
Terms containing 成本加运费价 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.价格为成本加保险费、运费到汉堡价,数量不得少于40罗The prices are on a c.i.f. Hamburg basis for the amount of not less than 40 gross
textile到岸价格加佣金,成本保险费、运费加佣金价格cost, insurance, freight and commission
textile到岸价格加佣金、汇费及利息,成本加保险费、运费、佣金、汇费及利息价格cost, insurance, freight, commission, exchange and interest
textile到岸价格加关税价,成本、保险费、运费加关税价cost, insurance, freight duty paid
textile到岸价格加关税价,成本、保险费、运费加关税价格cost, insurance, freight and duty
textile到岸价格加利息价,成本、保险费、运费加利息价cost, insurance, freight and interest
textile到岸价格加利息及到目的港价,成本、保险费、运费、利息加到目的港价格cost, insurance, freight interest and port of destination
textile到岸价格加利息及汇费,成本、保险费、运费加利息及汇费价cost, insurance, freight, interest and exchange
textile到岸价格加利息和佣金,成本、保险费、运费加利息和佣金价cost, insurance, freight, interest and commission
textile到岸价格加汇费价,成本、保险费、运费加汇费价cost,insurance,freight and exchange
textile到岸价格加汇费及到目的港价,成本、保险费、运费、汇费加到目的港价格cost, insurance, freight, exchange and port of destination
textile到岸价格加班轮条件,按班轮条件的成本,保险费和运费价格,班轮条件到岸价格cost, insurance, freight liner terms
textile到岸价格加通关费用价,成本、保险费、运费加通关费用价格cost, insurance freight cleared
textile到岸价格,成本、保险费加运费价格cost, assurance and freight
textile到岸价格,成本加保险费、运费价格cost, insurance and freight
textile到岸价格,成本运费加保险费价格抵岸价格cost, freight and insurance
textile到岸价格条件,成本、保险费加运费价格条件cost, insurance and freight terms
econ.到岸成本、运费、保险加汇费价cost, freight, insurance and exchange
textile外币到岸价格,用外币计算的成本、保险费加运费价格cost, insurance and freight value in foreign currency
econ.成本、 保险费,运费加战争险价,到岸价加兵险费cost, insurance, freight and war risks
econ.成本、 保险费、运费加汇费价,到岸价加汇费cost, insurance, freight and exchange
interntl.trade.成本货价加保险费及运费价格C.I.F. price
econ.成本 离岸加运费价cost and freight
tech.成本一保险加空运费价格cost-insurance and freight by plane
tech.成本一保险费一运费加关税价cost-insurance and freight duty paid
econ.成本、保险加空运费价,空运到岸价C. I. F. plane
econ.成本、保险加空运费价,空运到岸价cost, insurance freight by plane
earth.sc.成本保险加运费价cost, assurance, freight
econ.成本、保险加运费条件,到岸价格条件cost, insurance and freight terms
el.成本、保险费加空运费价cost, insurance, freight by plane (C.I.F. plane)
interntl.trade.成本、保险费加空运费价cost, insurance, freight by plane
textile成本、保险费加空运运费价格,空运费保险费在内的机上交货价格cost, insurance, freight by plane
textile成本、保险费加空运运费价格,空运费、保险费在内的机上交货价格cost, insurance, freight by plane
busin.成本,保险费加航空运费价cost, insurance, freight by plane
commer.成本,保险费加运费价cost, insurance and freight
el.成本、保险费加运费价cost, insurance and freight
avia.成本保险费加运费价cost, insurance and freight
econ.成本、保险费加运费价,到岸价格cost, insurance and freight
econ.成本保险费加运费价格、折扣和交货期都是我们想了解的CIF prices, discounts, and delivery schedule are what we want to know
busin.成本,保险费加运费价格条件cost, insurance, freight terms
el.成本、保险费加运费净价cost, insurance and freight net (C.I.F. net)
interntl.trade.C.I.F. net成本、保险费加运费净价到岸价格净价cost, insurance, freight net
econ.成本、保险费、加运费净价,到岸净价C. I. F. net (无佣金)
econ.成本、保险费、加运费净价,到岸净价cost, insurance, freight net (无佣金)
interntl.trade.C.I.F. and C成本、保险费、运费加佣金价到岸价格加佣金价cost, insurance, freight and commission
econ.成本、保险费、运费加佣金价,到岸价加佣金价cost, insurance, freight and commission
el.成本、保险费、运费加佣金及利息价cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest (C.I.F. C & I)
interntl.trade.成本、保险费、运费加佣金及利息价到岸价格加佣金及利息价cost, insurance, freight commission and interest C.I.F. and I
econ.成本、保险费,运费加佣金及利息价,到岸价加佣金及利息cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
