
Terms for subject Commerce containing 我们 | all forms | in specified order only
一俟有货我们即告你方We'll cable you as soon as the goods are available
一俟有货可供,我们将一定向你方报盘As soon as supplies are available, we'll make you an offer without fail
一俟有货可供,我们将毫不迟疑地与贵方联系As soon as the goods are available, we'll not hesitate to contact you
一周后我们将装运货物We'll ship the goods in a week
一周后我们装运了货物We shipped the goods after a week.
一旦有新的货物,我们将马上与你方联系As soon as fresh supplies are available, we'll contact you right away
一般地说,我们不接受承兑交单托收的支付条件Generally speaking, we do not accept the payment terms by D/A
我们商量有关技术改进的问题advise with us on technical improvements
我们委托人而作on account of our principals
买方利益与我们不相一致In this case the buyer's interest is not compatible with ours
交易额没有达到我们希望的标准The volume of business falls short of our hope
他们已向我厂订购自行车10,000辆They have placed an order for 10,000 bicycles with our factory
以便我们安排装运Please establish L/C at once in order to facilitate our shipping arrangements
促进我们在国际市场上目标的实现promote the achievement of our goals in the world market
包装方面的这一改变对我们相当不便It is rather inconvenient for us to make such a change in packing
我们提岀关于技术改进的建议advise us on technical improvements
告知我们关于技术改进的情况advise us of technical improvements
在货物分级中我们必须要仔细We must be careful in grading the goods
在这方面我们不能答应你方要求We regret to say that we cannot oblige you in this respect
如你方保证及时付款,我们将按凭单付款方式发运货物If you guarantee payment in time, we'll forward the goods on D/P basis
如果不能在五月装运,我们只好撤回订单去他处采购If the goods are not shipped in May, we shall be compelled to purchase elsewhere and may have to countermand our order
如果你方信用证不能在本月底前到达,我们将会错过下月船期Failing the arrival of your L/C before the end of the month, we'll miss the vessel next month
如果你方信用证本月底不能抵达,我们将被迫取消这一定单If your L/C fails to arrive at the end of this month, we shall be compelled to cancel the order
对所有这些商品,我们一律给予2%佣金For all these items, we allow a flat rate of commission of 2%
市场风险在我们仔细考虑的范围之内The market risk is within our contemplation
必需的进口许可证一经签发,我们将向你方去电要求报实盘On the issuance of the necessary import licence, we'll cable you for your firm offer
我们一定注意包装好这批货物We'll see to it that goods are properly packed
我们不可忽视贸易惯例的作用We cannot afford to neglect the function of business practices
我们不应强调其一而贬低其二Quality and shipment are both important. We should not emphasize one and deemphasize the other
我们不得不要你方对所受损失负责We have to hold you liable for the loss sustained
我们不得不要求你方将信用证展期We have to request you to extend the relevant L/C
我们不得不要求你方补偿损失We have to ask you to make good the loss
我们不得不谢绝你方本月十八日报盘We regret that we have to decline your offer dated the 18th instant
我们不想让你方负担不必要的费用We don't want to involve you in unnecessary expenses
我们不能不管其他买主而只给你方报盘We cannot confine our offers to you to the exclusion of other buyers
我们不能完全满足你方询盘We cannot meet your enquiry to the full extent
我们不能承担这些附加费用We cannot assume these additional charges
我们不能承担这起事故的责任We cannot assume the responsibility for this accident
我们不能报比每打5.6英镑更好的价格了We cannot do better than £ Stg.5.60 a dozen
我们与库克先生结束了几笔交易We've closed several deals with Mr. Cook
我们与那些客户没有业务来往We have no dealings with those customers
我们之间的贸易额与我们达成的代理协议不符The volume of trade between us does not consist with the agency agreement concluded
我们也许不得不提请仲裁解决争议It may be necessary for us to have recourse to arbitration
我们从不拿原则作交易We never haggle about principles
我们从你方本月二日来信中获悉你方对我方的土产品感兴趣We note from your letter of the 2nd inst. that you are interested in our native produce
我们从未不履行自己的义务We have never failed to discharge our obligations
我们从未听到其他客户类似的不满We've never received a similar complaint from other customers
我们以下列理由拒绝你方索赔We should refuse your claim on the following grounds
我们保证妥善执行你方订单We assure you of the proper execution of your order
我们公司经营轻工业产品Our corporation deals in light industrial products
我们兹附寄有关本次交易的2023号销售合同We herewith enclose our S/C No. 2023 covering this transaction
我们决不可忽视引进技术的原则Under no circumstances shall we neglect the principle of technology acquisition
我们双方对该问题终于达成一致We have finally reached common ground on the subject
我们只能在六/七月装运货物The best shipment we can do is during June/July
我们可以从多处获取供货We can procure supplies from many sources
我们可以断言船方应对损坏负责We can affirm that the ship owner is responsible for the damage
我们向你方保证加快装运We assure you that we shall do our best to expedite the shipment
我们告知你方此种可能性以便你方提前有所准备We are advising you of this possibility to the effect that you may be prepared in advance
我们喜爱坎佩乐尼这一品牌是因为它的高格调和永恒的现代奢华感We love the brand Cappellini because of its classy style, timelessly modern look, and extravagance
我们在该国有广泛的客户We have extensive connections in that country
我们寄此种料子剪样一份We send here with a sample cutting of this matter
我们对中国产品感兴趣We're interested in Chinese make
我们对第一流质量感兴趣We're interested in first-rate quality
我们将于本月底装运货物We'll ship the goods by the end of this month
我们将准备好合同以备签字We'll have the contract ready for signature
我们将千方百计于下月内装运货物We'll make every endeavour to ship the goods within next month
我们将另函处理这一问题We'll deal with the subject in our next letter
我们将另函寄送样品We're sending vou samples under separate cover
我们将向买主报盘We'll make the buyer an offer.
