
Terms containing 成立 | all forms | in specified order only
dril.三根钻杆单根组成的立根three-joint unit
gymn.上杠成分腿直角站立mount to straddle L stand
gymn.上杠成分腿立撑mount to straddle stand
econ.成立的共同海损the unsuccessful general average
busin.成立的共同海损unsuccessful general average
busin.成立的论点invalid argument
busin.成立的零假设false null hypothesis
el.不成功的后向建立信息消息unsuccessful-backward-setup information message
commer.不能成立的案例impossible case
IMF.为符合减贫与增长贷款资格的成员国设立战乱后紧急援助补贴账户Instrument to Establish the Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account for PRGF-eligible Members
AI.亥姆霍兹立体成像Helmholtz stereo imaging
gen.使成立call into existence
gen.使成立call into being
China, law依法成立establishment in accordance with the law
busin.依法成立的公司de jure corporation
China, law依法成立的合同legally executed contract
gymn.俯卧挺身推起成倒立dead press
gymn.倒十字用力压上成倒立press from inverted cross to handstand
gymn.倒悬垂直体用力慢起成手倒立slow press to handstand from inverted hang with straight body
gymn.倒立贴胸落下成跪立out of handstand chest roll
tech.傅立叶光学成像系统Fourier optical imaging system
tech.傅立叶光学成像系统Fourier optic imaging system
tech.傅立叶分析合成Fourier analysis-synthesis
agric.傅立叶合成Fourier synthesis
tech.傅立叶成像技术Fourier image technique
AI.光度立体成像photometric stereo imaging
polym.全同立构加成isotactic addition
polym.全同立构成纤聚合物isotactic fibrous polymer
fin.公司成立前利润profit prior to incorporation
proj.manag.公司成立前合约pre-incorporation contract
securit.公司成立步骤incorporation procedure
securit.公司成立登记registration of incorporation
econ.公司成立费用company formation expenses
interntl.trade.1964 年海牙关于国际货物买卖合同成立的统一法的公约1964 . 7. 1Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods The Hague, 1964
gymn.分腿下落成支撑至站立lower the body straddled to support to stand
fin.创立成本cost of floatation
gymn.前摆转体180° 成手倒立Stutz to handstand
gymn.前摆转体180。成手倒立Stutz to handstand
gymn.前跳转体360° 成短暂倒立jump forward with one twist to momentary handstand
securit.募集资金成立incorporation by means of shares offer
gymn.原地双脚跳成蹲立jump in place to squat stand by double feet
AI.双目立体成像binocular stereo imaging
gymn.双腿后软翻成跪立walkover backward with legs together to knees (limber)
securit.发起成立incorporation by means of sponsorship
tech.可独立计算的成本separable cost
space成立体图像synthetic stereo image
oil成立体图像synthetic stereo-images
tech.成立体图像synthetical stereo image
China, law合同成立contract comes into being
interntl.trade., lat.合同成立地国家的法律lex loci contractus
tech.合成树脂凡立水synthetical resin varnish
tech.合成树脂凡立水synthetic resin varnish
tech.合成橡胶立体图synthetical rubber stereo-picture
tech.合成橡胶立体图synthetic rubber stereo-picture
gymn.后手翻成跪立back handspring to knees
gymn.双杠后滚翻成头倒立Streuli More
gymn.后滚翻成手倒立backward roll to handstand
gymn.后滚翻成手倒立roll backward to handstand
gymn.后滚翻成手倒立接推手弹腿跳起extension back
gymn.后滚翻成手倒立接推手弹腿跳起backward roll-up
gymn.后滚翻成手倒立接推手弹腿跳起extension roll
gymn.后滚翻成手倒立接推手弹腿跳起back roll-up
gymn.后滚翻成蹲立backward roll to squat stand
gymn.后滚翻经手倒立成站立backward roll from handstand to body stand up
commer.向一个或一个以上特定的人提出订立合同的建议,如果十分确定并且表明发盘人在得到接受承诺时承受约束的意旨,即构成发盘A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offer or to be bound in case of acceptance
gymn.向前大回环向左转体180° 成手倒立giant swing forward with leftways ¹⁄₂ turn to handstand
gymn.向前跳起成手倒立jump forward to handstand
gymn.向后大回环向右转体180°成反握手倒立giant swing backward with right ¹⁄₂ turn to back grip and handstand
gymn.向后跳成头手倒立jump backward to headstand
sport.和球不成立裁判用语Not let! squash
