
Terms containing 成本系数 | all forms | in specified order only
dril.钻井进尺成本系数critical hole footage cost factor
dril.临界进尺成本系数critical hole footage cost factor
busin.产品成本系数cost coefficient of product
busin.半成品成本系数cost coefficient of semiproduct
textile在制品成本系数work in process cost fraction
busin.在制品成本系数cost coefficient of product in process
nautic., tech.容量与总成本依赖关系函数volume-dependent total cost function
proj.manag.成本一数量关系cost-and-volume relationship
el.电力系统的成本增加系数penalty factor
space成本容量系数cost capacity factor
earth.sc.成本数据索引系统Cost Data Bank Index System
interntl.trade.成本系数cost coefficient
busin.数量—成本—利润关系volume-cost-profit relationship
tech.相对成本系数relative cost coefficient
tech.缩减成本系数reduced cost coefficients
busin.计划成本系数planned cost fraction
busin.计划成本系数planned cost coefficient