我们了解你商店经营汽车备用零件We are aware that your store handles spare parts for motor cars
我们今天通过本市商业银行给伦敦弗兰克银行寄去以你公司为收款人的 3500 英镑汇款单We have today transferred £ 3500 by mail on Frank Bank in London in favour of your house through Mercantile Bank of this city
我们仍在犹豫是否接受你方报盘We are still hesitating about accepting your offer
我们从不指望这种异常的繁荣We never depend on any return of such unusual boom
我们从事合法的行业,做合法的事情We engage in a lawful trade and perform lawful practices
我们从什么地方为项目筹集必要的资金呢?Where will we get the necessary finance for the project?
我们从利润中留出一万美元保留款作为机动Out of the profits, we have saved $10.000 as retainage for flexible use
我们从别处得知这些商品在日本市场畅销We know from other sources that these articles are best selling in Japanese markets
我们从斯里兰卡进口茶叶We import tea from Sri Lanka
我们从销售员的反馈中了解到顾客对该新型商品的反应We have some feedback from the sales force about the customer's reaction to the new model
我们付了保证参加到底的保证金We paid the earnest money to guarantee our participation to the very end
我们企求在销售产品的过程中防止那些有害和不经济的做法We hope to prevent those detrimental and uneconomic practices in our distribution of the products
我们会作出一切必要安排按时交货We will make all necessary arrangements to deliver the goods in time
我们会在装船完毕前一周电告你方船名We will advise you by cable the name of vessel a week before completion of the loading
我们会对你们的汇票及时照付We will accord your draft due protection
我们会将市场变动情况随时通知我们的经销商We will keep our distributors advised from time to time of the market changes
我们会尽最大努力提前装船We will do our best to advance shipment
我们会把他们的具体需要通知你们的We will advise you of their specific requirements
我们会替贵公司提前定好足够的舱位We will book sufficient shipping space for you in advance
我们会遇到一些难以预测的自然条件We may encounter some natural conditions which could hardly have been foreseen
我们会降价,以满足你方要求We will cut the price in order to meet your requirement
我们会随时回报你方的好意We will reciprocate your courtesy at any time
我们佩服你方处理此类问题的熟练的手段We admire your skillful manner in dealing with such problems
我们保存了各种顾客的全面、准确和完整的档案We have kept full, accurate and complete records of various customers
我们保留修改此合同的权利We reserve the right to revise the contract
我们保留在必要时修订此协议的权利We reserve the right to revise the agreement if necessary
我们保证对于你方发盘定予认真考虑We assure that your offer will certainly receive our careful consideration
我们保证毫不耽误按订单规定交货,使你方客户满意We assure you that we shall execute this order to your customers' satisfaction without delay
我们倾向于你的建议We incline toward your proposal
我们允许你方5月1 日前修改建议的部分内容We permit you to revise some part of the proposal until May 1
我们充分相信你们有能力经营这些产品We have full trust in your ability to deal with these products
我们充分相信你方能有效地推销我方产品We have full confidence in that you can sell our products efficiently
我们充分相信我们的产品质量最优,足以与其他任何产品竞争We are quite confident that our product can rival any others due to the best quality
我们公司与他们没有业务往来Our company has no dealings with them
我们公司是首批进入美国市场的公司之一Our company was one of the first to sell into the American market
我们具有广泛、多方面的行业经验,所以能够与你国进行大量贸易We have a wide and varied experience in the trade so we can do a lot of trade with your country
我们再三要求他们延期,但尚未收到他们的答复Although we have repeatedly asked them for an extension n., yet we have not received their reply
我们再也没听到有关这笔订货的装运的任何消息,实在令人吃惊It's surprising that we have not heard anything further from you concerning the shipment of this order
我们再次和他们用电传联系,结果他们确认了你们4月20日信中的报价We have telexed them again with the result that they confirmed the offer you made in the letter of April 20
我们写此信是希望与你方建立业务关系We are writing you with the view to establishing business relations
我们决定为该新产品做广告We decided to advertise the new product
我们决定在纽约用出售股票方式成立一家新公司We have decided to float a new company in New York
我们决心采用上述的管理制度We are determined to adopt the above-mentioned management system
我们准备向电子工业投入资金We are to inject money into the electronics industry
我们准备对你方所花的巨额费用予以补偿We are to indemnify you for the great expenses you have incurred
我们刚才获悉,码头工人突然罢工使轮船未能启航We have only just heard that a lightning strike of dockers held up the departure of the ship
我们利润的增加与开支的下降是成比例的Our increase in profit is proportional to decline in overheads
我们十分注意顾客的想法We care a lot about what our customers'think
我们十分遗憾地发现短重1235公斤,尽管包装完好无损We greatly regret to find that there is a shortage of 1235 kilos though the packing remains intact
我们即以电报向你发去150吨中等棉花的报盘We are cabling you an offer for 150 tons cotton free at quay
我们厂的工资支付方法采用计件和奖金制The method of payment in our factory is on the piece-rate and bonus basis
我们去年口头承诺不与他们竞争Last year we gave them an oral undertaking not to compete with them
我们双方对装船日期这一点不能达成一致意见We are not identical in our views of the shipment date
我们发出的广告传单上提供的折扣为15%The circular we sent out offers 15% discount
我们发现合同草案中有些漏洞,应在签署之前加以消除There are some loopholes in the draft contract, we should close them before signing
