
Terms containing 成功 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.一个成功的商人必须熟悉他要去做生意的那个地方的当地情况A successful businessman has to familiarize himself with the local conditions at the place where he is going to do business
sport, bask.三分投篮成功three-point successful shot
gen.成功miss fire
gen.成功end up in smoke
gen.成功yield no success
idiom.成功draw a blank
expl.成功fail 的过去式和过去分词failed
gen.成功make a poor out (of it)
gen.成功miss the mark
avia.成功abortive (出动)
el.成功的后向建立信息消息unsuccessful-backward-setup information message
telecom.成功的呼叫unsuccessful call
tech.成功的计划unsuccessful plan
el.成功的重合闸unsuccessful reclosing
tech.成功计划jonah trip
mining.成功试验unsuccessful test
sport.不大会成功的尝试试做一件困难的事a long shot
sport.不大可能成功long shot
gen.不大有成功可能on a false scent
gen.不大有成功可能on a wrong scent
gen.不大有成功可能be off the scent
el.专用功率集成电路application specific power-integrated circuit
telecom.业务成功完成概率probability of successful service completion
el.业务生成环境功能service generation environment function
busin.个人成功标准individual standard of success
manag.个人成功的标准individual standard of success
earth.sc.临界成功指数又称威胁截痕critical success index
earth.sc.临界成功指示器critical success indicator
gen.为了获得成功for success
busin.举杯祝贺交易成功wet a bargain
HR事业成功career success
securit.交易成功/失败trading success/failure
econ.交易成功的可能性很大The odds are in favour of a successful deal
interntl.trade.人性方面的成功沟通术human side of successful communication
econ., HR人情方面的成功沟通human side successful communication
expl.他们成功地采用了超声波技术把鱼赶走、有效避免爆破对珍贵鱼类和其他水生物的不利影响、因而体现了工程建设与生态保护的和谐They have successfully adopted ultrasonic technology to drive away fish, which effectively avoided the impact of blasting on such valuable fish and other aquatic organisms, thus reflecting the harmony of engineering construction and ecological protection
sport.他们发现,减肥成功者除了较少食用高脂肪含量的食物外,家中电视机之类的设备也较少,并且拥有不少健身器材They found that the slenderized subjects, in addition to having fewer high-fat foods in the house, also had fewer TV sets and more exercise equipment
econ.他们未能成功地售出这些产品They are unable to make a valid effort to sell the product
sport.他第一次试跳 2.33 米、未能成功He failed to clear 2. 33 metres on his first attempt
sport.他第三次试跳 2.31 米未能成功He failed to clear 2.31 metres on his third trial jump
avia.任务成功mission success
avia.任务成功标准mission success criterion
avia.飞行任务成功概率probability of mission success
avia.任务成功概率mission completion success probability
avia.任务成功mission completion rate
footb.成功率射门low percentage shot
el.低功耗模拟集成电路low-power analog integrated circuit
commer.你方为推销这类商品付出的努力将获得成功Your efforts to promote this line will be rewarded by success
gen.使圆满地成功完成,被接受,被理解,受欢迎put over
gen.使成功bring to bear on
gen.使 M 获得成功bring M to a prosperous issue
busin.使用成功mission success rate
sport.侥幸成功squeak past
sport.侥幸成功score an upset
sport.侥幸成功steal the glory
proverb促使…完全成功或彻底失败make or mar
avia.保护成功前时间time to protection
gen.保证…的成功be the making of
gen.做不会成功的事milk a he-goat into a sieve
UN, polit.关于老有所能成功做法的国家间交流方案Intercountry exchange programme on successful practices in empowering older persons
el.关键成功因素critical success factor
telecom.切断成功disengagement success
telecom.切断成功disengagement success ratio
dril.初探井成功wildcat success rate
securit.初步成功initial success
expl.功夫成就学业The more one applies, the more one learns
telecom.功率合成power synthesis
el.功率管理专用集成电路power management application specific integrated circuit
el.功率集成模块power integrated module
el.功率集成电路power integrated circuit
econ.功能与成本结合VA/VE (value Analysis /value Engineering)
el.功能专用集成电路functional application specific integrated circuit
el.功能和算法专用集成电路function and algorithm-specific integrated circuit
chem.功能性成色剂functional coupler
multimed.功能性磁共振成像functional magnetic resonance imaging
