
Terms containing 成套 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一般能力成套测验general aptitude test battery
gen.三个发射器组成的全套发射设备triple complex
econ.成套技术the unpacked technology
tech.成套的东西odd lot
tech.两套住房合成的住宅duplex house
gen.назв.комп. 中国成套设备公司China National Complete Equipments Corporation
commer.中国成套设备出口公司China Complete Plant Export Corporation
gen.назв.комп. 中国成套设备出口公司China National Complete Plant Export Corporation
comp.name.中国成套设备进出口集团总公司COM PLANT China National Complete Plant Imp and Exp. Corporation Group
econ.中国成套设备进出口公司China National Complete Plants Import and Export Corporation
commer.中国成套设备进出口公司China National Complete Plant Export Corporation
comp.name.中国机械工业成套设备工程总公司China National Machinery Industry Complete Engineering Corporation
tech.井下成套设备downhole package
econ.交钥匙成套工厂设备出口turnkey plant export
econ."交钥匙"成套承建方式turn key
tech.人工造成活套hand looping
tech.供膳食、服务的成套公寓房间service flat
avia.便携式坐标测量机成套工具portable coordinate measuring machine kit (在使用便携式坐标测量时,进行专门任务和用途的测量所需的附件)
avia.便携式坐标测量机成套工具portable coordinate measuring machine kit
tech.修复机器用的成套零部件rebuild kit
avia.先进的盘旋机动性成套设备advanced serpentine maneuverability kit
avia.先进盘旋机动性成套设备advanced serpentine maneuverability kit
dril.关闭井口套管头闸门形成的挤压压力bradenhead squeeze pressure
tech.冲床用成套冲模die sets for presses
tech.几段不同套管组成的套管柱graduated string
busin.出口成套设备complete sets of equipment exported
busin.出售成套餐具place setting
anim.husb.制备干草成套机具haymaking range
tech.制备干草成套机具hay-making range
horticult.动画制作成套设备animation kit
tech.化工成套工厂complete equipment of chemical plant
tech.化工成套设备chemical equipment in sets
ski.jump.十个动作构成的一套动作ten-part routine
tech.压榨辊的合成网套press fabrics
tech.发动机成套工具engine tool kit
gen.只要多加2欧元,就能把中等的可乐和薯条换成大的。而且今天所有的套餐都有免费的玩具赠送Only 2 euros more, you'll get large coke and fries instead of medium. And today we are offering free toys in all the meal boxes
busin.可拆售的成套商品open stock
busin.可拆零出售的成套商品如成套瓷器等open stock
busin.可编程序成套系统自动装置automation of programmable assembly system
econ.可靠性分析成套仪器reliability analysis tool set
busin.各种成套计划various sets of plan
auto.矫正车身零件用的各种形状的成套手锤hand bumping tool set
busin.成套指在三地以上进行套利compound arbitrage
securit.成套compound arbitrage
busin.成套汇率compound arbitrage rate
busin.国外成套技术packaging of foreign technology
tech.国际成套试验筛international test sieve series (包括19种筛号)
earth.sc.地理信息系统成套设备geographical information system toolkit
busin.外国技术成套转让packaging of foreign technology
tech.多参数水质成套检测器multiparameter water quality kit
dril.多层套管完成的井multicompleted well
dril.多层套管完成的生产井multipay well
dril.多层套管完成的生产井multiple completion well
shipb.大型成套设备complete set of large equipment
fin.套利成本cost of arbitrage
fin.套利成本差spread differential
securit.套期保值成本hedging cost
securit.套牢成本historical cost
securit.套牢成本historic cost
tech.套管成本casing cost
gen.奥运吉祥物套装以999足金、999足银及玉石为材料设计制作而成The whole set of Olympic Souvenirs is made of fine gold PT999, pure silver 999S and jade
econ.如果双方有良好的愿望,签定提供成套设备的合同是可能的Given mutual goodwill n., it is possible to sign a contract for the supply of complete equipment
tech.工厂成套设备plant equipment package
avia.工厂测试成套设备factory test package set
busin.平均每个成年男子服装套数average number of suits of clothes per adult male
tech.底盘车体成套结构unit chassis-body construction
tech.建筑构件大规模成套生产open production
busin.引进大量成套设备importing large numbers of complete plants
avia.弹道导弹管理成套设备ballistic missile management complex
econ.形成配套生产form a complete production network
CNCT形手柄公制成套六角扳手T-handle metric hex wrench set
busin.成套fitting together of parts
auto.成套in kit form
tech.成套unitized (的)
tech.成套丝织设备complete silk weaving equipment
tech.成套丝锥serial taps
auto.成套丝锥和板牙tap-and-die set
avia.成套书中的一卷companion volume
econ.成套产品complete sets of products
busin.成套产品whole set of products
consult.成套set parts
tech.成套住房separate flat
tech.成套供冷器self-contained cooling unit
construct.…成套供应supply in full sets of
econ.成套供应a balanced supply
railw.成套供应supply in full sets
commer.成套供应supply in full set
tech.成套供应supply in full set of
gen.成套供应的be supplied in sets
tech.成套供应范围supply range of complete set
econ.成套供求supply in full sets of...