我们发现箱子上的标记难以辨认We find it very difficult to identify the markings on the cases
我们发现这些器械有很多用途We found many uses for the machine
我们发现这些账目有的地方相互对不上We found there were discrepancies in the accounts
我们口头上同意了该协议We agreed to the agreement verbally
我们只得退回你方第328 号定单We cannot but return to you Indent No 328
我们可以向银行贷款来开业We can ask for a bank loan to start our business
我们可以和他们妥协,但赔偿费不能少于1000美元We may compromise with them, but the compensation cannot be less than $1000
我们可以立即兑现保付支票We can cash a certified check right away
我们可以花小额保险费给货物保损坏险We may insure our goods for damage for small premium
我们可以采取灵活的态度We can adopt a flexible attitude
我们可向财务科报销We can submit an expense account to the treasurer's office
我们可将10箱瓶装药交由7月10日驶离广州的第一艘"东风号"轮运出We can ship the 10 cases of bottled medicine by the first ship "EAST WIND" leaving Guangzhou on October 7
我们可明确认定,合同中规定的各项要求均已达到We can conclusively presume that the requirements specified in the contract have been satisfied
我们各得一半利润We share the profits on a fifty-fifty basis
我们同原来的代理人签订一项法律合同,禁止他出售上述货物We concluded a legal contract with the original agent prohibiting him from selling the above-mentioned goods
我们同意认购该控股公司的股票We agree to subscribe for the shares in the holding company
我们向他们订购3000台计算机We are indenting upon them for 3000 computers
我们向你方开了汇票而未通知你方,特此道歉We apologize for our failure to advise you that we had drawn on you
我们听说你们昨天在洽谈时对付款方式发生了争执We heard that you were haggling over the mode of payment during the talk yesterday
我们和他们就与此交易有密切关系的一切条件进行了讨论We have talked with them all conditions germane to the transaction
我们商店出售罐头食品、冷冻食品和饮料Our shop sells canned food n., frozen food as well as drink
我们因缺乏资金而无法开发新项目We cannot explore new items because we lack capital
我们在一幢商业大厦租了几间办公室We leased several offices from a commercial building
我们在下面一段要讨论的是业务的性质和建议成交的商品项目What we shall discuss in the following paragraph is the nature of the business and the items proposed to be transacted
我们在对手的销售部有熟人给我们提供有用的信息We have a contact inside our rival's sales department who gives us very useful information
我们在展厅中央租两个展台,不论租金多贵We ordered two display voids in the centre of the exhibition hall despite the high rentals
我们在新加坡销售各类机械We sell various kinds of machinery in Singapore
我们在热烈友好的气氛下交换了意见,以促进双方业务We had a warm and friendly exchange of opinions to further mutual trade interests
我们在设法修订该协议草案We are trying to improve on the draft agreement
我们在这几点上与他们有分歧We are in disagreement with them on these points
我们在这项业务中只是代理商We are only a factor in the business
我们在长城饭店为你们接风洗尘有特定的原因We arrange the banquet in your honor here in Great Wall Hotel for a specific purpose
我们坚决反对贸易限制We firmly object to restraint of trade
我们坚持凭不可撤销的信用证付款We insist om payment by irrevocable letter of credit
我们宁愿等待市场恢复活跃We would rather wait till the market revives
我们客观地评定了全体工作人员的业绩We are objective in evaluating the performance of the staff
我们将与你方贸易代表团在上海讨论这些问题We will discuss these questions with your trade delegation in Shanghai
我们将代你方投保We will arrange insurance on your behalf
我们将努力推广使用这种化妆品We will make efforts to generalize the use of this cosmetic
我们将向你们提供各种设备,费用由你方负担We will provide you with the accommodations
我们将向轮船公司询问此批货损失的原因We will make inquiries at the shipping company regarding the reason for loss of the goods
我们将向银行询问信用证是否已到We will inquire at the bank whether the L/C has arrived
我们将在一定的时间内把我方决定向你们通告,以免延误发货We shall inform you of our decision within a definite time so as not to delay the shipment
我们将在下次会议上讨论汽车进口税的问题We shall discuss the question of import duties on cars in our next meeting
我们将在两天后给你一个明确的答复We'll give you a definite reply in two days
我们将在五月底前发货We would like to have the goods shipped before the end of May
我们将在交易会我方展台上展出我方的产品We shall exhibit our products on our stand at the fair
我们将在大约1个月后,即10月份给你方寄送报盘We will send you an offer in about a month's time, i.e., in October
我们将坚持不懈,努力开发新产品We shall persist in our efforts to develop new products
我们将增加生产以适应我方客户的需要We will gear up our production to meet the needs of our clients
我们将奉献全部时间与精力以促进贵公司的交易We shall devote our entire time and energy to the furtherance of the transaction of your company
我们将实盘有效期从8月15日起再延长10天We keep this firm offer open for a further ten days from 15th August
我们将对今后某个时期的服务费作适当的调整We will make appropriate adjustments in the service fee for a future period
我们将对你方损失负责We are liable for your loss sustained
我们将尽快执行你方订货We'll execute your order as soon as practicable
我们将很快跟这个可能的买主联系,听听他的意见We will get in touch with the prospect soon and listen to his opinions
我们将感谢你方努力扩大交易额的意愿Your intention of endeavouring to enlarge the turnover will receive our appreciation
我们将批准我方所生产和经营的所有货物的质量标准We shall approve standards of quality for all the goods we produce and handle
