
Terms containing 总 部 | all forms | in specified order only
proj.manag.一名公共机构高级工程师、 获派监督该机构兴建新总部大楼的工程A senior engineer of a public body is assigned to supervise the construction work of the agency's new headquarters building
mech.下半部总成lower half assembly
auto.公司世界全球总部world headquarters
tech.业务总部所在地principal place of business
sport.中华全国总工会体育部Sports Department of All-China Federation of Trade Union
busin.中国业务总部area office, China
securit.中国人民银行上海总部Shanghai Head Office of the People's Bank of China
China, polit.中央军事委员会各总部、军兵种、军区the General Departments, the various services and arms and the military commands of the Central Military Commission
avia.Procurement中航技总公司转包生产部Supply-Chain Management and (成立于2004年7月 1日,其前身是中航技工贸公司的一部分,是直属于中国航空技术进出口总公司的一个主要业务单元)
avia.中航技总公司转包生产部Supply Chain Management and Procurement
econ.为履行他本人的职责,总经理可以自由和无庸争议地随时进入任何部门The general manager has free and undisputed access at all times to any department for execution of his duties
tech.主部件总成更换major unit assembly replacement
auto.通用汽车公司亚太总部Asia and Pacific Operations
busin.产业部门总产岀gross output of industries
busin.产业部门汇总表industry tabulation
space中国人民解放军总装备部PLA GAD People's Liberation Army General Armament Department
econ.他连续当过销售员、部门经理和公司总裁He served successively as salesman, department manager and managing director of the company
corp.gov.总部为中心的方法HQ-centric approach
corp.gov.总部为中心的方法Headquarters centric approach
UN, tech.修理总费用超过了该装备的通用公平市价的75%时,则该装备将被视为全部损失total loss, when the cost of repair exceeds 75 per cent of the GFMV
auto.公司全球总部world headquarters
bridg.constr.全部外力对基础底面中心的总力矩total moment of all external forces about centre of base of foundation
busin.全部总体total population
econ.全部支出总计total all the expenditure
busin.全部生产总估计法method of overall evaluation of the whole production
securit.全部股票总收益summary return of all stocks
econ.全部货物库存的总价值估计约为五万美元The entire stock of goods is valued at about $50.000
proj.manag.公司总部corporate HQ
adv.公司总部corporate headquarters
econ.公司总部管理费central corporate expense
tech.公司总部费用central corporate expenses
el.内部交叉连接总线internal cross-connect bus
el.内部传送总线internal transfer bus
el.内部公用总线internal common bus
el.内部只读存储器传送总线internal ROM pass bus
el.内部图像总线internal image bus
securit.内部总稽核chief internal auditor
telecom.内部总线internal bus
el.内部总线系统home bus system
el.内部控制总线internal control bus
el.内部数据总线internal data bus
avia.内部系统总线inter system bus
auto.内部网总线常作CAN BUS 的子网LiN BUS
el.内部网络总线internal network bus
org.name.农业部助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, AG
China, polit.决定全国总动员或者局部动员decide on general or partial mobilization
China, polit.决定全国总动员或者局部动员declare general or partial mobilization
tech.分部总经理division general manager
UN, afr.前方总部forward mission headquarters
commer.办事处总部main office
gen.加拿大武装部队总司令部Canadian Forces Headquarters
space北京空间飞行器总体设计部Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering (中国)
auto.通用汽车公司北美总部North American Operations
auto.通用汽车公司北美总部North America Operations
USA, space北美航空航天防御司令部总司令Commander-in-Chief of NORAD
tech.协会总部association headquarters
fin.各部应负责任汇总表summary of responsibility
mil.后勤总部rear headquarters
UN, tech.后勤部队步兵单位、建制警察部队、部队总部、区总部logistics units infantry unit, formed police unit, force headquarters, sector headquarters
tech.后部件总成rear unit assembly
IT后部总线backside bus
earth.sc.国家气象局总部National Weather Service Headquarter
USA, space国家航空航天局总部NASA headquarters
