
Terms containing 总 费用 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.一次总付费用lump-sum expense
tech.作业费用总账abstract ledger
busin.使用总量过半的消费者heavy-half user
UN, tech.修理总费用超过了该装备的通用公平市价的75%时,则该装备将被视为全部损失total loss, when the cost of repair exceeds 75 per cent of the GFMV
tech.借款总费用overall borrowing cost
tech.全年总费用total annual cost
tech.全年总费用total annual expense
tech.全年总费用total annual charges
tech.公司总部费用central corporate expenses
busin.制造费用总账abstract ledger
commer.劳动力费用总额total labour cost
econ.包括估算费用在内的总费用total costs including imputed costs
agric.单系统费用总计individual system costing
proj.manag.变现的费用总额total cost of realization
securit.变现费用总额total cost of realization
agric.可变总费用total variable costs
busin.各区段费用总和aggregation of sectionary charge
tech.合约规定工程总费用最高限额guaranteed maximum cost
tech.地质勘査总费用total expense of prospecting and exploration
commer.基价与包括附加费用的总括价格base price and all-around price
tech.大修总费用total cost of heavy repair
gen.如果你这样做,信用卡公司或发卡银行会在你的账单总额中加收一点手续费If you do this, the credit company, or the bank that sponsors the credit card, will add a small service charge to your total bill
interntl.trade.实际及已分配制造费用汇总表summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expenses
econ.工业制造费用总账abstract ledger
busin.工业总产值的生产费用production expenses of gross industrial output
busin.工厂总务费用general factory expenses
textile工程总费用total work costs
tech.工程总费用最高限额guaranteed maximum cost
tech.已分摊制造费用汇总表summary of cost of manufacturing expenses applied
interntl.trade.已分配制造费用汇总表summary of cost of manufacturing expenses applied
fin.已分配制造费用汇总表summary of manufacturing expense applied (summary of standing orders and applied manufacturing expenses)
busin.已分配推销及管理费用汇总表summary of applied selling and administrative expenses
interntl.trade.已分配销售及管理费用汇总表summary of applied selling and administrative expenses
el.平均总运行费用average total operating cost
hydroel.st.总费用annual capital cost
auto.年度总费用annual total costs
earth.sc.年度总费用total annual cost
earth.sc.年总预算费用annual total expected cost
busin.度假总费用total holiday cost
archit.建筑总费用building costs
tech.建筑总费用building cost
tech.建设项目总费用project cost
earth.sc.征地总费用total charge of land condemnation
space总任务全寿命费用total mission life cycle cost
busin.总共费用outright cost
logist.总分配费用total cost of distribution
interntl.trade.总务及管理费用general and administrative expenses
econ.总务及管理费用general & administrative cost
econ.总务和管理费用selling, general and administrative expense
fin.总务费用general expense (sundry expense, miscellaneous expense)
busin.总务费用general office expense
textile总增费用total incremental costs
busin.总增费用total incremental cost
econ.总安装费用total installed cost
econ.总工作费用total work cost
space总平均费用total average cost
fin.总店帐上之分店费用branch expenses on home office books
econ.总店账上的分店费用branch expense on home office books
busin.总店账上的分店费用branch expenses on home office books
busin.总店账上的分店费用branch expense on home office book
tech.总成本费用sales cost
hydroel.st.总成本费用估算表Total cost estimation
econ.总投资费用total investment costs
el.总投资费用total investment cost
expl.总投资费用total investment expenses
avia.总拥有费用total ownership cost
busin.总摊销费用gross amortization charges
econ.总操作费用total operating expense
tech.总操作费用total operation expense
earth.sc.总施工费用total work cost
tech.总施工费用final construction cost
agric., busin.总流通费用分析total distribution cost analysis
nautic., tech.总灾难转移费用gross cost of averting a fatality
econ.总管理处费用central and administrative expense
busin.总管理处费用central and administrative expenses
commer.总管理费用general expense
interntl.trade.总管理费用general administrative expense
tech.总管理费用general overhead cost
econ.总经理答应支付展览的费用The general manager agreed to defray the costs of the exhibition
busin.总经营费用total operating expense
space总维修费用maintenance burden
telecom.总维护费用overall maintenance cost
tech.总费用all-in cost
tech.总费用gross business expenses
auto.总费用支出,消耗total expense
textile总费用total expenses
el.总费用general expenses
archit.总费用aggregate cost
busin.总费用aggregate expenses
hydroel.st.总费用total cost
fin.总费用overall cost
earth.sc.总费用total costs
busin.总费用overall expense
shipb.总费用lump-sum fee
busin.总费用与总收入比率ratio of total expenses to total revenues
busin.总费用与总收益比率ratio of total expenses to total revenues
busin.总费用与现收益比率ratio of total expense to current income
el.总运行[工作]费用total operating expense
el.总运行费用total operating expense
el.总运行费用total operating cost
UN, account.总部信息技术和电信事务费用特别账户Special Account for Information Technology and Telecommunications Services Costs at Headquarters
proj.manag.总部费用head office cost
auto.总预算费用total estimated cost
tech.总额费用lump-sum freight
tech.成本费用总表summary statement of cost and fee
econ.我们不得不对费用总额提出异议We have to challenge the sum of the costs
interntl.trade.所有借款的总费用total cost of all borrowings
space所有权产权总费用total cost of ownership
avia.所有权总费用total cost of ownership
commer.投资费用总额total investment costs (包括:土地和场地准备投资费用 (investment cost for land and site preparation)、土木工程投资费用 (investment cost for civil engineering works)、技术和设备投资费用 (investment cost for technology and equipment)、生产前资本支岀 (pre-production capital expenditures) 、周转资金 (working capital))
tech.按分项费用估算总造价法unit-in-place method
tech.按收入总额计算的营业费用率operating ratio based upon revenues
proj.manag.损益表汇总反映企业在某一特定时期内、如一个月或一年的收入和费用The income statement presents a summary of the revenues and expenses of an entity for a specific period of time, such as a month or a year
fin.收益费用汇总表summary of income and expenses
space最低总费用成本lowest total overall cost
securit.最低总费用least total cost
earth.sc.最低总预算费用least total expected costs
busin.未交订货与已分摊制造费用汇总表summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expense
commer.杂项费用已从总额中扣除deductions have been made from the total amount for sundry expenses as per our Debit Note No. 194
el.消费类电子产品总线应用层CEBus application layer
el.燃料费用总额fuel investment
tech.生产费用和总运输费production cost and freight
busin.生产费用汇总表summary of production expenses
econ.生活费用价格总指数total price index of living costs
tech.生活费用价格总指数total price index of living cost
commer.管理费用总上涨率overall inflation rate of overhead costs
commer.粮食进口总费用aggregate food import bill
tech.维修总费用total cost of upkeep
busin.职工福利费用总额total expense about workers
fin.营业与总务费用management and general expense
econ.行政及总务费用administrative and general expenses
busin.行政总务费用administrative and general expenses
tech.调查项目总费用total cost of investigation terms
interntl.trade.费用净增加数总额total net additional costs
tech.费用净增加数总额total net additional cost
gen.费用总计应为 180 美兀The fee in total should be $180
textile费用总额total expenses
hydroel.st.资费用总表physical indices
hydroel.st.资费用总表summary bill of quantities
hydroel.st.资费用总表compensation cost of land acquisition
space常写作 t. o. c.运作总费用total operating cost
avia.运作总费用total operating cost
tech.钻井总费用total drilling cost
busin.非工业总产值的生产费用production expenses of gross nonindustrial output
avia.项目总费用total program cost