我们将把一切设备,机械及各种备件迅速由铁路运输给买主We shall promptly transport all equipment, machinery and spare parts to the buyer by rail
我们将把我方的形式发票寄去,以便你们申请进口许可证We shall send you our Proforma Invoice to support your application for import licence
我们将报道磋商的进展情况We shall report on the progress of the negotiations
我们将提供一种代替品,以替代你们所询购的那一种We shall offer a substitute in substitution for what you enquire for
我们将支票通过我东京公司转给你们We are sending the cheque via our office in Tokyo
我们将收集在任何出版物中刊载的必要的资料We shall collect the necessary information printed in any publication
我们将派史密斯先生为代表参加谈判We will send Mr. Smith as delegate to the negotiations
我们将热烈地欢迎代表们来视察我厂We shall warmly welcome the delegates to inspect our factory
我们将继续努力促进我们之间的业务We shall continue our efforts to promote business between us
我们将继续进行以前的代表开始进行的业务谈判We are going to continue the business negotiations initiated by the former representatives
我们将肯定加快准备此货We will definitely accelerate the preparation of the goods
我们将补偿你们的损失We will reimburse you for your loss
我们将负责确定工资及福利津贴标准We will be responsible to ascertain the wages and benefit levels
我们将采用富有特色的设计图样来改进床单的质量We shall adopt distinctive designs to improve the quality of our sheets
我们尽了全力使公司业务重新红火起来We went to great length to make our company alive again
我们履行诺言,用电报报给你方10吨钨砂We have implemented our promise by cabling you an offer for 10 metric tons wolfram ore
我们工人的工作量太大,不能及时完成The load is too heavy for our workers to finish in time
我们工厂位于火车站附近,交通十分便利Our factory is sited near the railway station, and the transportation is very convenient
我们工厂生产环动式组装房子Our factory manufactures circular modular houses
我们已售出大部分裘皮大衣,其余的也已被订购We have sold most of the fur coats and the rest have been ordered
我们已在 5 月7日函告你方,我们只能按寄售办法销售这批货We informed you in our letter of 7th May that we could handle these goods on a consignment basis only
我们已在信中说明所有材料必须质地优良We have specified in our letter that all materials shall be of good quality
我们已在澳大利亚设了两个分公司从事进出口业务We have established two branches in Australia for import and export business
我们已将你方报盘函转给外方公司,请与他们直接联系As we have referred your offers to the foreign corporation for their attention, please contact them directly
我们已将样品航空邮寄给你们We have already sent you samples via airmail
我们已扩大接触面,以便有效地推销新产品We have widened our contracts to promote the new product effectively
我们已找到令人满意的办法解决目前的资金问题We have found a satisfactory solution to the present problem of fund
我们已把有关这次谈判的全部情况通报给有关公司We have transmit ted all information relating to the whole transaction of this negotiation to the appropriate corporations
我们已把美元兑换成瑞士法郎We converted our dollars into Swiss francs
我们已按要求亮出了价格标签We have shown price labels as instructed
我们已掌握该公司30%的股份We have captured 30% of that company's shares
我们已收到你方3 月16日函,内容悉We have received your letter dated Mar. 16, contents noted
我们已收到合同的副本We have received the duplicate of the contract
我们已收到盖有公证人印章的契约We have received the instruments with the stamp of the notary
我们已收到贵方的样品,但未见价格单We have received your samples, but the price list is wanting
我们已改变了诉讼地点We have changed the venue of the proceedings
我们希望以后能以较低价格购进棉花We are hopeful of being able to buy the cotton at lower price later
我们希望你们考虑我们对恢复这个报盘的请求We hope you will consider our request for a renewal of the offer
我们希望你们能认识到这种双方妥协的方案是解决困难的切实可行的办法We hope you will realize that this compromise on both parties is a practicable solution of the difficulty
我们希望你方在促进国际贸易中起带头作用We hope you will take the lead in promoting international trade
我们希望你方按如此变动重新报盘We hope you will renew your offer subject to such alterations
我们希望你方继续努力使业务成交We hope that you will continue your efforts in pushing the business through
我们希望你方能抓住这次投资机遇We hope you will be able to catch this investment opportunity
我们希望你的报盘能被接受We are hopeful about getting your offer accepted
我们希望其质量和数量都符合合同规定We hope that their quality and quantity should be in conformity with the contract stipulations
我们希望利用中东的石油资源We hope to exploit the oil resources in the Middle East
我们希望在今后的业务交往中继续与你方保持友好的关系We wish to enjoy friendly relations with you in future business intercourse
我们希望市场很快会好转We hope that the market will soon take a favourable turn
我们希望成为新式医疗器械的首批大规模生产者之一We hope to be among the first to produce the new medical appliances on a great scale
我们希望我们所做的能有助于加强我们的关系We hope what we have done will help to strengthen our relations
我们希望明年在我们之间能做成一笔更大的买卖We hope that we will do a larger dealing between us next year
我们希望有幸与你方合作We hope to have the privilege of cooperating with you
我们希望本公司的新产品系列会增加我们的市场份额We hope our new product range will boost our market share
我们希望此次延误不会影响你方安装机器We hope that this delay will not influence your installing the machines
我们希望此货将及早到达你处We hope the goods will reach you in good time
我们希望物价大涨之风就快结束It is our hope that the big bulge in price is about over