commer.国际买卖合同成立统一法Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
sport.国际奥委会成立一百周年纪念Centenary of the Founding of the International Olympic Committee
interntl.trade.国际货物买卖合同成立统一法the Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
archit.圆柱成对密立accouplement (式)
fin.在香港以外地区成立的法团银行bank incorporated outside Hong Kong
IMF."坏银行",为处理呆坏账成立的银行bad bank
IMF."坏银行",为处理呆坏账成立的银行aggregator bank
org.name., securit.备选投资市场英国1995年伦敦股票交易所成立的分支机构Alternative Investment Market (AIM)
econ.如发现任何第三方对专利造成任何侵犯时,我们立即向你方通报We shall make an immediate report to you when we find any infringement of the patent by any third party
surg.孤立型脾静脉血栓形成isolated splenic vein thrombosis
desert.孤立成分isolated component
gen.M 对 M 成立适用be true of
gen.M 对 M 成立适用be true for
gymn.屈伸起成站立360° kip to the stand
tech.展成傅立叶级数Fourier analysis
econ.年海牙关于国际货物买卖合同成立的统一法的公约Convention Relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods the Hague, 1 July 1964 1964
busin.建立衡量目标成就标准criteria for measuring objective achievement
gymn.弧形上成倒立shoot up to handstand
proj.manag.总统表示、他希望国会在 8 月开始的传统夏季长假开始之前能够完成立法工作The president has said he wants Congress to finish work on the legislation before its traditional long summer recess in August
gymn.慢起成手倒立slow press to handstand
gymn.慢起成手倒立slow lifting to handstand
gymn.慢起成手倒立press to handstand
gymn.慢起成手倒立raise to handstand
gymn.慢起成手倒立handstand press
gen.come into existence
pharm.成人双福立适Twinrix Adult (灭活甲型肝炎和重组乙型肝炎疫苗 (hepatitis A vaccine, inactivated and hepatitis B surface antigen, recombinant) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
el.成功的后向建立信息消息successful-backward-setup information message
tech.成对立模coupled standing mould (法)
tech.成对立模coupled standing mold (法)
gen.成立hold water
gen.成立hold good
gen.成立come into existence
China, law成立founding
China, polit.合法或正式地成立constitute
gen.成立come into being
gen.成立set up
patents.成立hold true
securit.成立不久的公司younger company
econ.成立了一个专门工作小组来研究环境污染问题A special working party has been set up to study the problems of environmental pollution
econ.成立了一个筹组合资公司的发起人团体An association of promoters has been constituted for the organization of a joint venture company
China, law成立以前或以后before or after the establishment
securit.成立企业set up business
securit.成立信托setting up a trust
manag.成立公司organize a corporation
busin.成立公司前利润profit prior to incorporation
econ.成立公司前、设立登记前利润profit prior to incorporation
consult.成立公司登记费registration/incorporation fees
securit.成立公司的程序incorporation procedure
proj.manag.成立初期补助金startup grant
China, law成立before the establishment
China, polit.成立国际竹藤组织的协定Agreement on the Establishment of the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan
securit.成立大会inaugural meeting
gen.成立加人 工会unionization
econ.成立已久的old established
econ.成立很久的an old established
securit.成立方式method to establishment
securit.成立establishment day
bridge.成立的藏牌不能更正的藏牌established revoke
bridge.成立的藏牌established revoke
securit.成立章程charter of incorporation
securit.成立费用initial expenses
securit.成立费用formation expenses
tech.成组立模gang form
tech.成组立模gang formwork
tech.成组立模group standing mould
tech.成组立模group standing mold
tech.成组立模battery form (生产大墙板用)
archit.混凝土板成组立模制作方式battery type
tech.成组立模制作方式battery type (混凝土板)
econ.我们决定在纽约用出售股票方式成立一家新公司We have decided to float a new company in New York
