
Terms for subject Economy containing 总 部 | all forms | in specified order only
为履行他本人的职责,总经理可以自由和无庸争议地随时进入任何部门The general manager has free and undisputed access at all times to any department for execution of his duties
他连续当过销售员、部门经理和公司总裁He served successively as salesman, department manager and managing director of the company
全部支出总计total all the expenditure
全部货物库存的总价值估计约为五万美元The entire stock of goods is valued at about $50.000
公司总部管理费central corporate expense
国民收入总额,按部门分组national income, by industry
她写辞职信给总经理,要求辞去生产部经理之职She wrote her letter of resignation to the managing director, asking for resigning from her post as production manager
平均国民生产总值表的上部upper end of per capita GHP scale
平均国民生产总值表的上部upper end of per capita GNP scale
指挥general headquarters
总管理部门headquarters management
总管理部门general management
总部central office
王先生和李女士分别是我公司的总经理和生产部经理Mr Wang and Ms Li are respectively managing director and production manager of our corporation
甲方特此同意接受总额为30万美元的金额,以清理全部赔款Party A hereby agrees to accept the total sum of $300 000 in full settlement of all claims
行政及总务部门administrative and general service division
该主任的报告总结了上月他那个部门的工作进展情况The report of the director summarized the progress of his department last month
采购部的决定被总经理驳回了The decision of the purchasing department by the chief executive