econ.国民收入总额,按部门分组national income, by industry
textile国际总部international headquarter
busin.全球总公司国际总部world headquarters
sport.国际奥委会总部IOC Headquarters
manag.国际奥委会总部饭店IOC Headquarters Hotel
fin.地区总部regional headquarters
space地区通信总部Regional Telecommunications Headquaters
IMF.基金组织总部principal office of the Fund
mil., air.def.外围部件互联总线peripheral component interconnect
tech.外设部件互联总线peripheral component interconnect bus
refrig.外部总压力external total pressure
IT外部总线peripheral trunk
IT外部总线external bus
el.外部总线地址external bus address
el.外部数据总线external data bus
multimed.外部设备互连 PCI 局部总线peripheral component interconnect local bus
telecom.外部设备互连局部总线PCI local bus
el.外部设备地址总线peripheral unit address bus
comp., net.外部路由汇总external route summarization
gen.大陆防空司令部总司令Commander-in-Chief, Continental Air Defense Command
space太平洋司令部总司令Commander in Chief, Pacific Command
fin.奖学金承诺总部支付缩写为CMT FS HQfellowship commitment HQ disbursement
sport.奥林匹克运动委员会总部IOC General Headquarters
manag.奥运会总部Games Headquarters
econ.她写辞职信给总经理,要求辞去生产部经理之职She wrote her letter of resignation to the managing director, asking for resigning from her post as production manager
el.子内部总线sub-internal bus
gen.将…总部设在headquarter (in)
tech.局部不相依总体相依local independence dependence in general
IT局部互联网总线local interconnect network
el.局部外围设备总线local peripheral bus
el.局部存储器总线接口local memory bus interface
tech.局部总体不相依local and general independence
proj.manag.VL 局部总线VL local bus
proj.manag.局部总线VLB VESA
IT局部总线local bus
spacePCI 外围部件互联局部总线peripheral component interconnect local bus
proj.manag.PCI 局部总线Peripheral Component Interconnect local bus
el.局部总线体系结构local bus architecture
el.局部总线加速器local bus accelerator
el.局部总线式视频local bus video
el.局部总线控制器local bus controller
el.局部总线适配器local bus adapter
el.局部数据总线local data bus
busin.工厂总务部门general factory department
econ.平均国民生产总值表的上部upper end of per capita GHP scale
econ.平均国民生产总值表的上部upper end of per capita GNP scale
proj.manag.平均总体内部回报率overall average internal rate of return
el.并行内部总线协议parallel internal bus protocol
nautic., tech.底部修井装置总成lower intervention package
nautic., tech.底部防喷系统总成lower lubricator package
UN快速部署特派团总部rapidly deployable mission HQ
econ.指挥general headquarters
interntl.trade.总会计部general accounting department
fin.总会计部门general accounting department
China, polit.工作总体部署general plan for (work)
tech.总体部署方案overall arrange system
fin.总务之部损益表上的一部general section
manag.总务部门general affair department
manag.总务部门general section
busin.总务部门general affairs section
busin.总务部门general affairs department
UN总参谋部general staff
gen.总参谋部全体人员general staff
space总参谋部情报总局GRU (俄罗斯,俄文缩写词英译)
avia.总参谋部要求general staff requirement
gen.总司令部Main Headquarters
gen.空军总司令部Headquarters Command
avia.总司令部general headquaters
gen.总司令部general headquarters
gen.总司令部chief command
auto.总成的部分part of assembly
auto.总成部分part of assembly
auto.总有机物被提取部分total organic extract fraction
manag.总监督部门general supervision department
econ.总管理部门headquarters management
manag.总管理部门general supervision department
econ.总管理部门general management
comp., net.总线局部网络bus local network
telecom.总线开关部件bus switch unit
IT总线接 口部件bus interface unit
IT总线接口部件bus interface unit
el.总线控制接口部件bus control interface unit
tech.总线控制部件bus control unit
IT总线网,总线局部网bus network
proj.manag.总线网络中的设备可以连接到网络上的任何一点、或从网络上任何一点取下、而不影响其他部分In bus network, any devices can be attached or detached from the network at any point without disturbing the network
el.总线部件bus vehicle
