
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
不付利借人证券做空头交割用loaned flat
不可转让的无即期债务non-manufacturing non-interest-bearing demand obligation
不可转让的无票据non-manufacturing non-interest-bearing note
不含利without interest
不定股可靠有价证券good ordinary bonds
不对称信asymmetric information
不对称信问题asymmetric information problems
不带股dividend off
不平等的信披露unequal dissemination
不生股票non-interest bearing note
不计bear no interest
不附票欧洲债券zero-coupon Eurobond
不附证券non-interest bearing securities
专用基金specific fund coupon
两个付曰间的发行项目issuances between interest dates
两付期日中间债券之估价bond valuation between interest dates
6个月为期的伦敦银行同业拆利率six-month LIBOR
中信标普指数信服务有限公司S & P/CITIC (指数管理公司)
中期有证券Treasury certificate
中期股interim dividend
优先股dividend preference
优先股股preferred stock dividend
会计作为一种信处理系统accounting as an information system
会计信accounting information
会计信系统accounting information system
伦敦市场信London Market Information Link
估价利calculated interest
估计未兑票负债estimated liabilities for coupons outstanding
信贷cheap credit
政策cheap money policy
账户和债券low-yielding accounts and bonds
贷款low-interest funds
贷款loan with low interest
资金cheap fund
供款偿还与利loan repayments and interest
供款偿还与利loan repayment and interest
借人低的美元borrow the US currency at low rates
借贷利credit interest
借项利debit interest
支付coupon payment
收益coupon yield
coupon tax
等值收益coupon equivalent yield
等值收益coupon equivalent rate
债券bond coupons
债券付bond interest of pay date
债券利funded debenture interest
债券利收益bond interest income
债券利费用bond interest expense
债券计日数惯例daycount conventions
债务利支付debt interest payment
停止支付债券利suspension of interest payment on bonds
偿付利payment of interest
偿付利支付的现金cash paid for interest
偿债基金折旧加原始成本利sinking fund depreciation plus interest on first cost approach
援助金interest-free aid
免付利waiving interest
公债利interest on public debt
公债利interest of public loans
公债利interest of government bond
公司债利费用bond interest expense
公司债券利interest on debenture
公司债券利interest on bond
内含利折旧法implicit method of depreciation
内幕消insider information
内幕消inside information
决定不派股pass a dividend
分拆债债券split-coupon bond
分派股make a dividend
分派股公告declaration of dividend
分配股利、利润和偿付利所支付的现金cash paid for distribution of dividends, profits or interest
interest coverage ratio
interest on money
interest int
薪水超过净利interest and/or salaries in excess of net income
保值债券drop-lock stock
保障倍数times interest earned
保障倍数times interest covered
保障倍数比率times interest earned ratio
保障倍数比率ratio of times-interest earned
倍数earnings coverage
偿付倍数interest cover (指公司总收益与公司利息费用的比率,一般以年为单位进行计算,是衡量公司偿债能力的指标之一)
免税的贷款tax-spared loan
免税贷款tax-spared loan
兑现cashing dividens
公式interest formulas
再投资债券multiplier bond
加算办法term of interest
interest note
interest bill
变化效应interest-change effect
和利润interest and profit
和贴现收人账户interest and discount income a/c
和贴现收入帐户interest and discount income a/c
回收率interest collection ratio
因子interest factors
对出口比率interest export ratio
差益gain from interest
帐户interest account
报表interest statement
抵税interest deduction
支付通知书interest warrant
支出interest charge
收人interest revenue
收入credit interest
收入款interest receipts
收益interest income (received)
收益率现值interest yield equivalent
敏感产业interest sensitive industry
敏感保险单interest-sensitive policy
敏感保险单interest-sensitive insurance policy
敏感型终身人寿保险interest-sensitive whole life insurance
敏感型终身人寿保险单interest-sensitive whole life policies
敏感型终身人寿保险单interest-sensitive whole life insurance policies
敏感年金保险费率interest-sensitive annuity insurance policy premium rates
敏感性interest sensitivity
敏感现金流interest-sensitive cash flow
期货interest futures
比例关系interest gearing
滚存表interest accumulation table
税盾interest tax shield
系数interest factors
索赔claims for interest
累计accrual of interest
补贴帐户subsidy account
补贴贷款interest relief grant loans
覆盖率interest coverage ratio (与"利息保障倍数、已获利息倍数 (times interest earned)"含义相同,指上市公司息税前利润相对于所需支付债务利息的倍数,可用来分析公司在一定盈利水平下支付债务利息的能力)