ceram.我们是针对陶瓷制造业的技术及维护服务公司。公司成立于1992年,提供各种砖块、屋顶瓦片、墙面砖和陶瓷的生产设备We are a technical and maintenance service company to the ceramic manufacturing industry, and have been established since 1992 and deal with all types of production machinery for bricks, roof tiles, wall tiles and ceramics
light.我公司成立于2000年,专门从事落地灯的生产Established in 2000, our company is a professional manufacturer of floor lamps
gymn.手倒立屈臂慢落下成倒悬垂handstand bent arm falling slowly to reversal hang
gymn.手倒立挺身落下成跪立out of handstand chest roll
dril.把立柱卸成单根breaking down the pipe
judo.抓住改变成站立hold change to stand
securit.抵押成立mortgage origination
tech.振动成型砂浆立方试件试验vibrated mortar cube test
tech.振动成型砂浆立方试块试验vibrated mortar cube test
gymn.挺身向前滚动成手倒立out of kneestand roll forward to handstand
oil成立made up in stands
gymn.摆腿成手倒立brisk lifting into handstand
gymn.摆腿成手倒立bring lifting into handstand
gymn.摆腿成手倒立leg swing into handstand
gymn.摆起成分腿立撑straddle on
securit.成立的信托newly formed trust
China, polit.新中国成立伊始right after the founding of New China
gen.方程式成立equation holds true
gymn.施图茨成手倒立Stutz to handstand
interntl.trade.既不成立又无效null and void of no effect
cryptogr.日本政府成立的"密码研究与评估委员会"cryptography research and evaluation committees
gen.8 月 1 日瑞士联邦成立Foundation of the Confederation (Switzerland)
polym.有规立构加成stereospecific addition
textile服装立体构成dimensional construction
manag.成立工会的工厂车间,非工会组织non-union shops
China, polit.本届全国人大成立以来ever since this NPC was elected
gymn.杠下回环弧形摆成手倒立basket shoot to handstand
gymn.杠下回环成手倒立basket to handstand
gymn.杠下空翻上成倒立under somersault mount to handstand
AI.正交三目立体成像orthogonal trinocular stereo imaging
AI.正交多目立体成像orthogonal multinodular stereo imaging
securit.正式注册成立duly incorporated
gymn.正掏成手倒立Stalder backward to handstand
commer.此笔交易是按在装运开始前三十天开立有关信用证的协定达成交易的The transaction was concluded on the understanding that the covering letter of credit was to be established 30 days before the commencement of the time of shipment
commer.此项安排须经你方同意方能成立The arrangement is made subject to your approval
oil水下立管总成lower marine riser package
tech.独立成分independent component
IT独立成分释放independent component release
el.独立成本估算independent cost estimation
space独立成本估算independent cost estimate
avia.独立成本估算independent cost assessment
avia.独立成本分析independent cost analysis
adv.独立成集的广播、电视剧strip show
el.独立抽运集成校准具干涉激光器separately pumped integrated etalon interference laser
tech.独立设备:成套设备self-contained unit
gen.现代汽车由超过15000个独立部分组成,各部分必须协同作用。主要包括4个功能部分:引擎,车身,底盘和电控Today's average car contains more than 15, 000 separate, individual parts that must work together. These parts can group into four major categories: engine, body, chassis and electrical equipment
China, law理由不能成立untenable reasons
econ.用出售股票方法成立这家公司的做法完全失败了The float of the company was a complete failure
navig.由油嘴和压井管构成的隔水立管riser pipe with integral choke and kill lines
gymn.直臂水平支撑后起成倒立straight arm planche-press
dril.相当于三根钻杆单根组成的立根高度的猴台thribble board
tech.真空成型立体图vacuum moulded relief map
tech.真空成型立体图vacuum molded relief map
tech.真空成型立体模型vacuum drum model
expl.社会不公是不合理的立法造成的、社会弊端是不道德的行为造成的Social injustice is caused by irrational legislation, social evils by immoral conducts
tech.离心法制成的立柱spun column
gymn.空翻成站立somersault into stand
space立体火星表面成像仪stereo surface imager
el.立体[空间]隧道集成技术spatial tunneling integration technique
tech.立体合成仪stereoscopic synthesizer
space立体合成孔径雷达stereo synthetic aperture radar
