
Terms for subject Technology containing 成本表 | all forms | in specified order only
产品成本比较表comparative statement of product cost
人工成本汇总表summary of labour cost
人工成本汇总表summary of labor cost
分批成本比较表comparative statement of order cost
合同收入及有关成本分列表contract cost work sheet
建筑成本概算表statement of probable construction cost
成本报表cost report
成本明细表cost schedule
成本概算表rough cost book
成本测算表cost schedule
成本表列参数parameters of cost schedules
成本计算表cost sheet
成本费用分类表summary of cost and expenses classification
成本费用总表summary statement of cost and fee
成本费用表cost and expense statement
成本费用附表supporting statement of cost and fee
成本资料报表cost information reporting
按原始成本编制的报表historical cost statement
按原始成本编制的报表historic cost statement
服务成本分配表distribution statement of service
服务部门成本分配计算表worksheet to prorate service department cost
生产成本表statement of production cost
生产成本报告表statement of production cost
直接成本收益表direct costing income statement
耗用零件成本汇总表summary of cost finished parts used
营运成本表operating cost statement
货物制造预算成本计算表statement of budgeted cost of goods manufactured
铁路运输成本报表statement of railway transportation cost