计算calculation of interest
负担interest burden
账户interest paid-in account
贴水论agio theory of interest
费用interest charge
费用interest expenses (charges)
费用financial interest expense
费用对付息负债比率ratio of interest expenses to interest bearing liabilities
资本化capitalization of interest
转换期间interest conversion period
选择权interest option
递减债券interest step down bond
递增债券interest step up bond
重新定位条款interest recapture clause
预扣税interest withholding tax
预提款withholding tax on interest
风险interest risk
利好消positive news
到岸价格加佣金及利cost, insurance, freight, commission and interst
raise rates
lift interest rates
rise in interest rates
increase interest rates
hike rates
rate hikes
均摊法add -on interest
加速国民经济信accelerate IT application in economy
债券step-up bond
存单bump-up CD
证券rising-coupon securities
半年semiannual coupon
单项利single interest
票债券unregistered bond
同行借入款利interest on loans from other bank
dirty price
商界计算本归还办法merchant's rule
在银行休日到期的付款payment due on a non-banking day
外汇余额利计算calculation of interest on the balance of exchange
外现利explicit interest
外部信external information
多边利平衡基金Multilateral Interest Equalization Fund
大幅降big interest rate cuts
interest-rate arbitrage
交易carry trade
存款利收人interest income on deposits
存留利retention interest
季度利quarterly interest
fixed rate of exchange
fixed rate of interest
证券fixed-rate securities
推销,实际比率法effective rate method
实时信timely information
实计利按365天计息exact interest
实际利real interest rate
实际利theory of real interest
客户身份信client identity information
将资金撤出高发达经济体pull money out of high yielding advanced economies
市场敏感信market sensitive information
市场数据播送讯market data broadcast rate
市盈率与增长及股比率price/earnings to growth and dividend yield ratio
投资项目interest-bearing investment
负债liabilities with interest
带股dividend on
平均利average rate of interest
平均股帐户equalization account
rate per annum
应付票负债帐户liability represented by outstanding coupons a/c
应付债coupon payable
应付债券coupons payable
应付利interest imputed
应付利费用,应付未付利息accrued interest payable
应付未付利interest accrued
应付未付抵押债券accrued interest on mortgages
应付未付期票利accrued interest on notes payable
应付未付股dividends payable
应付未付股dividend due and unpaid
应付未付股dividend payable
应付贷款利loan interest payable
应收债券利bond interest receivable
应收利收入,应收未收利息accrued interest receivable
应收利账户interest receivable account
应收往帐利nostro interest claims receivable
应收往账利nostro interest receivable
应收投资利interest receivable on investment
应收未收债券利accrued bond interest receivable
应收未收利interest accrued
应收未收利accrued interest
应收未收利帐户interest receivable a/c
应收欠税利及罚款interest and penalties receivable on tax
应收股dividends receivable
应收股dividend receivable
应计债券利accrued interest on bonds
应计债券利accrued bond interest
应计投资利accrued interest on investment
应计未收利interest accrued but collected
应评税入assessable income
应赚利required interest earning
异常odd coupon
当期股规则nimble dividend rule
恒生股点指数系列Hang Seng Dividend Point Index Series
恒生股累计指数系列Hang Seng Total Return Index Series
前收益income before interest
前税后收益earnings before interest after tax
interest slip
interest pass-book
coupon (附在债券上的利息凭证,到付息日期时,债券持有人凭息票领取利息)
票互换coupon swap (一种同种货币的固定利率和浮动利率之间的互换,即交易的一方向另一方支付一系列固定利率的利息款项换取对方支付的一系列浮动利率的利息款项)
票债券coupon bond (指在债券券面上附有息票的债券,或是按照债券票面载明的利率及支付方式支付利息的债券)
票公司债coupon bond
票分拆coupon stripping
票分离coupon stripping
票利率coupon rate of interest
票利率coupon rate (指发行债券时规定应付的、直接印在债券票面上的利率,表示每年应付的利息额与债券面额之比)
票利率coupon rate (contract rate, nominal rate)
票利率息票率coupon rate of interest (coupon rate)
票存根dividend counterfoil
票率interest coupon ratio
票科coupon department
票部coupon department
税前收益income before interest and tax
税前收益earnings before interest and tax
interest on money
扣除利前净收益net income before interest charge
扣除利及税项前收益earnings before interest and tax
扣除利后净收益net income after interest charge
扣除利、所得税、折旧、摊销及重组成本前收益earnings before interest, income tax, depreciation,amortization and restructuring costs