tech.功能成分functional component
commer.功能成本function cost
tech.功能成本分析functional cost analysis
avia.功能成本小时报告functional cost hour report
fin.功能-成本比率function-cost ratio
commer.功能成本表functional cost statement
commer.功能成本计算法functional costing
tech.建筑功能构成要素functional building elements
auto.功能目前成本functional present cost
life.sc.功能磁共振成像技术functional magnetic resonance imaging
el.功能集成function integration
avia.功能集成件functional collectors
el.功能集成电路functional integrated circuit
proj.manag.千兆位以太网需要第三代适配器、具有板上装有完成智能的、专为主机提供卸载功能的精简指令集处理器Gigabit Ethernet requires third-generation adapters featuring onboard reduced instruction set computing processors that perform intelligent, host-specific off-load functions
el.单片集成主控振荡器一功率放大器monolithically integrated master oscillator-power amplifier
el.单片集成有源条形主荡器功率放大器monolithically integrated active-grating-master-oscillator power amplifier
econ.双方愿共同努力使其产品的销售取得成功Both parties desire to combine their efforts to bring in effect the marketing of their products
footb.反越位成功beat the offside trap
sport.取得成功pay off
sport.取得成功make the grade
amer.取得初步成功get to first base
el.只完成特殊功能special duty only
telecom.呼叫成功access success
telecom.呼叫成功call successful rate
econ.唯有成功才会有继续nothing succeeds like success
econ.商业谈判成功succeed in a business negotiation
tech.固定功能生成程序fixed function generator
mil., air.def.固态器件的功率合成power combining of solid-state devices
agric.圆满成功consummation (consummatio)
agric.圆满成功perfection (consummatio)
gen.M 在M上获得成功be successful at
gen.M 在M上获得成功be successful in
sport.在撑竿跳高比赛中、75 号选手3次试跳均不成功、最后被淘汰In the pole vault, No. 75 failed to clear the bar on any of his three attempts and was eliminated
gen.M 在M方面获得成功进展get on with
mining.地热开发成功geothermal development, success
telecom.块传输成功block transfer success
China, polit.基本建成覆盖城乡、功能完善的疾病预防控制和医疗救治体系establish a fully functioning system for disease prevention and control and for emergency medical aid that covers both urban and rural areas
HR基础成功base rate of success
mining.堵水成功water shut-off OK
mining.堵水不成功water shutoff no good
UN, tech.备战标准是指每一个部队/编队、船只、武器系统或装备必须能够胜任其组织设计的任务和功能,以促使特派团任务的完成readiness standards means that every unit/formation, ship, weapon system or equipment must be capable of performing the missions or functions for which it is organized or designed to enable the mission’s mandate to be achieved
el.多任务、多功能集成开发环境multitask multifunction integrated development environment
el.多功能成像搜索与跟踪红外设备multifunction imaging search and track infrared
railw.多功能板组成multi-functional board
telecom.多功能集成integration of multifunction
mil., air.def.多功能集成电路multi-functional integrated circuit
el.多功能集成电路multifunction integrated circuit
tech.多功能集成电路multifunctional integrated circuit
econ.成功great shakes
gen.成功grand slam
gen.成功fine stroke
textile成功ten strike
gen.成功flying colours
gen.大为成功come off with flying colours
gen.大功告成all over bar the shouting
gen.大功告成all over but the shouting
inf.大获成功hit a bull's eye
inf.大获成功score a bull's eye
gen.大获成功make a bull's eye
securit.奖励成功rewarding of success
proj.manag.如果此次上海申办成功、中国将成为第一个举办世界博览会的发展中国家。If Shanghai wins the bid this time, China will be the first developing country to host the World Exposition
gen.孢着成功的希望foster hopes for success
cards完全成功sweep the board
consult.定义功能的构成functional configuration identification
interntl.trade.实施成功项目successfully implemented projects
gen.实验成功的可能性很大great possibilities in the experiment
sport., psychol.寻求成功success-seeker
sport., psychol.尝试成功trial and success
econ.巨大成功a signal success
mil., air.def.干扰成功jamming success probability
mining.干热岩石开发成功hot dry rock development, successful
geol.平均成功mean success volume