我们将尽可能加速装运货物We will expedite shipment as much as possible
我们将感到非常高兴We shall be very glad to have your presence
我们将感谢你方对市场形势的澄清We'll appreciate your clarification of the market situation
我们将把样品付邮We're forwarding the samples per parcel post
我们将等待该买主的递盘We'll wait for a bid from the buyer
我们将装运货物We'll ship early next month subject to the availability of vessel
我们就此大意致电你方We are cabling you to this effect
我们已于三月五日通知贵方银行。We have advised your bank on 5th March.
我们已从信用证中删去了有关条款As per your request we've deleted the relevant clause from the letter of credit
我们已安排必要的保险We've arranged the necessary insurance cover
我们已将这笔金额记入你们的贷方We have placed the sum to your credit
我们已找到销售新产品一条有希望渠道A prospective channel for the sale of our new products has been discovered
我们已指定该地区的独家代理人We've already appointed the sole agent in this territory
我们已按此金额记入你们的贷方We have credited this amount to your account
我们已收到你方本月十八日函We're in receipt of your letter dated 18th inst. under the caption of S/C No. 2022
我们已经收到你方金额为20,000美元的贷记通知书We have received your credit note for US $20,000
我们已编制完成来年年度采购计划We've worked out the ABP for the coming year
我们希望今后继续向你方订购这类商品We hope to place further orders with you in this line
我们希望你方与我方协调一致地予以合作We hope you'll cooperate with us in perfect harmony
我们希望你方信用证早日到达We hope your L/C will reach us in good time
我们希望你方努力推销这一新产品We hope that you will direct your efforts to the promotion of this new product
我们希望你方注意你方包销地区的变化并随时告诉我们We hope that you'll observe changes in your territory and keep us advised
我们希望保险范围扩展到包括盗窃险We want broader coverage including T.P.N.D
我们希望在推销这一新行业商品方面你方将密切与我方合作We hope you'll closely cooperate with us in promoting this new line
我们希望有机会在交易会上见到你方代表We hope we'll have an opportunity to meet your representative at the Fair
我们应立即与我们的海外客户联系We should get in contact with our overseas buyer immediately
我们建议你方购买少量试用We recommend you to buy a small quantity for trial
我们很高兴We're glad the dispute has been brought to a satisfactory termination
我们必须为任何意外事故作准备We must be ready for any contingency
我们必须把这些货物分两船装运We have to make two loads of the cargoes
我们急盼货物到来We're anxiously awaiting the arrival of the goods
我们急需此货,不可久等We're in urgent need of the goods, we cannot afford to wait for long
我们想探询有关澳大利亚最近的市场情况We should like to inquire about the recent market situation in Australia
我们感谢你方的友好姿态We appreciate the goodwill gesture on your part
我们手中存货不多We have only a limited stock in hand
我们承认该协议具有约束力We acknowledge the agreement as binding
我们抱歉不能同意你方贸易条款We regret we cannot agree to your trade terms
我们推测你方已开立信用证We presume that you have already established the L/C
我们无法承担所有这些费用We can't absorb all these charges
我们是经营纺织品的主要商号Ours is an important firm dealing in textile fabric
我们有几家客户对你方产品感兴趣We have several clients interested in your products
我们期待我们之间的生意迅速发展We look forward to the rapid development of the business between us
我们期待贵方继续友好合作We look forward to your continued friendly cooperation
我们期望你方立即办理此事We expect you to give this matter your immediate attention
我们期望贵方能在下周报盘We expect you to be able to make an offer next week
我们未预料到价格进一步上涨We didn't expect any further advance in price
我们正在考虑是否与客户达成交易We are deliberating whether we should conclude the bargain with the customer
我们正在采取措施改进产品质量We're taking measures to improve the quality of our products
我们正忙于备货出运We're busy preparing the goods for shipment
我们毫不怀疑你方将尊重合同义务的严肃性We have no doubt that you will respect the solemnity of contractual obligations
我们没有更进一步谈及此事的必要We have no occasion to refer to the matter still further
我们猜想你方对我方餐具感兴趣We assume that you are interested in our tablewares