扣除利、折旧及摊销前收益earnings before interest, depreciation and amortization
扣除利、税项及折旧前收益earnings before interest, tax and depreciation
扣除利、税项、折旧及摊销前收益earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization
扣除利、税项、折旧、摊销及租赁成本前收益earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortization and rent cost
扣除利、税项、折旧、摊销及重组成本前收益earnings before interest, tax, depreciation,amortization and restructuring costs
扣除利、税项、摊销及例外项目费用前收益earnings before interest, tax, amortization and exceptional items
扩大经济金融信交流expand economic and financial information sharing
投资利interest on capital (investment)
抵押利免税计划mortgage interest relief scheme
抵押担保证明mortgage certificate coupon
抵押贷款利mortgage loan interest
按分期付款额计interest based on cash installment
按揭利免税计划mortgage interest relief scheme
按揭担保证明mortgage certificate coupon
按揭贷款利mortgage loan interest
按日计算的欠付款利daily interest for arrearage
支付付免税额interest payment allowance
支付公债利基金fund for payment of interest on government securities
支付应计利pay the interest accrued
支付总计利pay the interest accrued
收益所能负担利的倍数times charges earned
收益相当利倍数interest as a percentage of net earning
放款利interest on loan capital
新一代信技术next-generation information and communication technology
星期四起value Thursday
普通利折旧法general-interest depreciation method
普通股股dividend on common stock
暂停支付利suspension of interest payment
信贷credit with interest
结余interest-bearing balance
负债liability with interest
贷款loan on interest
贷款interest loan
取息贷款lend money at interest
有关消relevant information
有利率上限的浮票据capped note
有法定时间限制的statute time-barred coupon
有股dividend on
期中股利指决算前预发的股利,暂定股interim dividend
未偿还贷款总值的利interest on outstanding amount
未兑现股uncashed dividend
未分配资本利得股undistributed capital gain dividend
未审定重置成本信unaudited replacement cost information
未审计财务信unaudited financial information
未摊还公司无债券折价unamortized discount on non-interest-bearing debenture
未摊还建设期间利unamortized interest during construction
未违约拖欠利default-free interest
未领取的股unclaimed dividend
共计sum total of the principal plus interest
分离债券separate trading registered interest and principal securities
切块抵押贷款证券stripped mortgage-backed securities
总额sum total of the principal plus interest
本金利interest on principal
凭证deferred-interest warrant
凭证deferred-interest certificate
欠缴税款利interest on tax underpaid
欧元银行同业隔夜拆Euro overnight index average (欧元隔夜拆借利率的基准)
欧洲日元东京银行同业拆利率期货Euroyen Tibor Futures
欧洲货币辛迪加贷款利interest on syndicated Euro-currency credits
value dating
positive interest
汇兑尾利计算calculation of interest on the balance of exchange
活期存款利计算calculation of interest on current account
payout ratio (指公司的净利以现金股息派发给股东的比例)
payout ratio
频率coupon frequency (指债券每年派发利息的次数(比如每月、每季、每半年或每年一次))
流动票债券current coupon bond
浮动利投资variable interest investment
浮动利证券variable interest securities
浮动利率利floating-rate interest
照未收余额计interest based on uncollected balance
照每期付款额计算利interest based on each instalment
照每期相等之付款额计interest based on equal periodic payments
特别股special dividends
特种利帐户special interest account
现付利explicit interest
现代信技术modern information technology
现值利系数present value interest factor
现金支付利cashing interest
现金股cash dividends
票据interest-bearing note
贷款interest-bearing loans
资产interest-bearing assets
电子传递证券信服务Electronic Mailing Stock Information Service (EMSIS, 香港交易所)
电子信electronic information
万变的全球行业global sector changing at lightning speed
万变的市场fast moving markets
票据股scrip dividend
累积盈余准备金的附加利interest surcharge on accumulated earnings reserve
累积股accumulated dividends
累计利红利选择权accumulation at interest dividend option
累进利金融债券progressive increase interest of financial bond
纯利net interest
美元伦敦银行同业拆USD LIBOR
美国债市的标准计方法U.S. street method (指除美国财政部以外,美国债市参与者计算到期收益率使用的标准方法)
联手降cut interest rates together
stock dividend (bonus share)
不予计列dividend exclusion
价格比dividend-price ratio
保险assurance with dividends
