
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
不健康思意识unwholesome ideology
不太理的计划suboptimal plan
不理设备报告Unsatisfactory Equipment Report
人群关系管理思学派human relations school of management thought
企业思政治工作ideological and political work in enterprise
企业经营思business thought
企业经营思business mentality
会计思accounting philosophy
使回carry back
保守思conservative ideas
假定设hypothetical construction
关键设key assumption
分式理fractional ideal
古典管理思学派classical school of management thoughts
基本战略思fundamental strategic concept
如果您要尽早发货,那我们只能分批装运了If you desire earlier delivery, we can only make a partial shipment
富有象力fertility of imagination
平均理效率average ideal efficiency
平面销售设horizontal marketing concept
预测visionary forecast
应用applied imagination
不同difference in thinking
差异ideological difference
think tank (factory)
教育ideological education
灵活性flexibility of thought
自由freedom of thought
总体营销思integrated marketing concept
便宜地得到bargain on
像力imaginative power
像能力imaginative capacity
当然take for granted
象利润imaginary profit
知道,保险公司是否对丢失承担责任I wonder if the insurance company holds the responsibility for the loss
我们订购贵方的平开防盗门,您能否考虑报离岸价?We will place an order on your flat open security doors. I wonder if you can offer on FOB basis
我们让您帮忙解决调光器包装破损事宜We would like you to help straighten out the trouble concerning the breakage of the dimmers' package
我们公司从中国进口一批橡胶波纹管,但我们缺少流动资金We plan to import rubber bellows from China, but we are short of working capital
我们很要详细了解一下你们的技术We really need more specific information about your technology
我方购进高质量的水力泵The item we'd like to purchase is hydraulic pumps of high quality
战略思tactical think
指导思guiding ideology
整体思integrated thought
方案及设验证verification of alternatives and assumptions
最理产品交换制most ideal exchange of products
样品尺寸的最理搭配optimal allocation of sample size
样品尺寸的理搭配optimal allocation of sample size
根本战略思fundamental strategic concept
横向营销构horizontal marketing concept
现行理标准成本current ideal-standard cost
产出ideal output
产品ideal product
产量ideal output
价格ideal price
价格指数ideal price index
低通滤波器ideal low-pass filter
optimum value
公式ideal formulation
关税optimal tariff
决策ideal decision-marking
分层ideal stratification
分布theoretical distribution
分配optimal allocation
化单一方程idealized uni-equation
化单一方程模式idealized uni-equation model
化标志idealized characteristic
化模式idealized model
协调平衡optimal trade-off balance
ideal sum
ideal quotient
ideal basis
外汇平价ideal par of exchange
指数ideal index
模式optimum pattern
比例点point of ideal proportion
清除ideal dumping
点分析法analysis method of ideal point
物量指数ideal quantity index
的标准成本ideal standard cost
的生产能力ideal capacity
的行政组织体制bureaucracy as the ideal
的行政组织体系ideal bureaucracy
ideal code
ideal product
观察者准则ideal observer criterion
规模theoretical size
运算特征曲线ideal OC curve
通信系统ideal communication system
需求曲线imagined demand curve
频率ideal frequency
频率分布ideal frequency distribution
频率曲线ideal frequency curve
生成理generated ideal
unsubstantial hope
集体谈判blue-sky bargaining
等价交易设even deal assumption
管理学思的演变evolution of management thought
管理思management thought
管理思决策学派decision school of management thoughts
管理思history of management thought
管理思的社会制度学派social system school of management thoughts
管理思的职能学派functional school of management thought
簇的理ideal of a variety
经济思学派school of economic thought
自然法思concept of natural law
利润imaginary profit
定型idea formulation
费雪理指数Fisher's ideal index number
资本主义经营思capitalist ideas in management
重叠思overlapping thinking
错误mistaken idea
错误思行为incorrect ideas and actions
间接联测验remote association test
集体思group thinking
非理转换imperfect switching
齐次理homogeneous ideal