
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一次完所有变动once for all change
三年本收回规则three-year cost recovery rule
上市公司总交金额listed companies' total turnover
上市准备工作完lists closed
上市委员会员履历listing committee members' biographies
上证分指数SSE constituent index
上证50指数分股公司companies in the constituents of the SSE 50 Index
熟的散户投资人unsophisticated retail investor
不分为单位的分基金non-unitized constituent fund
不动产投资信托构REIT formation
不动产投资信托结构构REIT structure formation
不变standing cost
不变的机会constant opportunity cost
不可控uncontrollable cost
不可比产品cost of non-comparable products
不可转换其他证券的股份non-admitted stock
两证券商共同完分销two-handed deal
中介intermediation costs
中盘股长基金mid-cap growth fund
中证300长指数CSI 300 Growth Index
中证300相对长指数CSI 300 Relative Growth Index
临时吊销执照造的结果effect of suspension
估算estimating the cost
估算count the cost
估算appraisal cost
估算的imputed cost
本指数追踪型基金low-cost index tracker
低于前交价minus tick
倒手买卖round trip transaction costs
借贷cost of borrowing
借贷borrowing base
债券交量bonds transaction volume
债券交额bonds turnover
债券cost of bonds
债券募集完achievement ratio of bond floatation
债券实际利息true interest cost
债务增量increment cost of debt
债务融资及隐形利息debt financings and hiding interest costs
值得交的报价bargain offer
假定本利息assumed cost interest
假设hypothetical cost
停牌造的影响impact of trade suspension
收人shared revenue
分批本计算系统job costing system
分拆两个以上公司的公司company splitted up into two or more companies
分摊的absorbed cost
分散固定spreading fixed cost
分步本制process costing
分配本益处distribution cost advantage
分配的distributive cost
创业start-up cost
创办founding member
创始origin member
初步initial success
初见initial success
利差净net cost of spread
利润分share of profit
利润分profit retention system
利润提profit sharing
利润提profit retention system
利润留profit retention system
投资前半部分和 encyclopedia 百科全书的后半部分组investment
包含协同与本削减including synergies and cost cuts
整数的小计rounded-up sub-total
化学专业类长股chemical-specialty growth stocks
升降交比率up and down volume ratio
升降交量比upside/downside volume ratio
单一交批量single board lot
单位divisional cost
单位本制unit cost basis
<-> 单位本折旧法depreciation-unit cost method
单日交额daily turnover
单月交量monthly volume
卖出合看涨期权short synthetic call
占有owning cost
买人期权synthetic call option
利率composite rate
卖权synthetic put
多头期货synthetic long futures
套利compound arbitrage
性结构synthetic structure
性认股权证synthetic warrant
投资synthetic investment
抵押债务synthetic collateralized debt obligation
指数基金synthetic index fund
效应synergistic effect
浮息票据synthetic floating rate note
空头期货synthetic short futures
空头期货short synthetic futures
空头看跌期权short synthetic puts
股票synthetic stock
认沽期权synthetic put
认购期权synthetic call option
认购期权synthetic call
认购期权长仓synthetic long call
资产synthetic asset
资产证券化synthetic securitization
合同交金额turnover of contract
合同交额trading turnover of contract
合约交量trading volume of contract
合约股数效量contract size
售货cost of sale
售货cost of goods sold
唯一sole member
圆满完交易的条件conditions to consummate transaction
备用本回收体系alternative cost recovery system
分票据贷款multiple component facility
交量heavy volume
大宗生产bulk-line costs
大手large transaction
大笔block lot transaction
大量新股涌人对市场造冲击flood of new stocks hitting the market
奖励rewarding of success
套期保值hedging cost
套牢historical cost
套牢historic cost
分指数sub composite index
小公司长基金small company growth fund
尚不熟证券未受影响的新发行股unseasoned securities
尚未熟的投资者aunt millie investor
市场熟程度market sophistication
市场冲击market impact cost
市场总交额total market turnover
市场时机market timing cost
常规交批量regular lot
开业set up cost
开办setup cost
弥补cost of cover
归人本计算法absorption costing
交笔数total No. of deals
交股数total shares traded
证券等交量total volume
本计算法global costing
总不变total fixed costs
总体overall cost
恒生中型股指数分股Hang Seng Midcap Index Constituent stock
恒生指数主要分股major Hang Seng Index constituent stock
恒生指数主要分股票major Hang Seng Index Constituent Stock
为合伙人become partner
为次贷的人质hostage to the subprime loans
为股东become shareholder
put to book
价与报价market vs. quote
指标volume indicator
交书fixing letter
交价current rate (CR)
交价execution cost
产权交价closing charges
交价格settlement price
交价格区间trading range
交易所的交单位regular lot
交单据contract note
交总价值total turnover value
交或取消委托fill or kill
交批量board lot
交报告transaction report
交报告execution report
交收据trading receipt
证券交数量和成交金额trading volume and value