保障倍数dividend cover
再投资计划dividend reinvestment plan
准备dividend reserve
凭证dividend scrip
分派payment of dividend
制度dividend system
dividend check
宣布日declaration date
平准基金dividend equalization fund
抵免dividend credit
支付单dividend warrant
支付本dividend payment book
支付率payout ratio
支付簿dividend payment book
支付簿dividend paying book
支付表dividend payment sheet
收入dividend income
收据receipt for dividends
收益dividends earned
收益dividend earned
收益率dividend yield
期权dividend option
期货dividend futures
派发比率dividend payout ratio (指公司的净利以现金股息派发给股东的比例)
点指数系列dividend point index series
dividend yield
的合法性legality of dividends
的限制dividend restrictions
票据dividend coupon
dividend tax
税收抵免credit for dividend
股票stock dividend
股票dividend stock
覆盖比率dividend coverage ratio
计价模式dividend valuation model
记录簿dividend record book
证金dividend warrant
赤字账户dividend deficiency account
通知书dividend order
限制dividend restriction
限制dividend limitation
预扣税dividend withholding tax
领取人recipient dividend
股价敏感信price-sensitive information
股价敏感信披露disclosure of price-sensitive information
股本利interest on capital
股票市场信stock market information
股票支付之股dividend payable in capital stock
获利额对债权人所得利的倍数比率time-interest on debt earned ratio
获得额对债务利和优先股利的倍数比率time interest and preferred dividend earned ratio
薪金及利超过净利salaries and interest in excess of net income
虚假信false information
行情信中心quotation information center
补充信additional information
补充信的预期成本expected cost of additional information
补充财务信supplementary financial information
bearing no interest
天数day count
存款interest-bearing deposit
存款账户interest-bearing deposit account
支票账户interest-bearing check account
interest payment date
interest date
interest-bearing period
活期存款interest-bearing demand deposit
票据interest-bearing note
贷款lending at interest
贷款interest-bearing loan
银行债券interest-bearing bank debenture
银行存款interest-bearing bank deposit
计人成本利interest charged to cost
计划股proposed dividends
记名债券与票债券registered bonds and coupon bonds
记名证券本金和利分离交易美国财政部United States Treasury Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities
记名证券本金和利分离交易美国财政部Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities
财务信披露规则financial disclosure rules
财政部利本金分离交易注册债券Treasury Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal Securities (简称"国债零息券",指利息剥离后的政府固定收益债券)
货币利monetary theory of interest
.贴现,折扣总额discount DIS, disc
贷款lending margin
贷款利interest on loan
资本利interest on capital (investment)
资本股dividend from capital
dated date
超值股票股enhanced scrip dividend
超出净利的利及薪水interest and salaries in excess of net income
转换利期间interest-conversion period
转贴现interest on rediscount
退interest-rate rebate
递延付公司债deferred debenture
递延付deferred stock
递延付delayed shares
递延付delayed stock
递延付deferred shares
递延利债券deferred-interest bond
.递延利收入帐户deferred interest income account
逾期账款利interest on overdue account
长期债务还本付payment on long-term debt
阿拉伯工业信银行Arab Industrial Information Bank (区域性金融机构,成立于1981年,行址设在伊拉克首都巴格达)
信托interest-in-possession trust
债券interest bearing bond
公司债interest-bearing bond
合格债务interest-bearing eligible liabilities
开支implicit-interest charge
收人implicit interest revenue
汇票interest bill of exchange
汇票interest bill
票债券cum-coupon bond
票据interest bill of exchange
票据彡生息券interest-bearing note
票银行债券coupon bank debenture
负债liability with interest
附加股supplementary divident
cutting interest rates
interest-rate cuts
cut in interest rates
通知step-down note
with no interest
价格ex-dividend price
without dividend date
ex interest date
ex-dividend date
股票ex dividend stock
除利without interest
非会计信non-accounting information
非公开信non-public information
非利收人non-interest revenue
非利收益non-interest income
非累计股non-cumulative dividend
非货币信non-monetary information
非货币性利non-monetary interest
预计利interest suspense
首期短期short first coupon
首次付first coupon
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