
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
rest position
儿童性juvenile polyp
创伤性窒traumatic asphyxia
后尿道posterior urethral polyps
多发性肠肉伴蛋白质丢失病multiple intestinal polyposis and protein-losing enteropathy
多发性胃肠道肉病multiple gastrointestinal tract polyposis
多态性信含量polymorphism information content
女性尿道纤维fibrous polyps of female urethra
性分流术palliative shunt
手术palliative operation
治疗palliative treatment
家族性肉病familial polyposis
家族性多发性结肠肉病Gardner syndrome
家族性结肠直肠肉病colonic and rectal familial polyposis
家族性肠肉病familial intestinal polyposis
小肠polyp of small intestine
尿道polyp of urethra
幼年多发性肉病multiple juvenile polyposis
幼年性great arterial corrected transposition
幼年直肠juvenile rectal polyps
肉手法摘除术digital polypectomy
肉样腺瘤polypoid adenoma
新生儿窒asphyxia neonatorum
淋巴性lymphoid polyp
潴留性retention polyp
环套肉切除术snaring polypectomy
直肠rectal polyp
绒毛状villous polyp
结肠polyp of colon
结肠肉病polyposis of colon
结肠直肠colorectal polyp
肉病intestinal polyposis
gastric polyp
肉病gastric polyposis
umbilical polyp
脐黏膜umbilical mucosal polyp
色素沉着肉综合征Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
输尿管polyp of ureter
心排出量resting cardiac output
能量消耗rest energy expenditure
食管黏膜polypus of esophageal mucosa
黏液性mucous polyp