tech.建筑功能构成要素functional building elements
fr.法语引起轰动的大成功succes fou
avia.弹射成功ejection success rate
avia.弹射救生成功ejection survival rate
gen.成功make a great hit
gen.成功be a great hit
gen.得到成功come to the top
gen.得到彻底的成功sweep everything before one
gen.得到彻底的成功sweep all before one
mil., air.def.微波功率合成microwave power combining
securit.成功但已失败的公司were-to-be hero company
gen.成功come off
busin.成功go ahead
econ.成功make good
busin.成功good speed
amer.成功make the riffle
gen.成功fare well
gen.成功going strong
gen.成功make it
gen.成功put across
gen.成功on top
gen.成功win through
gen.成功get there
gen.某事 获得成功succeed in (+ ing)
gen.成功get home
gen.成功make the grade
gen.成功go far
gen.成功do well
gen.成功come through
gen.成功come along
gen.成功get anywhere
busin.成功主要因素key factor to success
busin.成功之路highroad of success
busin.成功之路gateway to success
consult.成功之钥key factor to success
gen.M M成功it has fared well with
auto.成功人士车见附录executive car
telecom.成功信息包success packet
securit.成功发行证券hot issue 的同义词out the window
tech.成功呼叫successful call
gen.成功得以做成某事succeed in + ing
gen.成功with success
sport.paddleball 成功地击中将要落地的球pick up
gen.成功地抵制抵抗make head against
econ.成功地提出weigh in with (论点等)
gen.成功地提出议论,事实等weigh in with
avia.成功完成任务的概率mission completion success rate
psychol.成功定向的运动员success-oriented athlete
gen.成功希望不大的补救方法desperate remedy
sport.成功希望渺茫a long shot
sport., psychol.成功恐惧fear of success
sport., psychol.成功feeling of success
baseb.成功接住的传球completed pass
footb.成功接球fair catch
telecom.成功接续successful connection
busin.成功操作successful operation
busin.成功操作概率probability of successful operation
tech.成功查找successful search
auto.成功success tree
auto.成功案例success story
auto.成功案例success case
tech.成功检索曲线over-t retrieval plot
geol.成功概率success probability
busin.成功次数number of successes
busin.成功次数degree of success
sport.成功rate of success
sport.成功success average
tech.成功mission success rate
proj.manag.成功success rates
gen.成功achievement quotient
footb.成功率低的射门low percentage shot
sport.成功率低的射门shot of low scoring percentage
idiom.成功的一半half the battle
busin.成功的关键key factor to success
el.成功的关键因素key factor for success
tech.成功的去向区success go-to field
avia.成功的发射clean launch
gen.成功的可能性还比较大have a fair chance of success
el.成功的后向建立信息消息successful-backward-setup information message
telecom.成功的呼叫successful call
geol.成功的地热初探井geothermal wildcat, success
manag.成功的外在水准external level of success
manag.成功的外在水平external level of success
tech.成功的安排successful scheduling
el.成功的工程经验good engineering practice
geol.成功的干热岩体探井hot dry rock wildcat, success
shipb.成功的投标人successful bidder
telecom.成功的数据块转接successful block transfer
telecom.成功的数据块递送successful block delivery
gen.M M成功的机会很小the odds are against
econ.成功的概率chances of success
mining.成功的测试successful test
securit.成功的经纪人big producer
commer.成功的航行prosperous voyage
securit.成功的范例successful example
telecom.成功的试呼successful call attempt
shipb.成功的试验successful experiment
geol.成功的边远地区初探井wildcat outpost
dril.成功的钻井实践方法successful drilling practices
securit.成功的风险管理successful risk management
psychol.成功知觉问卷Perception of Success Questionnaire
agric.成功 竞争策略successful competitive strategy
busin.成功签了合同,我们庆祝一下吧Let's congratulate ourselves for the successful contract
agric.成功繁殖successful reproduction
busin.成功经营successful operation
agric.成功经验successful experience
busin.成功结果successful outcome
securit.成功者的诅咒公司 IPO时,不论开始发行量是多少,只要需求大于公司股票供给,就只能在固定的发行价格下按比例分配该公司的股票; 如果用于拍卖交易,是指中拍者也许要付出高于一般交易的价格winner's curse
tech.成功途径avenue to success
telecom.成功释放successful release
gambl.成功预测比赛上半场和全场得分的投注double result
sport.成功预测比赛最后赛果的投注correct score
gambl.成功预测比赛结果的投注correct score
tech.成批打印功能batch print function
busin.成本功能function of cost
tech.成本功能分析cost function analysis