交日transaction date
交易share turnover
交条件closing condition
交概况trading summary
交次数number of transaction
交比率指数volume rate indicator
交比率指标volume rate indicator
交清单bought note
交率turnover coverage
交范围trading range
交记录trading record
交量transaction volume (百万股)
证券交量trading volume
交量净额on balance volume
交量加权平均价指令VWAP order order
交量加权平均价格volume-weighted average price
交量变动率volume percent change
交量变化volume movement
交量周期股市volume cycles in the stock market
交量图示position diagram
交量差别volume variance
交量市价趋势volume price trend
交量指数volume index
交量本身position self
交量累积volume accumulation
交量股价趋势volume price trend
交量说明position description
交量趋势volume trend
交金额record turnover
交金额dollar volume
交额turnover coverage
交额transaction volume
交额低迷sluggish turnover
分基金constituent fund
分指数constituent index
功发行证券hot issue 的同义词out the window
功的经纪人big producer
功的范例successful example
功的风险管理successful risk management
功者的诅咒公司 IPO时,不论开始发行量是多少,只要需求大于公司股票供给,就只能在固定的发行价格下按比例分配该公司的股票; 如果用于拍卖交易,是指中拍者也许要付出高于一般交易的价格winner's curse
alien individual
员企业member firm
员对公司犯罪行为应负担的法律责任liability of members for offences by corporation
员登记册register of members
员登记册member register
员费member fee
员银行准备金指美国联邦储备系统的成员银行的准备金member-bank reserve
品的off the shelf
堆避险stack hedge
套汇票ste of exchange bills
套汇票set bills
套贷款packing credit/loan
对交易pair of transactions
对股pair shares
in gross
批出售交易block sale/selling
批法job lot method
批系列生产mass serial production
批订单board-lot orders
本一销量一利润分析cost-volume-profit analysis
本与市价孰低原则the lower of cost and market
本与市场价孰低法low of cost or market
本与市场价孰低法在资产负债表中,披露有价证券投资价格时,在投资成本与市场价两者中选价格低者进行公布lower of cost or market
本交割delivery against cost
本交替置换cost tradeoff
本价与市场价孰低计价valuation at lower of cost or market
本/价格作用机制cost/price dynamic
本会计数据基础cost accounting data base
本会计规则cost accounting regulation
本低效cost inefficiency
本关联性概念concept of cost relevancy
本关联租金cost-related rent
本冲销cost offset
本函数交点cusp point
本分摊活动contributing cost activity
本利润率profit-to-cost ratio
本加利润定价法cost-plus pricing
本加成定价法cost plus pricing
本加成本百分比cost plus percentage cost
本吸收cost attach
本和市价孰低法cost or market whichever is lower
本和管理会计师协会Institute of Cost and Management Accountants
本和运费cost and freight
本和风险配置allocation of costs and risks
本回收期cost recovery period
本基准制cost basis
本增加cost addition
本外溢spillout of costs
本差别cost difference
本差额cost variance
本或低于成本的原则cost-or-less principle
本投人cost input
本收人配比原则principle of matching cost with revenue
本效益分析cost benefit analysis (CBA)
本效益比率cost benefit ratios
本方法cost approach
本暗码交易商用cost mark
本核算与定价政策costing and pricing policy
本消化cost absorption
本的可变性variability of cost
本的差异性discrepancy of cost
本的相关性relevance of cost
本的组成component of cost
本积累cost accumulation
本结转cost carried forward
本结转cost carried down
本绩效cost performance
本计人cost absorption
本计价法cost approach to value
本计算calculation of cost
本计算手册cost manual
本评估指标cost assessed target
本运用cost application
本递减法则law of diminishing cost
本通知书cost memo
本附加cost attach
本集合cost pool
本风险cost risk
熟型公司mature established company
熟市场established market
熟的业务管理制度mature business management system
熟的公司治理文化mature corporate governance culture
熟的市场sophisticated market
熟的风险控制手段mature risk control means
熟行业一般投资会有较高收益mature industry
熟行业established industry
熟证券市场的司法经验legislative experience from mature securities market
立不久的公司younger company
立企业set up business
立信托setting up a trust
立公司的程序incorporation procedure
立大会inaugural meeting
立方式method to establishment
立日establishment day
立章程charter of incorporation
立费用initial expenses
立费用formation expenses
长/份额矩阵growth/share matrix
长停滞growth recession
长型企业growth enterprise
长型公司growth company
长型基金管理人growth manager
长型基金经理growth fund manager
长型市场growth market
长型投资growth investing
长型投资者growth investor
长型模型go-growth model
长型行业growth industry
长型资本组合growth portfolio
长基金go-go fund
长市场emerging market
长性买人buy growth
长性预期和高市盈率股票growth expectations and high P/E stocks
长期融资growth-stage financing
长矢量矩阵growth vector matrix
长股performance shares
长股performance stocks
长股growth share
长股价值投资方法value investing approach to growth stocks
长股价反论growth stock paradox
长股票growth stock
长阶段企业stages of growth
长阶段公司生命周期in corporate life cycle growth
