
Terms for subject International trade containing 成本表 | all forms | in specified order only
分批成本比较表comparative statement of order costs
制品成本汇总表summary of cost of finished products
制造成本表manufacturing statement
制造成本表manufacturing accounts
制造及销售成本表statement of cost of manufacture and cost of goods sold
合并销售成本表consolidated statement of cost of goods sold
工作单位每月成本比较表comparative statement of monthly operative cost per unit
工作成本比较表comparative statement of operation cost
成本及产量表statement of cost and production
成本表cost statement
比较成本表comparative cost sheet
生产小时成本比较表comparative statement of cost per productive hour
生产小时每月成本比较表comparative statement of monthly cost per productive hour
经营成本比较表comparative statement of operation cost
退货成本汇总表summary of cost of returned goods
销货成本汇总表summary of cost of goods sold