
Terms for subject Technology containing 成本率 | all forms | in specified order only
人工成本比率labour cost ratio
人工成本比率labor cost ratio
净收益贴现值对成本比率ratio of discounted net benefit to cost
劳动成本比率ratio of labour to cost
劳动成本比率ratio of labor to cost
单位成本率cost performance
原始成本定率折旧法depreciation-percentage of original cost method
变动成本比率variable expenses ratio
可比产品成本降低率cost reduction percentage of comparable products
平均成本利润率average cost profit rate
弥补成本后的边际报酬率marginal rate of return over cost
成本一效率容许量cost-effectiveness allowance
成本利润率rate of cost net profit
成本利润率cost-profit ratio
成本加成本百分率合同cost-plus percentage-of-cost contracts
成本斜率cost slope
成本降低率decrease rate of cost
成本降低率cost decreasing rate
折旧原始成本定率法depreciation-percentage of original cost method
按制造费用率分配的材料成本法material cost basis for manufacturing overhead rates
按成本减残值变率折旧法depreciation-changing percentage of cost less scrap method
按现值法计算的收益成本率discounted benefit/cost ratio
效率成本efficiency cost
效益成本比率benefit-cost ratio
效益成本比率法benefit-cost ratio method
生产成本比率production cost ratio
生产成本比率output cost ratio
用现值法计算的效益成本比率discounted benefit/cost ratio
确定成本对售价的比率determining ratio cost to selling price
质量成本比率quality cost ratio
运输企业成本利润率transport enterprise cost profit rate