
Terms containing 总 需 量 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.世界能源总需要量total world energy requirement
econ.供需总量total supply and demand
agric.功率总需要量total power requirement
tech.功率总需要量total-power requirement
earth.sc.化学需氧总量total chemical oxygen demand
tech.后勤物资需求总量overall logistical demand
tech.后勤物资需求总量overall logistic demand
econ.国内供需总量national demand and supply
textile国内总需求量aggregate domestic demand
busin.国民供需总量national demand and supply
tech.总化学需氧量total chemical oxygen demand
tech.总化学需氧量chemical oxygen demand total
tech.总底泥需硝酸盐量total sediment nitrate demand
earth.sc.总有机碳-总需氧量分析器total organic carbon-total oxygen demand analyzer
tech.总标准需水量ultimate standard water demand
ecol.总氯需要量total chlorine requirement
tech.总污水需氧量total effluent oxygen demand
water.res., ecol.总溶性化学需氧量total and soluble chemical oxygen demand
tech.总溶性化学需氧量total soluble chemical oxygen demand
water.res., ecol.总生化需氧量total biochemical oxygen demand
tech.总生化需氧量ultimate biochemical oxygen demand
tech.总生物需氧量total biological oxygen demand
tech.总生物需氧量biological oxygen demand total
tech.总生物需氧量biologic oxygen demand total
el.总电力需要量total load demand
tech.总的物资需求量overall logistical demand
tech.总的物资需求量overall logistic demand
tech.总负荷需要量total load demand
auto.总需total requirement
oil, chem.总需氧量total oxygen demand
desert.总需氧量total oxygen demend
tech.TOD总需氧量total oxygen demand
gen.总需氧量ultimate oxygen demand
tech.总需氧量自动检测仪TOD total oxygen demand automatic detector
tech.总需氧量自动检测装置TOD total oxygen demand automatic detector
ecol.总需氧量自动记录仪total oxygen demand automatic recorder
tech.总需水量gross water requirement
ecol.总需水量total water requirement
tech.总需求热量total heat requirement
econ.总需求量aggregate demand
space总需求量quantity of total demand
textile总需求量overall demand
el.总需求量total requirement
busin.总需求量Total Requirements
busin.总需求量抑制政策demand management policy
econ.总需要量gross requirements
textile总需要量gross requirement
econ.总需要量aggregate demand function
commer.总需要量total requirements
interntl.trade.每年总需要量demand per year
water.res.灌溉总需水量irrigation water requirement, gross
earth.sc.物质需求总量total material requirement
tech.生化需氧量总量负荷biochemical oxygen demand mass loading
earth.sc.生物需氧总量biological oxygen demand total
el.能量总需求gross energy requirement
busin.设备需求总量facilities requirement summary
busin.设备需求量汇总facility requirements summary
econ.货币总需求量aggregate monetary demand