
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
为符合减贫与增长贷款资格的员国设立战乱后紧急援助补贴账户Instrument to Establish the Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account for PRGF-eligible Members
交易transaction cost
以单位劳动力本为基础的实际有效汇率ULC-based real effective exchange rate
以单位劳动力本为基础的实际有效汇率unit labor cost-based real effective exchange rate
价格形price formation
价格组部分price component
优惠concessionary element
优惠concessional element
本住房low-cost housing
使用user cost
促销promotional cost
信息information cost
公共资本形public capital formation
关于员国政策双边监督的决定Decision on Bilateral Surveillance over Members' Policies
关于以果为导向援助的全球伙伴关系Global Partnership on Results-Based Aid
净资本形net capital formation
出口收汇留foreign exchange retention scheme
出口收汇留foreign exchange retention
出口收汇留export retention scheme
创始员国original member
利润分profit sharing
到岸本、价格landed price
到岸本、价格landed cost
到达完点的触发因素completion point triggers IMF--HIPC Initiative
final product
manufactured goods
end product
品出口国exporters of manufactures
加速本回收制accelerated cost recovery system
劳动力labor cost
unfinished good
semifinished good
单位劳动力unit labor costs
单位劳动力unit labor cost
即将为新兴市场国家的国家pre-emerging market country
历史historic cost
历史original cost
历史historical cost
原始historic cost
原始original cost
原始historical cost
发行issuance cost
发行issue cost
可供分的石油profit oil
可供分的石油equity oil
头寸synthetic position
固定资本形fixed capital formation
固定资本形总值gross fixed capital formation
国内资金domestic resource cost
国外offshore cost
"坏银行",为处理呆坏账立的银行bad bank
"坏银行",为处理呆坏账立的银行aggregator bank
基于果的援助results-based aid
基金组织员国的全球性universality of Fund membership
基金组织员国的普遍性universality of Fund membership
基金组织在员国的账户IMF accounts in member countries
基金组织在员国的账户accounts of the IMF in member countries
境外offshore cost
外汇储备的货币构currency composition of foreign exchange reserves
外汇储备的货币构Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves
外汇留foreign exchange retention
外汇留foreign exchange retention scheme
外汇留export retention scheme
存货存储carrying cost of inventories
一定条件后才能支付的账户escrow account
官方外汇储备的构currency composition of foreign exchange reserves
官方外汇储备的构Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves
工资payroll cost s
工资wage cost s
member country
员国事务处Membership Engagement Division
员国份额IMF quota
员国份额membership quota
员国份额quota in the Fund
员国份额Fund quota
员国同意concurrence of the member
员国在基金组织的头寸Fund position
员国在基金组织的头寸net Fund position
员国在基金组织的头寸position in the Fund
员国提供的估计值national estimates
员国的掌控感borrower ownership
员国的掌控感program ownership
员国的掌控感country ownership
员国的认缴subscriptions of members
员国资格委员membership committee
员国资格委员Committee on Membership -- IMF, Executive Board, country
员国资格委员会membership committee
员国资格委员会Committee on Membership -- IMF, Executive Board, country
员国退出withdrawal from membership
finished good
对的数值paired values
对相关pairwise correlation
对账户paired accounts
文法statutory law
本会计cost accounting
本全部转移full cost pass-through
本加保险费和运费价格cost, insurance and freight
本加保险费和运费价格cost, insurance, freight
本加运费价c. & f.
本加运费价cost & freight
本回收cost recovery
本定价cost pricing
本当期冲销immediate write-off
本当期冲销immediate expensing
本推进型通货膨胀cost inflation
本推进型通货膨胀cost-push inflation
本效应cost effect
本效益cost effectiveness
本效益分析cost-benefit analysis
本通货膨胀cost inflation
本通货膨胀cost-push inflation
maturation USA Treasury
graduation World Bank
熟技术mature technology
熟的证券seasoned security
持有cost of carry
按边际本定价marginal cost pricing
接纳员国acceptance of membership
接纳新员国的决议membership resolution
推定imputed cost
推定implicit cost
推算imputed cost
推算implicit cost
有资格员国qualifying member
机会opportunity cost
国外当局储备资产的负债reserve liabilities
国外当局储备资产的负债liabilities constituting foreign authorities' reserves
标准化单位劳动normalized unit labor cost
标准组部分standard component
比较本优势comparative cost advantage
汇兑exchange cost
汇兑foreign exchange cost
没有本的同日借还特别提款权的安排SDR Facility
没有本的同日借还特别提款权的安排same-day loan facility review of quotas
没有本的同日借还特别提款权的安排SDR loan arrangement
没有本的同日借还特别提款权的安排SDR same-day facility
没有本的同日借还特别提款权的安排same-day borrowing/repayment of SDRs
没有本的同日借还特别提款权的安排same-day loan and repayment in SDRs
没有本的同日借还特别提款权的安排same-day, no cost SDR loan
没有本的同日借还特别提款权的安排SDR loan facility
浮动完floating completion point HIPC Initiative
公司ready-made company
公司off-the-shelf company
公司shelf company
比例retention quota
额度retention quota
相对本优势comparative cost advantage
石油oil element
社会social cost
社会固定overhead capital
社会固定social overhead capital
税收分tax sharing arrangement
税收分tax revenue sharing
税收分revenue sharing
纳入embodied cost
货币component currency
编入embodied cost
自我完self fulfilling
自有账户固定资本形own-account fixed capital formation
营业operational costs
营业operating costs
要素at factor cost
谷物进口本波动补偿贷款cereal component
谷物进口本波动补偿贷款cereal facility
谷物进口本波动补偿贷款compensatory financing of fluctuations in the cost of cereal imports
货币构currency composition
货币构currency component
货币联盟员国Monetary Union Member States
资本cost of capital
资本capital cost
资本形capital formation
资本形净值net capital formation
资本形总值gross capital formation
赠与gift element
赠与grant element
赠与grant element of a loan
转移transfer cost
转贷onlending cost
过度资本形excess capital accumulation
过度资本形excess capital formation
本国产品中的进口import content of domestic products
重置replacement cost
重置current replacement cost
隐含imputed cost
隐含implicit cost
零星本或费用incidental costs or charges
员国nonmember country
员国的关系relations with nonmembers
非劳动力nonlabor cost
非工资nonlabor cost
非工资劳动力nonwage labor costs
非货币联盟员国Non-Monetary Union Member States