我们理所当然地认为货物品质存在一些差异We take it for granted that there exits some difference in quality of the goods
我们的一位客户打算递送一份购买中国纺织品的大订单One of our clients contemplates placing a large order for Chinese textiles
我们的产品在国外受到越来越多的欢迎Our products have enjoyed growing favour among buyers abroad
我们的产品在国外市场受到欢迎Our products are well received in foreign markets
我们的产品质量经得起与竞争对手的产品质量相比The quality of our products stands comparison with that of rival products
我们的价格算是很公道的Our prices are moderate in comparison with those of competitors
我们的支付条款是即期汇票支付的信用证Our payment terms are L/C available by draft at sight
我们的资金仅限于技术引进We limit our expenditures to the technology acquisition
我们目前最多只能供应1,000公吨One thousand M/T is the extreme limit we can supply at present
我们相信你方将在汇票提示时照付We trust you'll honour our draft on presentation
我们相信可以供应你方所需的任何适当数量We believe we can supply any reasonable quantity you require
我们相信此货将如期到达你处We trust the shipment will reach you in due course
我们相信货物将及时抵达你处We trust that the goods will reach you in due course
我们相信货物质量将得到你方认可We believe the quality will meet with your approval
我们相信这一销售计划可以实现We trust this marketing plan can be realized
我们经营工艺品岀口业务We are engaged in the export of arts and crafts
我们经营纺织品Our business is dealing in textile
我们经营纺织品出口业务We are engaged in the export of textiles
我们经营范围包括多种多样的商品Our activities cover a wide range of commodities
我们经营进出口业务We are engaged in both export and import business
我们绝不拿原则作交易we never haggle about principles
我们至少可以相当肯定地推测贸易洽商将会取得成功We may at least conjecture with fair certainty that the business negotiations will be successful
我们获悉你方已提交了进口许可证的申请We note that you have handed in your application for import licence
我们表示谢意We wish to express our appreciation for your great efforts to push the sales of our commodity
我们要求你方对此事予以立即考虑We request you to take this matter into prompt consideration
我们要说你方的要求是不合理的We would observe that your request is unreasonable
我们认为合同将会落空We assume that the contract will be frustrated
我们认为尺码不完全正确We hold that the measurements are not completely correct
我们认为应在平等互利的基础上达成交易We deem that transactions should be concluded on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
我们认为我方价格并不过分We don't think our prices are exaggerated
我们认为接受该报价是愚蠢的We count it foolish to accept the offer
我们认为暂缓讨论独家代理为宜We consider it advisable to postpone the discussion on sole agency
我们购物袋品种已大大多样化了We have greatly diversified our line of shopping bags
我们遗憾地得悉你方为获确定递盘的努力未获成功We regret to note that your efforts to gel firm bids have proved futile
我们预料新货不久将到来We expect a new supply to arrive soon
我们预期不久将完成你方订货We expect to fill your order very soon
接到代理人的电传后我们立即与他联系We got in touch with the agent immediately after we received his telex
由于大量的订货,我们目前无力接受新的订单Owing to heavy bookings, we're not in a position to accept fresh orders at present
目前我们经济上承担不起它We can not afford it financially at present
考虑到我们双方长久的业务关系,我方愿意放弃索赔要求Considering the long relations between us, we are willing to waive the claim
我们进入下一项议程Let's proceed to the next item on the agenda
请尽早为我们提供进一步细节Please furnish us with further details as early as possible
请放心,我们将按商定的条款执行你方定单Please rest assured we'll execute your order as per the terms agreed
贸易谈判将使我们有机会巩固我们之间的友好合作The business negotiation will afford us an opportunity to consolidate the friendly cooperation between us
达成协议对我们双方有益It will be to our mutual benefit to come to an agreement
这一争议不应成为我们双方业务发展的障碍The dispute should not be the obstacle to the development of our business
这些资料对我们的实验很有价值These data will be of great value to us in our experiment