
Terms for subject Sports containing 成为 | all forms | in specified order only
使用视接法时、接棒人注视着传棒人、直到完成交接棒为止When using the visual pass, the outgoing runner watches the incoming runner until the pass is completed
1985 年国际田联世界田径系列赛诞生了、它成为国际田联"一揽子"系列比赛项目In 1985, the IAAF World Athletics Series was born as a package of IAAF events
成为头条新闻hit the headlines
成为强队blossom into a capable team
成为报纸的头条make headlines in the paper
我们想成为国际的、专业的运动品牌,这是一个好机会It's a good opportunity for us, as we want to become an international, specialist sports brand
新的奥运会 400 米跨栏冠军凯文・扬成为这个男子项目中第一个在47秒内跑完全程的选手、他的纪录是 46.78 秒Kevin Young, the new Olympic 400m hurdles champion,became the first to run under 47 seconds in this men's event, with a record time of 46.78 seconds
8 月 3 日、陈跃玲在巴塞罗那奥运会女子 10 公里竞走决赛中夺魁、成绩是 44 分 32 秒、她为中国夺得第一块奥运会田径比赛金牌Chen Yueling won China's first ever gold medal in Olympic Games track and field competition with a victory in the women's 10-kilometer walk final in Barcelona on August 3rd. She clocked 44 minutes 32 seconds
有条件成为qualify as
有条件成为qualify for
有资格成为qualify as
美国人詹姆士・伊斯顿是国际奥委会成员,经营着一家体育用品制造公司,为垒球、曲棍球、射箭和自行车等奥运项目提供设备James Easton, an IOC member from the United States, runs a sporting goods manufacturing company that has provided equipment for such Olympic sports as softball, hockey, archery and cycling
美国保龄球协会决定整顿保龄球运动,使它再次成为一项绅士运动The American Bowling Congress decided to clean up bowling and make it a gentlemen's game again
英国"铁人"汤普森赢得男子十项全能金牌、成为第二位卫冕奥林匹克"铁人"美名的运动员Britain's Iron man Daley Thompson won the decathlon and became only the second man ever to retain his Olympic title
行为形成behavior shaping