busin.成套供求…supply in full sets of...
busin.成套信息complete information
shipb.成套修理工艺packaged repair technology
agric.成套克隆技术suite of cloning technique
tech.成套公寓self-contained apartment
tech.成套六角螺钉套头hexagon drive socket set
tech.成套农机设备complete sets of farm machine
tech.成套冲模die set
tech.成套冷冻设备complete refrigerating equipment
tech.成套冷却器self-contained cooling unit
auto.成套分析设备见 GB 5181-85 的 3.1analytical train
agric., stat.成套分类hierarchical classification
tech.成套分类nested classification
busin.成套分类法hierarchic classification
tech.成套分组nested classification
refrig.成套制冷机self-contained refrigerator
tech.成套制砖设备complete equipment for making bricks
econ.成套加工设备complete factory plant
construct.成套动力发电装置unit power plant
construct.成套动力装置unit-power plant
gen.成套动力装置unitpower plant
econ.成套包建turnkey plus project
commer.成套包建投资turnkey investment
commer.成套包建的工厂turnkey factory
tech.成套包建项目turnkey project
tech.成套包建项目turnkey operation
auto.成套包装的空调器packaged air conditioner
tech.成套卫生瓷closet suite
tech.成套卫生设备combination fixture
tech.成套叉形扳手set of fork spanners
tech.成套发电设备unit power plant
dril.成套取心系统complete coring system
tech.成套变电站unit substation
busin.成套商业单据commercial set
econ.成套器件短缺通知kit shortage notice
tech.成套器材短缺通知kit shortage notice
tech.成套图纸complete set of drawings
tech.成套圆头尖头旋转锉rotary file assortment set
gen.M 成套地供应 Msupply in full sets of
tech.成套处理厂package treatment plant
tech.成套处理器插件板kit processor card
auto.成套spares kit
auto.成套spare-parts kit
construct.成套备件complete spare parts
construct.成套备用零件set of spare units
tech.成套备用零部件set of spare units
multimed.成套复制管理系统serial copy management system
dril.成套天然气检测仪器gas detection package
tech.成套套筒扳手socket wrench set
tech.成套chisel set
tech.成套实用程序kit utility
tech.成套尖头锉needle point file set
dril.成套工具tool kit
tech.成套工具kit tools
busin.成套工具unitization device
avia.成套工具tool kit (是一系列连续的机械加工或其他工序中需要用的成套工具,常装成一箱)
avia.成套工具tool kit
avia.成套工具箱service kit
tech.成套工厂complete plant
econ.成套工厂设备complete factory plant
tech.成套工程projects of complete plants
busin.成套工程承包contracting for a turnkey project
busin.成套工程方法complete project approach
shipb.成套工艺packaged technology
tech.成套建筑物packaged building
tech.成套建筑计划packaged building programme
tech.成套建筑计划packaged building program
tech.成套式变电所packaged substation
tech.成套式渗透探伤仪self-contained penetrant inspection unit
tech.成套式电冰箱self-contained refrigerator
auto.成套弹簧spring kit
busin.成套总成unitized assembly
sport.成套战术set play
sport.成套战术set attack
tech.成套房间suite of room
tech.成套手用丝锥serial hand tap
tech.成套手锤hand bumping tool set
tech.成套扩展电路板expander board kit
tech.成套扳手complete set of wrench
chem.成套扳手complete of wrench
shipb.成套扳手serial spanners
tech.成套扳牙架die stock set
commer.成套承包contract for a turnkey project
commer.成套技术package technology
commer.成套技术composite technology
busin.成套技术分解disaggregation of a technology package
busin.成套技术转让packaged technology transfer
phys.sc.成套拌合设备mixing unit