我们希望能与你们建立长期的业务关系We hope that we can establish business relations with you on a long-term basis
我们希望能很快回收我们的保值投资We hope our safe investments can be recouped quickly
我们希望能看到你方在报上登广告宣传的那种车床的操作演示We should be pleased to see a demonstration of the lathe advertised by you on the newspapers
我们希望该控股公司的股票很快会反弹We hope shares of the holding company will rally soon
我们希望迅速办理手头的询盘We hope to dispatch the inquiries at hand
我们希望这一建议你方能接受,并期待早日答复We hope that this proposal will be acceptable to you, and await your early reply
我们希望这一措施将有助于你方的推销We hope this measure will facilitate your efforts in sales
我们希望这些货一次运送We hope that these cargoes are delivered in one shipment
我们希望,这笔首次交易将带来今后的大宗买卖This initial transaction, we hope, will lead to future volume business
我们希望这项投标应附有一份投标保证书We expect the bid to be accompanied by a bid guarantee
我们希望通过空邮获悉你方指示We hope to your instructions by airmail
我们库存已售光,无法再用非常低的价格做交易了We shall be unable to repeat the very low prices when our stocks are exhausted
我们应努力使我处的市场活跃起来We should make efforts to vitalize the market at our end
我们应发行占公司股本的完全的实收股份来进行支付We shall issue fully paid-up shares in the capital stock of the company to make payment
我们应在竞争性招标的基础上采办全部材料和设备We shall procure all materials and equipment on a competitive bid basis
我们应如何处理卖价不到公平市价的财产问题?How shall we treat the property sold at a price less than its fair market value?
我们应尽快地改正在检査中发现的有关设备的全部毛病We should rectify all the faults with respect to the equipment discovered on inspection as soon as possible
我们应当在限额销售的市场上出售该产品We are required to sell the products into a restricted market
我们应积极促进产品的销售,并须维持一支充分的销售力量We shall actively promote the sale of the product and shall maintain an adequate sales force
我们应该公平对待所有顾客,不论其种族、信仰、肤色或国籍如何We should fairly deal with all customers in spite of race n., creed, color or national origin
我们应该用我们的最好技能对该项施工进行有效监督We should supervise the work in an efficient way, using our best skill
我们应通过各种业务接触来积极开辟未来的发展We should actively pursue these prospects through various business contacts
我们应避免不必要的重复We should avoid unnecessary duplication
我们应采取一切必须措施,以获得该著名外国公司的新产品在中国的独家经销权We shall take all measures requisite to get the sales exclusive right in China for the new product of that famous foreign corporation
我们应采取必要的活动完成这笔交易We shall take necessary action to consummate this transaction
我们很可能会接受前一种建议We are likely to accept the former proposal
我们很遗憾你方发来的货与样品不符We regret to say that your shipment is not in accord with the sample
我们很遗憾得知你们为了扩大生产所做的努力未能成功We regret to note that your efforts to expand production have been unproductive
我们很高兴与你方成交了无烟煤400吨,自5月开始按月分4 次平均装运We are pleased to have booked your order for 400 tons hard coal, shipment in four equal monthly installments beginning with May
我们很高兴与你方进行商谈It is our pleasure to enter into negotiations you
我们很高兴从你方上月27日来信得知你方对我方产品感兴趣We were glad to learn from your letter of 27th of last month of your interest in our product
我们很高兴听到货物已发运在途的消息We are glad to hear the consignment is on it's way
我们很高兴地寄上丝绸衬衫样品及各款图片说明We are pleased to send you a specimen of a silk shirt together with illustrations of all designs
我们很高兴,终于达成了合同条款的协议We are glad that we have finally reached an agreement over the terms for the contract
我们很高兴通知你们,你方货物使我们十分满意We are glad to inform you that your goods have given us every satisfaction
我们得到通知,已有两名代表被派到我们公司来We're informed that two representatives have been dispatch-ed to our company
我们必须以有条件转让的契约形式将这笔钱存入该银行We shall deposite the money in escrow with the bank
我们必须合理开发我们的自然资源We have to rationally exploit our natural resources
我们必须在会议上说明我们的观点We must express our views at the meeting
我们必须在当地注册商标We must register trademarks locally
我们必须在薪水中考虑到生活费用的高低We must allow for the cost of living in the salaries
我们必须增加股东人数Well have to increase the number of shareholders
我们必须对此信用调查报告严格保密We must keep this credit information strictly private
我们必须尽力扩大销路We must do what we can to broaden sales
我们必须尽最大努力排除种种困难We shall exert every effort to obviate all the difficulties
我们必须尽最大努力来增加公司的营业额We must do our best to increase the company's turnover
我们必须得到更多的信息We must get further information
我们必须扩充推销员队伍We have to expand our sales force
我们必须把合同复制一份We have to duplicate the contract
我们必须支付现金预算的一半来购买新设备We have to lay half of our cash budget on buying new equipment
我们必须立即着手解决拖了一年之久之事,否则我们的损失更大We must immediately set out to settle this matter, which has been hanging fire for one year or we will suffer even greater loss
我们必须筹集储备基金以应付不测We must build up a reserve fund to meet emergencies
我们必须索赔54 000美元,以弥补所受的损失We have to ask for a compensation of US $54 000 to cover the loss incurred
我们必须聘请一位金融专家帮助我们We must call in a financial expert to advise us
我们必须迅速采取严厉措施以遏止危机的发展We must take severe measures rapidly to stop a crisis developing
