
Terms for subject Business containing 成 品 | all forms | in specified order only
不可比产品成本incomparable product cost
不合格产品成本unsatisfactory product costs
不合格品成本cost of defective work
中位构成商品commodity of average composition
主要产品单位成本表statement of unit cost of major products
买进现成物品buying off the peg
成品最高库存定额maximum storage norm for finished product
产品分成productive sharing
产品单位成本升降分析analysis of increasing and decreasing unit cost of product
产品工厂成本factory cost of product
产品成本cost of products
产品成本会计product cost accounting
产品成本会计cost accounting by product
产品成本会计计算cost accounting by
产品成本分类账product cost subsidiary ledger
产品成本核算分类法costing classification of product
产品成本系数cost coefficient of product
产品成本计算单product costing sheet
产品成本计算表statement of cost and production
产品成果差异production yield variance
产品物质成分material ingredient of a product
产品生产线成本核算product line costing
产品线成本核算product line costing
产品组成product formation
产品营销成本控制marketing cost control by product
产品车间成本workshop cost of product
估计抵押品成本estimated cost of guaranties
供应品成本cost of supplies
全部制成品total manufacture
凭平均品质或可销品质成交sale on FAQ or GMQ
出口商品成本与外汇收入比率ratio of cost of export goods to revenue state in foreign exchange
出口商品换汇成本cost of an export commodity in exchange for US dollar
出口商品收购成本purchasing cost of export commodity
成品finished commodity
成品fabricated goods
成品complete products
成品manufactured articles
成品finish stock
成品finish product
成品products manufactures
成品ready-made product
成品ready-made commodity
成品ready-made cargo
成品make goods
成品final goods
成品周转率finished stock turnover
成品存量inventory of finished goods
成品市场market for manufactures
成品库存inventory of finished goods
成品库存manufactured inventory
成品库存finish goods stock
成品库存销售比率inventory ratio of finished goods to sale
成品成本finish cost
成品成本产品成本cost of good manufactured
成品成本明细表schedule of cost of goods manufactured
成品成本明细表schedule of cost of finished products
成品成本表statement of cost of goods manufactured
成品成本计算表statement of the cost of goods manufactured
成品成本预算cost of goods manufactured budget
成品明细表schedule of finished products
成品明细表schedule of finished goods
成品标准成本finish goods standard cost
成品的销售sale of finished goods
成品盘存inventory of finished goods
成品贸易额value of trade in manufacture
成品销售成本cost of goods manufactured and sold
成品预计成本计算书statement of budgeted cost of goods manufactured
成品预计成本计算表statement of the budgeted cost of goods manufactured
制成商品finished market product
制造品成本cost of manufactured goods
副产品再加工成本additional costs assigned to by-product
副产品成本cost of by-product
副产品成本cost of by product
成品intermediary goods
成品unfinished material
成品semi-manufactured products
成品semiprocessed unit
成品semi-manufactured commodity
成品partly finished article
成品partly-finished goods
成品half finished goods
成品加工件semifinished piece
成品发出汇总表recapitulation of semi-finished products issued
成品存量semifinished inventory
成品half-finished product storage
成品库存inventory of semi-finished products
成品库存semiprocessed stock
成品库存half-finished product stock
成品库存定额semi-finished product storage norm
成品成本semi-finished product cost
成品成本cost of partly-finished goods
成品成本系数cost coefficient of semiproduct
成品控制semi-finished product control
成品材料semifinished material
成品检验inspection of semifinished product
成品生产能力intermediate capacity
成品账户part-finished product account
半制成品semi-manufactured products
半制成品semi-processed goods
半制成品partial manufacture
单位产品人工成本labor cost per unit of product
单位产品劳动成本指数index of labour cost per unit of product
单位产品平均总成本average total cost per unit
单位产品每月营运成本比较表comparative statement of monthly operation cost per unit
厂商成品存量producer's inventories of finished goods
可供销售的商品成本cost of goods available for sales
可拆售的成套商品open stock
可拆零出售的成套商品如成套瓷器等open stock
可比产品成本cost of incomparable product
可比产品成本下降百分率cost reduction percentage of comparable products
可比产品成本降低指标cost reduction target on comparable product
可比产品成本降低率rate of reduction of cost of comparable products
可销售产品成本cost of finished goods available for sales
成品composite product
合成产品synthetic products
合成代用品synthetic substitutes
商品产品成本表cost sheet of commodity products
商品产销成本表statement of cost of goods manufactured and sold
商品制造成本manufacturing cost of commodity products