tech.成套控制系统self-contained control system
tech.成套控制设备complete set of control equipment
shipb.成套控制设备control package
econ.成套提单set of bill of lading
econ.成套提单set bills
busin.成套提单set of bills of lading
tech.成套搅拌器gang stirrer
tech.成套改装器材modification kit
busin.成套文件set of documents
agric.成套无性繁殖技术suite of cloning technique
tech.成套木材加工机械complete wood working machinery
tech.成套机具range of equipment
tech.成套机器unitized machine
busin.成套机械complete machines
tech.成套机用丝锥serial machine screw tap
busin.成套机电设备公司machinery and electrical equipment turnkey corporation
tech.成套机组integral unit
busin.成套机组suite of machines
chem.成套机组complete set
tech.成套机组package unit
refrig.成套机组self-contained system
tech.成套机组交换exchange of complete units
tech.成套机组重量package weight
agric.成套杂种优势技术suite of heterotic technique
tech.成套suite of racks
avia.成套校准工具样板alignment kit
econ.成套样品sample kit
avia.成套样板检验夹具template setup check fixture (是一种不填石膏的组合样板,用来作为检查成形钣金件、挤压型材、样件性组合用的检验夹具)
avia.成套样板检验夹具template setup check fixture
gen.成套核装置nuclear complex
tech.成套检查油料仪器oil inspection kit
tech.成套棉与混纺纺纱设备complete cotton and blend spinning equipment
tech.成套unit die
auto.成套模具阳模和阴模die set
tech.成套模板gang formwork
tech.成套模板gang form
tech.成套毛巾设备complete towel making equipment
dril.成套氧-乙炔气焊工具oxygen-acetylene welding set
tech.成套水冷却器packaged water chiller
securit.成套汇票ste of exchange bills
busin.成套汇票drawn in a set
busin.成套汇票bill of exchange in a set
fin.成套汇票set of bills
busin.成套汇票即一式两份汇票set bill
busin.成套汇票bill of exchange in a set
securit.成套汇票set bills
tech.成套汇编程序kit assembler
tech.成套污水处理装置package deal sewage-treatment plant
tech.成套污水处理设备package sewage-treatment plant
tech.成套油脂浸出设备complete oil solvent extraction system
tech.成套泵设备unit pump
tech.成套洗涤设备combination fixture
auto.成套活塞环通常是一台发动机用量ring set
auto.成套活塞环通常是一台发动机用量ring kit
tech.成套活性污泥处理设备full-scale activated sludge plant
busin.成套流通票据negotiable instrument draw in set
busin.成套流通票据negotiable instrument drawn in set
construct.成套组合型测试系统integrated test system
sport., psychol.成套测验test battery
sport., psychol.成套测验battery of tests
tech.成套潜水设备diving outfit
tech.成套潜水设备diving complex
tech.成套灶具unit system
tech.成套煤气表meter set
tech.成套煤气表meter installation
tech.成套瓷器类货porcelain wares
econ.成套生产单元complete units
busin.成套生产安排arrangement of whole-set production
tech.成套用具kit utility
auto.成套电刷brush set
chem.成套电池battery stack
tech.成套电源power supply kit
agric., tech.成套serial
econ.按品名成套的产品product line group
sport.成套的战术set play (attack)
gen.成套的扳手set (冲头)
tech.成套的浴室及盥洗室单元bathroom and lavatory unit
busin.成套研制法team development method
tech.成套碾米设备complete set of rice milling equipment
busin.成套票据bills in a set
busin.成套票据set of bills
comp.成套程序suite of program
tech.成套空调机组self-contained air conditioning unit
tech.成套空调机组packaged air conditioner
tech.成套空调设备self-contained air conditioning unit
tech.成套窗式空调器self-contained room cooler
tech.成套筑路机road-making plant
tech.成套sieve set