我们必须遵守由官方发布的保障人身或财产安全的通令We have to comply with the orders of the public authority for the safety of persons or property
我们必须采取一切必要措施以防发生损坏We must take all necessary steps to prevent any damage
我们必须采取可以影响施工效率的措施We have to adopt the measures that may affect the efficiency of the project
我们怀疑他们是否能取得这些商品的进口许可证We questioned whether they can get the import licence for these articles
我们急于取得报告We are in a hurry to get to report
我们急需上月所订的货物We are in urgent need of the goods ordered last month
我们愿与你们在这一领域进行交易We express our desire to trade with you in this line
我们愿付样品的成本费和杂费We will pay the cost of the samples and incidental expenses
我们愿同你们分担风险We offer to go shares with you in the risk
我们愿向你方推荐购买另一种质优价廉的产品We would like to recommend you to buy another quality products at a low price
我们愿意担任你们现行出口商品的代理We wish to handle as an agent the goods you are exporting now
我们愿意接受你方公平合理的解决方案We are ready to accept your fair and reasonable settlement
我们愿意让一步,同意你们对这笔交易所提的条件We are prepared to stretch a point and agree to your terms for this transaction
我们所能找到的惟一解释是包裹标签有误The only explanation we could find was that the parcels were incorrectly label led
我们手头有几间办公室可出租We have several offices on hand to let
我们打开包时,发现短衫与样品不一样When we unwrap ped the parcel, we found the blouse is not the same as the sample
我们打算建造一座展览馆,专门陈列各公司制造的商品We are going to build an exhibition centre for the display of the merchandise produced by the companies
我们把公寓大楼建筑中的水电工程转包给"顶峰"有限公司We will sub-contract to Top Peak Ltd. the electrical and water work in the construction of apartment buildings
我们把我们的钱合起来成为共同基金We put our money into a general pool
我们把文件放入银行保存好We put the documents into the bank for safe keeping
我们担保这批货将安全迅速到达你方We guarantee the shipment will reach you safely and promptly
我们指望你方能维护我们股东利益We look to you to safeguard the interest of our shareholders
我们按时完成了任务We fulfilled our task in due course
我们按现价出售We sell at ruling prices
我们授予他们在美国独家销售的代表权We offered them exclusive representation in America
我们接受贵方条件表明我们与你方发展贸易关系的诚意Our acception of your conditions signifies our sincerity to develop business relationship with you
我们提供给他们有关每个部分的结构和详细规格等的资料We will give them information on the construction of each part as well as detailed specifications
我们提出并公开发表一份终止我们之间的合伙关系的声明We filed and issued a statement of terminating our partnership
我们提出这个要求,并不是利用双方多年交往关系,而是出于需要We advanced the request not presuming upon our long association, but out of necessity
我们收到的货物与定货样品不符,请调査此事The goods we have received do not tally with the sample. Please look into it
我们,文件下方署名者,特此聘任王先生为我公司顾问We, the undersigned n., do hereby appoint Mr. Wang the advisor of our company
我们断然拒绝接受此报盘We declined in a flat manner to accept the offer
我们无意在协议期满时续订协议We are not interested in renewing this agreement when it expires
我们是专门生产机床的国营企业We are a state enterprise manufacturing exclusively machine tools
我们是信誉卓著的会计公司,希望你们充分利用我们的服务As a reputable firm of accountants, we wish you to avail yourselves of our service
我们是双方直接成交这笔业务的,因此没有佣金这回事We do the business on principal-to-~ basis, so there is no commission
我们是合资企业,经营这些商品的进出口业务We are a joint venture handling such commodities in both import and export business
我们是此次商品交易会的主办人之一We are one of the sponsors of this trade fair
我们最好不要经营在原产地方面会引起混乱的任何产品We'd better not handle any products which may cause confusion as to source of origin
我们有些子公司不愿意参加投标Some of our affiliates refuse to tender a bid
我们有可能打入国际市场There is scope for our expansion into the world market
我们有在本地区独家制造和销售这一产品的权利,这一点已在上面特别提到过We have the sole and exclusive right to produce and sell the goods in our area, as particularly provided for above
我们有希望在最近把这件事搞清楚,所以希望你方暂不作最后决定As we have hopes of getting this matter cleared up in the near future we would ask you to do nothing final yet
我们有幸自荐,盼望能与你们建立业务关系We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with the hope of entering into business relations with you
我们有意接受你方12月20日的报盘We are inclined to accept your offer on Dec. 20th
我们有现货We have stock in hand
我们有理由向你方要求索赔短重总计84吨We are justified in claiming on you for shortage of weight, which amounts to 84 tons in all
我们期待 5月1曰前收到你方对我们询价的答复We expect to receive your reply to our enquiry by May 1
我们期望从电视广告中得到良好反响We are counting on getting a good response from TV advertising
我们期望圣诞节后重新开始大规模的购货We expect a resumption of large-scale purchase after Christmas
我们来草拟上述协议We will prepare the said agreement
我们极力推荐王小姐担任秘书工作We strongly recommend Miss Wang for a secretary
我们核算保险费将超过一万美元We reckon the insurance premium to be over $10.000
我们根据销售公司所作的修改而接受了它We accepted it upon such amendments which had been made by the sales company
我们歉难同意用承兑交单代替凭信用证付款We regret that we cannot accept payment on D/A term in lieu of L/C
我们正努力提高销售量以减少存货We are trying to increase our sales volume to reduce inventory
