
Terms for subject Project management containing 成为 | all forms | in specified order only
从摄像机到监控主机为点对点的连接、以监控主机为中心构成星形网络From the camera to monitor the host for point-to-point connections, as the center console to monitor a star network
他表示:"任何一个最初以对冲为动机的人、最终都会变成一个赌徒。我在对冲上损失了太多的钱、因此我不会再这么做了""Anybody that starts off as a hedger becomes a gambler and I have taken too many losses from hedging, so I don't do it anymore," he says
以单位成本为基础unit cost basis
以活动为基础的成本系统activity-based costing
千兆位以太网需要第三代适配器、具有板上装有完成智能的、专为主机提供卸载功能的精简指令集处理器Gigabit Ethernet requires third-generation adapters featuring onboard reduced instruction set computing processors that perform intelligent, host-specific off-load functions
可能成为纳税人的人士potential taxpayer
可转换证券是可转换成为普通股的证券、一般为债券或优先股Convertible securities, usually bonds or preferred shares, that can be converted into common stock
在''另存为"对话框的"文件名"框中、键人要用于生成报告的文件的名称、然后单击"保存"In the Save As dialog box, in the File name box, type the name of the file that you want to use for the report, and then click Save
在完成应用的数据库配置后、我们开始为我们的模型写代码After configuring our application for the database, we started writing codes for our model
在高度依赖计算机的现代社会、软件特别是大型实时安全攸关软件的可靠性成为计算机界和整个社会都非常关注的问题In a highly computer-dependent society, reliability of software, especially of big realtime safety critical ones, gains far-ranging attention from computer community and the rest of the world
如果此次上海申办成功、中国将成为第一个举办世界博览会的发展中国家。If Shanghai wins the bid this time, China will be the first developing country to host the World Exposition
对于我、作为一个服务提供商、如果交易成本很高、我就不能在一个小时内给客户提供一辆汽车And for me, as a service provider, I would never be able to provide you a car for an hour if the transaction cost was anything
2005年、中国已成为世界第四大经济体、若以购买力平价标准衡量的话、甚至是世界第二大经济体It became the fourth largest economy in the world in 2005, and is second in terms of purchasing power parity
应用软件为用户完成具体的任务Application software performs specific tasks for the user
律师事务所最常见的定价策略是成本加成定价、通常被认为是不经济的The conventional law firm billing system is a form of cost-plus pricing, which is considered wasteful
折余成本、已折旧成本计算方法为从资产原来成本中扣除折旧额Depreciated cost calculated by subtracting the amount of depreciation claimed from the original cost of an asset
摩托罗拉中国研究院将促使我们成为通信和半导体工业领域的领导者Motorola China R&D Institute is helping us become the leader in telecommunication and semiconductor industries
本质上、该方法使服务器端包含成为可能In essence, this method enables programmatic server -side includes
现在您应该清楚了、恰当的密钥管理规程应该成为任何加密实现的核心设计部分As should by now be obvious, appropriate key management procedures should be part of the core design of any encryption implementation
若要累算到任务实际工期结束为止的实际成本编辑结果、 请清除该复选框Clear this check box to accrue the actual cost edits to the end of the actual duration of the task
被称为"黄金降落伞"的高额离职费、已经渐渐成为当前企业界的普遍现象The high layoff packages, known as "golden parachute", are increasingly common in the corporate world
这将为系统支持和运营促成一个共同平台、从而提高效率并保持一个安全可靠的系统This will facilitate a common platform for system support and operations, thus improving efficiency and maintaining a reliable and secure system
这里有一个例子是我们为客户设计的报表生成软件Another such example arose in the design of a report generator for one of our clients
随着光栅显示器的广泛使用、逐点算法已成为目前图形学基础算法中的一个研究热点With the widely use of raster display, pixel-level algorithm becomes a research hotspot of fundamental algorithms of Computer Graphics now
音乐设备数字接口、或称 MIDI、实际上是为目前制造的各种合成器提供的一种通信接口Musical Instrument Digital Interface, or MIDI, is a communication interface provided on virtually every synthesizer made today
马丁已让他成为公司的普通合伙人Martin has taken him into general partnership in his company