商品化科研成果commercializing research results
商品成本commodity cost
商品成本高于销售价的差距negative spread
商品流通成本cost in commodity circulation
商品流通成本commodity distribution cost
商品流通成本cost of commodity circulation
商品流通成本commodity circulation cost
商品流通成本控制commodity circulation cost control
商品流通构成commodity circulation structure
商品生产成本表statement of commodity production cost
商品运输成本commodity transport cost
商品销售总成本gross cost of merchandise sold
国内制成品贸易intra-country trade in manufacture
国际技术密集制成品贸易international trade in technology-intensive manufacture
在制品成本work-in-process cost
在制品成本系数cost coefficient of product in process
备品成本spares costs
备销品成本cost of goods available for sales
外购半成品semi-product purchased
外部制成品加工费processing expense arising from outside manufacture
多种产品成本制multiple product cost system
完工产品计划成本planned cost of work completed
实际生产费用摊入产品成本allocation of actual factory overhead to products
寿命周期及品质成本life cycle and quality cost
工作成品work product
市场成熟产品market ripe
库存半成品partly-completed stock
废品处理成本cost waste disposal
废品成本scrap cost
成品finish stock
成品final products
成品交库到期日due in finished stock
成品仓库finished-goods warehouse
成品仓库finish goods warehouse
成品finished pieces
成品价格指数finished goods index
成品分类登记表finished-goods ledger sheet
成品分类账finished stock ledger
成品分类账finished product ledger
成品分类账finished-goods ledger
成品利润损失loss of profits on finish products
成品存货分类账finished-goods inventory ledger
成品存货账finished stock account
成品存货账finished-goods inventory account
成品存销比stock-sales ratio of finished goods
成品年未余额finished goods, Dec. 31
成品库存finished goods inventory
成品库存finish products inventory
成品成本finished product cost
成品成本差异finished product cost variance
成品明细分类账finished goods subsidiary ledger
成品标准成本finished stock standard cost
成品标准成本finished-goods standard cost
成品检验finish product inspection
成品流动资金current fund for finished product
成品盘存finished product inventory
成品盘存finish products inventory
成品等级grade of finish
成品finished product account
成品finished-goods account
成品质量end product quality
成品资金finished goods funds
成品资金分析analysis of finished product funds
成品complete body unit
成品销售sales of finished products
成品销售sales of finished goods
成品销售收益income from sale of finished products
成品销路outlet for finished goods
成套产品whole set of products
成对样品平均数paired sample means
成批产品标准试验production type test
成本与产品关系基础base of relationship to the cost of unit
成本会计中产品与副产品成本分摊法by-product method of cost accounting
托销成品finished-goods on consignment
托销成品finish goods on consignment
批量产品成本核算job order costing of product
损益表和制成品成本表income statement and statement of cost of goods manufactured
推广新产品利润留成retained net income for promotion of new products
1数成品年初余额finished goods, Jan
新产品开发成本new product development cost
新产品试制成本new product trial run cost
有单件备货供应的成套商品open stock
期初半成品盘存inventory of semi-finished products at the beginning of the period
期初库存在制品成本cost of beginning work in process inventory
期末半成品盘存inventory of semi-finished products at the end of the period
期末库存在制品成本cost of ending work in process inventory
未经加工而装运的商品成本cost of goods shipped in the same condition as received
本国制成品domestic manufacture
本期成品成本cost of product finished in current period
本期产品成本current period product cost
杂项制成品miscellaneous manufacture
检验成品质量check end product quality
消费品构成composition of consumer goods
现存产成品finished product on hand
现有商品成本cost of goods on hand
生产者成品库存指数index of producer's inventory of finished products
生产者成品库存指数index of producer's inventory of finished goods
由于生产成本上升,该产品的价格也有些调整The price of the commodity has recently been adjusted due to advance in cost
电路成品合格circuit yield
畐产品销售成本cost of by product sales
联产品成本计算制joint product costing system
联合产品成本分摊joint product costing
联合成本产品joint cost product
自制半成品self-manufactured semi-finished product
自用半成品成本cost of self-use semi-finished product
装配成商品assemble into finished products
购入半成品semi-finished product purchased
购进商品成本cost of goods purchased
采购成品材料purchased finished materials
钢半成品semi-finished steel products
销售产品制造成本manufacturing cost of goods sold
销售产品的制造成本manufacturing cost of goods sold
成品gate yield
非可比产品成本cost of non-comparable product
预计制成品成本projected cost of goods manufactured