我们正在努力寻找最终解决这个问题的办法We are trying to find the final solution to this issue
我们正在反击同行的挑战We are fighting off the challenge from our competitors
我们正在同该国经营这一行业的主要商号之一打交道We are dealing with one of the leading firms in this country dealing in this line
我们正在向生产部门催促贵方的订货We are chasing your order with our production department
我们正在拟定一项招聘计划,将雇用许多有能力的工作人员We are undertaking a recruitment program and will hire a lot of able employees
我们正在编制明年8万美元的对外销售预算We are budgeting for US $80.000 of overseas sales next year
我们正在考虑如何革新产品的工艺和包装We are considering how to innovate in the workmanship and packing of our products
我们正在考虑对这一行业进行大规模的投资We are considering large-scale investment in this line
我们正在调査造成损失的原因We are inquiring about the reason of the loss
我们正寻求在电子行业有过成功经历的人We are looking for someone with a background of success in the electronics industry
我们正忙于备货,以便交付这艘轮船装运We are busy with the preparation of the goods for shipment on this steamer
我们正等待船主的提单We are waiting for the bill of lading from the ship owner
我们每个月都要核对一次存货We make a check on our stocks once a month
我们比较喜欢同他们做生意We would prefer to do business with them
我们没有保留多余的样品,请立即把样品寄来We have not kept for ourselves more samples than necessary and would ask you to deliver it to us promptly
我们没有停止履行我们义务的意思We have no intention to abrogate our obligation
我们没有必要强调此货的季节性It is not necessary that we should underline the seasonal character of the goods
我们没有想到这会引起你方的不满We didn't expect that it would incur your complaint
我们注意到与贵公司交易往来各方面都很圆满,希望与你方继续发展经常的关系We have noted that dealings with your company are pleasant in every respect and wish to continue developing regular relationship with you
我们注意到他们已扩大了业务范围,并设立了出口部We note that they have extended their scope of business, and set up an export department
我们注意到目前有一种向内地市场销售的普遍倾向We notice a general trend to sell to inland market
我们渴望寻求一位代理商来处理我们对贵国的出口贸易事宜We are earnestly looking for an agent to handle our export trade with your country
我们现在和以后都要进行多次商务洽谈We'll hold a lot of business negotiations now and hereafter
我们现有产品的质量保证与我们以前产品的质量完全相同The quality of our current product is guaranteed totally equal to that of our previous product
我们由你方的信中推断出你方不介意转船运输We infer from your letter that you do not mind transshipment
我们ours (we 的物主代词)
我们的产品保证耐用、美观和舒适Our goods are guaranteed long wear, attractiveness a nd real comfort
我们的产品质量绝对是一流的The quality of our products is absolutely prime
我们的免熨成衣受到广泛欢迎Our iron-free garments are generally welcomed
我们的全部设计工作都是在室内完成的All our design work was accomplished inside
我们的冰箱名称就是优质标志Our name on the refrigerator is the hallmark of excellence
我们的利润比预期的少Our profits are less than expected
我们的办公室计算机配置齐全Our office has been fully equipped with computers
我们的合同条款只是一般条款,一点也不苛刻Our provisions of contract are only ordinary terms, and they are not harsh at all
我们的商业行为不应该损害公共利益Our commercial practice should not be injurious to the public interest
我们的商品主要在国内市场销售Our sales are largely in the domestic market
我们的客户经常与我们的总公司直接联系Our clients often got in direct touch with our head office
我们的广告大战已证明失败Our advertising campaign has proved to be a flop
我们的确认为,我们的服务质量抵得上这种报酬We do think that the quality of our service does justice to the pay
我们的经营范围从廉价的钢笔到进口的豪华汽车Our scope of business ranges from cheap pens to imported luxury cars
我们的论点以事实为根据We should ground our arguments on facts
我们的货用牢固的新木箱包装,每箱2台,各用塑料小口袋一只包好Our goods are packed in new strong wooden boxes, each box containing 2 sets in individual small plastic wrapper
我们的销售额比去年有很大的增长Our sales are showing a sharp improvement over last year
我们的陶器赢得了顾客的好评Our pottery has won the good opinion of our customers
我们的顾客要求我们按发票金额减少10%Our customers ask us to accept 10% reduction in the price on the invoice amount
我们真诚希望30天展期有助于你摆脱当前困境We earnestly hope that the extension of 30 days will help you out of your present embarrassment
我们知道你方对节省劳力的设备感兴趣I have been informed that you are interested in labour-saving devices
我们知道这样一笔小业务的佣金还不够折付广告费We know that the commission on this small business is not sufficient to offset the advertising expenses
我们确信,我们的报价是合适的We feel sure that our quotations are proper
我们确信我方的所处困境会得到你方谅解We are certain that you will understand the difficulty in which we are placed
我们等候去年的订货已很久We had a long wait for our goods ordered last year
我们答应了提前装船We are commit ted to advance shipment
我们答应向他们支付专利权使用费,作为使用创造发明的特权的报酬We promise to pay the royalty to them as the reward for the privilege of using their inventions
我们答应这些产品不卖给任何其他批发商或零售商We agree that these products will not be sold to any other distributor of dealer
我们签署了协议,该协议具有6个月后可重新讨论各项条件的附文We signed the agreement with the proviso that the terms can be discussed again after six months
我们终于达成协议成交了At last we came to terms and struck the bargain
