
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
inertisation The process of waste inertisation includes solidification and stabilisation; stabilisation is the process used for reduction of hazard potential of the waste by converting the contaminants into their least soluble, least immobile, or least toxic form. Solidification physically binds or encapsulates the waste in a monolithic solid of high structural integrity. Thus solidification may be used for powders, liquids or gases (垃圾惰化的过程包括两个步骤,即固化和稳定化;稳定化是指把废弃物中的污染物转化成更难溶、更稳定、具有最小毒性的物质,从而降低废弃物潜在的毒性。固化是指通过物理作用将废物联结或压缩成一个大的集合体的过程,因此固化广泛适用于粉末固体、液体和气体的处理。)
性废料inert waste Wastes that do not undergo any significant physical, chemical, or biological transformations when deposited in a landfill (经过垃圾掩埋处置后,不会进行任何明显物理、化学或生物转化的废弃物。)