tech.立体地图热成型器stereoscopic cure oven
oil立体定向合成stereospecific synthesis
tech.立体影像构成stereoscopic construction
space立体成像stereo imaging
AI.立体成像stereo image
space立体成像光雷达volume imaging lidar
AI.立体成像方式model of stereo imaging
textile立体成形3-dimensional fashion
textile立体成形tri-dimensional shape
textile立体成形three-dimensional fashioning
textile立体成形织物formed fabric
gen.立体有择全合成stereoselective total synthesis
construct.立体有择合成stereospecific synthesis
textile立体服装成形three-dimensional fashioning
proj.manag.立体构成three dimentional composition
avia.立体构成three-dimensional structure
securit.立即全数成交否则取消full or kill (FOK)
geol.立即成交否则撤销的订货immediate-or-cancel order
tech.立式成粒机vertical granulator
tech.立式成粒机upright granulator
plast.立式注塑成型机vertical injection moulding machine
plast.立式注塑成型机vertical injection moulder
plast.立式注塑成型机vertical injection molding machine
plast.立式注塑成型机vertical injection molder
space立式电解成形机vertical electrochemical forming machine
dril.钻杆立柱卸成单根breaking down
China, polit.立法机关成员lawmaker
fin.立约成价contracted price
railw.立轴座组成vertical shaft seat assembly
wood.立轴式成型机vertical spindle moulder
textile, tradem., swiss.立达直接成条机Rieter converter
tech.精制盐生立成套设备complete equipment for salt refining
econ.缔约双方同意一俟条件符合,该商行便立即成立Both parties agree that the firm shall be set up forthwith upon satisfaction of the conditions
gymn.翻上成手倒立swing up to handstand
gymn.翻上成手倒立upward circle to handstand
gymn.翻上成手倒立circle up to handstand
gymn.翻上成手倒立circle mount to handstand
gymn.翻上成手倒立bird up to handstand
gymn.背弹后空翻成站立back Cody
gymn.背着网接弹腿 ³⁄₄ 空翻成站立back pullover
gymn.腾身回环成手倒立free backward seat circle to handstand
gymn.腾身回环成手倒立short circle to handstand
bridge.藏牌的成立与处理establishment and handle of renege
space表面立体成像仪surface stereo imager
tech.装饰成有立体感的拉毛粉刷decorative modelled stuccowork
tech.装饰成有立体感的拉毛粉刷decorative modeled stuccowork
tech.装饰成有立体感的面层decorative modelled coat
tech.装饰成有立体感的面层decorative modeled coat
commer.该交易以在装船前三十天开立信用证为条件而达成The transaction is concluded on the stipulation that the L/C should be established 30 days before the commencement of shipment
securit.赞助成立incorporation by means of sponsorship
gymn.跪跳起成站立courage jump
gymn.跳上向后转体 ¹⁄₂ 成蹲立mount with ¹⁄₂ turn backward to squat stand
gymn.跳上成分腿直角站立mount to straddle "L" stand
gymn.跳上成分腿立撑jump to straddle stand
gymn.跳上成分腿立撑straddle mount
gymn.木中跳上成分腿立撑jump to straddle-stand
gymn.跳上成单臂倒立jump to handstand on one arm
gymn.跳上成屈体站立jump to pike stand
gymn.跳上成屈体站立jump to pike-stand
gymn.跳下成立正姿势dismount to stand at attention
gymn.跳下成侧立dismount to stand crossways
gymn.跳下成侧立dismount to stand sideways
rugb.达阵不成立no try
gen.这关系式在任何时候都是成立this relationship obtains at all instants of time
econ.这家新公司的成立彻底失败The establishment of the new firm flop ped badly
sport.这家运动器材公司成立于20世纪90年代初,主要经营有氧及力量训练器材This sports equipment company was established in the early 1990s mainly running aerobic and strength training equipment
wrest.锁臂翻身成站立平衡turn over with body hold and arm-bar
polym.间同立构加成syndiotactic addition
securit.非上市证券组成的一个独立的市场discontinuous market
tech.非相干傅立叶光学成像系统non-coherent Fourier-optical imaging system
gymn.面对横木站立一侧腾越上成后撑from side stand frontward-flank over to rear support
fin.香港以外成立的核准法团银行approved bank incorporated outside Hong Kong
space高分辨率多频谱立体成像仪high-resolution multispectral stereo imager
space高分辨率立体成像仪high-resolution stereoscopic instrument (法国 Spot-5 卫星上的)