我们经营农产品和矿产品出口业务We are engaged in the export of agricultural and mineral products
我们经营此行已有多年历史We have engaged in this line for many years
我们给仓库增添了 10名部分时间工作制人手We supplemented the warehouse staff with 10 part-timers
我们给他们寄去合同一式二份We sent them the contract in duplicate
我们给你们造成很多不便,实在抱歉We are very sorry for having caused you a lot of inconvenience
我们给你方送去综合报盘,必须全部接受或不接受We are sending you a lump offer, which must be accepted all or none
我们给办公室配备计算机We fit ted out the office with computers
我们给契约附加一份明细表,作为它必不可少的组成部分We add a schedule to the deed as an essential part of it
我们给目前可供产品开了一份清单We listed our products available at present
我们绝对相信该产品的优点We are fully convinced of the virtue of this product
我们花了很多精力开发此种新电脑系统We have spent a great deal of energy in developing this new computer system
我们表示出要同该公司建立业务关系的We expressed our willingness to establish business relations with the company
我们要为200名失业的年轻人提供就业We intend to provide 200 unemployed young people with jobs
我们要在相互信任的气氛中进行谈判以修订本协议We shall talk in good faith to amend this agreement
我们要推迟考虑长期协议,直到目前的问题得到解决We would like to remit consideration of the long-term agreement till recent problems are solved
我们要求你方取道经由新加坡,如果你方选错航线,则任何可能发生的延误由你方负责We have asked you to be routed via Singapore. If you have been routed wrong, we hold you responsible for any possible delay
我们要求你方提供一套整洁的货运单据We require you to provide a clean set of shipping documents
我们要求助于仲裁来解决本合同执行中发生的一切争论We shall have recourse to arbitration to settle any dispute that may arise during the execution of this contract
我们要求每批发的货分别开发票We demand that each lot invoiced separately
我们要求立即订船位We want to make a reservation on the ship right away
我们要求这笔款用硬通货支付We require that the sum be paid in specie
我们要求银行通告那家公司财政状况We asked the bank to report on that company's financial status
我们要花三个月时间来清理这些积压的定单It will take us three months to clear the backlog of orders
我们要设法说服他们接受我们的建议We will try to reason them into the acceptance of our proposal
我们要购买我们需要的东西,不计费用We'll buy what we need regardless of expense
我们要防止出现任何严重的收款问题We want to protect against any serious collection problem
我们觉得你方的计划行得通We find your plan feasible
我们觉得这批货物的售价不会超过原货价的65%We feel that the present consignment will not fetch over 65 percent of the sum charged for it
我们认为不应把这两个问题分开We don't think we should separate these two questions
我们认为他们没有能力垄断锌市场We do not think they are able to make a monopoly of the zinc market
我们认为你公司应立刻向我方订购这批车床We think that your order for these lathes should be placed with us without delay
我们认为你方报价不合适,因为这种手提包价格现在正在下跌We feel that your quotation is not proper because the price for the travelling bag is on the decline at present
我们认为再和他们联系是不合适的We consider it inadvisable to contact them again
我们认为协议中此项条款应取消We think this clause in the agreement should be revoked
我们认为我们不能承担这些支出We do not think we can absorb these expenses
我们认为有必要作出这些减免We are obliged to make these abatements
我们认为现在给你们寄样品很有必要We consider that it is quite necessary to send you samples right now
我们认为用这种方式处理此事会更好一些We thought it better to deal with the matter along these lines
我们认为目前的形势不会阻碍我们的发展They think that the present situation will not deactivate our development
我们认为结局不会违反我们的愿望We dont think the end will be contrary to our wish
我们认为股票市场的反常现象不会持续很久We do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long in the stock market
我们认为要求你方及时完成全部订单是合理的We consider it reasonable to ask you to fill all orders in time
我们认为讨论调整价格的时机已经成熟We think that the time is mature for us to discuss the subject of readjusting prices
我们认为这不会影响发货期限We knew it would not affect the delivery limit
我们认为这些条件与合同是一致的We think the terms are in agreement with the contract
我们认为这些计算机是一流的We rate these computers as first class
我们认为这种商品的质量合乎标准We acknowledged that the quality of the article were up to standard
我们认为这种衣料至少可以卖到5美元一米We think this material for clothing will fetch us at least $5 per meter
我们认为这笔生意只是未来一系列交易的先导We believe this deal is only a forerunner of a series of transactions in future
我们认为这类公司的寿命是永恒的We hold the opinion that the duration of such corporation will be perpetual
我们认为需要开辟科学研究的新领域We think it desirable to open up a new field for scientific research
我们记得在上封信中特别提到过这一问题We remember having particularly mentioned this question in our last letter
我们设法劝说他们减价,但他们一点儿也不让步We tried to talk them into cutting down the price but they did not budge a step
我们趁此机会写信给贵方看是否可以通过开始做几宗实际的交易与你方建立业务联系We now take occasion to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you by the commencement of some practical transactions
我们还要50吨花生油,质量与上批相似We need 50 tons more of the peanut oil, the quality being similar to the preceding one
我们这种新产品在新加坡受到好评This new product of ours are commented upon in warm words in Singapore
我们这里的存货充足We have ample stocks here