el.总线部件bus unit
interntl.trade.总经理部门总主管general manager
space总装备部General Armament Department (中国)
fin.总计全部支出total all the expenditure
interntl.trade.总评公共事业部SOHYO'S Public Sector
econ.总部central office
interntl.trade.总部principal office
textile总部head or home office
oil总部general office
telecom.总部home office
China, law总部General Department
exhib.总部head office
manag.总部head quarter
auto.公司总部head office
busin.总部General Headquarters
busin.总部general head quarter
org.name.总部以外办事处offices away from Headquarters
corp.gov.总部任职地点headquarters location
corp.gov.总部任职地点headquarters duty station
fin.总部位于华盛顿的传统基金会Washington-based Heritage Foundation
org.name.总部保安科Headquarters Security Unit
UN, account.总部信息技术和电信事务费用特别账户Special Account for Information Technology and Telecommunications Services Costs at Headquarters
org.name.总部信息技术科Headquarters IT Branch
expl.总部办公室home office
corp.gov.总部办公用房headquarters accommodation
org.name.总部协定Headquarters Agreement
org.name.总部协定Agreement between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations regarding the Headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
org.name.总部单位Headquarters Unit
org.name.总部单位HQ Unit
adv.总部呼叫headquarters call
org.name.总部和实地安全组Headquarters and Field Security Unit
nautic., tech.总部国际海事卫星组织headquarters party
busin.总部地址address of head office
UN, account.总部地点headquarters locations
IMF.总部培训组Headquarters Training Unit
org.name.总部外办事处offices outside Headquarters
IMF.总部安全科Headquarters Security Section
UN, econ.总部建筑群immediate Headquarters complex
gen.总部指挥官headquarters commandant
gen.总部支援中队headquarters support squadron
gen.总部支援联队headquarters support wing
corp.gov.总部机构headquarters establishment
UN, econ.总部楼群Headquarters complex
corp.gov.总部活动Headquarters activities
corp.gov.总部独立办公室headquarters independent office
hydroel.st.总部管理费head office overhead
proj.manag.总部管理费general overhead
ecol.总部经济headquarters economy
corp.gov.总部职员挑选程序headquarters staff selection procedure
corp.gov.总部职员选拔程序headquarters staff selection procedure
busin.总部董事会headquarters board of directors
busin.总部质量管理headquarters quality management
busin.总部质量经理headquarters quality manager
tech.总部head office cost
proj.manag.总部费用head office cost
UN, tech.总部连,一个轻步兵连,一个侦察连headquarters company, one light infantry company, one reconnaissance company
org.name.总部采购及总部/实地合同HQ Procurement and HQ/Field Contracts
org.name.总部采购委员会Headquarters Procurement Committee
corp.gov.总部项目Headquarters' based project
gen.战术侦察联队的总部直属中队headquarters squadron, tactical reconnaissance wing
USA, space战略空军司令部自动化总信息网Strategic Air Command automated total-information network
avia.战略空军司令部自动化总信息网strategic air command automated total information network
org.name.技术合作部助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, TC
China, polit.按照我国外交工作的基本方针和总体部署in accordance with the basic principles and overall arrangements for China's foreign relations work
UN, tech.提供电子数据处理能力和复制能力,包括必要的软件,以运行所有总部内部的通信和管理,包括必要的数据库electronic data processing and reproduction capability, including necessary software, to run all internal headquarters correspondence and administration, including necessary databases
mil., air.def.政府通信总部government communication headquarter
nautic., tech.英国政府通信总部Government Communications Headquarters
proj.manag.本地生产总值的组成部分gross domestic product component
org.name.林业部助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, FO