interntl.trade.成本、保险费、运费加关税价cost, insurance, freight duty paid (C.I.F. duty paid)
el.成本、保险费、运费加关税价cost, insurance freight duty paid (C.I.F. duty paid)
econ.成本、保险费、运费加关税价cost, insurance, freight, duty paid (C. I. F. duty paid)
el.成本、保险费、运费加内河运费价cost, insurance, freight inland waterway (C.I.F. inland waterway)
interntl.trade.成本、保险费、运费加内河运费价到岸价格加内河运费价cost, insurance, freight inland waterway C.I.F. inland waterway
textile成本、保险费、运费加内河运费价格,到岸价格加内河运费价cost, insurance, freight inland waterway
el.成本、保险费、运费加利息价cost, insurance, freight and interest (C.I.F. & I)
interntl.trade.成本、保险费、运费加利息价到岸价格加利息价cost, insurance, freight and interest C.I.F. and I
econ.成本、保险费、运费加利息价,到岸价加利息cost, insurance, freight and interest
econ.成本、保险费、运费加利息及目的港费用cost, insurance, freight and port of destination
el.成本、保险费、运费加卸货价cost,insurance freight landed terms (C.I.F. landed terms)
interntl.trade.成本、保险费、运费加卸货价到岸价格加卸货价cost, insurance, freight landed terms C.I.F.landed terms
proj.manag.成本、保险费、运费加吊钩下交货价cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle
proj.manag.成本、保险费、运费加战争险价cost, insurance, freight and war-risks
el.成本、保险费、运费加战争险价cost, insurance, freight and war risks (C.I.F. war risks)
interntl.trade.成本、保险费、运费加战争险价到岸价格加战争险价cost, insurance, freight and war risks C.I.F. and W
interntl.trade.C.I.F. and E成本、保险费、运费加汇费价到岸价格加汇费价cost, insurance, freight and exchange
earth.sc.成本、保险费、运费加汇费价cost, insurance, freight and exchange
el.成本、保险费、运费加结关费用价cost, insurance, freight cleared (C.I.F. cleared)
interntl.trade.成本、保险费、运费加结关费用价到岸价格加结关费用价cost, insurance, freight cleared C.I.F. cleared
econ.成本、保险费、运费和一切进口费用价,到岸价加通关费C. I. F. cleared
econ.成本、保险费、运费和一切进口费用价,到岸价加通关费cost, insurance, freight cleared
econ.成本、保险、运费、手续费和利息、到岸价格加佣金及利息价cost, insurance, freight, commission, and interest
tech.成本加保险费一运费和卸货费价格条件cost-insurance-freight and landed terms
commer.成本加保险费加运费价,到岸价cost, insurance and freight
IMF.成本加保险费和运费价格cost, insurance and freight
IMF.成本加保险费和运费价格cost, insurance, freight
econ.成本加保险费和运费的净价cost, insurance, freight net
textile成本加保险费、运费不管装卸价格cost, insurance, freight, free in and out
textile成本加保险费、运费、卸货地费用价格条件,到岸价格加卸货价条件cost, insurance, freight landed terms
IMF.成本加运费价cost & freight
IMF.成本加运费价c. & f.
econ.成本加运费价cost and freight
commer.成本加运费价现用 CFRcost and freight
interntl.trade.成本加运费价C. and F. (cost and freight)
interntl.trade.成本加运费价cost and freight
econ.成本加运费价目的港名称cost and freight named port of destination
busin.成本加运费价cost, freight
tech.成本加运费价cost and freight price
commer.成本加运费伦敦价C & F C3% London
tech.成本加运费保险费价格freight insurance
commer.成本加运费加佣金价格cost, freight and commission
gen.成本加运费及佣金〔后的〕价格cost, freight and commission
commer.成本加运费班轮条件价C & F liner terms
textile成本加运费船方不负担卸货费用价格cost and freight free out
textile成本加运费、起岸费,运费、起岸费在内价cost and freight, landed
commer.成本、运费、保险费加汇费价格cost, freight, insurance and exchange
busin.成本、运费加佣金价格cost, freight and commission
busin.成本运费加佣金价格cost, freight and commission
textile成本运费加佣金价格,离岸价格加佣金价格cost, freight and commission
econ.成本、运费加保险价cost, freight and insurance
commer.指定目的港的成本加运费价C & F... named port of destination
econ.按班轮装卸条件的成本、保险费加运费价cost, insurance, freight liner terms (C. I. F. liner terms)
commer.每打20美元成本加运费伦敦价USD 20 per dozen C & f London
anim.husb.离岸成本加运费价cost and freight