我们进口原材料而后出口成品We import raw materials and export the finished products
我们进口照相器材,尤其是相机品种极多,行销全国We are importing photographic equipment, particularly a great variety of cameras for distribution throughout this country
我们选定驻上海的东海公司为我方代理商We have chosen East Sea Corporation residing in Shanghai as our agent
我们选用最优质量的原料We shall select the raw material of the finest quality
我们通过客户获悉贵公司地址,现特去函与你公司建立业务关系We have obtained your address from our client and are now writing you for the establishment of business relations
我们遗憾地告知贵方,交货由于停工而延迟We regret to inform you that the delivery was late due to the stoppage of work
我们遗憾地通知你们面粉质量大大低于标准We regret to inform you that the flour is far below standard
我们遗憾地通知你方存货已售完We regret to inform you that our stock has run out
我们长期租赁所述设备We took the said equipment on a long let
我们阅读并理解了前述条件,同意完全执行这项订单We have read and understood the foregoing conditions, and agree to execute the order to the full
我们难以想像在这次谈判中你方代表竟再次提出这个问题We can't imagine that this question is raised by your representative again during the negotiation
我们需按有我方签字的第5号购货合同付款We shall pay the installments according to our Purchase Contract No. 5 with our signature
我们需要两份你方售货发票We need two copies of your sales invoice
我们需要大约100公吨铜We need about 100 metric tons of copper
我们需要实物来更换设备上的受损部件We need the physical replacement of the damaged parts of the equipment
我们需要核査所有文件、提货单和运费账We need checking the documentation n., bill of lading and freight account
我们需要相当的时间来完成分配的工作We shall spend quite a bit of time to perform the allocated work
我们需进一步调査此事We need go further into the matter
我们非常感激你方大力协助,说服他们同意我们的意见We are very grateful to you for your kind offices in talking them around to our views
我们非常感激你方寄来关于你方产品的简要介绍和样品We are very grateful to you for the brief introduction of your products and samples you sent here
我们非常抱歉地通知贵方,由于不可避免的意外事故,我方无法履行合同We are very sorry to inform you that we can not perform the contract due to inevitable accident
我们非常盼望和你们开始建立业务关系We are looking forward to inaugurating business relations with you
我们非常高兴同你们达成了第一项协议We are glad to have finalized the first agreement with you
我们非常高兴能与贵方开始业务合作We have the pleasure to initiate the business cooperation with you
我们须确保产品与样品完全一致We must see to it that the product is uniform with its sample
我们预料在购买这些物品方面有些困难We contemplated some difficulties in buying these goods
我们预期不久可以完成你们的订货We expect to finish your order very soon
我们首先应该对当地的消费者保护法律做一番调査研究,然后再开展我们的业务We shall look into local customer protection laws first before engaging in our business
我们高兴地告诉你方,董事会已通过一项与中国丝绸公司达成长期协定的决议We are glad to inform you that the board of directors passed a resolution to reach a long-term agreement with China National Silk Corporation
我公司已指派他们与你方洽谈业务Our company has assigned them to negotiate business with you
我厂的产品在性能上与我们竞争对手的产品有很大差别The product made by our factory is quite different in function from that of our rivals
我地区最近受台风严重危害,希望你们充分体谅我们的处境Our area was badly damaged by recent typhoon and we hope you will understand our situation fully
我敢肯定你们会超过去年的销售总额I'm certain that you'll surpass last year's total sales
我方不能接受你方赔偿我们600美元的决定We cannot accept your decision to compensate us $600
我方在上一封信中提醒你方注意必须给你们的货物投保失窃险和火险We impressed on you the necessity of insuring your goods against theft and fire in our last letter
我方对一切提交给我们的信息均严加保密We hold all information submitted to us in strict confidence
我方希望你方用书面通知阐明你们的意向We hope you will express your intention in written notice
我方希望你方能根据我方的能力考虑给我们独家经销你方产品的权利We hope you will consider giving us exclusive selling right for your products according to our ability
我方法律顾问赞同我们同他们所订的协议Our counsellor approved of the agreement which we concluded with them
我方确信他们在票据呈交时即行付款We are confident that they will meet the bill on presentation
我方订货发运时,我们会及时得到他们的通知We will duly receive their advice when they send out our goods ordered
我的秘书懂西班牙语,因此她将为我们翻译My secretary knows Spanish, so she will interpret for us
按照协议,他们卖给了我们50吨精白米In accordance with agreement, they have sold us 50 tons polished rice
按照要求,我们将把这几小批货并在一起装运As requested, we will lump there small lots into one shipment
最近我们已考虑了你方关于减价的要求,同意减价5%Recently we have considered your request for reduction in price and agreed to reduce it by 5%
最近我们收到了不少对你方丝绸产品的激烈的投诉Recently we have received bitter complaints about your silk products
有关新产品的信息对我们十分有用The information about the new product is very useful to us
有关装船事宜,请把你们的意见传达给我方For loading arrangement, please communicate your ideas to us
看来我们运货赶不上这条船了It seems that we can't catch this steamer for shipment
考虑到目前的市场情况,我们同意和买方达成一个折衷办法Considering the present market situation, we agree to effect a compromise with the buyers
考虑到目前的情形,我们已作了很大让步In view of the present situation we have made much concession
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