China, polit.2007 根据中央对 2007 年工作的总体部署in light of the overall arrangements of the central authorities for our work in
China, polit.根据总体部署in light of the overall arrangements
tech.每种商品的产业部门总需求total industrial demand for each commodity
oil油气总监部Directorate General of Hydrocarbon
interntl.trade.海关总部headquarters of the customs service
telecom.消息传送部分总传递时间MTP overall transfer time
org.name.渔业及水产养殖部助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, FI
econ.王先生和李女士分别是我公司的总经理和生产部经理Mr Wang and Ms Li are respectively managing director and production manager of our corporation
corp.gov.总部实施的项目Headquarters' based project
econ.甲方特此同意接受总额为30万美元的金额,以清理全部赔款Party A hereby agrees to accept the total sum of $300 000 in full settlement of all claims
el.电信总部telecommunications headquarters
proj.manag.电子设备故障率最高的部分总是位于维修最不易到达的区域In electronics repair the part with the highest failure rate will always be located in the least accessible area of the equipment
geol.沙特阿拉伯石油矿产总局服务部Petromin Services Development
securit.私营部门总借款金额total private borrowing
avia.空军总部air headquarters
gen.空军总司令部General Headquarters, Air Force
gen.空军武器中心总部Headquarters, Air Force Armament Center
gen.空军训练总部Training Command Headquarters
mil., air.def.紧凑型外围部件互联总线compact peripheral component interconnect
org.name.经济及社会发展部助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, ES
org.name.综合服务、人力资源及财务部助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, CS
mil., air.def.美军大西洋指挥总部commander in chief Atlantic command
mil., air.def.美军太平洋指挥总部pacific command
mil., air.def.美军太平洋指挥总部commander in chief pacific command
avia.美国大西洋总部United States Atlantic Command
avia.美国空军总部Headquarters United States Air Force
mil., air.def.美国空军总部情报参谋长助理assistant chief of staff intelligence (HQ USAF)
space美国空军航天司令部总司令Commander in Chief of Air Force Space Command
space美国航天司令部总司令Commander in Chief of U. S. Space Command
space美国航天司令部总司令USCINCSPACE CINC, United States Space Command
gen.美国驻欧空军总司令部Headquarters, United States Air Force in Europe
earth.sc.联合国总部United Nations Headquarters
tech.联合国总部大厦United Nations Building
gen.胆总管十二指肠连接部choledochoduodenal junction
org.name.自然资源管理及环境部助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, NR
earth.sc.英国总参谋部地理部geographical section, general staff
auto.营销总部sales & marketing headquarter
econ.行政及总务部门administrative and general service division
manag.行政和总务部门administrative and general services division
busin.行政总务部门administrative and general services division
el.视频电子产品标准协会局部总线VESA local bus
org.name.计划总部General Commissariat of the Plan
econ.该主任的报告总结了上月他那个部门的工作进展情况The report of the director summarized the progress of his department last month
gen.负责总务的航空部副部长助理Assistant Undersecretary of State General
adv.负责零售店布置的总店工程部store engineering
auto.车身前部总成body front assembly
auto.车辆全部制动力与总重之比equivalent braking force
el.mach.轭部总横截面gross cross section of yoke
mil., air.def.部件控制总线element control bus
busin.部分均衡与总体均衡partial equilibrium and general equilibrium
fin.部门成本汇总表departmental cost summary sheet
econ.采购部的决定被总经理驳回了The decision of the purchasing department by the chief executive
tech.钢轨内部最大总应力maximum overall stress in rail
environ.防火总指挥部简写为GHQgeneral fire headquarters
corp.gov.总部任职地点non-headquarters duty stations
dril.顶部驱动装置总成top drive assembly
avia.飞机内部指令型/响应型时分多路传输数据总线aircraft internal time division command/response multiplex data bus
el.mach.齿部总横截面gross cross section of teeth