el.成本、寿命、互换性、功能和安cost, life, interchangeability, function and safety
met.成核功work of nucleation
earth.sc.成组有功功率调节系统group active power regulation system
busin.我们在喷油嘴、油泵等汽车零部件出口方面取得了很大成功We have achieved great success in exporting automobile accessories, such as injection nozzles and oil pumps
proj.manag.我们已经成功地从模拟的驱动器故障中恢复、您也可以开始在生产环境中使用 RAID-1 了We've successfully recovered from a simulated drive failure, and you re ready to start using RAID-1 in a production environment
econ.我们很遗憾得知你们为了扩大生产所做的努力未能成功We regret to note that your efforts to expand production have been unproductive
gen.我们很高兴因为实验成功we are glad that we have succeeded in the experiment
econ.我们正寻求在电子行业有过成功经历的人We are looking for someone with a background of success in the electronics industry
busin.我们的市场分析预测智能防盗门的市场很活跃,因此我们成功的概率也比较大Our market analysis has predicted an active market for the intelligent anti-theft locks. I'm sure we stand a fair chance to win
commer.我们至少可以相当肯定地推测贸易洽商将会取得成功We may at least conjecture with fair certainty that the business negotiations will be successful
commer.我们遗憾地得悉你方为获确定递盘的努力未获成功We regret to note that your efforts to gel firm bids have proved futile
sport.成功percentage game
avia.技术验证成功日期demonstrated technology availability date
gen.M 把M做得很成功make a success of
baseb.投手牵制成功pitcher pickoffs
sport, bask.投篮成功successful goal
nautic., econ.投网成功fishing success
securit.投资成功概念investment success concepts
securit.投资成功的要诀investment success concepts
securit.抱着成功希望的新公司wannabe hero company
securit.接管竞价成功takeover bid success
tech.推销成功crack a prospect
baseb.救援成功save opportunity
footb.救球成功pull off a save
avia.救生成功survival success rate
mil., air.def.数字对数功率合成器digital log power combiner
tech.无功功率成组调节装置group reactive power regulating device
construct.无功成分reactive component
gen.非常成功be a great success
el.智能功率集成电路smart power integrated circuit
el.智能功率集成电路intelligent power integrated circuit
sport.最后成功eventual success
interntl.trade.最大成功jack pot
telecom.最大功率合成器maximum power combiner
econ.最大可能成功method of maximum likelihood
econ.最小持续勘探成功风险minimum sustained exploration success risk
UN, AIDS.最有成功机会的方法best-shot technology
gen.最有成功的希望offer the main hope of success
gen.成功可能stand a good chance
gen.成功的把握have it made
gen.成功的把握get it made
gen.成功的把握hold the cards in one's hands
gen.成功的把握have the cards in one's hands
tech.有功功率成组调节装置group active power regulating device
el.有功成分active component
gen.有希望获得成功hold some promise of success
mil., air.def.有效辐射功率因天线指向造成的误差ERP error due to antenna pointing
econ.期望成功风险expected success risk
agric.成功杂交unsuccessful cross
agric.成功相互作用unsuccessful interaction
gen.成功ride high
gen.极为成功的事smash hit
gen.极大的成功smash success
gen.某些危险疾病如果在早期被发现,就可以成功地治疗Certain serious diseases can be successfully treated if detected in an incipient stage
securit.查询未成功unsuccessful enquiry
tech.样本成功比例sample proportion of successes
expl.根据实际情况和计算药量、参照成功的有可比性的工程、确定药包个数、药量、布置位置、人水深度和起爆顺序design procedure of water pressure blasting
sport.比赛时、裁判员应举白旗或红旗以示试跳成功或失败The Judge shall indicate the validity or non-validity of a trial by raising a white or red flag
gen.法语 用于女性时用 manqee 用于名词后没有成功manque
el.测试生成功test generation function
el.特定功能及特定算法集成电路function and algorithm-specific integrated circuit
gen.现代汽车由超过15000个独立部分组成,各部分必须协同作用。主要包括4个功能部分:引擎,车身,底盘和电控Today's average car contains more than 15, 000 separate, individual parts that must work together. These parts can group into four major categories: engine, body, chassis and electrical equipment
avia.甚高功率集成电路very high power integrated circuit
gen.M 用 M 作成功succeed with
el.畴致功能集成电路domain originated functional integrated circuit
gen.某人成功是由于归功于owe one's success to