我要购人和与你交易所用语mine and yours
持有holding cost
持有carrying charge
指数indexes constituents
指数分公司股票constituent company's shares
指数分调整的头名候补股票top candidate stock for index constituent adjustment
指数构composition of index
指数构规则index construction rule
本估值valuation at cost
本平均投资dollar-cost averaging
本要素计算at factor cost
本计值value at cost
本计算库存股的出售价格disposal price of treasury shares cost basis
按其本计价valuation at cost
按单位本计算unit cost basis
按历史本编制的报表historical-cost statement
按固定on cost
按已收市价market on close
按指数分股比例购买股票buying the index
按最佳市价尽可能以最佳价格购买证券的客户指令at best
按贵方价格close at your price
按面值转换股票的债券debenture convertible at par
损耗depletion cost
换汇costs of foreign exchange earnings
摊销amortization cost
收人分协议revenue sharing agreement
收回全部full cost recovery
收回全额full cost recovery
收益构yield structure
收益组合composition of earnings
收购buying cost
收购与开发acquisition and development costs
收购净资产价值超过excess of net assets acquired over cost
收购计划中的组部分component of acquisition plan
改进加速本回收系统modified accelerated cost recovery system
改进加速本收回系统modified accelerated cost recovery system
政治本假说political cost hypothesis
效益一本比率benefit-cost ratio method
明细line item costs
显见explicit cost
显见破产explicit bankruptcy cost
最优惠交价best obtainable price
最新last sale
最新交规则美国证券业协会规定,交易中除价格之外,投资人有权知晓其他有关股票的信息last sale rule
有效利率effective interest cost
有限合伙资金cost of limited partner capital
服从监管所承受的regulatory burden
期权option cost
期权的时间time cost of options
期货总交额futures turnover
期限构term structure
为现实的损失unrealized loss
交委托open orderOP
交的买人指令open buy order
交的交易unsettled position
交账open book
交账单unmatched book
熟阶段mezzanine level
熟随机价值raw stochastic value
未充分利用underutilization cost
未完指令open order
未完的交付unconcluded delivery
未完的结算unconcluded settlement
未归人unabsorbed cost
未收回本净额net uncovered cost
未经交易所完的交易场外挂牌证券配对交易upstair trade
未能完交割的经纪人failed broker
未被本吸收的成本unabsorbed cost
未被分摊的unabsorbed cost
机会本评估valuation of opportunity cost
标准本计算法standard costing
标志性平衡交量indicative equilibrium volume
根据已定条款close on the terms
根据"平均本加利润"原则制定的价格rule-of-thumb pricing
流言蜚语所形的谣传股市上rumors caused by gossip
清算clearance cost
理事会council member
生产留资金funds retained for production
生物科技类长股biotech growth stocks
由企业合并而造的减资capital reduction due to merger
由生产要素价格决定的explicit cost
电话take a call
真实利益true interest cost
税后after-tax cost
第一回合的first-round members
第二次熟发行secondary seasoned offering
交量走势图equivolume charting
累积交量指标cumulative volume index
联合alternate member
联合结算不只在一个交易所结算的企业joint clearing members
联邦储备体制members of Federal Reserve System
行业industrial costs
行动cost of activity
调整后的原adjusted original cost
谨慎投资本标准prudent investment cost standard
负债组liability composition
财产收购cost of asset acquisition
货币留currency retention scheme
货币组currency composition
贬值的depreciated cost
贷款结算loan closing cost
资产和未补偿本表assets and uncovered costs statement
资产转换安全的政府债券的投资者investor fled to safe government securities
资本capital shares
资本本减免额capital cost allowance
资本本差额债券和存款利息与借贷成本的差别carrying cost
资本本收回capital cost recovery
资本使用者user cost of capital
资本分股份capital divided into shares
资本加权平均weighted average cost of capital
资本化capitalized total cost
资本平均average cost of capital
资本总额同期构的比率capital composition ratio
资本总额构gross capital formation
资本构杠杆capital structure leverage
资本的社会机会social opportunity cost of capital
资本组capital shares
资本组capital incorporation
资本组的计量measurement of capital formation
资本组部分constituent of capital
资本退还repatriation cost
资金cost funding
资金本率cost of capital
资金的机会opportunity cost of capital
赞助incorporation by means of sponsorship
逆向inverted capital
选择转人下期或选择本计人方式choosing between carryover and cost basis
通讯类长股communications growth stocks
亏本的交易loss-making trade
恶果的干预ill-fated intervention
负担的财产negative form of property
道・琼斯全球指数美国分股US Component of the Dow Jones Global Index
配置allocated cost
销售cost marketing
锁定lock in costs
阶梯stepped cost
阶梯stairstep cost
附属affiliated member
非上市证券组的一个独立的市场discontinuous market
非内地恒指分股香港证券交易市场中Non-Mainland HSI constituent stocks
非故意造的错误inadvertent error
非杠杆股本unleveraged cost of equity
非流通股转换流通股计划share conversion program
非股指分公司non-constituent company
非股指分证券non-constituent securities
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