tech.成套screen set
tech.成套筛子screen nest
tech.成套管子set of tubes
tech.成套nested family
tech.成套精密绘图仪器precision drawing instrument set
ecol.成套系统integrated system
tech.成套complete set
tech.成套组合体unit construction
refrig.成套绘图仪器drafting set
tech.成套维修器材maintenance kit
avia.成套综合雷达显示设备battery integration radar display equipment
tech.成套缫丝设备complete silk reeling equipment
adv.成套节目package show
adv.成套节目package program
agric.成套芯片chip set
tech.成套螺丝刀screwdriver set
construct.成套螺丝攻serial taps
tech.成套装置the complete sets of equipment
tech.成套装置packaged equipment
tech.成套装置package unit
tech.成套装置integrated system
tech.成套装置packaged system
tech.成套装置complete equipment
busin.成套装配unitized assembly
tech.成套计算机complete machine
agric.成套训练材料training pack
ecol.成套设备指处理污水用的package plant
tech.成套生产设备complete production unit
busin.成套设备complete factories
busin.成套设备complete factory plant
busin.成套设备complete plants
dril.成套设备package of equipment
dril.成套设备set of equipments
busin.成套设备ensemble equipment
econ.成套设备the united equipment
expl.成套设备packaged unit
busin.成套设备suite of equipment
busin.成套设备complete plants and equipments
chem.成套设备completesets of equipment
chem.成套设备integrated line
tech.成套设备range of equipment
tech.成套设备package unit
tech.成套设备承包人plant contractor
consult.成套设备技术plant engineering
busin.成套设备折让outfit allowance
tech.成套设备编号identification number
tech.成套设备设计design of plant
busin.成套设备资产plant assets
econ.成套设备资产的估价appraisal of plant assets
shipb.成套设备部complete plant department
busin.成套设计unitized design
dril.成套设计team design
agric.成套设计nested design
tech.成套设计packaged design
avia.成套试验仪表composite test gear
tech.成套试验器testing set
auto.成套调整工具adjust kit
busin.成套账单unit statement of account
busin.成套货物full line
busin.成套货运单证包括正本与副本set of shipping documents
securit.成套贷款packing credit/loan
tech.成套轧钢设备complete set of rolling mill
agric.成套转基因技术suite of transgenic technique
busin.成套转让packaged transfer
tech.成套输送系统integrated conveyor system
tech.成套运输设备battery of hauling equipment
econ.成套部件set of spare parts
busin.成套部件计划法component parts planning method
tech.成套adaptation kit
auto.成套配件aftermarket kit
auto.成套配件parts kit
auto.成套配件aftermarket set
busin.成套配件set of spare parts
busin.成套配合件adaptation unit
busin.成套配合件adaptation kit
tech.成套pliers for radio mechanics and electricians
tech.成套钻具drill steel set
tech.成套钻具assembly drill
tech.成套铰刀reamer set
tech.成套银餐具flat silver
tech.成套锉刀complete set of needle file
tech.成套锉刀complete set of files
tech.成套nest of saws
auto.成套防干扰件suppression kit
chem.成套防腐设备complete sets of anticorrosive equipment
tech.成套防腐设备complete sets of anti-corrosive equipment
auto.成套附件accessory package
auto.成套附件accessory set
auto.成套附件accessory kit
tech.成套附件adapter kit
gen.成套附件kitten <> adapter kit
busin.成套陈列ensemble display
commer.成套项目承包人project contractor
tech.成套预制模板ganged form
tech.成套驻波比测量器standing-wave ratio measuring kit
tech.成套麻纺设备complete jute spinning equipment
