
Terms for subject Economy containing 成本构成 | all forms
产品成本结构cost composition of output
储蓄资本的构成formation of saving capital
公司资本构成capitalization of a corporation (即股本与未收回债券之和)
固定资本构成净值net fixed capital formation
基本构成capital composition
基本构成部分basic element
基本构成部分basic elements
成本价格结构cost price structure
成本结构the cost structure
社会的基本构成单位fundamental unit of society
结构成本structural costs
结构成本效益指数composition cost effectiveness index
资本有机构成organic structure of capital
资本有机构成organic composition of the funds
资本构成composition of capital
资本构成capital formation
资本的价值构成the value-composition of capital
资本的价值构成value-composition of capital
资本的技术构成technical composition of capital
资本的有机构成organic composition of capital
这些技术规格构成这本手册的一个组成部分Such technical specifications are incorporated in this manual as an integral part
违反本章条款的过户将构成对本合同的违约The transfer in contravention of the terms of this chapter shall form a default under this contract
高位的资本构成higher composition of capital