baseb.盗垒成功probability of a successful steal
telecom.目标树— 成功goal tree-success tree
agric.相对成功relative success
gen.祝会议成功wish the conference success
econ.祝某人成功wish sb. success
sport.突然成功come out of nowhere
psychol.竞赛成功athletic success
psychol.竞赛成功的诱因价值incentive value of athletic success
busin.系统成功概率system success probability
avia.系统功能集成组system functionality integration team
anim.husb.繁殖成功breeding success
el.线路强送电成功successful forced line energization
el.线路强送电不成功unsuccessful forced line energization
gen.终归成功touch success
dril.经济上成功的预钻概率predrill probability of economic success
econ.经过两个月的谈判,贷款在昨天谈判成功After two months of negotiations the loan was finalized yesterday
busin.绝少成功希望forlorn hope
mil., air.def.网络战联合功能构成司令部joint functional component command for network warfare
bridge.肯定成功的飞牌proven finesse
manag.自我奋斗而成功的人self-made mam
shipb.舱底油水分离器、污水处理装置、淡水生成器和焚烧炉功能试验function test of bilge oil-water separator, sewage treatment plant, freshwater generator and incinerator
gen.获得成功do the trick
gen.获得成功turn the trick
econ.获得成功put it over
econ.获得成功推广put it over
gen.获得成功pull off
gen.获得很大成功be a great success
gen.获得成功meet with success
gen.获得成功turn out a success
gen.获得成功have success
gen.获得成功get ahead
gen.获得成功go places
gen.获得成功ring the bell
cards获得一切可能的成功sweep the board
gen.获得一定的成功with some success
amer.获得初步成功get to first base
gen.获得初步成功reach first base
gen.获得大成功strike twelve
gen.获得重大成功carry everything before one
gen.获得重大成功carry all before one
sport.表现成功make one's mark
gen.成功申请签证,关键是要达到签证要求Meeting visa requirements is the key to a successful visa application
gen.要么完全成功either win the saddle or lose the horse
avia.设计成功测量系统design success measurement system
busin.试产成功successful test
outd.因掌握路线资料试攀成功beta flash
econ.该公司十年来成功地承担产品的制造、销售和进出口业务The company has successfully undertaken manufacture, sale, export and import of the products for ten years
sport., psychol.谋求成功success-seeking
sport., psychol.谋求成功achievement seeking
sport.走向成功的第一步get to first base
railw.越区切换成功handover success ratio
gen.跨出成功的第一步get one's foot on the ladder
gen.轻易获得成功win hands down
gen.迅速全面地成功carry the world before one
gen.还有另一种指第三种望远镜已设计成功yet another kind of telescope has been designed
econ.这个销售计划也许不能成功,但仍值得一试This sales plan might prove abortive but it is worth trying out
econ.这家公司的兴旺是由于在此行业里进行了一系列成功的兼并的缘故This company's prosperity resulted from a series of successful takeovers in the trade
gen.这次酒会办得相当成功The cocktail party passed off well
econ.这项交易的成功,是由于我们共同努力的结果The success of this business is referable to our cooperative efforts
gen.这项实验没成功the experiment did not come off
expl.这项工作的成功为卷装的乳化炸药向散装供应转变铺平了道路The success of this work paved the way for the change from cartridged emulsions to bulk supply
el.连接成功信号connection-successful signal
telecom.选号成功selection completion rates
tech.通用宏功能生成程序general purpose macrogenerator
interntl.trade.部分救助成功partial success
commer.部分救援成功partial success
el.重合成功successful reclosure
nautic., tech.防止偷渡者进入和寻求成功解决偷渡案件责任分配指南guidelines on the prevention of stowaway incidents and the allocation of responsibilities to seek the successful resolution of stowaway cases
busin.阶梯式功能成本step function costs
mil., air.def.成功率分配器integrated power divider
mil., air.def.成功率合成器integrated power hybrider
el.成功能块integrated functional block
el.集成化软件功能设计integrated software functional design
el.集成电路机内自检功能integrated circuit built-in self-test function
gen.非常成功go over big
gen.非常成功like a bomb
proj.manag.顾问费加成功费合同retainer and success fee contract
geol.预探井成功wildcat success rate
sport.预计成功call the shot
avia.飞行器成功概率probability of success of vehicle
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