gen.成龙配套地in whole ranges
commer.承包成套工程项目contract for "packaged deal" projects
tech.抑制无线电干扰的成套装置suppressor kit
tech.抽吸成套设备pumping outfit
avia.接收成套资料acceptance data package
tech.提供成套服务to provide a complete set of services
tech.提供成套服务providing a complete set of services
commer.整厂成套设备工厂package plant
tech.整套制成单元complete built unit
tech.无套管成井casing less completion
tech.晶体接收机成套零件crystal kit
tech.晶体接收机的成套零件crystal kit
busin.有单件备货供应的成套商品open stock
tech.有阳台入口的成套房间balcony-access apartment
tech.有阳台入口的成套房间balconied access apartment
tech.木螺丝成套设备complete equipment for making wood screw
tech.木质通用构件木质成套设备timber unitized unit
tech.机耕成套设备complete plants for cultivation
avia.武器系统战略成套零件箱war-readiness spares kit
tech.水冷却成套设备water chiller package
tech.水煤气成套设备water-gas set
wushu.没有完成套routine unfinished
tech.泵送成套设备pumping outfit
tech.洗手间成套器皿toilet set
shipb.测量成套装置measuring set
tech.测量成套设备measuring set
tech.炼油成套设备refining equipments in sets
sport., psychol.焦虑成套测试anxiety battery
railw.牵引橡胶套组成traction rubber-bushing assembly
tech.独立设备:成套设备self-contained unit
tech.现场用短截套管做成的岩芯管poor-boy core barrel
tech.甘蔗糖厂成套设备complete equipment for cane sugar factory
busin.生产成套设备manufacture complete sets of equipment
shipb.生产成套设备manufacture complete set of equipment
econ.用过的成套生产设备complete secondhand plant
tech.电池充电成套设备battery charging set
railw.直流成套设备complete set of DC equipment
tech.直流成套设备complete sets of direct current equipment
avia.部队自带空运成套备件flyaway kit
gen.空运事故修理用成套备件及设备flyaway kit
tech.窗与窗框成套window and frame packaged unit
tech.筛网成套screen series
tech.管端成平坦线的套管extreme line casing
tech.精制盐生立成套设备complete equipment for salt refining
tech.精密成套设备accurate complete equipment
avia.系统设计成套工具system design kit
gen.每五件组成一套in sets of (five)
econ.组成整套的一揽子生产流程packag a whole process
busin.组成整套的生产流程package a whole process
gen.维修用成套工具service kit
railw.联轴节套组成coupling sleeve assembly
tech.胶合板成套设备complete equipment for manufacturing plywood
avia.自动导航成套设备automatic navigation kit
busin.自行更新成套设备self-renewing aggregate
tech.船舶成套产品marine complete product
tech.虫胶加工成套设备complete equipment for shellac processing
busin.试验成套设备testing outfit
tech.车辆上配备有成套附件kit a vehicle
tech.转换成套conversion kit
gen.轻便筛分成套设备portable screening plant
busin.进口成套设备complete sets of equipment imported
gen.逐渐形成了一套金属试验系统there has grown up a system of testing metals
avia.通用成套系统universal nesting system
gen.配备有非常好的成套工具be equipped with rattling outfits
tech.鉴别能力倾向的成套测验differential apitude test battery
tech.钻成带套的桩bored cased pile
tech.钻成带套的管子bored casing tube
tech.钻成带套的管子bored casing pipe
avia.销轴成套样板pin mandrel kit template
tech.门与框成套单元door and frame packaged unit
tech.成套假设non-nested hypothesis
tech.成套模型non-nested model
tech.成套的零售商品open stock
tech.成套non-nested family
econ.预防通货膨胀造成损失的套购保值inflationary hedge
gen.飞机枪炮成套备件air ordnance complete parts
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